Grid in a form panel in extjs - extjs4

i have a grid within a form as in the attached image. when the customer name is changed, then the grid store is loaded with records corresponding to the customer. i want to post the grid values together with the form values! How can this be done?
The image is found here

I assume you don't have autoSync: true for your grid store. To save all dirty records you would need to call store.sync()


Vue datatable row q-input not persisting values of model object

Please refer to the azure link for the built code and github link for the source code. To explain the scenario, I have a q-datatable from Quasar Framework. Since I have nested data, I am populating primary data in a collapsible for loop and secondary data in the content of collapsible as a datatable. The page also features an Edit/View Mode toggle just below the filters on the right. I have formatted the columns of the datatable to show q-input when in Edit Mode and just text in View Mode. Please do the following operation to reproduce the error. Steps 5 and onward are the steps producing unexpected behavior.
Expand one of the rows at the link(open in new window manually).
Toggle the Edit/View toggle which can be found just below the filters.
Trying editing any row. Observed Result: The values do persist in the text boxes on leaving focus, and also in the labels when page mode is changed back to View mode.
Add a new row by clicking on Add button found just below the row header.
Try typing in any of the text boxes in the newly added row and move to the ext text box. Observed Result: The values do not persist in the text box neither do they show in the labels when changed to View Mode.
Change mode back to View Mode and then back to Edit Mode. Observed Result: Values do show in the text boxes in edit mode but not in the View Mode.
Add a new row. Observed Result: Now the previously added row values show in both Edit and View Modes.
The problem was in the AddRow method. It is stated in the documentation that vue can only track changes to objects with defined properties. In the AddRow method I was adding an empty data object to the model. Adding properties with null values fixed the issue.

How to bind data in controls and edit accordinly on dropdwonlist selectedindexchagned event in mvc4 razor using jquery?

I have a view for create/ edit data, in my view contains a dropdownlist control and two textboxes and two buttons [Create, Done Modifications], and my requirement is like below.
User should be able to select his/her name from dropdownlist which contains list user names. By default create button is visible and ‘Done Modifications’ button should be invisible.
Based on the dropdownlist item selection, if the record is already exists then show up his/ her data in DOB, Location textboxes then invisible Create button and able to update to the database by Done Modifications button.
Data population, edit, create, delete logic should be implement in Controller classes.
Above things should be happen in asynchronously, I don’t want to allow post backs on any events.
Thanks for your time!
Sridhar Goshika
What is the hourly rate you are going to pay for this?
This is a list of specifications given to you, that you pass on to us; It does not show any research, any code showing what you have done and where you are at. Moreover, there is no question there.
submit() method will submit the form by dropdownlist item selection
#Html.DropDownList("ProdID", null, new {#onchange="submit()" })

datagridview in metro

I want to create a datagridview in metro, likes in winform, with a header of datagridview, and I can select any row to edit or delete, how to design it? I know Grid can display data, but it couldn't let me to select anyrow, I've also reviewed gridview, but still didn't find how to realize it. I have a list of object, and I want to bind the list to the gridview, and I can also edit or delete any row of it, is it possible? Or there's other better design?
Datagridview is not supported in Metro App . Instead you should try to use GridView to display your data.
Document of GridView : GridView
Some samples : Sample

Extjs 4 grid customization after clicking on a row add a panel with a textfield

I am new to extjs 4 and I have got a problem to customize the grid panel. My application have JSON data to render in a grid. After populate the data when user click on a particular row he need to get an panel (Just like row editing plugin) of a textfield and a button to send the entered text to server through the controller. This data that user entered is not the data of grid column.
I need to know is it possible? And if it is, then how can I make it.
Thanks in advance.
Sure it is possible. First look at the following example from the Extjs 4.1 docs
All you need is to add your listener to itemclick grid event. Within this listener function you can create panel you need.

Windows 8 GridView - show two items per time

I need to implement a sort of book using the GridView Control.
In particular I'm looking for a way to display only 2 items per time and still to be able to scroll the whole list using scrollbars.
Your question isn't very clear, but I'm assuming you are asking how to ask 2 rows or columns of blocks to your application.
Have a look at the default new Metro app template. It's hub page has a multi-line gridview. The key is to use a WrapGrid, or VariableSizedWrapGrid to display your items. In the example, a gridview is used, but then the wrapgrid is used as the item template (used for each group of items).