Any link for Dojo sliding panel? - dojo

Can anyone help me with a link where I find Dojo sliding panel ? I have been searching for it but still didn't got it. I have sliding panel for jQuery, I got it from this link :

You could make use of the dojo.fx.wipeIn functionality.
So if you create two divs, one above the other, have the top one with display: none, and the other as the bit that you click to slide the panel down. Then use dojo.connect to link the clicking of the bottom panel to a wipe in of your top panel.
// Have your main body content
var mainBody;
// Create top panel
var myPanel = document.createElement("div");
// Set visibility to none, "display", "none");
// Create tab to expand your panel (or slide it down)
var expand = document.createElement("div");
expand.innerHTML = "click here to slide down";
var self = this;
dojo.connect(expand, "onclick", this, slidePanel);
Then you'd have your slidePanel function do something like:
// Get reference to your panel
var myPanel;
var wipeArgs = {
node: myPanel
// Then just wipe the panel in or out respectively
if ( == "none") {
} else {


Can a dojo TabContainer be configured to switch by mouse over?

I'm using dojo toolkit dijit.layout.TabContainer to switch 3 tabbed pages.
Right now I click on tabs to switch them, but I want to switch them by mouse over instead.
Can a TabContainer be configured to switch by mouse over, or should I write a code to handle mouse over events to explicitly switch tabs?
I'd appreciate any suggestions!
Yes. For this functionality, we need to add the onmouseover event to the tabs label fields. Add this code inside the dojo/ready (or addOnLoad) function.
require(["dojo/ready","dojo/query"], function(ready,query){
var tabs = dijit.byId("TabContainerID");
var tablabelid = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(;
var currentId = dijit.byId("TabContainerID").selectedChildWidget;
var tabwidid = tablabelid.split("_").pop();
if(tabwidid && currentId!=tabwidid) {

How to use dojo moveTo programmatically through javascript?

I can markup a Heading or ListItem to have a moveTo attribute and that transition works perfectly.
Is there a way perform a transition to a named view programmatically say, on a button click?
Somewhere on the net I found below code, but its not working. I need something similar to this -
function moveTo(){
var w = dijit.byId('currentView');
This code sample registers an onclick event handler on a button with the id "ButtonID". After pressing the button, a lookup in the dijit registry will be performed to find the displayed view.
You can call the function performTransition(...) on any
require(["dijit/registry"], function(registry) {
dojo.ready(function() {
// Button Listener
registry.byId("ButtonID").on("click", function(){
var oldView = dijit.registry.byId("ID_View1");
oldView.performTransition("ID_View2", 1, "slide", null);
Changing "moveTo" parameters programmatically is much more difficult than performing transitions between views. You have to do some nasty things to override the moveTo Attribute of a widget like for example a Backbutton in a
var heading1 = dijit.registry.byId("ID_Heading");
heading1.moveTo = viewId;
heading1.backButton = false;

dojo splitter not resizing properly with dynamic content

I'm creating a seemingly simple dojo 1.8 web page which contains an app layout div containing a tab container and an alarm panel below the tab container. They are separated by a splitter so the user can select how much of the alarms or the tabcontainer they want to see.
Here's the example on jsfiddle:
For the purpose of the demo, there's a timer which grows the table in the alarm panel by an entry every 2 seconds.
The problem(s):
If one doesn't do anything and just lets the table grow, no scroll bar appears in the alarm panel.
If one moves the splitter without having resized the browser window first, the splitter handle ends up in a weird location.
Resizing the browser window makes it behave like I would expect it to begin with.
Am I doing something wrong in the way I'm setting things up and that's causing this problem?
How can I catch the splitter has been moved event (name?)
How do I resize the splitter pane to an arbitrary height? I've tried using domStyle.set("alarmPanel", "height", 300) and this indeed sets the height property... but the pane does not resize!
Any help greatly appreciated!
I forked your jsFiddle and made some modifications to it:
Get rid of overflow: hidden in html, body and explicitly set height of alarmPanel:
.claro .demoLayout .edgePanel {
height: 150px;
This tricky one. You have two options: to listen to splitter's drag and drop or to listen to ContentPane.resize method invocation. Both via dojo/aspect:
// Drag and Drop
var splitter = registry.byId("appLayout").getSplitter("bottom");
var moveHandle = null;
aspect.after(splitter, "_startDrag", function() {
moveHandle = aspect.after(splitter.domNode, "onmousemove", function() {
var coords = {
x: !splitter.horizontal ? : 0,
y: splitter.horizontal ? : 0
dom.byId("dndOutput").textContent = JSON.stringify(coords);
aspect.after(splitter, "_stopDrag", function() {
moveHandle && moveHandle.remove();
// ContentPane.resize()
aspect.after(registry.byId("alarmPanel"), "resize", function(duno, size) {
dom.byId("resizeOutput").textContent = JSON.stringify(size);
Call layout() method after changing the size:
registry.byId("alarmPanel") = "200px";

How to set the TabPanel Tab Width and Tab Height?

How to set the TabPanel Tab Width and Tab Height?
I tried:
var myTabPanel = Ext.create('Ext.TabPanel', {
fullscreen: true,
tabBarPosition: 'top',
resizeTabs: true,
tabWidth: 300,
//minTabWidth: 300
but it doesn't work
It's all that happening inside sencha css files. You need to modify it there.
good news,
I've found the way to do this programatically.
//assuming you are using the MVC structure as suggested
/*In the controller class of your view with the tab panel you must have reference to the tab panel in refs config.
The reference name for this case will be: myTabpanel
//somewhere in the controller class
var tabPanelItems = this.getMyTabpanel().getItems; //get all the items inside the tab panel (if i'm not mistaken this will also return some "extra" item which is not panel
for (var i = 0; i < panels.length; i++) {
//due to that extra item i mentioned, need to make sure current item is a tab by confirming "tab" property existence
if (panels.items[i].tab) {
And that is it.
Key point is that its a Tab-panel (tab with panel) therefore to configure just the tab part we first need to get the tab part otherwise we'll just configuring the panel part by default.

Dojo Tollkit - height of ScrollableView inside Dialog

I use Dojo Toolkit 1.7.2 from
I need to show scrollable (with help touch) content inside dialog. Also, if possible, I will need to have transition between views inside dialog like at mobile too.
What I do (simplified version of code):
var dialog = new Dialog();
var view = new ScrollableView({
selected: true
//add some content inside view. Content heigh is greater than height of dialog.
If I do this, the dialog tries to fit the whole height of the content.
Next attempt:
var dialog = new Dialog({
style: {
width: 600,
height: 400
dialog.resize({w: 600, h: 400});
Now dialog has fixed height, but inner ScrollableView instance won't scroll to bottom of its content.
When I dig into the source, I find that ScrollableView inherits from dojox/mobile/_ScrollableMixin which inherits from dojox/mobile/scrollable.
The resize() function of dojox/mobile/scrollable uses window height in order to calculate scrolling functionality.
Is there some way to have what I need without implementating my own version of ScrollableView?
var dialogRect = domGeometry.getMarginBox(dialog.domNode);
var headerRect = domGeometry.getMarginBox(dialog.titleBar);
var containerNodePaddingTop = domStyle.get(dialog.containerNode, "paddingTop");
var containerNodePaddingBottom = domStyle.get(dialog.containerNode, "paddingBottom");
var viewHeight = dialogRect.h - headerRect.h - containerNodePaddingTop - containerNodePaddingBottom;
var view = new ScrollableView({
selected: true,
height: viewHeight.toString() + "px"
// or
// view.set("height", viewHeight.toString() + "px");
Fixed it this way:
var Name = 'yourdialogid';
dojo.query("#"+Name+" .dijitDialogPaneContent").forEach(function(node, index, arr){,"overflow","auto");,"height",(dojo.position(dijit.byId(Name).domNode).h-80)+"px");