Sencha Touch 2: Call controller function from within Ext.Msg.confirm - sencha-touch

I'm just getting started with Sencha Touch 2 and I have never worked with Sencha Touch 1.x before. I've just finished this tutorial (which is the best starter tutorial I have found so far) and now I want to go ahead and extend this Notes App.
I have a controller and 2 views, a list view and an edit view. In the edit view I want to be able to delete the current record. The delete function is in the controller. After tapping the delete button, I want to show a confirmation dialog ("Are you sure you want to delete...?"). After the user presses yes, the delete function should be called.
Now my problem is: How do I call the controllers delete function from within Ext.Msg.confirm?
Here are the relevant snippets of my code. Please let me know if something important is missing.
Please see the "onDeleteNoteCommand" function. "this.someFunction" obviously doesn't work since "this" is a DOMWindow.
Ext.define('TestApp2.controller.Main', {
extend: '',
config: {
refs: {
noteEditorView: 'noteeditorview'
control: {
noteEditorView: {
deleteNoteCommand: 'onDeleteNoteCommand',
onDeleteNoteCommand: function() {
var noteEditor = this.getNoteEditorView();
var currentNote = noteEditor.getRecord();
"Delete note?",
"Do you reall want to delete the note <i>""</i>?",
function(buttonId) {
if(buttonId === 'yes') {
//controller functions!! how to call them?
deleteNote: function(record) {
var notesStore = Ext.getStore('Notes');
activateNotesList: function() {
Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(this.getNotesListView(), this.slideRightTransition);
slideLeftTransition: { type: 'slide', direction: 'left' },
slideRightTransition: { type: 'slide', direction: 'right' },
launch: function() {
console.log('launch main controller');
init: function() {
console.log('init main controller');

When you enter callback function of Ext.Msg the scope changes from controller scope to global scope (window), so you must set up it as parameter of confirm method:
"Delete note?",
"Do you reall want to delete the note <i>""</i>?",
function(buttonId) {
if(buttonId === 'yes') {
this // scope of the controller
For more info please check sencha docs:!/api/Ext.MessageBox-method-confirm


Sencha Touch2: Passing data from Controller to floating Panel not working

I am new to Sencha Touch2 and facing problem while passing data from my Controller to Floating panel on listitem tap. Here is my controller implementation code:
Ext.define('CustomList.controller.Main', {
extend: '',
config: {
refs: {
listView: 'listitems'
control: {
'main test2 list': {
activate: 'onActivate',
itemtap: 'onItemTap'
onActivate: function() {
console.log('Main container is active');
onItemTap: function(view, index, target, record, event) {
console.log('Item was tapped on the Data View');
xtype: 'DatePanel'
Am able to get data in the controller and DatePanel.js is my floating Panel.
Ext.define('CustomList.view.DatePanel', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
alias: 'widget.DatePanel',
config: {
centered: true,
listeners : {
tap : function() {
listeners : {
tap : function() {
var panelToDestroy = Ext.getCmp('datepanel');
Ext.Viewport.add(Ext.create('CustomList.view.Test2'));//Test.js is my list Panel
Help me out in destroying the panel on 'Cancel' Button.
Can anyone please help me. Thanks.
Create instance of panel you want to add first.
var floatingDatePanel = Ext.create('Yourapp.view.YourDatePanel');
Next get data of selected list item on itemTap
var data = record.getData();
Assign this data to floatingDatePanel with setData() method
after looking at your panel code, I guess you want to set data to first item in panel ie
Right ? If so then you need to change following code
Because, it is first item inside panel that is having a template assigned and hopefully the same where you want to set data.
then finally, you can add this panel into viewport with

List item disclosure isn't firing inside a controller

I'm trying to get the item disclosure to work in a list item in Sencha Touch using a controller ref. But the event never seems to fire/receive inside controller. All of the examples I've seen have the list item using a listener but I thought that wasn't very MVC so I'm trying to do it this way (is there any reason why they use listeners instead of a controller?)
In my view, the list is an item inside the EnquiryIndex view.
When I do this in a console window it returns the list correctly so I know the ref is working ok:
Ext.ComponentQuery.query("enquiryindexview list")[0]
See below example:
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.EnquiryIndex', {
extend: '',
requires: [
config: {
refs: {
enquiryIndexViewRef: 'enquiryindexview list'
control: {
'enquiryIndexViewRef': {
disclose: 'onDiscloseEnquiryIndex'
onDiscloseEnquiryIndex: function (rec) {
// never gets here!
Try this
config: {
control: {
'enquiryindexview list': {
disclose: 'onDiscloseEnquiryIndex'
or this
config: {
refs: {
enquiryIndexViewRef: 'enquiryindexview list'
control: {
enquiryIndexViewRef: {
disclose: 'onDiscloseEnquiryIndex'
Hope this helps
What you might have missed doing is adding this line in the app.js
controllers: ['EnquiryIndex'],
Try this out, it should work now.

Events not caught by Controller

I am trying to respond to a view-fired event inside a controller. The event does fire, but the controller action is never called.
Ext.define("MyApp.view.Dashboard", {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
xtype: 'my_dashboard',
config: {
items: [
xtype: 'dataview',
listeners: {
itemtap: function(sender, index, elem, record) {
// fires with param, e.g. 'inbox'
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Dashboard', {
extend: '',
config: {
control: {
'my_dashboard': {
'inbox': 'showInbox',
showInbox: function () {
/* never gets called */
What am I doing wrong?
I found a solution, but it feels very hacky. I added a bubbleEvents config to the dataview and the my_dashboard view, and the events started making their way up to the controller.
Since the dashboard can have a variable number of items, I don't know which events I need to bubble up. Of course, I could bubble up all possible dashboard events, but that just seems like a massive kludge.
Should the view fire an application event instead, e.g.
I would put an itemId on the dataview.
itemId: 'my_dashboard_dataview'
Then in your controller...
control: {
'#my_dashboard_dataview': {
'itemtap': 'showInbox',
Here is some code that should get you started:
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Dashboard', {
extend: '',
config: {
control: {
'my_dashboard': {
painted: 'onDashboardPainted',
inbox: 'showInbox'
onDashboardPainted: function(dashboard, eOpts) {
dashboard.down('dataview').on('itemtap', function(sender, index, elem, record){
//check the console to make sure you the value is: inbox
showInbox: function () {
console.log('showInbox init');
This is definately a scope issue... in your controller add a painted function for my_dashboard... the first function variable will be the my_dashboard component itself:
painted: function(dashboard,...
Now in the painted function add the listener dynamically:
dashboard.down('dataview').on( ... rest of listener code ...
Now inside of the listener do dashboard.fireEvent(....);
Sorry for the formatting im on my mobile, if u cant get it to work i will post code tomorrow

One view and multiple controller actions for the same button in EXTJS

Am having a delete button in my EXTJS Application. On clicking the button, am opening a confirmation form, asking the user are they sure to delete the item. The delete button is a part of many forms in my Application. And irrespective of the form being used, am opening the confirmation window.
And on clicking the yes button in the confirmation window, i want to do some action. But these actions have to be specific to the form that was opened first.So, am confused about how to use the same view, the same button, but different actions depending upon the first form that was opened.
View: This is the window that opens on clicking the delete button in any of the forms
Ext.define('app.view.GenMessageWin', {
extend : 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias : 'widget.genmessagewin',
var fp = {
xtype : 'panel',
itemId : 'MSGPANEL',
width : Width,
height : 150,
cls : 'msg effect1',
layout : 'form',
border : false,
items : [{
xtype : 'panel',
//cls : 'winTitle',
html : msgTxt,
border : 0
}, {
xtype : 'form',
itemId : 'MSGFORM',
border : false,
title : '',
buttonAlign : 'center',
fieldDefaults : {
msgTarget : 'side',
labelWidth : 110,
size : 30
buttons : [{
text : LANG.BTYES,
iconCls : 'icon-tick-tb',
iconAlign : 'right',
cls : 'tip-btn',
action : 'delete',
id : 'BTYES'
}, {
text : LANG.BTNO,
iconCls : 'icon-cross-tb',
iconAlign : 'right',
cls : 'tip-btn',
action : 'notDelete',
id : 'BTNO'
} ]
init : function() {
'button[action = delete]' : {
click : this.delete
'button[action = notDelete]' : {
click : this.notDelete
So, in the delete action, we have to determine which form has been opened in the first place, and then delete the data accordingly.
You have 3 options:
1) Make the selector more specific:
'form1 button[action=delete]': {
click: this.form1Delete
form1Delete: function(){
this.showMsg(function() {
// form 1 delete
2) Traverse back up the component hierarchy and find the open form
onDelete: function(btn) {
var form = btn.up('form'); // find an xtype form or subclass
if (form.someCondition) {
} else {
3) As suggested by Dmitry. You'll need to convert it over to 'MVC style'.
Ext.define('ConfirmButton', {
extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
title: '',
msg: '',
requires: ['Ext.window.MessageBox'],
initComponent: function(){
this.on('click', this.handleClick, this);
handleClick: function(){
Ext.MessageBox.confirm(this.title, this.msg, this.checkResponse, this);
checkResponse: function(btn){
if (btn == 'yes') {
this.fireEvent('confirm', this);
var btn = new ConfirmButton({
renderTo: document.body,
text: 'Foo',
title: 'Should I',
msg: 'Are you sure'
btn.on('confirm', function(){
console.log('Do something');
I am doing something similar; I simply use the native Ext.Msg class
Controller code
,onDelete: function() {
var me = this;{
title:'Really shure?',
msg: 'Really wanna do this?',
buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO,
icon: Ext.Msg.QUESTION,
closable: false,
fn: function(btn) {
if (btn == 'yes') {
scope: me
,deleteRecord: function() {
var me = this,
store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup('datastore');
I would recommend you to keep all logic concerning this within the controller. I your case it'seems that's no problem, cause you just catching the button-events. You problem may be that all controllers catch these, if you are using totally the same window.
You can solve this for example by creating the action property value dynamically when creating the window. Like action='onDeleteCar'
I think you should embed the 'confirmation' functionality inside the button, i.e. create your own ConfirmButton class that would first fire a dialog upon pressing and executing the passed handler only if the dialog exited with "yes".
Here is the example implementation:
Ext.define('My.ConfirmButton', {
extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
alias: 'widget.confirmbutton',
dlgConf: {
title: 'Are you sure?',
msg: 'Are you sure you want to delete this?',
buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO,
closable: false
initComponent: function() {
// remember the originally passed handler
this.origHandler = this.handler;
this.origScrope = this.scope;
// override current handler to fire confirmation box first
this.handler = this.confirmHandler;
this.scope = this;
confirmHandler: function(me, e) {
// show dialog and call the original handler only on 'yes'{
fn: function(buttonId) {
if(buttonId == 'yes') {
me.origHandler && || me, me, e)
scope: me
}, this.dlgConf))
// Method used to dynamically reassign button handler
setHandler: function(handler, scope) {
// remember the originally passed handler
this.origHandler = this.handler;
this.origScrope = this.scope;
// override current handler to fire confirmation box first
this.handler = this.confirmHandler;
this.scope = this;
return this;
Here is the sample usage:
Ext.create('My.ConfirmButton', {
text: 'Delete me',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
handler: function() {
alert('Aww, you deleted something! :(')
As you see, the confirmation logic is hidden from the outside world, you use this button exactly like you would use a regular Ext.Button (by passing a handler to it). Also, you can override the configuration of the dialog that the button fires (you may want to adjust it to your needs, e.g. allow passing record name to the dialog for a friendlier UI).
Note that the code isn't thoroughly tested, some cases might be left uncovered.
UPD. You need to add an alias (former xtype) to the component class definition so you can use it in ComponentQuery in your controller code, e.g.
'confirmbutton[action = delete]' : {
click : this.delete
'confirmbutton[action = notDelete]' : {
click : this.notDelete
The final solution that i used was to declare variables using the global namespace so that they can be accessed from anywhere. On opening the first form, i get the data from the form using the record variable, and assign them a global name like
App1.Var1 =;
And, on opening the delete window, these variables can be accessed by App1.Var1 when the buttons are clicked.

How to add a custom update on a pull refresh?

In the standard "Pull to Refresh" plugin, the list store gets updated. However, I have two lists and I need to update a different store for my detail list. How can I override the update event and reload my other store? I tried adding a simple listener but it's not firing.
I got this snippet from the Sencha site to work:
plugins: [
xclass: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh',
pullRefreshText: 'Pull down for more new Events!',
refreshFn: function(plugin) {
console.log( "I'm pulled" );
Original code:
Ext.define('SenchaFiddle.view.ListView', {
extend: 'Ext.dataview.List',
xtype: 'main-list',
config: {
plugins: [
pullRefreshText: 'Do it!',
type: 'listpaging',
// Don't offer "Load More" msg
autoPaging: false,
refreshFn: function() {
listeners: {
'updatedata': function(plugin, list) {
console.log("Getting the data");
layout: 'fit',
width: 300,
itemTpl: '{text}'
In Sencha Touch 2.2, they have removed the refreshFn config from Ext.util.PullRefresh. I have successfully implemented a custom refreshFn with the new version of Sencha Touch by overriding the fetchLatest function inside Ext.util.PullRefresh like so...
Ext.define('MyApp.overrides.PullRefreshOverride', {
override: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh',
fetchLatest: function() {
var list = this.getList();
switch(list.getItemId()) {
case "list1":
case "list2":
//My own custom function to add to the plugin
updateStore1: function() {
//Code to update store 1
//My own custom function to add to the plugin
updateStore2: function {
//Code to update store 2
Having a look at Ext.plugin.PullRefresh definition in sencha-touch-all-debug, I see this config:
* #cfg {Function} refreshFn The function that will be called to refresh the list.
* If this is not defined, the store's load function will be called.
* The refresh function gets called with a reference to this plugin instance.
* #accessor
refreshFn: null,
It might be a good idea that you can achieve what you need through refreshFn config.
For those who need the refreshFn back, there is a PullRefreshFn extension for PullRefresh.
I needed PullRefresh to get triggered by a Panel, rather than a List or Dataview and I also needed to manually load and set data to my Dataview upon user triggering the PullRefresh.
For this I needed the refreshFn config function that existed prior to Sencha 2.2, so here is my implementation.
PullRefreshFn (Modified)
Ext.define('Ext.plugin.PullRefreshFn', {
extend: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh',
alias: 'plugin.pullrefreshfn',
requires: ['Ext.DateExtras'],
config: {
* #cfg {Function} refreshFn The function that will be called to refresh the list.
* If this is not defined, the store's load function will be called.
refreshFn: null
fetchLatest: function() {
if (this.getRefreshFn()) {
} else {
var store = this.getList().getStore(),
proxy = store.getProxy(),
operation = Ext.create('', {
page: 1,
start: 0,
model: store.getModel(),
limit: store.getPageSize(),
action: 'read',
sorters: store.getSorters(),
filters: store.getRemoteFilter() ? store.getFilters() : []
});, this.onLatestFetched, this);
My Controller
Ext.define('myApp.controller.MyController', {
extend: '',
requires: ['Ext.plugin.PullRefreshFn'],
// More code
// Binds the Pull Refresh to myPanel view item.
// myPanel is a panel. Not list nor dataview.
setPullRefresh: function () {
var me = this;
// We get reference to myPanel and
// we set PullRefreshFn
xclass: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefreshFn',
docked: 'top',
// We set autoSnapBack to false,
// as we are going to trigger this manually
autoSnapBack: false,
// refreshFn will be called upon user releasing for refresh.
refreshFn: function() {
// This is a custom function that sets data to our dataview list.
// When it's done setting data, we trigger the snapBack.
me.populateMylist(function () {