Converting integer into formatted string - objective-c

How would I format an integer when I convert it to a string? For example:
NSString *date = [NSString stringWithFormat:
#"...somestuff... %+02d00", ...., gmtOffset];
The above does not work properly. What I want is, for example, +0200 to appear. I should think that %+02d would convert my integer 2 into "+02". But it does no happen, I get "+2". Why is this? Am I doing something wrong or is some formatting not supported?

EDIT: I finally got it. Works for both positive and negative numbers and adds the leading zeros. Hope it helps.
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%+03d00", 2];
NSLog(#"%#", str);

The documentation says, that there is a + as modifier. But I don't know how to exactly place/use it.
+ The result of a signed conversion shall always begin with a sign ( '+' or '-' ). The conversion shall begin with a sign only when a negative value is converted if this flag is not specified.
Link in apple documentation:

Yes Adam is right:
NSString *date = [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLog(#"date %#",date);


How to define a variable string format specifier

I have this line of code
// valueX is a long double (long double is a huge floating point)
NSString *value = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%.10Lg", valueX];
This format specifier is specifying up to 10 decimal digits but I don't want to hard code this to 10.
I have this variable numberOfDigits that I want to be used to define the number of digits. For those itching to down vote this question, it is not so easy as it seems. I cannot substitute the 10 with %# because %.10Lg is a format specifier by itself.
OK, I can create a bunch of strings like #"%.5Lg", #"%.8Lg", #"%.9Lg"... and switch that, but I wonder if there is another way...
There is, if you read the manual pages for format specifiers. You can replace the precision with *, which means it will get taken from a parameter instead.
int numDigits = 10;
NSString *value = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.*Lg", numDigits, valueX];
I couldn't find this in the core foundation reference, but I know that this is written in the man 3 printf man page.
Dietrich's answer is the simplest and therefore best. Note that even if there wasn't a built-in way to specify the number of digits with a parameter you could still have done it by first building your format string and then using it:
- (NSString *) stringFromValue: (long double) value digits: (int) digits; {
//First create a format string. Use "%%" to escape the % escape char.
NSString *formatString =[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%%.%dLg", digits];
return [NSString stringWithFormat: formatString, value];

How do I convert a decimal to hexadecimal using Objective C?

I've been working on a calculator and I wanted to implement conversions from decimal to octal and from decimal to hexadecimal. I'm new to Xcode and Objective C, but I've managed to get a conversion from decimal to octal, it just doesn't seem to work with hexadecimal.
Here's the code I've written to convert a double to octal:
double result = 0;
double decToOct = [self popOperand];
NSString *oct = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%llo", (long long)decToOct];
result = [oct doubleValue];
Using the same scheme (obviously that includes changing #"%llo" with #"%llx") the conversion to hexadecimal works up to a certain point. It does numbers 0 through 9 just fine, but once it hits 10, it comes up as 0. To test, I also input 5395 and it displayed 1513, the desired result.
Because of this, I can only assume that for some reason my code does not want to input the actual letters of the hexadecimal values (e.g. 11 would convert to B but it shows up as 0) .
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
In addition, I have also been using this to display the result:
double result = [self.brain performOperation:operation];
self.display.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%g", result];
result, as listed from the top, is an argument which is eventually returned here, to self.brain performOperation:operation. This is supposed to handle the display of all operations, including: addition, multiplication, etc. but also octal and hexadecimal. Again, it works fine with octal, but not with hexadecimal.
Try this, May be it will help you. Please do let me know if i am wrong here:--->
NSString *decStr = #"11";
NSString *hexStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%lX",
(unsigned long)[dec integerValue]];
NSLog(#"%#", hexStr);
If you know your string only contains a valid decimal number then the simplest way would be:
NSString *dec = #"254";
NSString *hex = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"0x%lX",
(unsigned long)[dec integerValue]];
NSLog(#"%#", hex);

Decimal to Hex - Cocoa/Objective-C

I need to convert some strings which have decimal content.
I want these contents in a string, in hex format...
How can I do it?
I tried to use NSScanner but this method seems to be a little bit huge to just make a dec-hex calculation?
Thanks for your answers!
If you know your string only contains a valid decimal number then the simplest way would be:
NSString *dec = #"254";
NSString *hex = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"0x%lX",
(unsigned long)[dec integerValue]];
NSLog(#"%#", hex);

How to add percent sign to NSString

I want to have a percentage sign in my string after a digit. Something like this: 75%.
How can I have this done? I tried:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d\%", someDigit];
But it didn't work for me.
The code for percent sign in NSString format is %%. This is also true for NSLog() and printf() formats.
The escape code for a percent sign is "%%", so your code would look like this
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d%%", someDigit];
Also, all the other format specifiers can be found at Conceptual Strings Articles
If that helps in some cases, it is possible to use the unicode character:
NSLog(#"Test percentage \uFF05");
The accepted answer doesn't work for UILocalNotification. For some reason, %%%% (4 percent signs) or the unicode character '\uFF05' only work for this.
So to recap, when formatting your string you may use %%. However, if your string is part of a UILocalNotification, use %%%% or \uFF05.
seems if %% followed with a %#, the NSString will go to some strange codes
try this and this worked for me
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#%#", #"%%",
[textfield text], #"%%"];
uese following code.
NSString *searchText = #"Bhupi"
NSString *formatedSearchText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%%%#%%",searchText];
will output: %Bhupi%
iOS 9.2.1, Xcode 7.2.1, ARC enabled
You can always append the '%' by itself without any other format specifiers in the string you are appending, like so...
int test = 10;
NSString *stringTest = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", test];
stringTest = [stringTest stringByAppendingString:#"%"];
NSLog(#"%#", stringTest);
For iOS7.0+
To expand the answer to other characters that might cause you conflict you may choose to use:
- (NSString *)stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:(NSCharacterSet *)allowedCharacters
Written out step by step it looks like this:
int test = 10;
NSString *stringTest = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", test];
stringTest = [[stringTest stringByAppendingString:#"%"]
[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet]];
stringTest = [stringTest stringByRemovingPercentEncoding];
NSLog(#"percent value of test: %#", stringTest);
Or short hand:
NSLog(#"percent value of test: %#", [[[[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", test]
stringByAppendingString:#"%"] stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:
[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet]] stringByRemovingPercentEncoding]);
Thanks to all the original contributors. Hope this helps. Cheers!

How to convert a string into double and vice versa?

I want to convert a string into a double and after doing some math on it, convert it back to a string.
How do I do this in Objective-C?
Is there a way to round a double to the nearest integer too?
You can convert an NSString into a double with
double myDouble = [myString doubleValue];
Rounding to the nearest int can then be done as
int myInt = (int)(myDouble + (myDouble>0 ? 0.5 : -0.5))
I'm honestly not sure if there's a more streamlined way to convert back into a string than
NSString* myNewString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", myInt];
To really convert from a string to a number properly, you need to use an instance of NSNumberFormatter configured for the locale from which you're reading the string.
Different locales will format numbers differently. For example, in some parts of the world, COMMA is used as a decimal separator while in others it is PERIOD — and the thousands separator (when used) is reversed. Except when it's a space. Or not present at all.
It really depends on the provenance of the input. The safest thing to do is configure an NSNumberFormatter for the way your input is formatted and use -[NSFormatter numberFromString:] to get an NSNumber from it. If you want to handle conversion errors, you can use -[NSFormatter getObjectValue:forString:range:error:] instead.
Adding to olliej's answer, you can convert from an int back to a string with NSNumber's stringValue:
[[NSNumber numberWithInt:myInt] stringValue]
stringValue on an NSNumber invokes descriptionWithLocale:nil, giving you a localized string representation of value. I'm not sure if [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",myInt] will give you a properly localized reprsentation of myInt.
Here's a working sample of NSNumberFormatter reading localized number String (xCode 3.2.4, osX 10.6), to save others the hours I've just spent messing around. Beware: while it can handle trailing blanks such as "8,765.4 ", this cannot handle leading white space and this cannot handle stray text characters. (Bad input strings: " 8" and "8q" and "8 q".)
NSString *tempStr = #"8,765.4";
// localization allows other thousands separators, also.
NSNumberFormatter * myNumFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[myNumFormatter setLocale:[NSLocale currentLocale]]; // happen by default?
[myNumFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];
// next line is very important!
[myNumFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle]; // crucial
NSNumber *tempNum = [myNumFormatter numberFromString:tempStr];
NSLog(#"string '%#' gives NSNumber '%#' with intValue '%i'",
tempStr, tempNum, [tempNum intValue]);
[myNumFormatter release]; // good citizen
olliej's rounding method is wrong for negative numbers
2.4 rounded is 2 (olliej's method gets this right)
−2.4 rounded is −2 (olliej's method returns -1)
Here's an alternative
int myInt = (int)(myDouble + (myDouble>0 ? 0.5 : -0.5))
You could of course use a rounding function from math.h
// Converting String in to Double
double doubleValue = [yourString doubleValue];
// Converting Double in to String
NSString *yourString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.20f", doubleValue];
// .20f takes the value up to 20 position after decimal
// Converting double to int
int intValue = (int) doubleValue;
int intValue = [yourString intValue];
For conversion from a number to a string, how about using the new literals syntax (XCode >= 4.4), its a little more compact.
int myInt = (int)round( [#"1.6" floatValue] );
NSString* myString = [#(myInt) description];
(Boxes it up as a NSNumber and converts to a string using the NSObjects' description method)
For rounding, you should probably use the C functions defined in math.h.
int roundedX = round(x);
Hold down Option and double click on round in Xcode and it will show you the man page with various functions for rounding different types.
This is the easiest way I know of:
float myFloat = 5.3;
NSInteger myInt = (NSInteger)myFloat;
from this example here, you can see the the conversions both ways:
NSString *str=#"5678901234567890";
long long verylong;
NSRange range;
range.length = 15;
range.location = 0;
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:[str substringWithRange:range]] scanLongLong:&verylong];
NSLog(#"long long value %lld",verylong);
convert text entered in textfield to integer
double mydouble=[_myTextfield.text doubleValue];
rounding to the nearest double
rounding to the nearest int(considering only positive values)
int myint=(int)(mydouble);
converting from double to string
myLabel.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f",mydouble];
NSString *mystring=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f",mydouble];
converting from int to string
myLabel.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",myint];
NSString *mystring=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f",mydouble];
I ended up using this handy macro:
#define STRING(value) [#(value) stringValue]