How to embed an office document in a Metro App? - windows-8

Is it possible to embed an office document in a Metro app without having to parse it manually?
I'm thinking about a preview or even a the possibility to make small changes to it. I'm not asking about starting it externally but using it directly in a Metro app.

You cannot embed directly into a Metro style app. It may be possible to do something with the Skydrive API and embedding documents, but more research would be required. Here is an example on using the Live SDK from a Metro style app.

I would just use webview controller and open the document from Skydrive with it.
That way you can open the document as editable or just show it.


What structure to implement for a document based app on react native

I’m a newbie to the programming world,
I’m building an app on react native for iOS and Android
The objective of the app is to give subscribers access to different pdf/word documents.
My question is to understand what structure is to be implemented for an efficient app. The question is ?
Should I develop an api which gives me The ability to upload documents and subscribers to the app can ‘Download’ PDFs. Should I use Google drive api or develop my own?
Or is there any other more efficient way to achieve the objective.
Thank you
You can use react-native-fs if your application includes the document read, download, and upload(to any URL). If you'll use Google Drive you'll be relying too much on Google services, but this package allows you to add custom operations.
You can use downloadFile for downloading a file from URL and uploadFiles for uploading.

What's the best method for downloading a PDF from a sapUI5 App?

I need a 'Download PDF' feature for my SAPUI5 app which contains Viz charts (SVG's) as well as other more standard HTML elements.
I've already looked into jsPDF, html2canvas etc.
What is the recommended method?
It needs to work both as a Web app and also as a packaged Cordova app.
This has been somewhat answered here: Save Web page directly to PDF using JS
This method should work both in web app and as a Cordova app.
As mentioned there the best choice would still be to popup the "print to PDF" window (just as pressing ctrl+p in most browsers) and letting the user save it.

Convert XUL application to web app

Is it possible to convert an existing XUL application to a pure web application without a complete rewrite? Are there any existing guides on doing this?
There is an existing project based on XUL / Mozilla Application Framework that I would like to see as a web application. But it seems that with FF4 this would no longer be possible.
You can use XUL Runner if you like to keep it like a desktop app or use the Ample SDK which supports XUL in HTML pages and it does a rendering using HTML and JavaScript.

How to prevent file sharing with Quick Look PDF viewer

I am using the QuickLook framework to display PDFs in my app. The pdfs are downloaded and stored in my apps sandbox, in the Application_Support directory.
Basically, I open the PDF in my app, no problems and then close my app.
Now if I open the Adobe App on my device, the pdf I was viewing with my app is available in
the Adobe app.
Is there any way of preventing this sharing of my pdf between my app and the Adobe App
Any help will be much appreciated
One solution would be to hide the right navigation button on the Quick Look Viewer nav bar.

PDF and Titanium SDK

I'm trying to make a app which is able to display PDFs. It should be possible to click web links within the document and dynamically load new PDFs into the app.
The file download and REST/JSON communication shouldn't be a problem but the PDF part looks kinda hard. Is there a way to display PDFs via the Appcelerator Titanium SDK?
This is app is targeting the iPad and iPhone.
You can show pdf files using Titanium.UI.WebView