This is the entity contains blob type:
public class ImageInfo extends Model {
private Blob image;
$ play -DapplyEvolutions.default=true run
I got errors like the following:
[warn] c.j.b.ConnectionPartition - BoneCP detected an unclosed connection and will now attempt to close it for you. You should be closing this connection in your application - enable connectionWatch for additional debugging assistance.
[error] c.a.e.s.t.r.ImmutableMetaFactory - Was unable to use reflection to find a constructor and appropriate getters forimmutable type interface java.sql.Blob. The errors while looking for the getter methods follow:
[error] c.a.e.s.d.p.DeployCreateProperties - Error with models.ImageInfo field:image
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to use reflection to build ImmutableMeta for interface java.sql.Blob. Associated Errors trying to find a constructor and getter methods have been logged
at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.type.reflect.ImmutableMetaFactory.createImmutableMeta( ~[ebean.jar:na]
at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.type.DefaultTypeManager.recursiveCreateScalarTypes( ~[ebean.jar:na]
at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployCreateProperties.createProp( [ebean.jar:na]
at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployCreateProperties.createProp( [ebean.jar:na]
at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployCreateProperties.createProperties( [ebean.jar:na]
at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.parse.DeployCreateProperties.createProperties( [ebean.jar:na]
How could I make the change so blob type can be recognized?
To create blob with Ebean you need to use byte array with #Lob annotation
public byte[] image;
Most probably you'll need to convert between File <-> byte array, so maybe it's easier to store files in filesystem? (besides storing files in FS is just cheaper than in DB)
If you need special access restrictions, you can use own controller to check permissions and stream the file from disk by path stored in the DB.
I am trying to use an Ice client in an OSGi context. Running the server and a minimal example client in a non-OSGi environment works fine. With the client in an OSGi environment I get the following exception:
reason = "no value factory found and compact format prevents slicing (the sender should use the sliced format instead)"
type = "::MyModule::Knowledge::CMKnowledge"
However, I am not 100% sure, if the OSGi runtime makes a difference here. The Slice file looks like this:
module MyModule{
module Knowledge{
class KnowledgePart{
string value;
class FMKnowledge extends KnowledgePart{}
class CMKnowledge extends KnowledgePart{}
interface IKnowledge{
void sendKnowledge(KnowledgePart knowledge);
FMKnowledge getFMKnowledge();
CMKnowledge getCMKnowledge();
What does this exception mean in this context and how can I fix it? I already tried to set ["format:sliced"] instead of the implicitly used compact format.
The error mean that Ice run-time try to load MyModule.Knowledge.CMKnowledge class but it failed to do so. You must ensure that the class loader used by the application can load MyModule.Knowledge.CMKnowledgeclass.
See also
I need to read the properties which are stated in my one of the .yaml file(eg banner.yaml). These properties should be read in a java class so that they can be accessed and the operation can be performed wisely.
This is my label.yaml file
jcr:primaryType: hippostd:folder
jcr:mixinTypes: ['mix:referenceable']
jcr:uuid: 7ec0e757-373b-465a-9886-d072bb813f58
hippostd:foldertype: [new-resource-bundle, new-untranslated-folder]
jcr:primaryType: hippo:handle
jcr:mixinTypes: ['hippo:named', 'mix:referenceable']
jcr:uuid: 31e4796a-4025-48a5-9a6e-c31ba1fb387e
hippo:name: Global
How should I access the hippo:name property which should return me Global as value in one of the java class ?
Any help will be appreciated.
Create a class which extends BaseHstComponent, which allows you to make use of HST Content Bean's
Create a session Object, for this you need to have valid credentials of your repository.
Session session = repository.login("admin", "admin".toCharArray());
Now, create object of javax.jcr.Node, for this you require relPath to your .yaml file.
In your case it will be /content/documents/administration/labels/global
Node node = session.getRootNode().getNode("content/articles/myarticle");
Now, by using getProperty method you can access the property.
you can refere the link
you can't read a yaml file from within the application. The yaml file is bootstrapped in the repository. The data you show represents a resource bundle. You can access it programmatically using the utility class ResourceBundleUtils#getBundle
Or on a template use . Then you can use keys as normal.
I strongly suggest you follow our tutorials before continuing.
more details here:
When I try to serialize object containing Local date, I get following error:
csv generator does not support object values for properties
I have JSR-310 module enabled, with WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS and I can convert the same object to JSON without problem.
For now I resorted to mapping the object to another, string only object, but it's decadent and wasteful.
Is there a way for Jackson csv mapper to acknowledge localDates? Should I somehow enable JSR-310 specifically for csv mapper?
I had the same problem because of configuring mapper after schema. Make sure you are using the latest verson of jackson and its modules. This code works for me:
final CsvMapper mapper = new CsvMapper();
mapper.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false); //Optional
final CsvSchema schema = mapper.schemaFor(PojoWithLocalDate.class);
// Use this mapper and schema as you need to: get readers, writers etc.
No additional annotations needed in Pojo class.
I would like to know if the tool "wsdl2java" (Axis2) is able to generate stubs that support getting list of custom ojects.
For instance, if I have a WS that have the following method:
public List<Device> getDevices(){
Where Device is a custom class...
This tool can do that?
I changed the return data type of my Web Service to an array because of that:
And I had to do some changes (some namespaces) to the generated stub (I used ADB)...
I changed that because it was giving me an ADBException: Unexpected subelement ...
I want to retrieve a Map from a using JAX-RS (text/xml)
public Map<String,String> getMap(){
but I am getting the error below:
0000001e FlushResultHa E org.apache.wink.server.internal.handlers.FlushResultHandler handleResponse The system could not find a or a DataSourceProvider class for the java.util.HashMap type and application/x-ms-application mediaType. Ensure that a exists in the JAX-RS application for the type and media type specified.
[10:43:52:885 IST 07/02/12] 0000001e RequestProces I org.apache.wink.server.internal.RequestProcessor logException The following error occurred during the invocation of the handlers chain: WebApplicationException (500 - Internal Server Error) with message 'null' while processing GET request sent to http://localhost:9080/jaxrs_module/echo/upload/getSiteNames
The solution I choose is to wrap a Map and use it for the return param.
public class JaxrsMapWrapper {
private Map<String,String> map;
public JaxrsMapWrapper(){
public void setMap(Map<String,String> map) { = map;
public Map<String,String> getMap() {
return map;
and the method signature will go like this
public JaxrsMapWrapper getMap()
Your problem is that the default serialization strategy (use JAXB) means that you can't serialize that map directly. There are two main ways to deal with this.
Write an XmlAdaptor
There are a number of questions on this on SO but the nicest explanation I've seen so far is on the CXF users mailing list from a few years ago. The one tricky bit (since you don't want an extra wrapper element) is that once you've got yourself a type adaptor, you've got to install it using a package-level annotation (on the right package, which might take some effort to figure out). Those are relatively exotic.
Write a custom MessageBodyWriter
It might well be easier to write your own code to do the serialization. To do this, you implement and tag it with #Provider (assuming that you are using an engine that uses that to manage registration; not all do for complex reasons that don't matter too much here). This will let you produce exactly the document you want from any arbitrary type at a cost of more complexity when writing (but at least you won't be having complex JAXB problems). There are many ways to actually generate XML, with which ones to choose between depending on the data to be serialized
Note that if you were streaming the data out rather than assembling everything in memory, you'd have to implement this interface.
Using CXF 2.4.2, it supports returning Map from the api. I use jackson-jaxrs 1.9.6 for serialization.
public interface SurveyParticipationApi {
Map<String,String> getAppParameters();
With CXF 2.7.x use
WebClient.postCollection(Object collection, Class<T> memberClass, Class<T> responseClass)
,like this in your rest client code.
(Map<String, Region>) client.postCollection(regionCodes, String.class,Map.class);
for other collections use WebClient.postAndGetCollection().