Dojo 1.4.2 Tree Grid "expando click" event? persist state? - dojo

Given a DOJO TreeGrid, how can I capture the event when a user clicks the expando ("+") button to expand a row, and store the specific row number or associated item's identifier? I'd like to do this for the express purpose of completely deleting the TreeGrid from the DOM, rebuilding it, and restoring it's state once rebuilt (i.e. programmatically expanding the rows that the user has previously expanded).
So I've got a custom DOJO TreeGrid, hooked up to a custom QueryReadStore, in my app. It was constructed using the following tutorial:
Pretty interesting tutorial, but it might be irrelevant to my question because it doesn't really squash any functionality, it only seems to augment it.
Anyway, googling around for a moment, I found a nice function in the DOJO forums that I can use to programmatically expand a row, given the specific row index. Works perfectly.
The problem is that I haven't been able to find a good way to capture the expando click event, and relate it to a specific "parent item row" index in the grid.
Details aside, I'd like to get the row index of every row that the user has expanded, into an array (and delete the index of a row that the user collapses, obviously), so I can destroy this TreeGrid, and faithfully rebuild it, with the user's selections expanded properly.
I'm not really a novice to DOJO, but I'm certainly no expert by any means. I've done a fair bit of googling, and FireBugging, and haven't really been able to find anything that I can use to do this.
Suggestions? Anybody done something similar before? Stupid question with obvious answer that I've missed? I'm totally misguided and am going about it all wrong? Thanks everybody!

Something similar to this would probably work, this is how the dijit.Tree implementation wouldve looked;
var expandedNodes = {}
dijit.tree._onExpandoClick = function (args /* object wrap for args.node */) {
var treeNode = args.node,
path = treeNode.getTreePath(),
id = treeNode.getIdentity();
expandedNodes[id] = path;
I am not 100% sure im being strictly correct but for the TreeGrid you will have to look through code of dojox/grid/_TreeView.js (link). The _setOpen would be an entrypoint from which you can 'hook' the onclick action. from there, find the expandoCell.openStates hash, this is a true/false variable set, indexed by itemId. This hash is most likely what you need as your state


Vue-good-table set global search value programmatically

I have 2 questions,
How can I set the value of the global search box and trigger the filter programmatically, using java script (basically I want to implement a persistent filter, based on the last user input, as the user navigates in and out of the page), check image below
Considering the Veu devtool component, I can find the vue-good-table Component and its Search subcomponent. And I can see that there is a value propuerty on this subcomponent that has the same value I had typed in the search box.
So my question is if with this information can I have a way to solve my first question, does the information in the Vue devtool can help me figure out the references to that object and value and then set it?
This could be a very useful tool in case I have a similar problem in the future with another component.
Have very little experience with Veu and general searches on how to access data or elements in components has been confusing, I just understand the properties and events to pass data, but in this case this is an imported component, so I can not hack it.
Thanks #tao, I read the docs before but skipped noticing this property
This is the one that solves the problem, you can link a variable to the search item and I then use your own text input box to implement the solution.

How to simplify custom multi checkbox component

I have strange (at least to me) problem with multiple checkboxes with v-model. When using multiple checkboxes that are v-model'ed to one property then normal array is produced which is done with code below:
input.form-check-input(type=“checkbox” name=“checkbox” v-model=“methodology” value=“issue tracking tool”)
label.form-check-label issue tracking tool
However, when I try to move it to Single File Component I had to copy some magical tricks from Vue.js forum to make it work. I still suspect that there must be easier way to achieve it. I can’t imagine that it wasn’t solved with simple solutions since it’s quite a common pattern (checkbox in a component - nothing exotic, right?). Any help appreciated!
Here is the working jsfiddle - please have in mind that there is no errors. I just want to know if that really has to be that complicated.
The answer is, no. You may be able to do this magic differently, but it needs to be done.
Vue has to do magic behind the scenes for checkbox because unlike all the other inputs, which have a single item that gets updated, the checkbox has to manage whether the a value is in an array. This means that the listeners and values have to be patched between the wrapper and input.

Vuejs directive masonry detect prepend to array and redraw properly

I am using the vue-masonry plugin which let me create a masonry grid easily.
I created a system of infinite loading where you scroll to the bottom of the page and it append new pictures to an array binded with the vue-masonry plugin.
The problem happen when I created a system of polling for the new pictures that were upoaded by other users. Those new pictures need to be at the top of the masonry grid.
The plugin use two Vue Directive masonry (parent) and masonryTile (element). masonryTile has a v-for which loop through the array binded with my Vue instance (which does all the heavy lifting, preloading, sanityzing, etc...).
Is there a way in the directives to know the differences between something being appended or prepended? And try to react differently (I know masonry has some append/prepend method) but in here and with this plugin, the items where already added (at the beginning so the prepend works with Vue) but there's no masonry interaction nor redraw (I tried to use the prototype to trigger the redraw this.$redrawVueMasonry();).
So I don't know what's next to do. Continue finding a way to differentiate a prepend from a append and trying to bind it to the respective masonry's methods ? Or another method that I didn't think of...
Thanks in advance for you help
Ps : I don't think my code is really relevant since It's more a way to optimize the plugin. If you want some specific part of my code anymay, tell me in the comment !
This probably comes a bit too late, this being a 10 month old question.
However vue-masonry is able to handle situations where items are spliced anywhere in the array. But to properly update the grid this.$redrawVueMasonry() should be called inside this.$nextTick() like this:
this.$nextTick(() => this.$redrawVueMasonry());
Hope this helps, if not the original poster, someone else.

Aurelia: router without losing state

Here is my problem:
I typically have a paginated datagrid with a lot of rows. I want to be able to edit the data for each row of course but I have 2 constraints on this:
I need the edition form to replace the content of the page (I don't want a popup, modal dialog or side panel)
I don't want to lose the state of the datagrid: maybe I navigated down 5 pages in the datagrid and I don't want to be reloaded on the first page. And actually, I'd rather not reload the data I already had (the edited data will be updated automatically by my persistence layer anyway).
Ideally, I would have liked to have some kind of subrouter but I'm not sure how it would fit the first requirement. Otherwise, I could have a component that would be hidden by default and positions itself on top of the datagrid view when necessary but that feels quite hacky and forces me to have everything in the same template. And I will have to handle a stack of these components if I have several different 'full-screen panel'...
Any idea on a correct way to implement this?
I tried different solutions to no avail unfortunately. I had a long discussion with #Kukks on gitter and we agreed that using subrouters and viewports might be a bit overkill for my use case.
I reverted to my original idea of using absolutely positioned components to hide the previous one in a kind of "deck layout". This is not ideal as I would have liked completely separated views and using components forces me to declare them in the main view but it works well and is very easy to implement...
So: not as clean as I would have liked but much easier to implement and less convoluted.
Consider using Router View Ports

Dojo DND creating multiple items

I got a question to which I have no answer after a couple of hours of trying and googling :(
I've created three dojo.dnd.Source components. It is used to couple a user to a project so to the left I've got projects and to the right I've got my users and in the center I got a canvas. I set up the relevant creators and checkacceptance functions and all is well.
Onto the center canvas a user can drop a project which is shown as a div containing all related users as div elements. The other dndtype that can be dropped is the user type, in that case I want to empty the canvas and show all projects to which te dropped user is related. As soon as I drop a project or user on the canvas the creator function is called. The problem is that the creator function returns 1 element that should be dropped, if I drop a user I need to draw several elements onto the canvas so the creator method isn't fully covering this since it returns only one element.
To cope with the default behaviour I tried to manually add projects to the canvas and returning only one, I know it ain't pretty :S It's working but I'm confronted with strange behaviour, if I move a project on the canvas it is treated as a user in stead of a project.
Bottom line, is there a way that you guys know of to drop one item and create multiple. I was searching to trigger the drop event myself but to no avail.
The event you are looking for is Source's onDrop event. Check the API docs for some more events you could use: there is a onDropExternal and onDropInternal for use inside and between Stores.
require(["dojo/dnd/Source"], function(Source){
var source = new Source({
onDrop = function(source, nodes, copy) {
//called only on the current target, when drop is performed
this.inherited(arguments); //execute the default onDrop function
//now add the node(s) to the other stores here
//you might be able to just do something like:
source2.insertNodes(nodes);//but this is untested ;)