Why does an object variable have to be a pointer? - objective-c

If I declare an NSMutableString
NSMutableString *str_value;
Why do I have to declare this as a pointer (using *)? If I don't, I get a compilation error.
Could someone explain this clearly?

Recall that Objective C is a superset of C. When you declare a variable without * in C, it is an indication that the memory for that variable is allocated either in the automatic storage if it is a local variable, as part of its outer structure if it is a member of a structure, or in the static memory if it is a static or a global. Using the typename or a structure tag without * in a parameter list of a function indicates passing by value.
The designers of the Objective C language could have taken the Java-like route, making every class instance is a pointer without the pointer syntax, but then the readers of programs in Objective C would need to know if a name represents a typedef based on a struct or an id type to answer even the most basic questions about objects of that type, such as if it is implicitly passed by pointer or by value, if it is allocated as part of the owning structure or as a heap object pointed to by a pointer inside the structure, and so on.
To avoid this kind of confusion, designers of Objective C decided to preserve the explicit pointer syntax for id objects.

A pointer means you are pointing / referencing to that class. Yes it will cause a compilation error, the reason for a pointer is mainly for memory. One data type (int or BOOL or float etc...) is only a few bytes, therefore it is not necessary to have a pointer. But NSMutableString and other Objective-C classes have a lot of properties and methods, with a lot of code. Therefore, since in your apps will have a lot of objects, which will use a lot of memory and thus slow down your app/decrease performance. Of course you should release the object once you make a pointer.


Why are Objective-C blocks not handled through pointers as are other Objective-C objects?

In code that uses blocks, you frequently see declarations such as:
typedef void(^Thunk)(void);
Thunk block1 = ^{NSLog(#"%d %p",i, &i);};
instead of
typedef void(^Thunk)(void);
Thunk *block1 = ^{NSLog(#"%d %p",i, &i);};
Blocks seem to be the only Objective-C object that is handled directly, instead of through a pointer. Why is this? Aren't they regular objects?
If you're wondering about the missing *: In your example you typedef'd the block which is hiding the syntax. You can do this with other objects as well:
typedef NSNumber *Number;
Number foo = #42;
When assigning a block to a variable that's actually assigning a pointer.
Blocks are a bit like C arrays: Block literals are structures created by the compiler. Block variables are pointers behind the scenes.
You're not handling a block “directly”. You're handling it indirectly.
The syntax void (^)(void) declares a pointer to a block. There is no syntax for type “block”; there is only syntax for type “pointer to a block”.
From the Language Specification for Blocks:
The abstract declarator,
int (^)(char, float)
describes a reference to a Block that, when invoked, takes two parameters, the first of type char and the second of type float, and returns a value of type int. The Block referenced is of opaque data that may reside in automatic (stack) memory, global memory, or heap memory.
The relevant bit is “describes a reference to a Block”.
The specification isn't entirely consistent, since (for example) it refers to a “variable with Block type” and “Block variable declarations“. But in fact a variable always holds a reference (pointer) to a block, and never holds a block directly as its value.
If you look at the block implementation, you will see that blocks are ObjC objects.
If you inspect a stack block (like in your example), you'll see something like this:
(lldb) po myBlock
<__NSStackBlock__: 0xbfffc940>
And you will notice in the public header _Block_copy() and _Block_release() take void* arguments.
The non-pointeryness is just syntactic sugar the compiler provides to shield you from the dirty bits of blocks.
Blocks are a C extension. You can use blocks in C (where the extension is supported).
Apple just happens to have implemented blocks using ObjC types.
Implementation details: Blocks are one of the few ObjC types which may be allocated on the stack using clang. Normally, this is not an option because almost every API expects that an objc_object is a heap allocation which supports reference counting.

What is the biggest advantage of using pointers in ObjectiveC

I realize 99% of you think "what the h***…" But please help me to get my head around the this concept of using pointers. I'm sure my specific question would help lots of newbies.
I understand what pointers ARE and that they are a reference to an adress in memory and that by using the (*) operator you can get the value in that address.
Let's say:
int counter = 10;
int *somePointer = &counter;
Now I have the address in memory of counter, and I can indirectly point to its value by doing this:
int x = *somePointer;
Which makes x = 10, right?
But this is the most basic example, and for this case I could use int x = counter; and get that value, so please explain why pointers really are such an important thing in Objective-C and some other languages... in what case would only a pointer make sense?
Appreciate it.
Objective-C has pointers because it is an evolution of C, which used pointers extensively. The advantage of a pointer in an object-oriented language like Objective-C is that after you create an object, you can pass around a pointer to the object instead of passing around the object itself. In other words, if you have some object that takes up a large amount of storage space, passing around a pointer is a lot more memory-efficient than passing around a copy of the object itself. This may not be noticeable in simple cases when you’re only dealing with primitive types like ints, but when you start dealing with more complex objects the memory and time savings are enormous.
More importantly, pointers make it much easier for different parts of your code to talk to each other. If variables could only be passed to functions “by value” instead of “by reference” (which is what happens when you use pointers), then functions could never alter their inputs. They could only change the state of your program by either returning a value or by changing a global variable—the overuse of which generally leads to sloppy, unorganized code.
Here’s a concrete example. Suppose you have an Objective-C method that will parse a JSON string and return an NSDictionary:
+ (NSDictionary *)parseJsonString:(NSString *)json
error:(NSError **)error;
The method will do the parsing and return an NSDictionary if everything goes okay. But what if there’s some problem with the input string? We want a way to indicate to the user (or at least to the programmer) what happened, so we have a pointer to a pointer to an NSError, which will contain that information. If our method fails (probably returning nil), we can dereference the error parameter to see what went wrong. What we’ve effectively done is to give our method two different kinds of return values: usually, it will return an NSDictionary, but it could also return an NSError.
If you want to read more about this, you may have better luck searching for “pointers in C” rather than “pointers in Objective-C”; pointers are of course used extensively in Objective-C, but all of the underlying machinery is identical to that of C itself.
What is the biggest advantage of using pointers in ObjectiveC
I'd say the biggest advantage is that you can use Objective-C at all - all Objective-C objects are pointers are accessed using pointers (the compiler and the runtime won't let you create objects statically), so you wouldn't get any further without them...
What if I told you to write me a program that would maintain a set of counters, but the number of counters would be entered by the user when he started the program. We code this with an array of integers allocated on the heap.
int *counters = malloc(numOfCounters * sizeof(int));
Malloc works with memory directly, so it by nature returns a pointer. All Objective-C objects are heap-allocated with malloc, so these are always pointers.
What if I told you to write me a function that read a file, and then ran another function when it was done. However, this other function was unknown and would be added by other people, people I didn't even know.
For this we have the "callback". You'd write a function that looked like this:
int ReadAndCallBack(FILE *fileToRead, int numBytes, int whence, void(*callback)(char *));
That last argument is a pointer to a function. When someone calls the function you've written, they do something like this:
void MyDataFunction(char *dataToProcess);
ReadAndCallBack(myFile, 1024, 0, MyDataFunction);
Passing a pointer as a function argument is the most common way of returning multiple values from a function. In the Carbon libraries on OSX, almost all of the library functions return an error status, which poses a problem if a library function has to return something useful to the programmer. So you pass the address where you'd like the function to hand information back to you...
int size = 0;
int error = GetFileSize(afilePath,&size);
If the function call returns an error, it is in error, if there was no error, error will probably be zero and size will contain what we need.
The biggest advantage of pointers in Objective-C, or in any language with dynamic allocation, is that your program can handle more items than the names that you invent in your source code.

What does the Apple documentation mean when it refers to the correct place to include ARC attributes?

When casting around (no pun intended) to clarify when to use __strong in a variable declaration I came across these lines in the Transitioning to ARC Release Notes:
You should decorate variables correctly. When using qualifiers in an object variable declaration, the correct format is:
ClassName * qualifier variableName;
for example:
MyClass * __weak myWeakReference;
MyClass * __unsafe_unretained myUnsafeReference;
Other variants are technically incorrect but are “forgiven” by the compiler. To understand the issue, see http://cdecl.org/.
I suspect this is some sort of in-joke on Apple’s part, but I don’t suppose I get it. It clearly doesn’t matter but I would like to do it right. What is the importance of correctly “decorating” a variable declaration, and what point is cdecl.org trying to make?
Edit: to clarify, I want to understand precisely why writing
qualifier ClassName * variableName;
is "technically incorrect."
So I think I have an answer, but I can’t be sure if I’m correct. Feel free to provide a better one, or comment/upvote if you think I’ve nailed it.
CDecl is a C program which you can download from that same website. It exists to solve problems such as in this question.
Variable declarations in C can be pretty notorious, especially when typedefs are taken into account. There is a good introduction to this over at Unixwiz.net. You’ll find there a helpful introduction that will allow you to read even such monsters as char *(*(**foo [][8])())[]; (foo is array of array of 8 pointer to pointer to function returning pointer to array of pointer to char).
The rule with these is effectively proximity. Consider the simple example
const int * foo
This declares foo as a pointer to a constant int. However,
int * const foo
will declare foo as a constant pointer to an int. The subtle difference is discussed thoroughly in this question. (essentially, in the first example you can make foo point to another constant int, but cannot modify the constant int through foo; in the second, you can modify the int which foo points to, but you can’t make foo point to any other location in memory).
With these ARC attributes, the syntax of using
__strong NSString * myString
would declare myView as a pointer to a “strong” UIView. This is nonsensical. Only pointers to objects can have the attribute of being strong (or weak or whatever) under ARC. Therefore it is good practice to write
NSString * __strong myString
since this is in line with other C keywords.
I did ask myself: what happens under ARC if you declare a strong object pointer to a weak object pointer to, say, an NSString, like so
NSString * __weak * __strong myContrivedPointer;
but the same applies. Nothing but an object pointer can have these keywords. Consequently, it is nonsensical to declare a pointer to a pointer “strong”.

What points to a pointer?

As I understand pointers contain the address of data at another memory location?
When an app is running how is the location of pointers kept track of?
Why bother keeping track of the pointer, why not just directly keep track of address the pointer holds?
Additionally if I have the following code:
NSString *string = #"hello";
string = #"bye";
I am changing the value stored in the pointer named string (is it the pointer that is named string or the NSString object?) to the address of the new string ("bye"), right?
So how would I go about changing directly the object stored at the address held by the pointer?
(Also what is the correct terminology to use where I have used "keep track of"?)
Why bother keeping track of the pointer, why not just directly keep
track of address the pointer holds?
Object references in objective C are actually pointers, so each time you use an object (such as NSString), you use a pointer to it - (NSString *)
I am changing the value stored in the pointer named string (is it the
pointer that is named string or the NSString object?) to the address
of the new string ("bye"), right?
So how would I go about changing directly the object stored at the
address held by the pointer?
In the case of such strings, they are immutable, and you can't change them, in case of other objects, you call their methods, or set their properties.
When an app is running how is the location of pointers kept track of?
Pointers are stored as any other variable; they typically take the same size as an unsigned long, but this is by no means guaranteed, just to give you an idea of how they are implemented. Compilers are free to do a huge variety of optimizations, so the pointers may be stored in memory, they may be stored in registers, or they may exist only as hypothetical entities if they are optimized away.
Consider the following code:
void foo(void) {
char *c;
char buf[100];
for (c=buf; c < buf+100; c++ {
c = '0';
In this case, the variable c is being used to write an ASCII 0 character to every character in the buf array. c may exist only in a register, because it does not live beyond this function. (There are better ways of writing this code.)
Consider the following code:
struct foo {
char name[10];
struct foo *next;
The member next in this case is a pointer to further struct foo objects -- say, a linked list of these things. These pointers must be stored in memory, because they are part of the contract of these objects -- they have to be there. There is no way around these pointers, either -- the objects they point to can be replaced with other objects on the programmer's whim. And, since the number of these objects is determined entirely at runtime, the compiler can't just keep track of the addresses in its symbol tables, as it would for stack-allocated variables.
So how would I go about changing directly the object stored at the address held by the pointer?
This is complicated by your example's use of "foo" strings in the code. These are saved in read-only memory in the process address space, so you cannot modify them. (Surprise!) If you initialize the strings with another method, you can modify the data via the pointer:
char *c = malloc(10);
strcpy(c, "hello");
c[0] = 'H';
printf("c: %s\n", c);
This will overwrite the h with H in the allocated space available via the c pointer. Accessing pointers as if they were arrays is the same re-writing the pointer access like this:
c[0] = 'f';
c+0 = 'f';
And, in fact, array accesses are pretty similar -- the name of the array is the same as a pointer to its first element.
It's a little complicated; the book Expert C Programming covers pointers in astonishing detail and is well worth the money.
Q : So how would I go about changing directly the object stored at the address held by the pointer?
Ans : start using NSMutableString if you want to change the content of memory location pointed by the your string pointer.
NSString is inmutable type ie you can't change the content but you can make the pointer to point somewhere else. "hello" to "bye" in your case.

Why are object variables declared with a star

This may seem like trivial question.
But why is that we have to use the asterisk symbol when declaring object variables
Like, we do
Car * mazda = [[Car alloc] init];
What's the importance of the asterisk, I mean the compiler already knows it's an object, I'm sure the compiler can be trained not to complain about it. But then again by omitting it, I get an error message "statically allocating instance of objective-c class NSObject" What purpose would that serve?
The asterix is a qualifier to the Car variable that you declaring. It means that you are declaring a pointer to a Car rather than declaring a Car itself. The return value of the init function (and the alloc function for that matter) is a pointer to a Car, not a Car itself, therefore this is correct.
With * you declare a pointer. That’s like in C, which is a subset of ObjC. Without the * the variable would be statically allocated which is not possible for ObjC objects (because the size of the object couldn’t be determined at compile time).
Statically allocated variables are used for primitive C types like int or double
int number = 42;
Objective-C requires that all objects are dynamically allocated (i.e. on the heap). The error you're getting indicates that you're trying to create a Car object on the stack. By declaring mazda to be a pointer to Car (Car*) rather than a Car, you satisfy that requirement.
This is effectively a dupe of Why [object doSomething] and not [*object doSomething]?, which has a ton of background information.
The asterix in variable declaration also means the value of the variable will not have a static allocated value. Its a pointer just like the others have said.