Should a table with only one column have a primary key? - sql

For example, I have a table called programs and another called format. The format tables contains a single column called format, which has three possible values: zip, rar and exe. Should the format table have a primary key?

Think what happens if your table would contain:
If you see no problem then your table does not need a PK.

If the values are unique, then perhaps not. However, if you do not have a unique index on the values, you could have duplicates, and that would make it difficult to identify single rows. Also, using a PK with a known, fixed length (such as an integer ID) will help with performance and keep index fragmentation down. Plus, if you need to join to this table, you're better off referencing the ID of a format rather than the value, by using a foreign key (which in some RDBMS requires a PK).

If you have a table called Programs and a table called Format with a bunch of values, why not just have a FormatId column in the Program table and use one of the (currently three) foreign key values in the Format table?
See these notes about Normalisation: (I'm sure you know this, but maybe somebody else reading the question might not).

The table with only one column would have unique values in most of the cases, as repeating value and that too in a single column does not make sense.
So, in your cases, the format would not be repeating (thats what I think), so there is no harm in making primary key but
1) It imposes an indexing on that field (do you want that?)
2) In future, if you are planning to link this to another table, then make sure you use this as a primary key and not introducing anything like format_id for the primary key. If you do so, then please dont make this as a primary key right now.


SQL Server: How to allow duplicate records on small table

I have a small table "ImgViews" that only contains two columns, an ID column called "imgID" + a count column called "viewed", both set up as int.
The idea is to use this table only as a counter so that I can track how often an image with a certain ID is viewed / clicked.
The table has no primary or foreign keys and no relationships.
However, when I enter some data for testing and try entering the same imgID multiple times it always appears greyed out and with a red error icon.
Usually this makes sense as you don't want duplicate records but as the purpose is different here it does make sense for me.
Can someone tell me how I can achieve this or work around it ? What would be a common way to do this ?
Many thanks in advance, Tim.
To address your requirement to store non-unique values, simply remove primary keys, unique constraints, and unique indexes. I expect you may still want a non-unique clustered index on ImgID to improve performance of aggregate queries that would otherwise require a scan the entire table and sort. I suggest you store an insert timestamp, not to provide uniqueness, but to facilitate purging data by date, should the need arise in the future.
You must have some unique index on that table. Make sure there is no unique index and no unique or primary key constraint.
Or, SSMS simply doesn't know how to identify the row that was just inserted because it has no key.
It is generally not best practice to have a table without a (logical) primary key. In your case, I'd make the image id the primary key and increment the counter. The MERGE statement is well-suited for performing and insert or update at the same time. Alternatives exist.
If you don't like that, create a surrogate primary key (an identity column set as the primary key).
At the moment you have no way of addressing a specific row. That makes the table a little unwieldy.
If you allow multiple rows being absolutely identical, how would you update/delete one of those rows?
How would you expect the database being able to "know" what row you referred to??
At the very least add a separate identity column (preferred being the clustered index, too).
As a side note: It's weird that you "like to avoid unneeded data" but at the same time insert duplicates over and over again instead of simply add up the click count per single image...
Use SQL statements, not GUI, if the table has not primary key or unique constraint.

Using VARCHAR as PRIMARY KEY for an 'ORPHAN' table

I'm to create an orphan table (no relationships with any other table whatsoever) that contains 3 columns.
Col1 - String field - VARCHAR(32) - Contains unique data not more than 32 characters
Col2 - String field - TEXT - Contains larger non-unique data of characters
Col3 - Numeric (Bool) - INT(1) - 0/1 for Flagging
I'm thinking of using Col1 as my PRIMARY KEY. I have done some research and see people argue that using a meaningless INT column as a PRIMARY KEY to avoid Foreign Key/Storage issues is the way to go.
However, IMO, since this is an orphan table, it should not matter. Besides, I would require to place an INDEX on Col1 anyway.
As a side note, I'm not expecting more than ~1000 rows in this table.
Thoughts please.
I'd still just use an INT PK and put an index on COL1. I suppose you could use COL1 as the index if you can ensure that nothing will ever be joined to that table, but if nothing else the index will give you an idea of the order in which items are added/deleted from the table. I also like to add an IsActive boolean so that you never delete anything and a DateCreated datetime to almost every table.
If col1 is your real primary key, there is no reason not to use it. Especially if the table is that tiny.
You would need to maintain a unique index on that column anyway, so by adding an artificial primary key you just add more overhead fon insert and delete operations (as two indexes must be maintained).
Unless you are referencing that PK from really, really many other rows (and other tables) you should just go with what is the natural primary for your business rules.
I see where you are coming from but it just makes sense to index the first column anyway. It may be because I am used to excel but the usefulness of the initial column for a primary key also has an order to it along with readability while debugging or capturing data. If you use a more random generated number you still would be searching through a few hundred rows looking for a hard to distinguish key. In the end I highly recommend the extra column of ints. It is well worth it.
Whenever i do any database tables i keep my INT column.
I believe its faster to compare numbers then strings.
So it all depends how ofter you will query the database for info and compare strings in there.
I'm still unclear what the question is. Judging from the answers, I've deduced it down to two plausible questions:
Is it okay to use a VARCHAR instead of an INTEGER as a primary key?
Yes it is okay to use a VARCHAR instead.
In many cases it is preferred, especially if your table is expected to grow beyond 2,147,483,647 records (yes this happens). Performance-wise, even if INTs had a minimal speed advantage, on a ~1000 record table, you would not see it. Designated PKs are indexed by default. The one problem is that you'll lose any auto-generating sequence that the database can do for you.
Is it okay to use your unique COL1 field as a primary key, instead of some other unique ID field?
Yes it is okay.
The whole notion of having a primary key is to establish a unique field. What you're losing, though, may be some intrinsic comprehension. When other users want to join on that table, it's far easier to understand that id is a unique field, whereas col1 (some varchar) may or may not be unique.
In your given scenario, it should be okay. If the scope does grow up then you can always introduce an auto_increment PK column. Just make sure that your field is both indexed and unique.

Is ID column required in SQL?

Traditionally I have always used an ID column in SQL (mostly mysql and postgresql).
However I am wondering if it is really necessary if the rest of the columns in each row make in unique. In my latest project I have the "ID" column set as my primary key, however I never call it or use it in any way, as the data in the row makes it unique and is much more useful for me.
So, if every row in a SQL table is unique, does it need a primary key ID table, and are there ant performance changes with or without one?
EDIT/Additional info:
The specific example that made me ask this question is a table I am using for a many-to-many-to-many-to-many table (if we still call it that at that point) it has 4 columns (plus ID) each of which represents an ID of an external table, and each row will always be numeric and unique. only one of the columns is allowed to be null.
I understand that for normal tables an ID primary key column is a VERY good thing to have. But I get the feeling on this particular table it just wastes space and slows down adding new rows.
If you really do have some pre-existing column in your data set that already does uniquely identify your row - then no, there's no need for an extra ID column. The primary key however must be unique (in ALL circumstances) and cannot be empty (must be NOT NULL).
In my 20+ years of experience in database design, however, this is almost never truly the case. Most "natural" ID's that appear to be unique aren't - ultimately. US Social Security Numbers aren't guaranteed to be unique, and most other "natural" keys end up being almost unique - and that's just not good enough for a database system.
So if you really do have a proper, unique key in your data already - use it! But most of the time, it's easier and more convenient to have just a single surrogate ID that you can guarantee will be unique over all rows.
Don't confuse the logical model with the implementation.
The logical model shows a candidate key (all columns) which could makes your primary key.
Great. However...
In practice, having a multi column primary key has downsides: it's wide, not good when clustered etc. There is plenty of information out there and in the "related" questions list on the right
So, you'd typically
add a surrogate key (ID column)
add a unique constraint to keep the other columns unique
the ID column will be the clustered key (can be only one per table)
You can make either key the primary key now
The main exception is link or many-to-many tables that link 2 ID columns: a surrogate isn't needed (unless you have a braindead ORM)
Edit, a link: "What should I choose for my primary key?"
For many-many tables: SQL: Do you need an auto-incremental primary key for Many-Many tables?
Yes, you could have many attributes (values) in a record (row) that you could use to make a record unique. This would be called a composite primary key.
However it will be much slower in general because the construction of the primary index will be much more expensive. The primary index is used by relational database management systems (RDBMS) not only to determine uniqueness, but also in how they order and structure records on disk.
A simple primary key of one incrementing value is generally the most performant and the easiest solution for the RDBMS to manage.
You should have one column in every table that is unique.
This is one of the fundamentals of database table design. It's the row identifier - the identifier identifies which row(s) are being acted upon (updated/deleted etc). Relying on column combinations that are "unique", eg (first_name, last_name, city), as your key can quickly lead to problems when two John Smiths exist, or worse when John Smith moves city and you get a collision.
In most cases, it's best to use a an artificial key that's guaranteed to be unique - like an auto increment integer. That's why they are so popular - they're needed. Commonly, the key column is simply called id, or sometimes <tablename>_id. (I prefer id)
If natural data is available that is unique and present for every row (perhaps retinal scan data for people), you can use that, but all-to-often, such data isn't available for every row.
Ideally, you should have only one unique column. That is, there should only be one key.
Using IDs to key tables means you can change the content as needed without having to repoint things
Ex. if every row points to a unique user, what would happen if he/she changed his name to let say John Blblblbe which had already been in db? And then again, what would happen if you software wants to pick up John Blblblbe's details, whose details would be picked up? the old John's or the one ho has changed his name? Well if answer for bot questions is 'nothing special gonna happen' then, yep, you don't really need "ID" column :]
Also, having a numeric ID column with numbers is much more faster when you're looking for an exact row even when the table hasn't got any indexing keys or have more than one unique
If you are sure that any other column is going to have unique data for every row and isn't going to have NULL at any time then there is no need of separate ID column to distinguish each row from others, you can make that existing column primary key for your table.
No, single-attribute keys are not essential and nor are surrogate keys. Keys should have as many attributes as are necessary for data integrity: to ensure that uniqueness is maintained, to represent accurately the universe of discourse and to allow users to identify the data of interest to them. If you have already identified a suitable key and if you don't find any real need to create another one then it would make no sense to add redundant attributes and indexes to your table.
An ID can be more meaningful, for an example an employee id can represent from which department he is, year of he join and so on. Apart from that RDBMS supports lots operations with ID's.

Do I need a primary key if something will NOT be changed?

If I had a site where a user can flag another user post and it cannot be undone or changed, do I need to have a primary key? All my selects would be on the post_id and with a where clause to see if the user already flagged it.
It seems to me from some of your other posts that the reason you are trying to avoid adding a primary key to your table is to save space.
Stop thinking like that.
It's a bad idea to make non-standard optimizations like this without having tested them first to see if they actually work. Have you run some tests that shows that you save a significant amount of space in your database by omitting the primary key on this table? Or are you just guessing?
Using a primary key doesn't necessarily mean that you will use more space. Depending on the database, if you omit the primary key it might add a hidden field for you anyway (for example if you don't have a PK in MySQL/InnoDB it adds a hidden clustered index on a synthetic column containing 6 byte row ID values (source)). If you do use a primary key, rather than adding a new column you can just choose some existing columns that you know should be unique anyway. It won't take up any more space, it will just mean that the data will be stored in a different order to make it easier to search.
When you add an index, that index is going to take up extra space, as an index is basically just a copy of a few columns of the table, plus a link back to the row in the original table. Remember that hidden column the database uses when you don't have a PK? Well now it has to use that to find your rows, so you'll get a copy of it in your index too. If you use a primary key then you probably don't need one of your indexes that you would have added, so you're actually saving space here.
Besides all this, some useful database tools just won't work well if you don't have a primary key on your table. You will annoy everyone that has to maintain your database after you are gone.
So tell me, why do you think it's a good idea to NOT have one?
A primary key has nothing to do with whether data can be changed - it's a single point of reference for an entire row, which can make looking up and/or changing data faster.
All my selects would be on the post_id and with a where clause to see if the user already flagged it.
You need to provide more information about business rules. For example, should the system support more than one user flagging the same post?
If the answer is "no", then I would model a POST_STATUS_CODE table and have a foreign key to the table in your POSTS table.
If the answer is "yes", then I would still have a POST_STATUS_CODE table but also a table linking the POSTS and POST_STATUS_CODE tables - say POSTS_STATUS_XREF.
I have a post_flag table with post_id, user_id (who flagged it) and flag_type (ATM as a byte). I don't see how PK will make it faster in this case but I imagine it will take up 4 or 8 bytes per row. I was thinking about indexing post_id. If I do should I still create a PK?
At a minimum, I would make the primary key to be a combination of:
The reason being that a primary key ensures that there can't be duplicates.
A primary key can be made up of more than one column - this is called a compound key. It means that the pair of values is unique. IE: You can't have more than one combination of 1, 1 values, but you could have 1,2, 1,3, etc (and vice versa). Attempts to add duplicates will result in duplicate primary key errors.
Primary keys help speed up lookups and joins, so it's always nice to have if you can.
You don't need a primary key, not even if users are going to modify rows. A primary key optimizes the performance every time you query that table though. If you think your table will grow larger than about a thousand rows or so, then setting a primary key will give a noticeable performance boost.
The only advantage in not creating a primary key really is that it means you don't have to create one, which is fair enough I suppose :-P
You could just not bother creating one for now. You can always add one later. Not a big deal. Don't let anyone bully you into thinking you absolutely must create a primary key right now! You'll see it being horribly slow soon enough :-P and then you can just add the primary key at that point. If you don't have too many duplicates by then :-P
Best have one, if just because you may have to delete the occasional record manually (e.g. duplicates) and one should have a unique identifier for that.
The simple answer is yes. every table should have a primary key (made of at least one column). what benefit do you get for not having one?
In such a situation, you might be able to get away without one, but I'd be inclined to throw a primary key on there anyway, simply because it's relatively simple to do and will save rework if the requirements change.
The software requirements may change rapidly. The customer may introduce new requirements. So having a primary key may be useful because you can eliminate totally unnecessary data migrations in such a situations.
Read this: "Is it OK not to use a Primary Key When I don’t Need one?"
Yes, you do need a primary key.
You may as well use text files for storage if you don't think you do because it means you don't understand them...

Should i have a primary ID? i am indexing another field

Using sqlite i need a table to hold a blob to store a md5 hash and a 4byte int. I plan to index the int but this value will not be unique.
Do i need a primary key for this table? and is there an issue with indexing a non unique value? (I assume there is not issue or reason for any).
Personally, I like to have a unique primary id on all tables. It makes finding unique records for updating/deleting easier.
How are you going to reference on a SELECT * FROM Table WHERE or an UPDATE ... WHERE? Are you sure you want each one?
You already have one.
SQLite automatically creates an integer ROWID column for every row of every table. This can function as a primary key if you don't declare your own.
In general it's a good idea to declare your own primary key column. In the particular instance you mentioned, ROWID will probably be fine for you.
My advice is to go with primary key if you want to have referential integrity. However there is no issue with indexing a non unique value. The only thing is that your performance will downgrade a little.
What are the consequences of letting two identical rows somehow get into this table?
One consequence is, of course, wasted space. But I'm talking about something more fundamental, here. There are times when duplicate rows in data give you wrong results. For example, if you grouped by the int column (field), and listed the count of rows in each group, a duplicate row (record) might throw you off, depending on what you are really looking for.
Relational databases work better if they are based on relations. Relations are always in first normal form. The primary reason for declaring a primary key is to prevent the table from getting out of first normal form, and thus not representing a relation.