ALAsset invalid after Camera Roll changes? - objective-c

I write some photos to the photo library using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum() and at the same time I display the contents of this asset group (ALAssetsGroupSavedPhotos) using enumerateAssetsUsingBlock: and friends. Sometimes the assets returned by enumerating the group become sort of “invalid”, meaning that the defaultRepresentation call returns nil, although the asset is still in memory.
I noticed that this seems to happen after the photo library gets modified by the UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum() call. Is this a documented behaviour? How can I prevent it? Reloading the assets is not a feasible option, as the user might already be somewhere deeper in the UI working with the asset.

this is an unfortunate, but documented behavior. For reference:
"ALAssetsLibraryChangedNotification Sent when the contents of the
assets library have changed from under the app that is using the data.
When you receive this notification, you should discard any cached
information and query the assets library again. You should consider
invalid any ALAsset, ALAssetsGroup, or ALAssetRepresentation objects
you are referencing after finishing processing the notification."
So what you have to do is to register an observer for ALAssetsLibraryChangedNotification. (And there is a bug in regarding this notification on iOS 5.X, see Open Radar.)
When you receive the notification you have to reenumerate all groups and assets. There is at the moment no other way. This is very unfortunate from a GUI perspective and we can only hope Apple improves this mechanism in the future.


WebKitGTK about webkit_web_view_load_uri

I have a question about WebktGTK.
These days I am making a program which is can analysis web page if has suspicious web content.
When "load-failed" "load-changed" signal is emitted with WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED,
The program anlaysis the next page continuously by calling webkit_web_view_load_uri again again.
The question want to ask you is memory problem.
The more the program analsysis the webpages, The more WebKitWebProcess is bigger.
webkit_back_forward_list_get_length() return value also increased by analysising web pages. Where shoud I free memory?
Do you know how Can I solve this problem or Could give me any advice where Can I get advice?
Thank you very much :-) Have a nice day ^^
In theory, what you're doing is perfectly fine, and you shouldn't need to change your code at all. In practice, WebKit has a lot of memory leaks, and programatically loading many new URIs in the same web view is eventually going to be problematic, as you've found.
My recommendation is to periodically, every so many page loads, create a new web view that uses a separate web process, and destroy the original web view. (That will also reset the back/forward list to stop it from growing, though I suspect the memory lost to the back/forward list is probably not significant compared to memory leaks when rendering the page.) I filed Bug 151203 - [GTK] Start a new web process when calling webkit_web_view_load functions? to consider having this happen automatically; your issue indicates we may need to bump the priority on that. In the meantime, you'll have to do it manually:
Before doing anything else in your application, set the process model to WEBKIT_PROCESS_MODEL_MULTIPLE_SECONDARY_PROCESSES using webkit_web_context_set_process_model(). (If you are not creating your own web contexts, you'll need to use the default web context webkit_web_context_get_default().)
Periodically destroy your web view with gtk_widget_destroy(), then create a new one using webkit_web_view_new() et. al. and attach it somewhere in your widget hierarchy. (Be sure NOT to use webkit_web_view_new_with_related_view() as that's how you get two web views to use the same web process.)
If you have trouble getting that solution to work, an extreme alternative would be to periodically send SIGTERM to your web process to get a new one. Connect to WebKitWebView::web-process-crashed, and call webkit_web_view_load_uri() from there. That will result in the same web view using a new web process.

WinRT Storing Session State Between Page Navigation

I am new to WinRT and was playing around with session state. I am navigating to a page to collect data and then want to return to the main page. Just before navigation I am using:
SuspensionManager.SessionState["CurrentState"] = someObject;
The object contains lists of other mildly complex objects, etc... All seems to be working but is this the correct way to use the Suspension Manager?
I have looked at other posts on the topic and some people report that it is necessary to use [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes to all the classes that are serialized. I omitted them and it still works, (getting the data across pages). So what is the recommended approach?
I may be reading too much into one aspect your question, but the role of SuspensionManager and SessionState is to store just enough information to bring your application back to the place the user left it if the application is actually terminated while it's suspended.
In the Windows 8 application lifecycle, your app gets 'suspended' if another app comes to the foreground. While your app is suspended all of its state is retained in memory, and if reactivated (you flip back to it) everything* is restored "for free".
A suspended app could, however, also be terminated by the OS (b/c of memory pressure, for instance) and there is no opportunity to react to that scenario in your app, so what you are really doing with SessionState is storing what's necessary to 'recreate' the last place the user was at IF the application had actually terminated. It's essentially an insurance policy: if the application is merely suspended, SessionState isn't really needed.
The 'what's necessary' is the grey area, I could store all of the information about say a user profile that was in progress OR I could save just the userid that indexes into my persistent storage of all the user profile data. I generally have more of a minimalist view and will retain as little as possible in SessionState - I make the analogy that I don't need to remember everything, I only need to remember how/where to get/find everything.
There's an implication as well in your question that you're using SessionState to pass information between pages in your app, and that's not really the intent. Each page of your app is typically connected with a view model, and when you interact with a page of that app, you'd update the view model and drive additional screens and experiences from the changes already in the view model. Leaving one screen of your app and returning the main one would also imply to me that you've persisted what ever information you collected - certainly to the view model, but also to something persistent like a data base or local storage. When you revisit that page, you'd then pull the data back out of your view model (or that persistent storage); the main page doesn't need that information so why hold on to it?
Lastly, since you mentioned being new to WinRT, you may want to check out App Builder, which pulls together a number of resources in consumable chunks to lead you through building an app over a period of 30-days (though all material is available, so you can consume at any pace you want :)) The discussion of lifecycle management that's germane to your question comes in on Day 17 of that sequence.
*"everything is restored for free" doesn't necessarily mean you don't have any work to do when an app comes out of the suspended state. There may be stale data that requires refreshing, and connections or other transient or short-lived entities may need to be refreshed/recreated.

Optimal data store memory usage?

I'm in the process of building a data store for keeping track of all the remote images being stored in my app. I've decided to use a singleton that will keep track of all the images being referenced.
As I remember, iOS automatically begins purging objects from memory based on recency of usage, whether or not it's being referenced by the current view controller, etc. However, if I store these images in a data store, those objects are always being referenced by the store itself. My solution for memory management was to keep track of when images were last called and keep some form of limit on the # and size of images being stored in the data store and purge the oldest based on age.
Is this solution a good one? Why or why not? Should I be depending on Apple's automatic memory management, or is having my own manager fine?
Further explanation:
Here's how requesting an image from one of my view controllers will end up looking with my solution:
[[HollerImages store]getImageWithUrl:#""
completionBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, UIImage *image){
if( succeeded ){
//Update the UIImageView with the returned image
The store will then manage how many images are currently being referenced in the app and automatically de-reference old images as we hit some pre-defined limit. Thoughts?
Renaud Boisjoly (#rboisjoly) just sent me a link to this library which appears to provide the solution I was describing:
The easiest way to handle memory concerns is to just implement the -(void)didReceiveMemoryWarning function and clear out all your cached data there.
What you're talking about is implementing an expiring cache. You could just count the elements in your data structure at each insertion and remove elements from the head when you've hit the limit (provided it is an ordered data structure). The former solution is easier and works in most cases.

ALAssetsGroup becomes invalid

I'm using AssetsLibrary framework for saving assets to a specific album (ALAssetsGroup).
Since I'm using the ALAssetsGroup (for the album where I want to save the assets) quite often, I figured it would be wise to retain it, so I don't have to iterate (asynchronously) through the groups each time I need it.
When retrieving/creating the album everything shows up correctly (for valueForProperty:), but the group seems to invalidate itself after some time, and all its properties will return nil. Also, addAsset: won't work on it, so I have to search for the album again (this time it's searched by its URL, but it's still asynchronous).
Is there a way around this (to keep the ALAssetsGroup valid)?
This is happening on iOS 5, and the library (ALAssetsLibrary) is retained as well.
I am using a setter to make sure that I don't reset the group myself.
You need to add an observer for the ALAssetsLibraryChangedNotification for your ALAssetsLibrary and upon receiving it re-query for any of your cached AL* objects. That will be posted immediately before the vended AL* objects become invalid.

Media Foundation: another way to call IMFActivate::ShutdownObject?

Here is a question about IMFActivate::ActivateObject and IMFActivate::ShutdownObject in Media Foundation.
According to MSDN, the component that calls ActivateObject is responsible for calling ShutdownObject.
But there are two examples not following this rule:
In these two examples, they call ActivateObject and then release IMFActivate interface without calling ShutdownObject method.
This is going to lead to memory leaking, right? Or there is another way to release the resource occupied by the object?
(Can I use IMFMediaSource::Shutdown to release the object instead of using IMFActivate::ShutdownObject)
Thanks in advance.
You're right that you're supposed to call IMFActivate::ShutdownObject when you're done using the object you activated. However, notice that the sample in question is instantiating an IMFMediaSource to be returned in an out param.
HRESULT CreateVideoDeviceSource(IMFMediaSource **ppSource)
If CreateVideoDeviceSource were to do a ShutdownObject on the IMFMediaSource it instantiated and then hand it back to you, it would be in a shut-down state and therefore probably unusable.
To answer your question about what you're supposed to do about this, you can probably get away with a pMyMediaSource->Shutdown() after you're all done using it.
More info: IMFActivate's other use in Media Foundation is for allowing an MF object to be instantiated in a different process (useful because the MF Media Session will play DRM-protected content in a separate process); in that case, the MF Media Session will indeed call IMFActivate::ShutdownObject on any IMFActivates you gave it.