Why should we create A DNS record for subdomains when we can do it via httpd.conf? - apache

I want to implement a blog in my site with usernames as subdomains like user1.domain.com.
I've read bunch of articles that was mentioned to create an A record like below in DNS:
*.domain.com A ;OR you site ip address
Then use .htaccess to redirect requests from subdomains to a folder in your server.
But I find another approach that was said to just modify your httpd.conf as below:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /abs/path/to/webroot
ServerName domainname.com
ServerAlias *.domainname.com
<Directory /abs/path/to/webroot>
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Then retrieve subdomains via $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].
The question is why should someone use htaccess and put pressure on apache and create A DNS record when we can do a simple thing like ServerAlias *.domainname.com in httpd.conf?
I appreciate in advance for your views.

You need to setup both a wildcard DNS record and configure a server alias in httpd.conf to enable the hosting of arbitrary sub domains. They configure completely different things.
Add the wildcard DNS records is what allows clients to determine the IP address of your sub domain. With the wildcard DNS record about user1.domain.com will resolve to If you do not have a DNS record no user1.domain.com will not be a valid name and it will not resolve to an IP address. the DNS record is to allow clients to connect to your server.
The httpd.conf configuration is local to your Apache server. It does not affect clients. The line ServerAlias *.domainname.com will configure Apache to tell it to process the arbitrary sub domains. Client's will not be directly affected by this setting.

You have added the ServerAlias, but for your computer to find that user1.domain.com and user2.domain.com should resolve to, you need to update your HOSTS file or DNS Table.
The configuration you have written is for Apache Server for handling the redirects when the user requests the domain. So, essentially, either you need a Dynamic HOSTS file or a service which resolves *.domain.com to your server.
Hope this helps. :)


Configuring apache virtual hosts for one domain and multiple IP addresses

I have two apache servers at two separate IP addresses and one domain name (example.com) administer on godaddy.com. I want to use this single domain to point traffic to my two separate servers over ssl.
I set up the first server through a fios router with port forwarding and associated the public IP address with a DDNS address (xxx.ddns.net). My godaddy config looks like this:
Type Name Value
A #
CNAME www xxx.ddns.net
domain https://www.example.com
... and my apache ssl.conf file looks like this:
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName www.example.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
This works fine, but now I want to set up a subdomain ('mysub') so that traffic directed to mysub.example.com gets handled by my second server available at a separate IP address (MY.2ND.IP.ADDR). I've tried all sorts of settings on godaddy and in the ssl.conf file, but to no avail. In particular, I've tried:
Setting godaddy so that traffic sent to subdomain mysub.example.com is redirected straight to MY.2ND.IP.ADDR; it's not at all clear to me if this is possible. (Godaddy has a form under the title "Forwarding" and a subsection therein called "subdomain", but setting that subdomain to mysub and setting "forward to" to http://MY.2ND.IP.ADDR doesn't seem to do anything; what is this 'subdomain' field in the godaddy interface supposed to be used for?)
Directing all traffic to the first server, and configuring apache to proxy traffic for the subdomain on to the second server.
I've tried adding another virtual host element to ssl.conf like so:
<VirtualHost MY.2ND.IP.ADDR:443>
ServerName mysub.example.com
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Location />
ProxyPass http://MY.2ND.IP.ADDR
ProxyPassReverse http://MY.2ND.IP.ADDR
... but this doesn't work either.
In summary, what is the best way to direct traffic for a subdomain to a separate IP address using godaddy and/or apache configurations?

How to host multiple domains and subdomains on single AWS EC2 instance

I am trying to set up 2 domains (domain1.com and domain2.com) with a few subdomains (app.domain1.com) in AWS and run them on single instance (Amazon Linux, PHP, MySQL).
I have set up 3 hosted zones in AWS Route53 with following configurations.
Hosted zone 1:
Type A
Hosted Zone 2
Type A
Hosted Zone 3
Type A
Additionally, I have added following code to the http.conf file in VirtualHost tag.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName domain1.com
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/domain1"
ErrorLog "logs/domain1-error_log"
CustomLog "logs/domain1-access_log" common
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName domain2.com
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/domain2"
ErrorLog "logs/domain2-error_log"
CustomLog "logs/domain2-access_log" common
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName app.domain1.com
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/app"
ErrorLog "logs/app.domain1-error_log"
CustomLog "logs/app.domain1-access_log" common
However, only domain1.com and domain2.com are getting resolved. When I visit app.domain1.com, it gives me a "can't find server" error. Please help how to setup the subdomain - is there problem in Hosted Zone setup or httpd.conf?
Ok, so after about 2 hours of reading up various sites and tinkering, I am all set. Here is how to do this.
Basically, you should not have more than 1 hosted zone (HZ) per domain name, otherwise things are really going to be bad. If you have more than 1 HZ for a domain name, please delete the one that was created for the subdomain.
Each HZ will have 4 records -
Following two records are created by default. Do not edit/delete them.
NS - This is the name server record. If AWS Route53 is not your registrar, use ns-servernumber.awsdns-number.com. and other three (4 total) records to change name servers for your registrar.
SOA - Let this record be. DO NOT TOUCH THIS.
Create following two Record Set (blue button).
A - Leave Name blank. Select A-IPv4 address for Type. In Value enter the IP address for your Elastic Load Balancer or EC2 instance.
CNAME - Add * (asterisks/wildcard) in the name field. Select CNAME from the drop down for Type In Value enter the domain name.
Now create the http.conf file and structure virtual hosts like I have in the question.
Things should work now :)
You can follow the tutorial on this link: http://brianshim.com/webtricks/host-multiple-sites-amazon-ec2/
A common error, according to the link, is:
Did it work? If not, here is one possible cause. There might be
another configuration file interfering with this one. Check for
another .conf file in /etc/httpd/conf.d. Often your primary
httpd.conf will include another .conf file in this directory. Make
sure it doesn’t have some Virtual Host settings which are interfering
with yours.
After you set the configurations, you should run:
sudo service httpd restart
This can be done installing Apache HTTP Server on AWS-EC2 instance and configuring VirtualHost for each DNS or Sub-DNS as suggested by an Amazonian
For brevity read this thread discussion, this official example and techrepublic post.
Hope this helped!

How to protect my server from false proxy requests

I have a website, call it
Users create a site for themselves and they each get a sub-domain automatically, so something like
In addition, some users can use their own domain name, by creating a A-Record in their domain name DNS setup to point to my server's IP address.
http://www.myownname.com > (my site's server IP address)
In my Apache VirtualHost, it's set up as follows
ServerName www.example.com
ServerAlias *
UseCanonicalName Off
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
DocumentRoot /home/public/
<Directory /home/public/>
Require all granted
Allowoverride ALL
Line "ServerAlias *" is there so that I can catch any domain name pointing to my IP address and then handle it via my site.
Everything is working well up to this point.
Now, recently, I've checked my Apache access log and I see strange access such as follows - - [25/Jul/2014:12:48:04 -0700] "GET http://www.some-random-site.com/ HTTP/1.0" 200 1456
It looks like someone is trying to use my server as a proxy to access other sites. I've read quite a few pages in order to block this proxy requests (e.g. https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/ProxyAbuse)
For example, if I use "default virtual host" to block everything except what's specified in my virtual host, all the custom domain names pointing to my server's IP address doesn't work anymore. But it does block the proxy requests.
How can I block proxy requests, while still being able to allow custom domain names via A-Record (or CNAME) pointing to my IP address?

Multiple domain names on a single server

Sorry my English
I have Ubuntu 12.04 openVZ VPS, with Apache and Passenger installed, to run Ruby site. That site have several faces which available (not yet) from different domains. In /etc/apache2/sites-available I created file site1.com which contains this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName site1.com
DocumentRoot /home/happy_buddha/Sites/rubysite/public
<Directory /home/happy_buddha/Sites/rubysite/public>
AllowOverride all
Options -MultiViews
Previously I created A record on site1.com domain which contains server's ip.
Now if I going to site1.com browser's window contains this:
What I'm doing wrong?
you can not give virtual host name same as other's.
Like you said " I created A record on site1.com domain which contains server's ip." then you have to change your virtual host's name. Try with different name. for eg site2.com or site1.local
Make sure that you have NameVirutalHost *:80 set in your apache config - this will probably be in /etc/apache2/ports.conf on your Ubuntu server.
It sounds like the new site you created is acting as the default virtual host which is why you can't see the site you had before.
That said, if you actually visit site1.com, then I might expect to see the result you get, I don't know where the config is done for interpreting the ruby code but this might need to be part of the VirtualHost too.

limit apache virtualhost to one domain?

I have configuration of virtualhost:
<VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xxx>
ServerName mydomain.com
ServerAlias *
everything works fine on mydomain.com. But the problem is that someone linked his domain to my application ip and I want to avoid this. Is it possible to limit virtualhost to only one domain "mydomain.com" - so if somebody will point his domain to my ip - virtualhost will not process this request?
There's no way to prevent it from answering HTTP requests on that IP address. I think that if you were to use name based hosting and then create a vhost with ServerName then it'd be matched for requests to the IP address and you'd be able to add some special behaviour there (return an error code, redirect to the named site, etc).
If you just want to make sure that people don't bookmark the IP address and always see mydomain.com in the browser then have a look at the section on Canonical Hostnames in http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/misc/rewriteguide.html