WebAPI hangs indefinitely when receiving a POST with incorrect Content-Length in header - http-headers

I have a project set up using ASP.NET WebAPI on top of Azure, and am having a problem whenever I try to make an HTTP Post where the content-length is too long in the header.
Normally I would've just ignored this problem, because you should be correctly setting the content-length on POST, but it turns out that when this happens, it causes the session to hang indefinitely, and then the Azure emulator crashes.
I have a custom JSON Formatter which extends MediaTypeFormatter, and I set a breakpoint on the first line of my implementation of OnReadFromStreamAsync(). However, the breakpoint is never hit because the hangup happens before ever hitting the JSON Deserializer.
I really have no idea where this hanging is occurring from because I receive no exception, just an indefinite hang and occasional Azure emulator crash.
Thank you in advance for any help or insight you might provide!

This sounds like a bug. The good thing is that you can get updated developer bits form codeplex.
There is a chance what your experiencing is related to one of these:
WebAPI: Stream uploading under webhost is not working
DevDiv 388456 -- WebHost should not use Transfer-Encoding chunked when
content length is known.
Zero ContentLength without content type header in body is throwing
If the updated bits don't fix your problem I suggest you try the standard media formatters to rule in/out your formatter. Failing that, then submit an issue.


RestSharp infinitely adds User-Agent header until target API returns 400 - Bad Req - Headers too long

I recently upgraded RestSharp to 107.3.0 in the hope to fix some connectivity issues (as mentioned in the documentation).
After 1 hour of being live on production with this upgrade, my targetted API started throwing '400 Bad Request - Headers too long'. A recycle was only a temporary fix.
When I use Fiddler to see my API calls (locally), I noticed that the User-agent header contains:
RestSharp/ RestSharp/ RestSharp/ (...)
... and each next call adds the agent name to the growing header value until the header is, well, just too long.
Anyone else experienced this before?
Turns out I was creating a RestClient(httpClient) object each time, but re-using the same HTTP client. Creating an instance of RestClient initializes some default headers, resulting in infinitely adding the user agent header value.
Re-using the RestClient as well, fixed the behavior.

Redis-backed session state not saving everything

We are trying to move from server session (IIS) to Redis-backed session. I updated my web.config with the custom sessionState configuration. I'm finding that only SOME of my key/value pairs are being saved. Of the 5 I expect to be in there, there are only 2. I verified all my code is ultimately hitting HttpContext.Current.Session.Add. I verified that my POCOs are marked as serializable. Looking at monitoring, I see that it adds the first two pairs, then everything after that just doesn't make it. No hit, no rejection, no exceptions. Nothing.
Anyone ever see this? Know where I could start to look to resolve?
Update 1: I've switched to using a JSON serializer to store my data. Same thing. Doesn't seem to be a serialization issue.
Update 2: I've now downloaded the source code, compiled and am debugging it. The method SetAndReleaseItemExclusive, which seems to send the session items to Redis, is only hit once, though it should be hit more than once as my web site handle SSO and bounces from page to page to load the user and such. Have to investigate why it's only firing once...
Figured it out. Turns out that my AJAX request to an "API" endpoint without my MVC app did not have the appropriate session state attached. Therefore, the SetAndReleaseItemExclusive was never called. Adding this fixed it:
protected void Application_PostAuthorizeRequest()
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.LocalPath == "/api/user/load")

Odoo - Long process leads to XmlHttpRequestError BAD REQUEST error

In odoo while I am doing any long process such as getting data from
amazon and process those data in odoo and after 5-10 min I am getting
this error don't know the reason why this happen.
XmlHttpRequestError BAD REQUEST
<title>400 Bad Request</title>
<h1>Bad Request</h1>
Invalid JSON data: ''
The process seems running in background in server but I am getting this error every time. This leads users into the wrong direction.
I am wondering why I am always getting this error? Is that a normal behavior ?
Even data processing will be done properly even after getting this
error, so I am not getting the meaning why this error pop out only in
long process.
Is there timeout issue happen with web server ?
Where I need to look out for that ?
I have did this process from different system and it seems everything
working fine over there.
So what my guess is "It is something related to browser end only"
May be browser is not able to manage such idle requests (may be any
request time out settings needs to be updated)
It wasn’t clear at first but the tracing telling me exactly what the problem is “cookie”.
The problem was due to a cookie that has become corrupted. Not sure
how it got that way but it seems that the last time it was generated
something went wrong. The easy solution is to delete all your
cookies of that particular domain or should do this from private
window (incognito mode).

How do you get IBM MobileFirst Platform ChallengeHandler to handle very large responses correctly?

When working with a large-sized data response from an HTTP Adapter, the size of the response appears to cause our challenge handler to fire a handleChallenge() method.
My question is, why would the size of the response cause the mobilefirst security challenge handler to fire, when the session is still valid?
More Details:
Our application uses an ISAM security appliance with Header based authentication. When an HTTP adapter call we make comes back with a content-length greater than 20,377, the adapter call triggers the handleChallenge() method of our challenge handler. When inspecting the response, we have seen that the responseJSON is actually populated with our required data, so really the handleChallenge should never have fired.
When we ping the adapter directly through the browser with the same parameters, it works fine. We've been able to isolate that this problem is occurring in the worklight.js / mobilefirst realm.
Does anyone have any idea if, or why, the Challenge Handler in worklight.js would not function as expected with a very large response size?
The bottom line is that it should. There is no reason for it not to.
If you have not been able to resolve this otherwise, my suggestion is to open an IBM PMR (support ticket) to have the development team investigate the issue.
We ended up ( sort of ) diagnosing it. At a certain payload size, the "/*secure {" fell off the response ( of which we're still not certain why. Our loginChallengeHandler function was based off of some example we found in some IBM documentation, and would improperly mark the response as a login form if the /*secure wasn't present. Once we tightened up the challenge handler, it worked.

411 Length required error with App Proxies

I set up an app proxy for my app deployed on a normal shared hosted server (not Heroku or anything like that). It works like a charm (as do my other apps) until I set the content type to application/liquid.
As soon as I do that I get a 411 Length Required error by nginx which is generated by my server (my guess). I tried to resolve it by setting content length to 0. It worked for a while but then it stopped. I tried other values and it works depending on its mood. Funnily, sometimes the output is truncated at content length, and at times I get the whole output (a simple page refresh can give different outputs). Also, sometimes it doesn't work AT ALL and shopify throws a "we're having tech. difficulties" error.
To summarize, content length is not reliable at all.
Now I am not sure exactly what causes a 411 error and what can I do about it. And why is it thrown only when content type is liquid. Moreover, content-length doesn't result in a consistent output (no output/predictable output/truncated output/shopify error).
Anyone knows what's up?
Perhaps your responses are using chunked transfer encoding. I don't think nginx supports this by default, so would return a 411 error in this case because chunked encoding doesn't use a Content-Length header.
If you do want to use chunked responses, there is the http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpChunkinModule module that should add support for this. Otherwise, disable the chunked encoding in your app, and make sure the Content-Length header is consistent with the length of the body of the response.