Excel Merge data columns - excel-2007

i am trying to merge excel columns into one column like this...
List1 List2 List3 List4 List5
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
into this...
If there is a 1 in List1 the merged column will have value 0
if List2 is a 1 the merged column will have value 1
and so on...

If your data start in top-left corner, then for the cells in the result range you could write array formulas like
Another idea is to write a single array formula for the whole result range


Perform similar computations in every dataframe in a list of dataframes

I have a list of 18 different dataframes. The only thing these dataframes have in common is that each contains a variable that ends with "_spec". The computations I would like to perform on each dataframe in the list are as follows:
return the number of columns in each dataframe that are numeric;
filter the dataframe to include only the "_spec" column if the sum of the numeric columns is equal to #1 (above); and
store the results of #2 in a separate list of 18 dataframes
I can get the output that I would like for each individual dataframe with the following:
lvmo_numlength = -len(df.select_dtypes('number').columns.tolist()) # count (negative) no. of numeric vars in df
lvmo_spec = df[df.sum(numeric_only=True,axis=1)==lvmo_numlength].filter(regex='_spec') # does ^ = sum of numeric vars?
but I don't want to copy and paste this 18(+) times...
I am new to writing functions and loops, but I know these can be utilized to perform the procedure I desire; yet I don't know how to execute it. The below code shows the abomination I have created, which can't even make it off the ground. Any suggestions?
# make list of dataframes
name_list = [lvmo, trx_nonrx, pd, odose_drg, fx, cpn_use, dem_hcc, dem_ori, drg_man, drg_cou, nlx_gvn, nlx_ob, opd_rsn, opd_od, psy_yn, sti_prep_tkn, tx_why, tx_curtx]
# create variable that satisfies condition 1
def numlen(name):
return name + "_numlen"
# create variable that satisfies condition 2
def spec(name):
return name + "_spec"
# loop it all together
for name in name_list:
numlen(name) = -len(name.select_dtypes('number').columns.tolist())
spec(name) = name[name.sum(numeric_only=True,axis=1)]==numlen(name).filter(regex='spec')
You can achieve what I believe your question is asking as follows, given input df_list which is a list of dataframes:
res_list = [df[df.sum(numeric_only=True,axis=1) == -len(df.select_dtypes('number').columns.tolist())].filter(regex='_spec') for df in df_list]
for each input dataframe, create a new dataframe as follows: for rows where the sum of the values in numeric columns is <=0 and is equal in magnitude to the number of numeric columns, select only those columns with a label ending in '_spec'
use a list comprehension to compile the above new dataframes into a list
Note that this can also be expressed using a standard for loop instead of a list comprehension as follows:
res_list = []
for df in df_list:
res_list.append( df[df.sum(numeric_only=True,axis=1) == -len(df.select_dtypes('number').columns.tolist())].filter(regex='_spec') )
Sample code (using 7 input dataframe objects instead of 18:
import pandas as pd
df_list = [pd.DataFrame({'b':['a','b','c','d']} | {f'col{i+1}{"_spec" if not i%3 else ""}':[-1,0,0]+([0 if i!=n-1 else -n]) for i in range(n)}) for n in range(7)]
for df in df_list: print(df)
res_list = [df[df.sum(numeric_only=True,axis=1) == -len(df.select_dtypes('number').columns.tolist())].filter(regex='_spec') for df in df_list]
for df in res_list: print(df)
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 d
b col1_spec
0 a -1
1 b 0
2 c 0
3 d -1
b col1_spec col2
0 a -1 -1
1 b 0 0
2 c 0 0
3 d 0 -2
b col1_spec col2 col3
0 a -1 -1 -1
1 b 0 0 0
2 c 0 0 0
3 d 0 0 -3
b col1_spec col2 col3 col4_spec
0 a -1 -1 -1 -1
1 b 0 0 0 0
2 c 0 0 0 0
3 d 0 0 0 -4
b col1_spec col2 col3 col4_spec col5
0 a -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1 b 0 0 0 0 0
2 c 0 0 0 0 0
3 d 0 0 0 0 -5
b col1_spec col2 col3 col4_spec col5 col6
0 a -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1 b 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 c 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 d 0 0 0 0 0 -6
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: [0, 1, 2, 3]
0 -1
3 -1
0 -1
3 0
0 -1
3 0
col1_spec col4_spec
0 -1 -1
3 0 -4
col1_spec col4_spec
0 -1 -1
3 0 0
col1_spec col4_spec
0 -1 -1
3 0 0
Also, a couple of comments about the original question:
lvmo_spec.to_list() doesn't work because to_list() is not defined. There is a method named tolist(), but it will only work for a Series (not a DataFrame).
lvmo_numlength = -len(df.select_dtypes('number').columns.tolist()) gives a negative result. I have assumed this is your intention, and that you want the sum of each row's numeric values to have a negative value, but this is slightly at odds with your description which states:
return the number of columns in each dataframe that are numeric;
filter the dataframe to include only the "_spec" column if the sum of the numeric columns is equal to #1 (above);

is there a function where I can do one hot encoding and removing duplicates in R?

I have this database
I'm trying to do an one hot encoding, which I was able to do. However, I also need to remove the duplicated IDs, so my one hot code appears to be like below:
and I need this to be the final database
this is my code
dummy <- dummyVars('~ .', data = data_to_be_encoded)
encoded_data <- data.frame(predict(dummy, newdata = data_to_be_encoded))

replace velues in column matching based on 2 columns

I have file f1 which looks like this: (has 1651 lines)
fam0110 G110 0 0 0 1 T G
fam6106 G6106 0 0 0 2 T T
fam1000 G1000 0 0 0 2 T T
and I have file f2 which looks like (has 1651 lines)
fam1000 G1000 1 1
fam6106 G6106 1 1
fam0110 G110 2 2
I would like to replace the 6th column in f1 so that it matches the 3rd column of f2 os that they match by the 1st and 2nd column
the output would look like this:
fam0110 G110 0 0 0 2 T G
fam6106 G6106 0 0 0 1 T T
fam1000 G1000 0 0 0 1 T T
I tried to do it with:
awk 'FNR==NR{a[NR]=$3;next}{$6=a[FNR]}1' pheno_laser2 chr9.plink.ped > chr9.new.ped
but this doesn't work because the lines are not sorted in the same way so I need matching by the values in the 1st and 2nd column in the both files.
Please advise
my the this doesn't work because
You have to use only the first two fields into the hash, as you want to match only for them, not for the line number or anything else.
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1, $2]=$3;next} {$6=a[$1, $2]}1' file2 file1
Testing with your examples:
fam0110 G110 0 0 0 2 T G
fam6106 G6106 0 0 0 1 T T
fam1000 G1000 0 0 0 1 T T
Note that it would print empty field for any not matching lines, I assume this is ok.

SQL: Is there a way I can find whether a value is within a specific index range of another value?

I have two columns filled with mostly 0's and a few 1's. I want to check whether IF a 1 occurs in the first column, a 1 in the second column occurs within a range of 5 rows of that index. So for example, lets say a 1 occurs in column 1 row 83, then I would like to return TRUE if one or more 1's occur in column 2 row 83-88, and FALSE if this is not the case. Examples of this are listed in the code block. I would want to count the number of TRUE and FALSE occurrences.
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 1
0 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 1
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 1
I have no idea where to begin, so I do not have any code to start with:(
Kind regards,
Assuming you have an ordering column, you can use window functions:
select (case when count(*) = 0 then 'false' else 'true' end)
from (select t.*,
max(col2) over (order by <ordering column>
rows between current row and 4 following
) as max_col2_5
from t
) t
where col1 = 1 and max_col2_5 = 1;

Pandas iterate max value of a variable length slice in a series

Let's assume i have a Pandas DataFrame as follows:
import pandas as pd
idx = ['2003-01-02', '2003-01-03', '2003-01-06', '2003-01-07',
'2003-01-08', '2003-01-09', '2003-01-10', '2003-01-13',
'2003-01-14', '2003-01-15', '2003-01-16', '2003-01-17',
'2003-01-21', '2003-01-22', '2003-01-23', '2003-01-24',
a = pd.DataFrame([1,2,0,0,1,2,3,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,0,1],
columns = ['original'], index = pd.to_datetime(idx))
I am trying to get the max for each slices of that DataFrame between two zeros.
In that example i would get:
a['result'] = [0,2,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,1]
that is:
original result
2003-01-02 1 0
2003-01-03 2 2
2003-01-06 0 0
2003-01-07 0 0
2003-01-08 1 0
2003-01-09 2 0
2003-01-10 3 3
2003-01-13 0 0
2003-01-14 0 0
2003-01-15 0 0
2003-01-16 1 0
2003-01-17 2 0
2003-01-21 3 0
2003-01-22 4 0
2003-01-23 5 5
2003-01-24 0 0
2003-01-27 1 1
find zeros
cumsum to make groups
mask the zeros into their own group -1
find the max location in each group idxmax
get rid of the one for group -1, that was for zeros anyway
get a.original for found max locations, reindex and fill with zeros
m = a.original.eq(0)
g = a.original.groupby(m.cumsum().mask(m, -1))
i = g.idxmax().drop(-1)
a.assign(result=a.loc[i, 'original'].reindex(a.index, fill_value=0))
original result
2003-01-02 1 0
2003-01-03 2 2
2003-01-06 0 0
2003-01-07 0 0
2003-01-08 1 0
2003-01-09 2 0
2003-01-10 3 3
2003-01-13 0 0
2003-01-14 0 0
2003-01-15 0 0
2003-01-16 1 0
2003-01-17 2 0
2003-01-21 3 0
2003-01-22 4 0
2003-01-23 5 5
2003-01-24 0 0
2003-01-27 1 1