Is it possible to prevent the user from using Safari on iOS? - objective-c

I need to remove or at least make it impossible for the user to run Safari on an iPad.
Instead, the user should use a far more restricted browser that we will provide.
Is this possible?

With jailbreaking possibly, without jailbreaking, no.

Actually you can. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions, enable them, and turn off Safari. You can find more information on Apple's website.

If you mean to open url in your app by using your own webview instead of opening safari, you can register your class with the UIWebViewDelegate protocol and implement the method – webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType:
Inside this method, you can deal with the url and return NO, so that safari won't be opened.


How can my app appear in mobile safari URL bar as a app store suggestion (like slack)?

What technical requirements or methods do I need to implement to make my app appear in the URL browser under "app Store" suggestions in safari? This is what happens if I am typing in "slack" straight into the url bar of safari. It also appears if I haven't installed slack at all --> that's what I would like to implement as well.
Is that a auto suggestion-tool by safari which we can not influence at all?
Any hints to make that happen? Here's an image of Slack on Safari:
Thanks a lot!
These suggestions are known as Safari or Siri Suggestions, and appear to be controlled solely by Apple/Safari itself.
One source on Quora says,
“Siri Suggested Websites” are search results that come directly from Apple’s own search engine, based on websites they’ve crawled and indexed. It’s not based on your search history (or even anything you’ve done with Siri).
I wonder if your app would show up as a Suggestion if it was unique or popular enough in Apple's search indices...

Mac WebView - remember login information

I have a WebView (macOS). When user opens Facebook and login, I want to store these information and use them next time. (currently my WebView does not "remember" anything)
In previous WebKit implementation, these saved data was taken from Safari, now this is gone.
Any idea how to do it, what principles use? I'd like to avoid Keychain and storing passwords in general, it'll be great if I could inhereit this data from Safari or so... Thanks.
Caused by missing WebFrameLoadDelegate.

Best way to display notifications in Opera v15 extension

I have a chrome extension that I adapted to the Opera. Fortunately, all the features of my chrome extension worked well in Opera 15 without many changes. However, my extension uses the webkitNotifications to notify the result of the context menu click. It seems that the web notifications doesn't work in Opera extensions.
var notification = webkitNotifications.createNotification('icon_32.png','My extension title','Notification text');;
setTimeout(function(){notification.cancel();}, 5000);
In this case, what is the best way to notify the user when the context menu is clicked? Thanks.
webKitNotifications.createHTMLNotification has been deprecated. New suggested way to create notifications is in draft currently and not many browsers have implemented it.
In the meantime, I'd like to suggest to find another way to notify the user.

UIWebView disable location prompt

Is it possible to disable the location prompt (or auto decline/accept it) that pops up when you visit certain websites that ask for locations? I am not using a MKMapView because my app will be not be just viewing maps (it just may visit websites that might have maps on it).
I'm guessing since the prompt is not being controlled by my app, but by the iOS system, I probably will not be able to auto decline/accept the dialog.
As far as disabling the prompt from within an IOS app while loading a UIWebView, it is possible.
You will need to intercept the html before it gets loaded into the UIWebView then find which part of it triggers the GPS/Location Prompt. Once you found it, you simply remove it from the html then feed the html into the UIWebView thus 'disabling' the prompt. However, as a result, the webpage will be missing that element.
No, it's not possible to do that. Not with UIWebView, not with any iOS browser.
I know no way to prevent the prompt, I hope it will be implemented as a property of the UIWebView.
The dialog is not there for the safety of the user, when it comes to UIWebViews. The app containing the view has already asked for locations access, and it can be enabled and disabled on settings. To ask for location access both from the app and from the web view, I would regard as a bug.

How to simulate a click in a webpage in iOS with objective-C

I'm looking for an equivalent of Mechanize (Ruby/python and more) for iOS.
I need to simulate a click in a webpage (form submission) and get the response back. I tried to construct a POST-request using ASIHTTPRequest without succes. I was able to create a solution in Ruby (with Mechanize) but I want to be able to do the same in objective-c for iphone development. Any suggestions ?
As described in the duplicated posts, the API to programmatically simulate touches is private, so not appropriate for a shipping app. Follow the links if you want to know how to do it anyway.