App page tab geting 404 on good url - facebook-apps

I created an app (id:155124624522900 -
And it is supposed to work as page server for Business Pages (as a tab)
But I get this code when trying to access from my debug app:
App Temporarily Unavailable The URL
The URL returned a 404 Not Found error.
Still, the url is good! I wonder what is happening.
I am serving from Play Framework on Heroku.
it may be related to some trailing slash issue on the uri, still I changed and it didn't help.

Is your app redirecting when Facebook sends the POST request? this can happen if your URLs in Facebook's settings are setup without the trailing '/'
Also, check your index file allows POST requests - i'm not sure if heroku have any such restrictions but many other servers won't allow POST requests to some URLs


Getting mixed-content errors even though I’m only using https URLs

I'm having the SSL warning messages all over my website after switching to SSL for several assets:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS,
but requested an insecure script ''. This
request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I checked the page source, every single script/css is requested over https.
I even checked the dynamically created html by using the code inspector.
I disabled Javascript in case a script was loading these assets dynamically.
None of these things showed a single http:// request. I'm out of ideas to try and find what is causing this. Any ideas or suggestions?
When seeing a mixed-content message about a (non-https) URL that doesn’t actually appear anywhere in your sources, the basic strategy to follow is:
Replace the http in the URL with https and put that into the address bar in your browser:
If your browser redirects from that URL back to (non-https), then you’ve found the cause: isn’t actually available from an https URL, and ends up getting served from a http URL even though your source is requesting the https URL.
My 2 cents regarding this issue.
I have a project hosted on one domain that works flawlessly.
I need to make it international so I am cloning the master branch to a new branch, making some necessary text changes and deploying new site (new domain) with code from the new branch.
Everything works fine, except 1 ajax call (api route) that gets blocked due to Mixed content.
First things first, I checked these 3 things:
I check in the Network tab in dev tools and it is actually loaded through https.
I open the file directly in browser and it is https.
I try to open it as http:// and it automatically redirects to https://
This is very strange because the 2 domains are both using Cloudflare and their backend setup is identical, the code is the same (only text changes for the new one) yet for the new setup there is console error for 1 specific api route, an all others (some 20+ ajax requests across the page) work just fine. They are even using the same function to make the Ajax request, so it is definitely not a configuration error.
After doing some investigation I found out the issue:
The call that was 'buggy' was ending in /. For example, all other calls were made to:
And this particular one was making requests to
The slash at the end was making it fail with mixed content issue. I am not sure why this is causing issue and how it isn't an issue on the original site (since there the same ajax call works just fine), but it definitely fixed my issue.
If I figure out what caused the / to fail so miserably, I will post an update.

Has google changed crawlers in a way that could lead to the 404 growth?

Since yesterday i'm seeing growing number of 404 errors on our website. It is very strange because we don't have those pages which are reported as missing. Also we didn't released any code changes on that day.
Google Webmaster tool is reporting those errors, but when I look into the pages which are linking to the missing urls - there is no a such links. Could this be a Google Crawlers issue?
404 URL:
Linked from:
It seems that You have CORS issues doing cross-domain javascript.
is saying that
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.

React Router + AWS Backend, how to SEO

I am using React and React Router in my single page web application. Since I'm doing client side rendering, I'd like to serve all of my static files (HTML, CSS, JS) with a CDN. I'm using Amazon S3 to host the files and Amazon CloudFront as the CDN.
When the user requests /css/styles.css, the file exists so S3 serves it.
When the user requests /foo/bar, this is a dynamic URL so S3 adds a hashbang: /#!/foo/bar. This will serve index.html. On my client side I remove the hashbang so my URLs are pretty.
This all works great for 100% of my users.
All static files are served through a CDN
A dynamic URL will be routed to /#!/{...} which serves index.html (my single page application)
My client side removes the hashbang so the URLs are pretty again
The problem
The problem is that Google won't crawl my website. Here's why:
Google requests /
They see a bunch of links, e.g. to /foo/bar
Google requests /foo/bar
They get redirected to /#!/foo/bar (302 Found)
They remove the hashbang and request /
Why is the hashbang being removed? My app works great for 100% of my users so why do I need to redesign it in such a way just to get Google to crawl it properly? It's 2016, just follow the hashbang...
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to get S3 to serve index.html when it doesn't recognize the path?
Setting up a node server to handle these paths isn't the correct solution because that defeats the entire purpose of having a CDN.
In this thread Michael Jackson, top contributor to React Router, says "Thankfully hashbang is no longer in widespread use." How would you change my set up to not use the hashbang?
You can also check out this trick. You need to setup cloudfront distribution and then alter 404 behaviour in "Error Pages" section of your distribution. That way you can again links :)
I know this has been a few months old, but for anyone that came across the same problem, you can simply specify "index.html" as the error document in S3. Error document property can be found under bucket Properties => static Website Hosting => Enable website hosting.
Please keep in mind that, taking this approach means you will be responsible for handling Http errors like 404 in your own application along with other http errors.
The Hash bang is not recommended when you want to make SEO friendly website, even if its indexed in Google, the page will display only a little and thin content.
The best way to do your website is by using the latest trend and techniques which is "Progressive web enhancement" search for it on Google and you will find many articles about it.
Mainly you should do a separate link for each page, and when the user clicks on any page he will be redirected to this page using any effect you want or even if it single page website.
In this case, Google will have a unique link for each page and the user will have the fancy effect and the great UX.
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Heroku: Python Flask app - automatically redirecting from https to http

I'm writing an app for Facebook, which needs to be secure. The initial page,, loads perfectly fine.
However when I click a link to, Chrome complains that the app is trying to load from an insecure source. I get the following message in the console:
"[blocked] The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from '': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS."
Now the link is an absolute URL with the https prefix, yet apparently the page is trying to load from the http version.
I visited the domain itself and checked the Network tab in the Chrome console to see what was happening. The following happens:
The GET to is a 301, moved permanently.
This then redirects to
As far as I can tell, there is nothing in my python code to make this happen, so I suspect some feature of Heroku is causing this, but I haven't been able to find anyone else with this problem.
As a side note, I used Flask-SSLify to add a redirect back to the https version. This redirect works, but Chrome still blocks the page because it passes through the insecure version.
I feel so stupid for working this out five minutes after posting the question, but it is a little obscure.
It turns out the problem was that the page I was attempting to reach was "" with the trailing slash.
"" redirects to "".
I don't know why the protocol isn't preserved by this redirect, it may be either Flask or Heroku, though I suspect it is Flask. Regardless it seems like a bug.
Hope this winds up helping somebody else.

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

I've been looking for this answer and the other pages didn't help me.
I'm trying to use the google drive api for php. I am trying to test on my local environment and receive this error.
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob did not match a registered redirect URI
Request Details
Here is the page for the api:
The url is in
What am I doing wrong?
Looks like the current Google OAuth2 integration requires enabling
Contacts API
Google+ API
from the Google Developers Console for the associated Project. In my log I noticed errors liek 403, Access Not Configured. Please use ....
The redirect URI (where the response is returned to) has to be correct and exactly as you registered in the APIs console, and the error is indicating that you haven't done that or you haven't done it correctly.
To get the redirect URI from console:
Go to the console for your project and look under API Access.
Open Credentials section (in left side)
You should see your client ID & secret there, along with there is a
list of redirect URIs. If you want to change it or it was wrong,
click edit settings and modify.
Even if your redirect uri is properly set in the console, a lot of times, when you've recently changed settings in the google dev console, it will still tell you there's a redirect mismatch. It's a surprisingly common occurrence.
You can try...
Waiting; some have had luck with this, indicating that google takes some amount of time to register recent changes.
If you don't mind reconfiguring your app, creating a new client id in the google dev console tends to fix this problem with consistent results.