CSS Preprocessor with MAMP & Sublime Text - less

I have just jumped on the Sublime text wagon and really want to optimise my workflow using LESS. I have looked for a plugin that performs the compiling clientside, in fact I could just add the less.js file to all projects, but I can't find anything to explain how to get it to work.
Also I was thinking that it would be best to install something on the Apache server that comes with MAMP to do it server-side and then I wouldn't have to worry about adding certain files and copy the preprocessed client-side code for the production website.

I use CodeKit (Mac Only), which does what you want SO WELL, plus so much more. I really can't say enough good things about it. I'd recommend checking out the site and the videos to see what it offers.
There is also this ST2 plugin:
I haven't used it personally because of how well CodeKit works. But it is another option.
Just to clarify, these aren't options that install and run on MAMP, but I think once you check them out you'll see they still provide a solution that doesn't require you to add extra files to your projects.


BundleTransformer with LESS - Decent Example Exists anywhere?

I really like the idea of this BundleTransformer plugin from NuGet, and I see that they have LESS support. But ...
After weeks of trying, I cannot find any decent example of how to use it. The documentation is unclear, to say the very least. This is the closest I could find, which does not compile or work.
Well, the simple answer is that I could ask for more.
Can someone please assist me with the simple task of creating a bundle that has .less files in it, that will run? I am completely lost.
I would suggest reading the wiki page for bundle transformer and also, as the wiki page suggests, make sure you are familiar with ASP.NET bundling and minification.
If you follow the examples of usage you should be up and running.
I know this is an older post but figured I'd chime in. The Bundle Transformer Codeplex discussion board (Feb 2015) mentions that BundleTransformer is no longer considered a modern client-side build tool and they are recommending you go with Gulp or Grunt - which both have support starting in Visual Studio 2013.3 via VSIX extensions and more baked in to VS2014. FYI -This Scott Hanselman post explains how to get up and going with Grunt and Gulp in Visual Studio. I think if you're using BundleTransformer for simple Less compilation it works fine, but doesn't allow you to do things like generate CSS Sourcemaps which make your browser's dev tools aware of the Less source files, which in my humble opinion is critical for using a CSS preprocessor - the ability to see the LESS line numbers of your source files in the styles pane.

Studying web servers such as apache httpd and tomcat

I would like to see how everything is handled behind the scenes behind web servers such as apache httpd and tomcat. How does one go about stepping through these applications, making changes, and then viewing changes?? Applications this complex use scripts for building and I presume they take a while to compile, it seems to me that there would be more to it than simply downloading the source code and importing into Eclipse. Or is it actually that simple?
And how do developers who want to work on the code of these projects get around the fact that it will take a fair amount of time to compile these applications (and other non-trivial applications such as web browsers)? When I am working on smaller stuff I am constantly compiling and then debugging. I imagine that is no feasible when it can take several minutes to compile?
Easy: just read.
Also, http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/FAQ/Developing
The current Tomcat 7.0.x trunk takes about 17 seconds to build on my MacBook Pro, and that included downloading a few dependencies that I didn't already have laying around. If you want to re-compile a single .java file, you can re-run the entire build and the toolchain (really just Apache Ant) will figure out which files actually need to be recompiled.
You only modified one source file? Only one source file will be re-compiled when you run ant deploy (you don't even need the "deploy": it's the default). If you use Eclipse or some other similar IDE, it will recompile on the fly and you don't need to worry about the command line or any of that.
If you have further questions, please join the Tomcat users' mailing list (or the developers' list) and join the community.

Has anyone managed to use older Textmate bundles with Textmate2?

I specifically want to be able to use Ackmate bundle, peepcode (the new 'Go to file' seems good enough) and some other custom bundles with TM2.
I tried moving the existing bundles to a location
~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Managed
which seem to contain all the new installed bundles, and a few other hack. But no luck yet.
I did manage to get the older themes working with TM2 though, with an approach similar to the one above.
I found this article on the topic.But still not able to get some older bundles to work.
Just copy all your bundles from ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles to ~/Library/Application\ Support/Avian/Bundles/
I did not find much success with the above. I guess its stil in 'Alpha'. Although you might try to drop some of the older bundles into
~/Library/Application Support/Avian/Pristine Copy/Bundles
to get it working with some hacks for now.I have managed to get Cucumber, Uber Glory and some of my custom bundles working.
Also you can follow the README of this Whitespace bundle to figure out which directory to place your new bundles in. This seems to be only bundle (not packaged) exculsively for TM2 so far.
The Textmate url that explains the difference between
Avian/Pristine Copy/Bundles/
is here:
It didn't recognize my old bundles at first, but the second restart of the app worked for me.
Since this is alpha software, I think that the mailing list is the best venue for your question. Either way, I haven't yet seen anything definitive on the backward compatibility of bundle support.

Need IDE suggestions for Chrome Extension project

I currently use Programmer's Notepad for my Chrome Extension project. I like Programmer's Notepad, as it is simple to use and I don't need debugging features (Chrome has all that for me). However, I check the project into Subversion and it stores absolute paths, which will not allow other people to use it unless they use the same exact path.
I have Visual Studio 2010 at my disposal, but I haven't seen a useful way to use it. I have also heard of Aptana Studio, but I was discouraged from trying it out fully because it seemed too bloated for my needs.
What is a good IDE I can use for chrome extension development? The most important factor is good project support. Relative paths need to be stored in the project and it should keep files grouped together so I can work out of the IDE and not have to continuously open files in Windows Explorer.
Secondly good syntax highlighting and intellisense are ideal but I can live without it. Intellisense with jQuery and the built in Chrome Extension API are pluses.
Geany is a good very lightweight with project management and everything. Latest version also includes local intellisense for opened files and has very nice syntax highlighting and some other nice plugins.
Visual Studio 2010 with Resharper (to allow for the JS intellisense) works nice as well but it slightly bloated when it comes to just javascript extension development.
I would actually just recommend a lightweight editor such as Notepad++ or Vim/Emacs but it seems that your project may have grown too big for this so Geany would be my choice.
Komodo Edit is free and seems to meet all of your requirements:
If you are willing to pay for it, the ActiveState (same people) Komodo IDE gets very good reviews:

VBA references in exe

I recently made an Excel-tool, which makes heavy use of VBA macros.
This tool works perfectly on my pc, and on most of my colleagues pc's, but I noticed that it doesn't work on some other pc's. This is because some of the required reference files are not present on those pc's.
I would like to solve this by making an exe-file of the original Excel document, in which all the referenced files are included. I already tried this with Winrar, but I noticed that, after unpacking the exe, the reference files are unpacked in the folder in which the exe file was copied, but not in the required system folders.
How can I fix this, so that I can use the tool on whichever computer I'd like to?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Michael Todd's comment about licensing is something worth checking up, but assuming that's ok, you could just write a simple batch file and/or script to first unrar the files and then copy them into the relevant directories. This script would preferably be executed during installation of your excel document.
However, depending on what files they are I'd would be wary of copying them into system directories. Firstly, will you have permissions to write to those directories? Secondly, is it possible that you'll overwrite other versions of those dlls, possibly overwriting a newer version with an older version. Depending on what DLLs you're trying to copy, you might break other applications or even Windows itself by copying them in.
In general, if the solution to your problem is to copy random dlls from your machine to someone else's machine, you should look for an alternative solution. I'd suggest that the better solution might be to change your application to not reference those dlls, or if that can't be done, do a proper install of the application where those dlls come from on the machines where you have the problem .
Just to be sure:
Winrar shows something like this:
and you should be selecting either "Store full paths" (better) or "Store full paths including drive letter" (worse)
I highly recommend you try Inno Setup. It has a higher initial learning curve, but it is well worth it for the enhanced functionality over WinRAR (for this type of thing). Inno-Setup creates installers from plain-text setup files, however, the "Quick Start Pack" includes a GUI front-end for making this part easier.