I'm in rails 3.2.2
I'm trying to create a new perfil inside a persons_controller
Models symplify:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :perfil, :foreign_key=>'perfil_id'
class Perfil < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :person
I created ad_perfil inside persons_controller
def ad_perfil
#person = Person.find(params[:id])
#perfil = Perfil.new
and I supused 2 ways:
1) using f.submit
<%= #person.nombre %>
<%= form_for(#perfil) do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :nombre %><br />
<%= f.text_field :nombre %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
this redirect me to create to perfils_controller and there I can't get #persona:
def create
#perfil = Perfil.new(params[:perfil])
#person = Person.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
if #perfil.save
format.html { redirect_to #perfil, notice: 'Perfil was successfully created.' }
format.json { render json: #perfil, status: :created, location: #perfil }
#person.perfil_id = #perfil.id
2) I created a new def in persons_controller:
def new_perf
#perfil = Perfil.new(params[:perfil])
#person = Person.find(params[:id])
if #perfil.save
#person.perfil = #perfil
redirect_to #person
and I tryed change f.submit for:
<td><%= link_to 'New Perfil', :action => "new_perf", :id=> #person.id %></td>
and it created a new perfil without any field and of course don save perfil.id inside #person.perfil_id.
Is possible that I'm trying? Is there any other methods? I guess that will be more easy puting perfil.person_id instead person.perfil_id but I want access to person.perfil later.
I hope you understand me, and maybe I don't understand "submit" very well. any suggestions? thanks!
So I'm trying to set a name attribute of organizations and create a new organization or choose from a previously existing organization from the same form.
I've tried to follow Ryan Bates' railscast on the topic here: http://railscasts.com/episodes/57-create-model-through-text-field
I have also tried numerous solutions from stack. However, I can't quite seem to get it to run (that and I have a validation that does not recognize the virtual attribute I'm using)
so my organizations model:
class Organization < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :materials
has_many :users
has_and_belongs_to_many :causes
has_and_belongs_to_many :schools, :join_table => 'organizations_schools'
####The following line has been edited ####
attr_accessible :name, :unlogged_books_num, :id, :new_organization_name
attr_accessor :new_organization_name
before_validation :create_org_from_name
validates_presence_of :name
def self.assign_school_to_organization(org, school)
orgschool = OrganizationsSchool.create(:organization_id=> org.id, :school_id=> school[0])
def create_org_from_name
create_organization(:name=>new_organization_name) unless new_organization_name.blank?
I have also tried the create_org_from_name as the following:
def create_org_from_name
self.name = new_organization_name
And this does not change the name to the organization name before validating or saving the instance.
I have also tried to change the before_save to before_validation, and that has not worked
My controller for organization (I also tried to change this in create)
def create
respond_to do |format|
#organization = Organization.new(params[:organization])
#organization.name = #organization.new_organization_name unless #organization.new_organization_name.blank?
if #organization.save
#school = params[:school]
Organization.assign_school_to_organization(#organization, #school)
format.html { redirect_to #organization, notice: 'Organization was successfully created.' }
format.json { render json: #organization, status: :created, location: #organization }
format.html { render action: "new" }
format.json { render json: #organization.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
And finally, I have what my form is doing currently:
<%= form_for(#organization) do |f| %>
<% if #organization.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(#organization.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this organization from being saved:</h2>
<% #organization.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% #schools = School.all %>
<% #organizations = Organization.all %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label 'Organization Name' %><br />
<%= f.collection_select(:name, #organizations, :name, :name, :prompt=>"Existing Organization") %>
Or Create New
<%= f.text_field :new_organization_name %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :unlogged_books_num %><br />
<%= f.number_field :unlogged_books_num %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label 'School' %><br />
<% school_id = nil %>
<%= collection_select(:school, school_id, #schools, :id, :name) %>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
So currently, when I try to make an organization with something only written in the virtual text field, My log tells me the following:
Processing by OrganizationsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"igoefz8Rwm/RHrHLTXQnG48ygTGLydZrzP4gEJOPbF0=", "organization"=> {"name"=>"", "new_organization_name"=>"Virtual Organization", "unlogged_books_num"=>""}, "school"=>["1"], "commit"=>"Create Organization"}
Rendered organizations/_form.html.erb (7.1ms)
Rendered organizations/new.html.erb within layouts/application (8.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 17ms (Views: 12.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)
================================EDIT 2============================================
So this is what I get from the rails console if I try to create a new organization running this command: Organization.create(:new_organization_name=>"Virtual Organization", :unlogged_books_num=>"3")
irb(main):001:0> Organization.create(:new_organization_name=>"Virtual Organization", :unlogged_books_num=>"3")
(0.1ms) BEGIN
(0.1ms) ROLLBACK
=> #<Organization id: nil, name: nil, unlogged_books_num: 3, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
If the function of create_org_from_name is self.name = new_organization_name, then the result of the same command from the console is blank:
irb(main):002:1> Organization.create(:new_organization_name=>"Virtual Organization", :unlogged_books_num=>"3")
You need:
before_validation :create_org_from_name
def create_org_from_name
self.name = new_organization_name if not new_organization_name.blank?
You don't want to do a create in your before_validation method.
I have the following model:
class Contact
attr_accessor :name, :emails, :message
def initialize(attrs = {})
attrs.each do |k, v|
self.send "#{k}=", v
def persisted?
I am calling to a contact form in my view like so:
<div class="email_form">
<%= render 'form' %>
Here is the controller:
class ShareController < ApplicationController
layout "marketing_2013"
respond_to :html, :js
def index
#contact = Contact.new
Here is the Form:
<%= form_for(#contact) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :name, "Your Name" %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<%= f.label :text, "Send to (separate emails with a comma)" %>
<%= f.text_field :emails %>
<%= f.label :message, "Email Text" %>
<%= f.text_area :message %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
For some reason I keep getting this error:
undefined method model_name for Contact:Class
Any reason why what I have currently wouldn't work?
Besides the correct route in your config/routes.rb, you will also need these two instructions on your model:
include ActiveModel::Conversion
extend ActiveModel::Naming
Take a look at this question: form_for without ActiveRecord, form action not updating.
For the route part of these answer, you could add this to your config/routes.rb:
resources :contacts, only: 'create'
This will generate de following route:
contacts POST /contacts(.:format) contacts#create
Then you can use this action (contacts#create) to handle the form submission.
add include ActiveModel::Model to your Contact file
your route probably doesn't go where you think it's going and therefore #contact is probably nill
run "rake routes" and check the new path.. if you are using defaults, the route is
new_contact_path.. and the erb should be in file: app/views/contacts/new.html.erb
def new
#contact = Contact.new
I have watched the railscasts on Pagination with AJAX. I am trying to duplicate his method using a nested model. I seem to be confused because i don't have a view for the child model or a fully integrated controller.
Assume the Product has_many Comments. How can I do the same pagination using will_paginate on comments within a product view?
Here is most of my attempt (my attempt actually uses kaminari but it's basically the same as will_pagenate):
<div id="comments">
<% comments.each do |comment| %>
<%= f.fields_for :comments, comments do |comment_builder| %>
<%= render 'products/comments/field', f: comment_builder %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= paginate comments %>
<%= f.hidden_field :_id, :value => f.object._id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :_destroy %>
<%= f.object.text %>
<%= link_to "remove", '#', class: "remove_field" %>
$("#comments").html("j render("products/comments/index")) %>");
$('.pagination a').live
click: ->
$(".pagination").html("Page is loading...")
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :get_product
def index
#comments = #product.comments.desc(:created_at).page(params[:page]).per(10)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.json { render json: #comments }
def get_product
#product = Product.find(params[:product_id]) if params[:product_id]
redirect_to root_path unless defined?(#product)
views/products/show.html.erb (an excerpt)
<%= render "products/comments/index", f: f, comments: #comments%>
def show
#product = Product.find(params[:id])
#comments = #product.comments.desc(:created_at).page(params[:page]).per(1)
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.json { render json: #product }
view/products/comments/_index.js.erb never gets called. Also is there a more rails-like way of doing this?
I'm rather new to Rails and I'm writing a signup form that includes nested models. When I submit the form, the user is saved just fine, but the nested model does not save anything to the Subscription db, and the console throws no errors.
I sincerely hope I'm not missing something insanely obvious, and I appreciate any tips you can share. Thanks!
Here is the code-
class Plan < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :posts, :name, :price
has_many :users
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :plan
has_many :events
has_one :subscription, :autosave => true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :subscription
attr_accessible :subscription_attributes
def save_with_payment
if valid?
customer = Stripe::Customer.create(
plan: plan_id,
card: stripe_card_token )
self.stripe_customer_token = customer.id
rescue Stripe::InvalidRequestError => e
logger.error "Stripe error while creating customer: #{e.message}"
errors.add :base, "There was a problem with your credit card."
class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :plan_id, :status, :user_id
belongs_to :user
This is the User controller:
def new
#user = User.new
plan = Plan.find(params[:plan_id])
#user = plan.user
def create
#user = User.new(params[:user])
if #user.save_with_payment
sign_in #user
flash[:success] = "Welcome to the SendEvent!"
redirect_to #user
render 'new'
This is the form:
<%= form_for #user, :html => {:class => "form-inline"} do |f| %>
<%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>
<div class="control-group">
<%= f.label :name, :class => "control-label" %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
# A few more fields here and...
# The nested model:
<%= f.fields_for :subscription do |builder| %>
<%= builder.hidden_field :status, :value => true %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Create my account", class: "btn btn-large btn-primary", id: "submitacct" %>
<% end %>
Sample app from RailsCasts
RailsCasts Episode #196: Nested Model Form (revised)
Maybe help you.
I have a project that contains projects that have todos that have tasks. When I try to create a new task, I get this error when I submit:
No route matches [POST] "/projects/1/todos/19/tasks/new"
Here is my form:
<%= form_for [#todo, #todo.tasks.new], :url => new_project_todo_task_path(#project, #todo) do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :description, "Description" %><br />
<%= f.text_area :description %>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit %> or <%= link_to "Cancel", "#", :id => "cancel_new_task_link" %>
<% end %>
Here is my controller:
class TasksController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticated?
before_filter :get_project_and_todo
respond_to :html, :xml, :json, :js
def new
#task = #todo.tasks.new
def create
#task = #todo.tasks.new(params[:task])
if #task.save
respond_with #todo, :location => project_todo_path(#project, #todo)
render "new"
def get_project_and_todo
#project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
#todo = #project.todos.find(params[:todo_id])
Here are my routes:
resources :projects do
resources :todos do
resources :tasks
Your URL should not be new_project_todo_task_path(#project, #todo). You don't need to specify the URL here as Rails will imply it from the parameters passed in to form_for.
If the final object is a new object and not persisted in the database then it will make a POST request to, in this case, /projects/:project_id/todos. You're declaring in your example that you want to make a POST request to /projects/:project_id/todos/new, for which there is no POST route and that is why it's failing.