JTRevealSidebar initialized from tableview - objective-c

I would like to implement the JTRevealSidebar project (a sidebar feature very similar to the sidebar in the facebook app) into my project. My only problem is that my main view from where i want to initialize the sidebar is a UITableView, and not a UIView, which the JTRevealSidebar is setup for. Has anybody tried setting this up before with a tableview or know if it's possible?

You can return any subclass of UIViews in your sidebarDelegate callback
- (UIView *)viewForLeftSidebar {
// Use applicationViewFrame to get the correctly calculated view's frame
// for use as a reference to our sidebar's view
CGRect viewFrame = self.navigationController.applicationViewFrame;
UIView *anyView = self.leftView;
if ( ! anyView) {
anyView = [[AnySubclassOfUIView alloc] initWithFrame:viewFrame];
[self.view addSubview:anyView];
return anyView;


Integrating a SpriteKit view into a xib view

I have a view that I already created using a xib file.
Now I would like to add some small elements to this view that would make use some of the physics animations from SpriteKit, so now I need an SKView.
Is it possible to add an SKView as a Subview of the view that corresponds to my xib view? I tried this and it does not seem to show anything.
The following is in the ViewController corresponding to my XIB view:
this.myCustomSKView = new CustomSKView()
this.View.AddSubview( this.myCustomSKView );
and the ViewController for my custom SKView has:
public override void ViewWillLayoutSubviews ()
base.ViewWillLayoutSubviews ();
if(this.SKView.Scene == null)
this.SKView.ShowsFPS = true;
this.SKView.ShowsNodeCount = true;
this.SKView.ShowsDrawCount = true;
var scene = new MyCustomSKScene (this.SKView.Bounds.Size);
this.SKView.PresentScene (scene);
I just gave this a try, and worked.
Started with single view app.
Dragged in myScene.m / .h from another sprite kit app into my project.
In storyboard dragged in a UIView, and set class to SKView in storyboard.
Created an outlet from that to the VC class (in my case called it myGame)
Added the #import in the VC class
Also copied from the demo project viewDidLoad
This is the only change i made
-(void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Next line is all I changed...
SKView * skView = (SKView *)self.view;
skView.showsFPS = YES;
skView.showsNodeCount = YES;
// Create and configure the scene.
SKScene * scene = [MyScene sceneWithSize:skView.bounds.size];
scene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeAspectFill;
// Present the scene.
[skView presentScene:scene];
I added in some other UIKit to kind show how its a little SK Game in a view.
Not sure if this is the best way but I hope I answers your question.
I agree with lionserdar, and you should check out UIKit Dynamics instead.
I don't know what exactly you are trying to achieve but I think instead of SpriteKit you may wanna check out the UIKitDynamics which provides "physics-related capabilities and animations to views and other dynamic items". I would suggest you look at the apple doc first
a really nice tutorial on raywenderlich.com
Hope this helps...

Check orientation in AwakeFromNib – Objective-c

I want to check the orientation of the iphone in the AwakeFromNib method. This is my code:
- (void)awakeFromNib
orientation = [[UIApplication sharedApplication]statusBarOrientation];
if (orientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait)
NSLog(#"orientation portrait");
else if (orientation == (UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft | UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight))
NSLog(#"Orientation landscape");
The logs aren't messaged when I'm turning my iPhone, what's the problem?
Your comments on Michael Dautermann's (now-deleted) answer are contradictory. You said you're creating your view programmatically, but you also talked about “when the view is loaded”.
Either you're creating the view in code, or you're loading it from a nib/storyboard. You can't be doing both with the same view instance.
The fact that your awakeFromNib method isn't being called matches your claim that you are creating the view programmatically. But another possibility is that you are loading the view from a nib but have not correctly set the “Custom Class” of the view in the nib, so it's not actually creating an instance of your view subclass.
If you are truly creating the view programmatically, then somewhere you should have code like this:
view = [[MyView alloc] initWithFrame:someRect];
or maybe this:
view = [[MyView alloc] init];
The second case, under the covers, just calls [self initWithFrame:CGRectZero]. So either way, your view's initWithFrame: method is getting called. So you should override that method and check the interface orientation there.
If you're not creating the view in one of those ways, then edit your question to explain exactly how you are creating it.

Custom UIView Not Showing Accessibility on Voice Over

I'm trying to get voice over working with an openGL view, specifically from the cocos2d framework.
From the Apple Accessibility guide I followed this section: Make the Contents of Custom Container Views Accessible
I've subclassed the view (CCGLView for cocos2d people), which is a UIView, to implement the informal UIAccessibilityContainer protocol.
UIAccessibilityContainer implementation in my subclassed UIView:
-(NSArray *)accessibilityElements{
return [self.delegate accessibleElements];
return NO;
return [self accessibilityElements].count;
return [[self accessibilityElements] indexOfObject:element];
return [[self accessibilityElements] objectAtIndex:index];
This code is getting called and -(NSArray *)acessibilityElements is returning an array of UIAccessibilityElements. However the voice over controls are not showing up when I touch the screen. Any ideas on what I'm missing or doing wrong?
Other Information:
I'm using a storyboard and adding the CCGLView to the UIView in the storyboard. The _director.view is the CCGLView that I subclassed.
// Add the director as a child view controller.
[self addChildViewController:_director];
// Add the director's OpenGL view, and send it to the back of the view hierarchy so we can place UIKit elements on top of it.
[self.view addSubview:_director.view];
[self.view sendSubviewToBack:_director.view];
For a while I suspected that because I added the subview that this was causing it not to show up, but I also tried subclassing the UIView in the storyboard the same way but it was also not working.
Also this is how I am creating each UIAccessibilityElement in the array.
UIAccessibilityElement *elm = [[UIAccessibilityElement alloc] initWithAccessibilityContainer:view];
elm.accessibilityFrame = f;
elm.accessibilityLabel = t.letter;
elm.isAccessibilityElement = YES;
elm.accessibilityHint = #"Button";
elm.accessibilityValue = t.letter;
elm.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton;
Found a solution that is working now, in case anyone has this problem. -(id)accessibilityElementAtIndex:(NSInteger)index was returning a properUIAccessibilityElement but it looks like it wasn't getting retained by whatever Accessibility API is using it. I made a strong NSArray property to hold the UIAccessibilityElements and now it is working fine.

How to implement more than one controller in objective C

First of all I don't know If controller is the right word. What I want to achieve is this.
#interface ClubViewController : CoreDataTableViewController :NRGridViewController
I know that this is not possible in objective-C. But is there a way to work around this?
Because I want to use CoreDateTableViewController and NRGridViewController.
Kind regards
This is how my storyboard Hierarchy looks like.
So I have a tableview Controller but above this tableview controller you find a small view with three buttons. When I push on button 1 I want to take the tableview away and draw a gridView with the NRGridview Controller. But when I push on button 2 and 3 I fill up my tableview using the CoreDataTableViewController.
I hope this explains more my problem.
I think one way to do this is with a container view with a container view controller inside it. That container controller would have 2 child controllers which would be your CoreDateTableViewController and NRGridViewController. I've implemented something like this, and I can show you some code if you're interested.
After Edit: In a test app, I started with a single view template and a storyboard. I added two buttons to the top of the view and a container view to the bottom half of the view (this first controller is of class ViewController). I then dragged out a new view controller, and control dragged from the container view to the new controller and chose the "embed segue" (this will resize the view to be the same size as the container view). The class of this controller was changed to my subclass, ContainerController. I then created 2 more controllers for the 2 views that will be managed by the container controller (the views need to have their size set to "freeform" in IB so you can set the size to be the same as the container view). Here is the code in ContainerController:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.cont1 = [[FirstController alloc]initWithNibName:#"FirstView" bundle:nil];
self.cont2 = [[SecondController alloc]initWithNibName:#"SecondController" bundle:nil];
[self addChildViewController:self.cont1];
self.currentController = self.cont1;
[self.view addSubview:self.cont1.view];
-(void)switchToFirst {
if (self.currentController != self.cont1) {
[self addChildViewController:self.cont1];
[self moveToNewController:self.cont1];
-(void)switchToSecond {
if (self.currentController != self.cont2) {
[self addChildViewController:self.cont2];
[self moveToNewController:self.cont2];
-(void)moveToNewController:(id) newController {
[self.currentController willMoveToParentViewController:nil];
[self transitionFromViewController:self.currentController toViewController:newController duration:.6 options:UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromLeft animations:^{}
completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[self.currentController removeFromParentViewController];
[newController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
self.currentController = newController;
The only code I have in ViewController are the IBActions for the 2 buttons that switch the views. Those methods just call methods in the container controller:
-(IBAction)chooseFirstController:(id)sender {
[self.childViewControllers.lastObject switchToFirst];
-(IBAction)chooseSecondController:(id)sender {
[self.childViewControllers.lastObject switchToSecond];
What you are trying to do in your code is creating a class that is a subclass of multiple other classes, which is not possible. If you really want to do this, check out this question: Inherit from two classes
If you are trying to create multiple instances:
CoreDataTableViewController and NRGridViewController are just classes, which you will have to instantiate to get an actual object.
You can instantiate e.g. an NRGridViewController using
NRGridViewController *controller=[[NRGridViewController alloc] init];
I hope this answers your question, it is a bit difficult to understand your question.
Instead of taking tableViewController, take normal TableView (drag and drop from the storyboard to the particular position on the view).
when the button 1 is pressed Make the Table View hidden in the buttons action method. and initialize the grid view / or set grid view hidden to NO. (all views have the property of hidden in ios)
when you press on the 2nd and 3rd button set the grid view hidden and set tableview hidden equal to NO. and fetch the coredata and store it in array or dictionary or you can reload the tableview.
(Initially, before pressing the button 2 & 3 , the table view has no values. so you can set a bool property that when you press the button 2 or 3 set the bool and use the bool to reload your tabe view )
if you did not get my explanation ping me back.

Developing a NavigationBar Based application including one Open GL View : How?

My question starts from a problem :
I started a project in Xcode : a Navigation Bar based one (with a TableView).
Then I added a few views, through IB or programmatically... which works perfectly fine.
Then, I decided to write my Own ViewClass, inherited from UIView, called OpenGlView (based on the view provided by Basic OpenGlES project in XCode), and its OpenGlViewController (inherited from UIViewController).
This works fine until I try to push the view Controller into my navBar: then I receive a "EXC__ BAD __ACCESS". I can't understand why it is ok whith any view but the one used for display OpenGL content...
And I actually have no idea how I can manage to develop a NavBar based App including a View displaying OpenGL contents... any idea?
(I also tried to add the OpenGlView as a subView of a basic UIView previously added to the NavigationBar, but I received the same error).
In the RootController :
OpenGlViewController *glvController;
if (glvController == nil)
glvController = [[OpenGlViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"Gl View" bundle:nil];
glvController.title = #"GL View";
[self.navigationController pushViewController:glvController animated:YES];
in the OpenGlViewController :
- (void)loadView {
OpenGlView * view;
view = [[OpenGlView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]];
self.view = view;
[view release];
If it's localized to your OpenGL view, the crash may be the result of not properly initializing OpenGL items inside your view. See here for my recommendations on a potentially similar problem.