T-SQL: multiple usage of CTE alias - not only in outer query - sql

I've got a question which occurs when I was using the WITH-clause in one of my script. The question is easy to pointed out I wanna use the CTE alias multiple times instead of only in outer query and there is crux.
For instance:
-- Define the CTE expression
WITH cte_test (domain1, domain2, [...])
-- CTE query
SELECT domain1, domain2, [...]
FROM table
-- Outer query
SELECT * FROM cte_test
-- Now I wanna use the CTE expression another time
INSERT INTO sometable ([...]) SELECT [...] FROM cte_test
The last row will lead to the following error because it's outside the outer query:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 12 Invalid object name 'cte_test'.
Is there a way to use the CTE multiple times resp. make it persistent? My current solution is to create a temp table where I store the result of the CTE and use this temp table for any further statements.
-- CTE
-- Create a temp table after the CTE block
DECLARE #tmp TABLE (domain1 DATATYPE, domain2 DATATYPE, [...])
INSERT INTO #tmp (domain1, domain2, [...]) SELECT domain1, domain2, [...] FROM cte_test
-- Any further DML statements
INSERT INTO sometable ([...]) SELECT [...] FROM #tmp
Frankly, I don't like this solution. Does anyone else have a best practice for this problem?
Thanks in advance!

A CommonTableExpression doesn't persist data in any way. It's basically just a way of creating a sub-query in advance of the main query itself.
This makes it much more like an in-line view than a normal sub-query would be. Because you can reference it repeatedly in one query, rather than having to type it again and again.
But it is still just treated as a view, expanded into the queries that reference it, macro like. No persisting of data at all.
This, unfortunately for you, means that you must do the persistance yourself.
If you want the CTE's logic to be persisted, you don't want an in-line view, you just want a view.
If you want the CTE's result set to be persisted, you need a temp table type of solution, such as the one you do not like.

A CTE is only in scope for the SQL statement it belongs to. If you need to reuse its data in a subsequent statement, you need a temporary table or table variable to store the data in. In your example, unless you're implementing a recursive CTE I don't see that the CTE is needed at all - you can store its contents straight in a temporary table/table variable and reuse it as much as you want.
Also note that your DELETE statement would attempt to delete from the underlying table, unlike if you'd placed the results into a temporary table/table variable.


SQL: temp table "invalid object name" after "USE" statement

I do not fully understand the "USE" statement in Transact-SQL and how it affects the scope of temp tables. I have a user-defined table type in one database but not another, and I've found I need to "USE" that database in order to define a table of that type. Earlier in the query, I define a temporary table. After the "USE" statement, SSMS does not recognize the temp table as a valid object name, however I can still query from it without error.
The skeleton of my SQL query is as follows:
[... a bunch of code I did not write...]
DECLARE #MYTABLE MyUserDefinedTableType -- this table type only exists in MYDATABASE2
SELECT A.*, B.Col2
In the last SELECT statement, SSMS has red squiggly lines under "A.*" and "#TEMP_TABLE", however there is no error running the query.
So my question is: am I doing something "wrong" even though my query still works? Assuming the initial "USE MYDATABASE1" is necessary, what is the correct way to switch databases while still having #TEMP_TABLE available as a valid object name? (Note that moving the definition of #TEMP_TABLE to after "USE MYDATABASE2" would just shift the problem to #SOME_EARLIER_TEMP_TABLE.)
In SQL USE basically tells the query which database is the "default" database.
Temp tables can play tricks on intellisense - unless they're explicitly defined using the CREATE TABLE #MyTempTable route, intellisense doesn't really know what to do with them a lot of the time. Don't worry though - temp tables are scoped to the query.
Although I do feel it's worth pointing out: while UDTs are database specific, you can create an assembly to use across databases

Postgresql - INSERT INTO based on multiple SELECT

I intend to write a INSERT INTO request in Postgresql based on several SELECT but didn't succeed.
I have one table containing data I select (srctab), and another one where I insert data (dsttab).
Here is what I run :
INSERT INTO dsttab (dstfld1, dstfld2) WITH
t1 AS (
SELECT srcfld1
FROM srctab
WHERE srcfld3 ='foo'
t2 AS (
SELECT srcfld5
FROM srctab
WHERE srcfld6 ='bar'
) select srcfld1, srcfld5 from srctab;
Could you please help to make this work ? Thank you !
Note: I'm guessing about what you want to do here. My guess is that you want to insert a single row with the values from the CTEs (That's the WITH block.). Your query as written would insert a row into dsttab for every row in srctab, if it were valid syntax.
You don't really need a CTE here. CTEs should really only be used when you need to reference the same subquery more than once; that's what they exist for. (Occasionally, you can somewhat abuse them to control certain performance aspects in PostgreSQL, but that isn't the case in other DBs and is something to be avoided when possible anyway.)
Just put your queries in line:
INSERT INTO dsttab (dstfld1, dstfld2)
(SELECT srcfld1
FROM srctab
WHERE srcfld3 ='foo'),
(SELECT srcfld5
FROM srctab
WHERE srcfld6 ='bar')
The key point here is to surround the subqueries with parentheses.

Optimizing stored procedure with multiple "LIKE"s

I am passing in a comma-delimited list of values that I need to compare to the database
Here is an example of the values I'm passing in:
#orgList = "1123, 223%, 54%"
To use the wildcard I think I have to do LIKE but the query runs a long time and only returns 14 rows (the results are correct, but it's just taking forever, probably because I'm using the join incorrectly)
Can I make it better?
This is what I do now:
declare #tempTable Table (SearchOrg nvarchar(max) )
insert into #tempTable
select * from dbo.udf_split(#orgList) as split
-- this splits the values at the comma and puts them in a temp table
-- then I do a join on the main table and the temp table to do a like on it....
-- but I think it's not right because it's too long.
select something
from maintable gt
join #tempTable tt on gt.org like tt.SearchOrg
AYEAR= ISNULL(#year, ayear)
and (AYEAR >= ISNULL(#yearR1, ayear) and ayear <= ISNULL(#yearr2, ayear))
and adate = ISNULL(#Date, adate)
and (adate >= ISNULL(#dateR1, adate) and adate <= ISNULL(#DateR2 , adate))
The final result would be all rows where the maintable.org is 1123, or starts with 223 or starts with 554
The reason for my date craziness is because sometimes the stored procedure only checks for a year, sometimes for a year range, sometimes for a specific date and sometimes for a date range... everything that's not used in passed in as null.
Maybe the problem is there?
Try something like this:
Declare #tempTable Table
-- Since the column is a varchar(10), you don't want to use nvarchar here.
SearchOrg varchar(20)
INSERT INTO #tempTable
SELECT * FROM dbo.udf_split(#orgList);
maintable gt
some where statements go here
FROM #tempTable tt
WHERE gt.org Like tt.SearchOrg
Such a dynamic query with optional filters and LIKE driven by a table (!) are very hard to optimize because almost nothing is statically known. The optimizer has to create a very general plan.
You can do two things to speed this up by orders of magnitute:
Play with OPTION (RECOMPILE). If the compile times are acceptable this will at least deal with all the optional filters (but not with the LIKE table).
Do code generation and EXEC sp_executesql the code. Build a query with all LIKE clauses inlined into the SQL so that it looks like this: WHERE a LIKE #like0 OR a LIKE #like1 ... (not sure if you need OR or AND). This allows the optimizer to get rid of the join and just execute a normal predicate).
Your query may be difficult to optimize. Part of the question is what is in the where clause. You probably want to filter these first, and then do the join using like. Or, you can try to make the join faster, and then do a full table scan on the results.
SQL Server should optimize a like statement of the form 'abc%' -- that is, where the wildcard is at the end. (See here, for example.) So, you can start with an index on maintable.org. Fortunately, your examples meet this criteria. However, if you have '%abc' -- the wildcard comes first -- then the optimization won't work.
For the index to work best, it might also need to take into account the conditions in the where clause. In other words, adding the index is suggestive, but the rest of the query may preclude the use of the index.
And, let me add, the best solution for these types of searches is to use the full text search capability in SQL Server (see here).

Write consistency with nested subquery in Oracle

I've read many of the gory details of write consistency and I understand how it works in the simple cases. What I'm not clear on is what this means for nested sub-queries.
Here's a concrete example:
A table with PK id, and other columns state, temp and date.
UPDATE table SET state = DECODE(state, 'rainy', 'snowy', 'sunny', 'frosty') WHERE id IN (
SELECT id,state,temp from table WHERE date > 50
) WHERE (state='rainy' OR state='sunny') AND temp < 0
The real thing was more convoluted (in the innermost query), but this captures the essence.
If we assume the state column is not nullable, can this update ever fail due to concurrent modification (i.e., the DECODE function doesn't find a match, a value of 'rainy' or 'sunny', and so tries to insert null into a non-nullable column)?
Oracle supports "statement level read and write consistency" (as all other serious DBMS)
This means that the statement as a whole will not see any changes to the database that occurred after the statement started.
As your UPDATE is one single statement there shouldn't be a case where the decode returns null.
Btw: the statement can be simplified, you don't need the outer SELECT in the sub-query:
UPDATE table SET state = DECODE(state, 'rainy', 'snowy', 'sunny', 'frosty')
FROM table
WHERE date > 50
AND (state='rainy' OR state='sunny')
AND temp < 0
I don't see any reason to be concerned. The subquery explicitly retrieves only IDs of rows with state 'rainy' or 'sunny' and that's what outer DECODE is going to get. Thole thing is one statement, and is going to be executed within transaction boundaries.
Answering my own question: turns out there is a bug in Oracle which can cause this query to fail. Details confirmed by Tom Kyte, in the discussion starting here.

how to convert result of an select sql query into a new table in ms access

how to convert result of an select sql query into a new table in msaccess ?
You can use sub queries
SELECT a,b,c INTO NewTable
FROM TheTable
WHERE a Is Null)
Like so:
INTO NewTable
FROM OldTable
First, create a table with the required keys, constraints, domain checking, references, etc. Then use an INSERT INTO..SELECT construct to populate it.
Do not be tempted by SELECT..INTO..FROM constructs. The resulting table will have no keys, therefore will not actually be a table at all. Better to start with a proper table then add the data e.g. it will be easier to trap bad data.
For an example of how things can go wrong with an SELECT..INTO clause: it can result in a column that includes the NULL value and while after the event you can change the column to NOT NULL the engine will not replace the NULLs, therefore you will end up with a NOT NULL column containing NULLs!
Also consider creating a 'viewed' table e.g. using CREATE VIEW SQL DDL rather than a base table.
If you want to do it through the user interface, you can also:
A) Create and test the select query. Save it.
B) Create a make table query. When asked what tables to show, select the query tab and your saved query.
C) Tell it the name of the table you want to create.
D) Go make coffee (depending on taste and size of table)
Select *
Into newtable
From somequery