What is the difference between markov chain models and hidden markov model? I've read in Wikipedia, but couldn't understand the differences.
To explain by example, I'll use an example from natural language processing. Imagine you want to know the probability of this sentence:
I enjoy coffee
In a Markov model, you could estimate its probability by calculating:
P(WORD = I) x P(WORD = enjoy | PREVIOUS_WORD = I) x P(word = coffee| PREVIOUS_WORD = enjoy)
Now, imagine we wanted to know the parts-of-speech tags of this sentence, that is, if a word is a past tense verb, a noun, etc.
We did not observe any parts-of-speech tags in that sentence, but we assume they are there. Thus, we calculate what's the probability of the parts-of-speech tag sequence. In our case, the actual sequence is:
(where PRP=“Personal Pronoun”, VBP=“Verb, non-3rd person singular present”, NN=“Noun, singular or mass”. See https://cs.nyu.edu/grishman/jet/guide/PennPOS.html for complete notation of Penn POS tagging)
But wait! This is a sequence that we can apply a Markov model to. But we call it hidden, since the parts-of-speech sequence is never directly observed. Of course in practice, we will calculate many such sequences and we'd like to find the hidden sequence that best explains our observation (e.g. we are more likely to see words such as 'the', 'this', generated from the determiner (DET) tag)
The best explanation I have ever encountered is in a paper from 1989 by Lawrence R. Rabiner: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Bayes/rabiner.pdf
Markov model is a state machine with the state changes being probabilities. In a hidden Markov model, you don't know the probabilities, but you know the outcomes.
For example, when you flip a coin, you can get the probabilities, but, if you couldn't see the flips and someone moves one of five fingers with each coin flip, you could take the finger movements and use a hidden Markov model to get the best guess of coin flips.
As I understand it, the question is: what is the difference between a Markov Process and a Hidden Markov Process?
A Markov Process (MP) is a stochastic Process with:
Finite number of states
Probabilistic transitions between these states
Next state determined only by the current state (Markov property)
A Hidden Markov Process (HMM) is also a stochastic Process with:
Finite number of states
Probabilistic transitions between these states
Next state determined only by the current state (Markov property) AND
We’re unsure which state we’re in: The current state emits an observation.
Example - (HMM) Stock Market:
In the Stock Market, people trade with the value of the firm. Let's assume that the real value of the share is $100 (this is unobservable, and in fact you never know it). What you really see is then the value it is traded with: let's assume in this case $90 (this is observable).
For people interested in Markov: The interesting part is when you start taking actions on these models (in the previous example, to gain money). This goes to Markov Decision Processes (MDP) and Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). To assess a general classification of these models, I have summarized in the following picture the main characteristics of each Markov Model.
Since Matt used parts-of-speech tags as an HMM example, I could add one more example: Speech Recognition. Almost all large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) systems are based on HMMs.
"Matt's example":
I enjoy coffee
In a Markov model, you could estimate its probability by calculating:
P(WORD = I) x P(WORD = enjoy | PREVIOUS_WORD = I) x P(word = coffee| PREVIOUS_WORD = enjoy)
In a Hidden Markov Model,
Let's say 30 different people read the sentence "I enjoy hugging" and we have to recognize it.
Every person will pronounce this sentence differently. So we do NOT know whether or not the person meant "hugging" or "hogging". We will only have the probabilistic distribution of the actual word.
In short, a hidden Markov model is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved (hidden) states.
A hidden Markov models is a double embedded stochastic process with two levels.
The upper level is a Markov process and the states are unobservable.
In fact, observation is a probabilistic function of the upper level Markov states.
Different Markov states will have different observation probabilistic functions.
In the GPT-2 paper, under Section 2, Page 3 it says,
Since the supervised objective is the the same as the unsupervised objective but only evaluated on a subset of the sequence, the global minimum of the unsupervised objective is also the global minimum of the supervised objective.
I didn't follow this line of reasoning. What is the logic behind concluding this?
The underlying principle here is that if f is a function with domain D and S is a subset of D, then if d maximizes f over D and d happens to be in S, then d also maximizes f over S.
In simper words "a global maximum is also a local maximum".
Now how does this apply to GPT-2? Let's look at how GPT-2 is trained.
First step: GPT-2 uses unsupervised training to learn the distribution of the next letter in a sequence by examining examples in a huge corpus of existing text. By this point, it should be able to output valid words and be able to complete things like "Hello ther" to "Hello there".
Second step: GPT-2 uses supervised training at specific tasks such as answering specific questions posed to it such as "Who wrote the book the origin of species?" Answer "Charles Darwin".
Question: Does the second step of supervised training undo general knowledge that GPT-2 learned in the first step?
Answer: No, the question-answer pair "Who wrote the book the origin of species? Charles Darwin." is itself valid English text that comes from the same distribution that the network is trying to learn in the first place. It may well even appear verbatim in the corpus of text from step 1. Therefore, these supervised examples are elements of the same domain (valid English text) and optimizing the loss function to get these supervised examples correct is working towards the same objective as optimizing the loss function to get the unsupervised examples correct.
In simpler words, supervised question-answer pairs or other specific tasks that GPT-2 was trained to do use examples from the same underlying distribution as the unsupervised corpus text, so they are optimizing towards the same goal and will have the same global optimum.
Caveat: you can still accidentally end up in a local-minimum due to (over)training using these supervised examples that you might not have run into otherwise. However, GPT-2 was revolutionary in its field and whether or not this happened with GPT-2, it still made significant progress from the state-of-the-art before it.
I'm trying to setup a deep neuronal network, which predicts the next move for a game agent to navigate a world. To control the game agent it takes two float inputs. The first one controls the speed (0.0 = stop/do not move, 1.0 = max. speed). The second controls the steering (-1.0 = turn left, 0.0 = straight, +1.0 = turn right).
I designed the network so the it has two output neurons one for the speed (it has a sigmoid activation applied) and on for the steering (has a tanh activation). The actual input I want to feed the network is the pixel data and some game state values.
To train the network I would simply run a whole game (about 2000frames/samples). When the game is over I want to train the model. Here is where I struggle, how would my loss-function look like? While playing I collect all actions/ouputs from the network, the game state and rewards per frame/sample. When the game is done I also got the information if the agent won or lost.
This post http://karpathy.github.io/2016/05/31/rl/ got me inspired. Maybe I could use the discounted (move, turn) value-pairs, multiply them by (-1) if game agent lost and (+1) if it won. Now I can use these values as gradients to update the networks weights?
It would be nice if someone could help me out here.
All the best,
The problem you are talking is belong to reinforcement-learning, where agent interact with environment and collect data that is game state, its action and reward/score it got at end. Now there are many approaches.
The one you are talking is policy-gradient method, And loss function is as E[\sum r], where r is score, which has to be maximized. And its gradient will be A*grad(log(p_theta)), where A is advantage function i.e. +1/-1 for winning/losing. And p_theta is the probability of choosing action parameterized by theta(neural network). Now if it has win, the gradient will be update in favor of that policy because of +1 and vice-versa.
Note: There are many methods to design A, in this case +1/-1 is chosen.
More you can read here in more detail.
I am given a data that consists of N sequences of variable lengths of hidden variables and their corresponding observed variables (i.e., I have both the hidden variables and the observed variables for each sequence).
Is there a way to find the order K of the "best" HMM model for this data, without exhaustive search? (justified heuristics are also legitimate).
I think there may be a confusion about the word "order":
A first-order HMM is an HMM which transition matrix depends only on the previous state. A 2nd-order HMM is an HMM which transition matrix depends only on the 2 previous states, and so on. As the order increases, the theory gets "thicker" (i.e., the equations) and very few implementations of such complex models are implemented in mainstream libraries.
A search on your favorite browser with the keywords "second-order HMM" will bring you to meaningful readings about these models.
If by order you mean the number of states, and with the assumptions that you use single distributions assigned to each state (i.e., you do not use HMMs with mixtures of distributions) then, indeed the only hyperparameter you need to tune is the number of states.
You can estimate the optimal number of states using criteria such as the Bayesian Information Criterion, the Akaike Information Criterion, or the Minimum Message Length Criterion which are based on model's likelihood computations. Usually, the use of these criteria necessitates training multiple models in order to be able to compute some meaningful likelihood results to compare.
If you just want to get a blur idea of a good K value that may not be optimal, a k-means clustering combined with the percentage of variance explained can do the trick: if X clusters explain more than, let say, 90% of the variance of the observations in your training set then, going with an X-state HMM is a good start. The 3 first criteria are interesting because they include a penalty term that goes with the number of parameters of the model and can therefore prevent some overfitting.
These criteria can also be applied when one uses mixture-based HMMs, in which case there are more hyperparameters to tune (i.e., the number of states and the number of component of the mixture models).
Q: Is Tensorflow RNN implemented to ouput Elman Network's hidden state?
cells = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicRNNCell(4)
outputs, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=cells, etc...)
I'm quiet new to TF's RNN and curious about meaning of outputs, and state.
I'm following stanford's tensorflow tutorial but there seems no detailed explanation so I'm asking here.
After testing, I think state is hidden state after sequence calculation and outputs is array of hidden states after each time steps.
so I want to make it clear. outputs and state are just hidden state vectors so to fully implement Elman network, I have to make V matrix in the picture and do matrix multiplication again. am I correct?
I believe you are asking what the output of a intermediate state and output is.
From what I understand, the state would be intermediate output after a convolution / sequence calculation and is hidden, so your understanding is in the right direction.
Output may vary as how you decide to implement your network model, but on a general basis, it is an array where any operation (convolution, sequence calc etc) has been applied after which activation & downsampling/pooling has been applied, to concentrate on identifiable features across that layer.
From Colah's blog ( http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/ ):
Finally, we need to decide what we’re going to output. This output will be based on our cell state, but will be a filtered version. First, we run a sigmoid layer which decides what parts of the cell state we’re going to output. Then, we put the cell state through tanhtanh (to push the values to be between −1−1 and 11) and multiply it by the output of the sigmoid gate, so that we only output the parts we decided to.
For the language model example, since it just saw a subject, it might want to output information relevant to a verb, in case that’s what is coming next. For example, it might output whether the subject is singular or plural, so that we know what form a verb should be conjugated into if that’s what follows next.
Hope this helps.
Thank you
i'm new to the HMM universe. I've followed the tutorials using a GaussianHMM machine learner, and they work but i was just wondering how i can use the code to display the probability of an observation given the most likely sequence, assuming i have multiple sequences of observations? Thanks
so for example, if the observations are:
seq1:[1,2,-1,4,2], seq2:[a,v,s,a,f], and the model has 2 states,
once the model predicts the states, how does one calculate the probability of an observed output [1],[a] ?