Database connectivity through ADO.Net in VB2010 express -

Can anyone give me the source code to add database connectivity in VB2010 express through ADO.Net. Including all the commands to add, update, delete, retrieve and modify the database fields. It would be really helpful if anyone can provide me with a small prototype working model with the source code.

ADO.NET is more or less SQL query based. So for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Operations have a look at the SQL-Language (the query syntax might have some smalle differences depending on the database you're using).
The connection uses the specialized provider entities implementing the IDbConnection, IDbCommand, IDbDataAdapter, IDbDataParameter and IDbTransaction Interfaces from the System.Data Namespace.
There are different Database Providers (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, mySQl, OleDb, ODBC etc.). Some of them are natively supported by the .NET Framework (MSSQL=System.Data.SqlClient Namespace, OleDb=System.Data.OleDb, ODBC=System.Data.Odbc Namespace) while others must be added through external libraries (you can also write your own database provider if you like).
With the IDBCommand Objects (e.g. the System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand object) you can define your SQL Commands.
Here is a small sample snippet which might help:
Public Class Form1
Sub DBTest()
'** Values to store the database values in
Dim col1 As String = "", col2 As String = ""
'** Open a connection (change the connectionstring to an appropriate value
'** for your database or load it from a config file)
Using conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("YourConnectionString")
'** Open the connection
'** Create a Command object
Using cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
'** Set the command text (=> SQL Query)
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ID, Col1, Col2 FROM YourTable WHERE ID = #ID"
'** Add parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 100 '** Change to variable
'** Execute the value and get the reader object, since we are trying to
'** get a result from the query, for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE use
'** "ExecuteNonQuery" method which returns an Integer
Using reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
'** Check if the result has returned som results and read the first record
'** If you have multiple records execute the Read() method until it returns false
If reader.HasRows AndAlso reader.Read() Then
'** Read the values of the current columns
col1 = reader("col1")
col2 = reader("col2")
End If
End Using
End Using
Debug.Print("Col1={0},Col2={1}", col1, col2)
'** Close the connection
End Using
End Sub
End Class


Additional information: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.

Dim cat As New Catalog()
Dim con As New OleDbConnection()
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim ds1 As New DataSet
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
' Open the Access database.
conn = New Connection
conn.ConnectionString =
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" &
"Data Source=" + openExcel + "\Test" + ".mdb; Persist Security Info=False"
con.ConnectionString =
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" &
"Data Source=" + openExcel + "\Test" + ".mdb; Persist Security Info=False"
Dim cellValue As String = ""
Dim newValue As String = ""
Dim sh1 As String = ""
Dim qty As String = ""
Dim matchText As String = ""
Dim sql As String = ""
sh1 = LTrim$(xlWorkSheet1.Cells(i, 1).Text)
sql = "SELECT Num_ber, Q_ty FROM good WHERE Na_me LIKE 'staff%' And Ty_pe = 'ORD'"
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(sql, con)
Dim myReader As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() ' HERE'S THE PROBLEM
xlWorkSheet1.Cells(1, 5) = myReader.GetString(0)
xlWorkSheet1.Cells(1, 11) = myReader.GetString(1)
conn = Nothing
**I wanted to retrieve a specific value from mdb and then write it to excel.
Here's my code, I got this error so many times and I can't find it out. Can anybody help me? Thanks.**
Ok, you first have to decide when usng .net what "provider" you are going to use, AND THEN decide what kind of data objects you want to use.
You can use a oracle provider, a sql server provider, or in this case, since we using Access, then we can use EITHER oleDB, or ODBC. Either choice is fine. Most use oleDB providers for Access, but often ODBC is a good choice, especially if down the road you plane to swap out Access for say SQL server.
What the above means in plain English?
You don't want to adopt the external ADODB code and library. That code is NOT .net, and thus you REALLY but REALLY do not want to write your .net code that way. ADODB was written LONG before .net, and is what we call un-managed code (non .net). I strong, but strong suggest you do NOT add a reference to ADODB to your project, and I beyond strong recommend you avoid introduction of a non .net library for doing this!!! We certainly can adopt the oleDB provider in .net, but we will NOT have a direct reference to JET/ACE (the access database engine) in our applcation. As noted, there are some exceptions to this suggesting, but they don't apply to you and here.
Next up:
The design pattern in .net is to create the connection, get the data, and CLOSE the connection. This "pattern" will then be 100% sure that the data base is always closed, and you NEVER have to worry about if the connection is open, closed, or even if you forgot to close the connection!!! So, do this correct, and some "open" connection will never bite you, or will you have to worry about this issue.
You can in some operations keep the connection open for performance, but lets learn to walk before we run so to speak.
next up:
We certainly do NOT want to place and have connection strings all over in our code. Not only is this going to wear out your keyboard, but if you ever need to change the connection, then you going to have to hunt down all that code.
Best to let Visual Studio save that connection in ONE location, and MORE important MANAGE this for you!!!
Next up:
Do you ONLY need to work with mdb files, or do you plan/need to work with accDB files? This is a HUGE issue, and one that you cannot ignore.
next up:
Are you going to use the x32 bit version of the Access database system, or the x64 bit version?
Since your example posted code uses JET (access data engine for mdb files ONLY x32 bit version)?
Then this ALSO means you MUST (and I repeat MUST) force your .net project to run as x32 bits. You cannot use "any cpu", and you cannot use x64 bits, you MUST choose x86 bit size for your .net project. Failure to do so will result in the project not working.
Ok, with the above information?
First up, force/set/be 100% sure your project is set to run as x32 bits.
That setting is this one:
and remove the reference you have to ADO if you created one.
next up:
Create the connection to the database.
Project ->properties.
This here:
And then:
and then
Now, you can browse, and select the access mdb file.
But, you MUST not skip the next step - you have to choose JET (older, mdb files), or choose the newer ACE (for accDB format files).
So, this:
now this:
As noted, you choose JET or ACE here.
now, we have this and you can use test connection.
BUT BE VERY careful!!!!
If you are using vs2022, then keep in mind vs2022 is the FIRST version of VS that is now x64 bits. As a result, vs can't pass the test connection!!! Your connection is in fact ok, but will fail with vs2022.
If you using a previous version of VS (before 2022), then the test connection button should work. and you see this:
Ok, now that we have a valid working conneciton setup, we can now write code, and we will NOT use ADODB!!!!
The typical code pattern to read and load a data table (like a access VBA recordset) will be like this:
Now, I became RATHER tired of writing that same using block over and over. So, in a global module, I have this code now:
Public Function MyRst(strSQL As String) As DataTable
Dim rstData As New DataTable
Using conn As New OleDbConnection(My.Settings.AccessDB)
Using cmdSQL As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, conn)
End Using
End Using
Return rstData
End Function
So, now with the above handy dandy helper routine?
Your code becomes this:
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim Sql As String =
"SELECT Num_ber, Q_ty FROM good WHERE Na_me LIKE 'staff%' And Ty_pe = 'ORD'"
Dim rstData As DataTable = MyRst(Sql)
Debug.Print("Na_me is " & rstData.Rows(0).Item("Na_me"))
End Sub
Or, display all return rows from that data table
Debug.Print("Na_me is " & rstData.Rows(0).Item("Na_me"))
For Each OneRow As DataRow In rstData.Rows
Debug.Print("na_me = " & OneRow("Na_me"))
So, you really don't need (or want) a reader anyway. Just load the results into a nice clean, easy to use data table, and from that you can loop the table, grab rows, or do whatever you want.

Read Value from Database in TextBox when Combobox text changes VB.NET

I have a list of Users Names in ComboBox and Some TextBoxes. When ComboBox text changes (i.e I select some username from ComboBox), The TextBoxes are filled with user details from the database.
I have code to achieve this in SQL Database. But these queries are not working with MsAccess database.
MysqlConn = New MySqlConnection
Mysql.ConnectionString = "server=localhost;user=root;password=root;database=database"
Dim READER As MySqlDataReader
Dim Query As String
Query("select * from database.usernames where name='" & ComboBox1.Text & "'")
Command = New MySqlCommand(Query, MysqlConn)
READER = Command.ExecuteReader
While READER.Read
TextBox1.Text = READER.GetString("name")
End While
End Try
Here is my answer. Please don't get overwhelmed by it. ;)
Broken code
First of all, as I see it, the code you provided cannot work at all, because:
your Query variable is initialized in an invalid (or at least a very exotic) way. You probably want to use something like:
Dim Query As String
Query = "select * from database.usernames where name='" & ComboBox1.Text & "'"
or in a single line:
Dim Query As String = "select * from database.usernames where name='" & ComboBox1.Text & "'"
you try to assign the connection string to the ConnectionString property of a nonexistent Mysql variable. Or the variable exists because it is declared somewhere else, which might be a bug in your code snippet here. But I assume you want to assign the connection string to the MysqlConn.ConnectionString property instead.
you have not declared the MysqlConn and Command variables anywhere. You only just assign to them. (I will simply assume you have declared the variables correctly somewhere else in your code...)
the IDataRecord interface does not provide a GetString(name As String) method overload. So unless you have defined a custom extension method for it, you probably need to use the IDataRecord.GetOrdinal(name As String) method as well, or use the column index instead of the column name.
Anyway, the code you provided uses MySQL. So I assume that MySQL is the "SQL Database" you are using successfully. And that seems to work, as you say? Well... Hmmm... Then I will simply assume your code snippet is completely correct and works perfectly with MySQL... :/
MS Access vs. MySQL
Using MS Access requires other data access classes (probably the ones in namespace System.Data.OleDb) and another connection string. You could take a look at this ADO.NET OleDb example for MS Access in the Microsoft documentation.
You probably even have to update your SQL query, because every database system uses its own SQL dialect. You might want to consult the Office documentation for that. But your query is quite simple, so perhaps all you have to do to make it work with MS Access is:
remove the database name and use only the table name, and
delimit the name identifier (since it is a reserved keyword in MS Access).
I personally delimit all identifiers in my SQL queries, just to avoid unintended conflicts with reserved keywords. So I would personally use something like this:
select * from [usernames] where [name] = '...'
Additional tips
Also, I would like to provide you some additional (unrelated) tips regarding improving your code:
Use Using-statements with variables of an IDisposable type as much as possible. Those types/classes do not implement that interface if there isn't a good reason for it, so I consider it not unimportant to call Dispose when you are done with such disposable objects (or using a Using statement to call Dispose implicitly).
Use SQL parameters (if possible) to avoid SQL injection vulnerabilities. Look at this StackOverflow question and its answer for an example of how to use SQL parameters with MS Access.
You may take a look at the following code snippet. It might not provide a working example out-of-the-box, but you might get some useful/practical ideas from it:
Dim connectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\Data\\database.mdb;User Id=admin;Password="
Dim query As String = "select * from [usernames] where [name] = #Name"
Using conn As New OleDbConnection(connectionString)
Using command As New OleDbCommand(query)
command.Parameters.Add("#Name", OleDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = ComboBox1.Text
Using reader As OleDbDataReader = command.ExecuteReader
If reader.Read Then
textbox1.Text = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("name"))
End If
End Using
End Using
End Using

Do columns need to match exactly when using dataadapter.update

I'm working on a project to import data from a Microsoft Access database into a blank MS-SQL database. The structure of the table in Access (VM) does not match up exactly with the table in MS-SQL (vlVerticalMarketing).
AccessTable VM SQLTable vlVerticalMarketing
ID (autonumber) VMID (PK, identity)
VM VerticalMarketing
Deleted (required)
Archive (required)
Other non-required fields
I'm filling the Access data into a DataTable DT using the following query:
select VM as VerticalMarketing, 0 as Deleted, 0 as Archive from VM where VM is not null
Then I change the name of the DataTable using:
DT.TableName = "vlVerticalMarketing"
From there, I pass the DataTable into a class function.
Public Function CopyFromDataTable(ByVal sourceDT As DataTable, ByVal TableName As String) As Boolean
Dim DA As New SqlDataAdapter("select VerticalMarketing, Deleted, Archive from " & TableName, Me.DBConn)
Dim CB = New SqlCommandBuilder(DA)
CB.QuotePrefix = "["
CB.QuoteSuffix = "]"
DA.InsertCommand = CB.GetInsertCommand(True)
Dim destDT = sourceDT.Copy()
OpenDB is a class method that I use for other things and I know is good. It sets the connection string and creates DBConn as a SqlConnection object. The rest is standard VB.Net. Everything runs without error. Both sourceDT and destDT have data in them (viewed through the DataSet Visualizer while debugging). The problem is that no data gets passed out to the SQL database.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong that is causing the SQL database not to receive the data.
i think the problem is that the rows in destDt don't have RowState.Added when you call Update on the DataAdapter ... you can check the return value of the Update statement ... i guess it will be 0 because no inserts were executed ... you could check this with sql server profiler ...
as a workaround for this you could call DataRow.SetAdded() on the rows in your destDT ...

Cannot connect to dbf file

I'm trying to connect to to a foxpro table (.dbf) from a test form.
I recieve an OleDbException with the message "Cannot open file c:\emp\emptbl.dbf"
Have tried with both of the following connection strings:
Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=C:\emp\emptbl.dbf
from the MSDN article here
Provider=vfpoledb;Data Source=C:\emp\emptbl.dbf;Collating Sequence=machine;
The latter seems to be the type to use when connecting to a single table, but the same exception is thrown regadless of which is used.
I can open and perform the same query okay in visual foxpro 6.0.
Here's my code:
Dim tbl As DataTable = New DataTable()
Using con = New OleDbConnection(conString)
cmd = New OleDbCommand() With {.Connection = con, .CommandType = CommandType.Text}
Dim sSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM(EMPTBL)"
cmd.CommandText = sSQL
Dim adp As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet()
If (ds.Tables.Count > 0) Then
tbl = ds.Tables(0)
End If
End Using
Return tbl
The OleDB provider should only connect to the PATH where the tables are... not the actual file name. Once you connect to the PATH, you can query from ANY .Dbf file that is located in it
Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=C:\emp
select * from emptbl where ...
You can also look at other connection string settings at
UPDATE per comment.
It appears you are getting closer. with your attempt without the () parens. In VFP, within parens, it interprets that as "look for a variable called EMPTBL", and from its value is the name of the table to query from. Not something you would need to apply via OleDB connection.
Now, cant open the file is another. Is it POSSIBLE that another application has the table open and the file is in exclusive use? and thus can not be opened by the .net app too? Even for grins, if you open VFP, and just do a simple create table in the C:\Emp folder and put a single record in it, then you know no other program will be using it as it is a new file. Quit out of VFP and try to query THAT table. There should be no locks, no other program is expecting it, so it should never be opened by anything else and you should be good to go.

Jet Database (ms access) ExecuteNonQuery - Can I make it faster?

I have this generic routine that I wrote that takes a list of sql strings and executes them against the database. Is there any way I can make this work faster? Typically it'll see maybe 200 inserts or deletes or updates at a time. Sometimes there is a mixture of updates, inserts and deletes. Would it be a good idea to separate the queries by type (i.e. group inserts together, then updates and then deletes)?
I am running this against an ms access database and using 2005.
Public Function ExecuteNonQuery(ByVal sql As List(Of String), ByVal dbConnection as String) As Integer
If sql Is Nothing OrElse sql.Count = 0 Then Return 0
Dim recordCount As Integer = 0
Using connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(dbConnection)
Dim transaction As OleDb.OleDbTransaction = connection.BeginTransaction()
'Using cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand()
Using cmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand = connection.CreateCommand
cmd.Connection = connection
cmd.Transaction = transaction
For Each s As String In sql
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) Then
cmd.CommandText = s
recordCount += cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
End If
End Using
End Using
Return recordCount
End Function
You can use a data adapter to update the whole dataset at once. It will be faster to run the queries on the ADO object than the database directly. After the batch has cycled, update the whole dataset. That might be faster, but will require some extra coding up front and overhead on the application.