I have requested a class 1 certificate from StartSSL and installed it in Weblogic 10.0.1 (see screenshots).
The browsers (Chrome & IE9 on Windows 7, IE8 on XPSP3) still give a certificate error (see screenshots).
I think the StartSSL root certificate is available in several browsers (see here). Please advise.
StartSSL Class 1 certificates are signed by a intermediate CA, which is signed by the StartCom Root CA. For your browser to trust this certificate, it needs to know the trust chain up to the Root CA it already knows.
Your server needs to send the complete trust chain to the browser (minus the Root CA), so your browser can verify that your certificate is trusted.
See the StartSSL FAQ for more info.
Found the problem. I've imported the StartSSL certificate incorrectly in our keystore. Also, I've specified "weblogic" as alias in the Weblogic console which is not the certificate but the public/private key pair. I'm using Portecle to edit the keystore.
When I've noticed that I was probably using the wrong alias I've changed it to the alias of the certificate. This resulted in a Weblogic error:
Inconsistent security configuration, weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: No identity key/certificate entry was found under alias startssl-hostname in keystore keystore_StartSSL on server servername
In the end I've followed these steps to pack the certificate and private key in one PKCS#12 keystore. I've then imported that keystore into our java keystore using Portecle:
Export the "weblogic" public/private key using Portecle as a PKCS#12 keystore.
Extract the private key from this keystore using openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -in weblogic.p12 -nocerts -out privatekey.pem
Package the certificate and private key as a PKCS#12 keystore (cert.p12) using openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.cer -inkey privatekey.pem -out cert.p12 -name cert -CAfile ca.pem -caname root
Import cert.p12 file into our java keystore using Portecle using "cert" as alias.
Changed the Weblogic configuration to use the "cert" alias with the correct passphrase.
And it worked!
PS: I've added the JCE unlimited strength policy along the way since Portecle complained about this at one point.
Generally the trust store and keystore would be separate, but it will not cause the error above.
If your browser does not trust the CA then you will receive the above error. You need to add the root CA to your browser. You can check the certs that your browser supports.
Eg for IE -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Content -> Certificates -> Trusted Root CA
Assuming you need to import this into one or two browsers, its not a big deal. But if you need to do this across the enterprise (meaning 100 or 1000 of browsers), you will need help from your desktop support team !
We have a process to request a signed cert from a CA and we get back 3 files:
cert.cer, cert.key, and cert.p12
I now need to build a valid/usable cert store from those files. I have copies of the CA & intermediate certs locally on my server. So I'm trying to import everything by using keytool. But I end up with a store full of about 100 certs plus the cert for my server. But when I try to use them I'm getting an error that the server cert is not valid unless the signing certs are also in the store. Basically there's no chain even though I the server cert says it was issued by the intermediate cert in the store. I use the following commands to import my certs and ca trusts.
keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore "cacerts.p12" -srcstorepass "$CA_PASS" -srcstoretype "pkcs12" -destkeystore "$KEYSTORE_NAME" -deststorepass "$STORE_PW" -deststoretype "jks";
keytool -importkeystore -v -srckeystore "$CERT_NAME.p12" -srcstorepass "$STORE_PW" -srcstoretype "pkcs12" -destkeystore "$KEYSTORE_NAME" -deststorepass "$STORE_PW" -deststoretype "jks";
I'm not sure what step I'm missing. This is an Ubuntu 20.04 server.
How do I create a usable certificate-store ..
Usable is the keyword here - what are you trying to use the keystore for? (usually - SSL, client authentication or WS-Security)
getting an error that the server cert is not valid unless the signing certs are also in the store
There are different files for different purpose:
cert.cer - a public key with a CA-signed certificate
cert.key - a private key
cert.p12 - a keystore, may contain the private key, may contain the public key with its certificate, usually contains both (private key, public key, certificate). So - better validate what does the p12 keystore really contain.
The PKCS#12 keystore usually can be used as it is, often no need to import into a separate JKS. However - depends on the software.
BTW - maybe you could get a keystore-explorer, an opensource gem software giving you a great overview when not understanding the details or cli options.
Basically there's no chain even though I the server cert says it was issued by the intermediate cert in the store
Depends on the usage, but the best practice is having the CA root or its intermediate certificates imported in the truststore.
To import a CA reply in the keytool, you simply import a CA reply (issued certificate) with the same alias name as its private key. I'm not sure if you can create a whole certificate chain this way, you may have a look at the mentioned keystore-explorer to be sure.
On my Github enterprise when I install the SSL certificate with the key its displaying an error message:
"Github ssl cert The certificate is not signed by a trusted
certificate authority (CA) or the certificate chain is missing
intermediate CA signing certificates."
I was given from our certification authority team 4 certificates.
SSL certificate : github.pem
A set of 3 CA certificates : root, subca and subca2
On my Github enterprise management console, it needs 2 entries
A x509 SSL certificate
Unencrypted key
I have tried github.pem key alone and with different combination by concatenating CA certificates, but its failing always with the same error.
Is there a pattern to concatenate the certificate?
Any clue how i can resolve this?
Thanks in advance.
Please abide the following steps to add 3 certificates to your .pem file:
Open your domain certificate pem file in Notepad ++.
Add intermediate (DigiCertCA2.pem) certificate under Domain certificate.
Add root certificate (TrustedRoot.pem) to your domain certificate.
Save the .pem file that have the following 3 certificates (domain , intermediate, root).
Upload the modified certificate.pem file and the private key.
click on Save Settings.
I had the same issue.
When trying to load the PEM and Key files to GitHub Enterprise I got the same message. The cert was created using the exact same methods as I have done before, but was failing.
Github ssl cert The certificate is not signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA) or the certificate chain is missing intermediate CA signing certificates.
Steps I took:
Created a cert for the server (webserver with Private Key)
Exported from my users personal store (PFX including all certs in the path and export all extended properties)
C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin> openssl.exe pkcs12 -in git_key_included.pfx -nocerts -out priv-key.pem -nodes
C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin> openssl.exe pkcs12 -in git_key_included.pfx -nokeys -out cert.pem
C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin> openssl rsa -in priv-key.pem -out server.key
I eventually figured it out by opening the PEM using Notepad++. The openssl commands work fine on the old exported cert, but swap around the ordering of the certs on the new exported cert. The broken cert had:
Primary SSL certificate
Root certificate
Intermediate certificate
Instead of the correct ordering of:
Primary SSL certificate
Intermediate certificate
Root certificate
So I swapped them around and it worked.
I am unable to correctly configure Jenkins to use a StartSSL certificate.
I'm running it with command line arguments that specify paths to the private key and my certificate as shown on the Jenkins Wiki (at the bottom: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Starting+and+Accessing+Jenkins).
I've obtained a private key and a certificate from StartSSL
I've placed them in a particular folder
I'm running Jenkins as follows: java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8080 --httpsCertificate=<mydomain.crt file> --httpsPrivateKey=<my private key file>
Jenkins starts successfully. Opening https://mydomain:8080/ in Firefox says that the connection is untrusted:
mydomain:8080 uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided.
(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)
I've tried verifying mydomain:8080 on various SSL checker websites:
OK mydomain resolves to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
OK The certificate was issued by StartCom.
OK The certificate will expire in XXX days.
OK The hostname (mydomain) is correctly listed in the certificate.
Not OK The certificate is not trusted in all web browsers.
You may need to install an Intermediate/chain certificate
to link it to a trusted root certificate.
StartSSL does not have explicit instructions for setting up Jenkins. I've tried following up on similar tutorials for other kinds of servers, and copied the intermediate authority files from StartCom into a unified certificate (ca.pem and sub.class1.server.ca.pem as noted here: http://www.startssl.com/?app=42).
However, this did not change anything.
SSL checkers like www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html still report that the website is untrusted.
Also, the GitHub image caching service is not rendering the build status icon from Jenkins for the same reason.
How do I add the issuer chain correctly to my certificate?
I had a similar problem and after some research what got everything to be trusted was :
Merged the intermediate authority certificate and <mydomain.crt file> into 1 unified certificate called merged.cer using the link you mentioned
(From: https://serverfault.com/questions/569866/jenkins-wont-serve-with-ca-signed-certificate)
openssl pkcs12 -inkey /location/to/key.pem -in /location/to/merged.cer -export -out keys.pkcs12
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keys.pkcs12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore jenkins.jks
NOTE: the key to use for the merged.cer should be the same as <my private key file>
Then follow the Jenkins Wiki to use the KeyStore instead of the certificate
java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8080 --httpsKeyStore=/path/to/jenkins.jks --httpsPrivateKey=<my private key file>
We use IIS 6.0 (Win2003 SP2) at work and needed to renew our SSL certificate.
I created a certificate request by using openssl. Therefor I'd created a 2048 bit key with openssl first. I did not use that certreq.txt request file, since that produced format errors at the website of our used CA.
That request has been accepted meanwhile and I got a .pem file from our organization's CA. So far so good. I even was able to import the certificate. But unfortunately the private key is missing now. I think, windows (or IIS) just doesn't know, where to look for it. The private key of course lives in a *.key file, that I used for creating the request.
But how may I integrate the key into the certificate or make Windows/IIS using it?
You should be able to build a PKCS#12 file using OpenSSL using:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey file.key -out cert.p12
Then, using the .p12 file, import both the cert and its private key at the same time.
More info on openssl https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/pkcs12.html
Since your running Windows Server take advantage of DigiCert's free utility (http://www.digicert.com/util).
You can create the CSR from OpenSSL if you plan to import it back to OpenSSL and were using Apache.
Otherwise you'll make the CSR request from IIS or running DigiCert Utility and clicking 'Create CSR' option. Once you have the new CSR, submit it to your CA in order to have them issue a new cert that will match the proper private key in IIS.
Once you receive the new cert file, use the 'Import' function on the utility to load the cert file on your local MMC.
Final step is binding the SSL cert to the site's port 443 connection in the IIS console.
If you happen to need the private key, you can use the 'Export' function to create a .key file or a PFX file which includes both your domain certificate and the private key.
Some firewall devices require a PKCS#12 file over the PFX. If so, rename file extension from .pfx to .p12
I'm trying to connect to a web service (not under my control) configured to authenticate users via SSL client certs. I have a valid certificate in PKCS12 format containing the client certificate and associated private key. The certificate is issued by a CA accepted by the web service provider.
Installing the certificate and trying to access the restricted area in various browsers gives the following results:
IE6 - Works fine and I can retrieve the WSDL
IE7 - Prompts for the certificate but then fails with a 403.7 from the server
Firefox3 - Set to ask, but no prompt and fails with a 403.7
Safari 4 - Certificate is installed in the Keychain, but no prompt and a 403.7
Also, trying to access the web service programmatically (Java) fails with the same 403.7 error code.
Strange that this works in IE6 but in no other browser, what am I missing? Do I need to include the full CA certificate chain in the PKCS12 file?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This really works! If you're confused by the -inkey and -in options, they are the private key and certificate from the p12 file. You can convert the p12 file to pem format with:
openssl pkcs12 -in file.p12 -clcerts -out file.pem
and use the above command with "-in file.pem" only.
Also, you can import the root CA cert into your trusted certs store, here is the description how to do that: http://gagravarr.org/writing/openssl-certs/others.shtml#ca-openssl, and then you don't have to manually copy the certificates. After installing the cert use the command above without the "-CAfile chain.pem".
Ok, got this working. The answer is yes, I did need to include all intermediary CA certs in the PKCS12 file. I concatenated all the intermediary CA certs plus the Root CA cert in the file "chain.pem" then executed the following command:
openssl pkcs12 -export -chain -CAfile chain.pem -in cert.pem -inkey key.pem -out cert.p12