Any function equivalent to oracle sql's DBMS_UTILITY.get_hash_value() in Transact-SQL? - sql

On searching msdn, I found a built-in function called HASHBYTES(). Not sure if that can be used to get a result that DBMS_UTILITY.get_hash_value() gives in oracle.I am using SQL Server 2008. Thanks in advance.

HASHBYTES is close, but uses presets for certain algorithms (e.g. SHA1 or MD5)
You can't choose the base or length like you can with DBMS_UTILITY.GET_HASH_VALUE()
You may have to roll your own to emulate it exactly but I'd see this as a backwards step...

Comparison in SQL built-in functions in Oracle and SQL Server on below given link


Convert ORA_HASH to SQL Server

I am trying to convert an Oracle query to a SQL Server and facing an issue. Can you please help me ?
Oracle Query:
select ORA_HASH(SYS_GUID()) as SEGMENTID from my_Table
I am looking for a function which is equivalent to ORA_HASH() function in SQL Server. I was searching in google and found that HASHBYTES() function is the one which works as ORA_HASH in SQL Server. But when I tried to use, the return value of this is Hexa decimal and on the other hand, ORA_HASH is returning an integer.
Can you please help me in proving the equivalent function to ORA_HASH in SQL Server which works same as ORA_HASH ?
You shall try CHECKSUM which as per doc is intended for use in building hash indexes.

How to create real function in Bigquery Legacy SQL

I know UDF in legacy sql, but UDF need you pass whole row into function, and return whole record, and UDF can't put into select section, this is not real function I need, Is Bigquery Legacy SQL can write function like Standard SQL? (can put into select or where section)
thanks :)
This functionality is only supported in Standard SQL (and as Elliott mentions in the comments, is unlikely to be added to Legacy SQL because it is being phased out).

Informatica Coding to SQL

I am attempting to translate the following Informatica code to the equivalent SQL scripts. I am a little stuck as I am not familiar with Informatica and would appreciate any assistance.
The original informatica code reads as follows:
-INSTR(COV_REINS_CONCAT_BK,'|',1,2)-1 )))||'C' from TABLE;
Above script will work fine in Oracle. Please replace table with your table name.
It becomes increasingly difficult to port such expressions that make extensive use of INSTR function using the occurrence parameter.
Maybe it's easier to create in your MS-SQL database an INSTR equivalent function that supports the occurrence parameter. See how to create the dbo.INSTR function here.
On this same site you can also see a table with more function equivalences from Oracle to MS-SQL.
Then the expression from the comment becomes much easier to translate:
-dbo.INSTR(COV_REINS_CONCAT_BK,'|',1,2)-1 )))+'C'
Here SUBSTR became SUBSTRING, and INSTR became dbo.INSTR and concatenation || was changed to +.
The SUBSTR() and instr() functions are from the Informatica Transformation Language. IMHO it has its roots in function names from Oracle and MSSQL / Sybase function names. This is why it doesn't translate directly to either but is similar. The functions are very well documented in the online help. You'll need to review the switches in the INSTR() function for case sensitivity and the like to ensure their parallel can be written correctly in another tool. The numbers may translate to different things and in some of the Informatica functions the end arguments can be omitted such as, in the SUBSTR() function, meaning that the SUBSTR() will take effect from the numbered position to the end of the string regardless of length. The typing of the port in Informatica can affect the result too, although in this case, the combined function is performing a trim at the end.
SUBSTR() and INSTR() functions are not MS SQL Server functions. I'm guessing the code snippet is Oracle's PL/SQL. Try resources such as

How to replace all string in SQL Server 2005?

In postgresql database have one function btrim(string text [, characters text]).
For examples
btrim('xwxpostsqlwwx', 'wx')
In this function return value postsql.
Like this I need to do in SQL Server 2005. Is there any similar builtin function available in SQL Server?
I don't know of any exact equivalent, but you should be able to achieve the same results using SQLServer's Regular Expression functionality.
I believe there is no such a built-in function, but you can create your own if you like. You can find an example of a function doing exactly what you want here (at the bottom of the page).

SQL Command ISNULL for ODBC Connection

I'm connected to an OpenEdge DataServer via ODBC (not our product, we are just accessing their database, I hardly have any information and certainly no help from the other side).
Anyhow, I just need to execute a simple Select, add a couple of rows and I need the equivalent of an IsNull statement.
Basically I'd like to execute
This fails with a Syntax Error. I've looked around at something they misleadingly call a "documentation" but there are only references to SP_SQL_ISNULL but I can't get that to work either. I'm fit in T-SQL, so any pointers in any direction appreciated, even if it's just a RTFM with a link to TFM :)
Thanks to Catalin and this question I got on the right track. I kept thinking I needed a OpenEdge specific function but actually I needed to use only ODBC SQL syntax.
To get what
does you can use
which "returns the data type of expression with the highest data type precedence. If all expressions are nonnullable, the result is typed as nonnullable."MSDN
Basically it will convert to 4 if the value is null (and therefore not convertable).
I am not 100% sure, but I think ODBC driver expects a valid SQL statement, and not an DBMS specific SQL statement, like the one you provided.