Using precedence in Bison for unary minus doesn't solve shift/reduce conflict - grammar

I'm devising a very simple grammar, where I use the unary minus operand. However, I get a shift/reduce conflict. In the Bison manual, and everywhere else I look, it says that I should define a new token and give it higher precedence than the binary minus operand, and then use "%prec TOKEN" in the rule.
I've done that, but I still get the warning. Why?
I'm using bison (GNU Bison) 2.4.1. The grammar is shown below:
#include <string>
extern "C" int yylex(void);
%union {
std::string token;
%token <token> T_IDENTIFIER T_NUMBER
%right T_EQUAL
%left T_MUL T_DIV
%left UNARY
%start program
program : statements expr
statements : '\n'
| statements line
line : assignment
| expr
assignment : T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL expr
expr : T_NUMBER
| expr T_PLUS expr
| expr T_MINUS expr
| expr T_MUL expr
| expr T_DIV expr
| T_MINUS expr %prec UNARY

%prec doesn't do as much as you might hope here. It tells Bison that in a situation where you have - a * b you want to parse this as (- a) * b instead of - (a * b). In other words, here it will prefer the UNARY rule over the T_MUL rule. In either case, you can be certain that the UNARY rule will get applied eventually, and it is only a question of the order in which the input gets reduced to the unary argument.
In your grammar, things are very much different. Any sequence of line non-terminals will make up a sequence, and there is nothing to say that a line non-terminal must end at an end-of-line. In fact, any expression can be a line. So here are basically two ways to parse a - b: either as a single line with a binary minus, or as two “lines”, the second starting with a unary minus. There is nothing to decide which of these rules will apply, so the rule-based precedence won't work here yet.
Your solution is correcting your line splitting, by requiring every line to actually end with or be followed by an end-of-line symbol.
If you really want the behaviour your grammar indicates with respect to line endings, you'd need two separate non-terminals for expressions which can and which cannot start with a T_MINUS. You'd have to propagate this up the tree: the first line may start with a unary minus, but subsequent ones must not. Inside a parenthesis, starting with a minus would be all right again.

The expr rule is ok (without the %prec UNARY). Your shift/reduce conflict comes from the rule:
statements : '\n'
| statements line
The rule does not what you think. For example you can write:
a + b c + d
I think that is not supposed to be valid input.
But also the program rule is not very sane:
program : statements expr
The rules should be something like:
program: lines;
lines: line | lines line;
line: statement "\n" | "\n";
statement: assignment | expr;


What is the meaning of the ANTLR syntax in this grammar file?

I am trying to parse a file using ANTLR4 via Python. I am following a tutorial (; I am able to execute the code and get responses like the ones shown in the tutorial, but I'm failing to understand the logic of the grammar file.
grammar MyGrammer;
expr: left=expr op=('*'|'/') right=expr # InfixExpr
| left=expr op=('+'|'-') right=expr # InfixExpr
| atom=INT # NumberExpr
| '(' expr ')' # ParenExpr
| atom=HELLO # HelloExpr
| atom=BYE # ByeExpr
HELLO: ('hello'|'hi') ;
BYE : ('bye'| 'tata') ;
INT : [0-9]+ ;
WS : [ \t]+ -> skip ;
From my understanding, The constants (what I call them since they are all capitals) HELLO, BYE, INT, and WS define rules for what that set of text can contain. I think they are relating to functions somehow, but I am not sure. So the HELLO function will be executed if the parser encounters something that says either 'hello' or 'hi'. The expr is what is confusing me.
expr: left=expr op=('*'|'/') right=expr # InfixExpr
| left=expr op=('+'|'-') right=expr # InfixExpr
| atom=INT # NumberExpr
| '(' expr ')' # ParenExpr
| atom=HELLO # HelloExpr
| atom=BYE # ByeExpr
HELLO: ('hello'|'hi') ;
BYE : ('bye'| 'tata') ;
INT : [0-9]+ ;
WS : [ \t]+ -> skip ;
When I run the command
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 MyGrammer.g4 -visitor -o dist
it produces many files but the main one contains InfixExpr, NumberExpr, ParenExpr, HelloExpr, and ByeExpr. I can see that somehow the author knows that he is doing something with the constants HELLO, BYE, etc. Is there any documentation on the expr piece above and what do the keywords atom, left, right mean?
Any rules that begin with a capital letter (often we captilize the entire rule name to make it obvious) is a Lexer rule.
Rules that begin with lower case letters are parser rules.
It’s VERY important to understand the difference and the flow of your input all the way through to a parse tree.
Your input stream of characters is first processed by the Lexer (using the Lexer rules) to produce a stream of tokens for the parser to act upon. It’s important to understand that the parser has NO impact on how the Lexer interprets the input.
When multiple Lexer rules could match you input, two “tie breakers” come into play.
1 - if a rules matches more characters in your input stream than other rules, then that will be the rules used to produce a token.
2 - if there is a tie of multiple Lexer rules matching the same sequence of input characters, then the Lexer rules that appears first in your grammar will be used to generate a token.
Your parser rules are evaluated using a recursive descent approach beginning with whatever startRule you specify. ANTLR uses several techniques to do it’s best to recognize your input, that includes trying alternatives until one is found that matches, ignoring a token (and producing an error) if that allows the parser to continue on, and inserting a missing token (and producing an error) if that allows the parser to continue.
re: the expr portion:
The rule says that there are 6 possible ways to recognize an expr
left=expr op=('*'|'/') right=expr (which will create an InfixExprContext node in the parse tree)
left=expr op=('+'|'-') right=expr (InfixExprContext (also))
atom=INT (NumberExprContext)
'(' expr ')' (ParenExprContext)
atom=HELLO (HelloExprContext)
atom=BYE (ByeExprContext)
The benefit of the labels (ex: # InfixExpr) is that, by creating a Context more specific than an ExprContext) you will have visitInfixExpr, visitNumberExpr, (etc.) methods that you can override in you Visitor instead of just a visitExpr method that contains all the alternatives. A similar thing will result for the enterXX and exitXX methods for your Listener classes.
In the left=expr op=('*'|'/') right=expr rule, the left, op and right names will generate accessors that make it easier to access those parts of you parse tree in you *Context class (without them you'd just have an array of expr, for example and expr[0] would be the first expr and expr[1] would be the second. (It's probably a good idea to look at the generated code with and without the names and labels to see the difference. Both make it MUCH easier to write the logic in your visitor/listeners.

ANTLR4 No Viable Alternative At Input

I'm implementing a simple PseudoCode language with ANTLR4, this is my current grammar:
// Define a grammar called PseudoCode
grammar PseudoCode;
param: VARB | VARB ',' param ;
assignment: VARB '=' NUMBER ;
FUNCTION: 'function' ;
VARB: [a-z0-9]+ ;
SIGNATURE: [a-zA-Z0-9]+ ;
NUMBER: [0-9]+ | [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+ ;
WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
The problem is after compiling and generating the Parser, Lexer, etc... and then running with grun PseudoCode prog -tree with the input being for example: function bla{bleh}
I keep on getting the following error:
line 1:9 no viable alternative at input 'functionbla'
Can someone point out what is wrong with my grammar?
bla is a VARB, not a SIGNATURE, because it matches both rules and VARB comes first in the grammar. The way you defined your lexer rules, an identifier can only be matched as a SIGNATURE if it contains capital letters.
The simplest solution to this problem would be to have a single lexer rule for identifiers and then use that everywhere where you currently use SIGNATURE or VARB. If you want to disallow capital letters in certain places, you could simply check for this condition in an action or listener, which would also allow you to produce clearer error messages than syntax errors (e.g. "capital letters are not allowed in variable names").
If you absolutely do need capital letters in variable names to be syntax errors, you could define one rule for identifiers with capital letters and one without. Then you could use ID_WITH_CAPITALS | ID_LOWER_CASE_ONLY in places where you want to allow both and ID_LOWER_CASE_ONLY in cases where you only want to allow lower case letters.
PS: You'll also want to make sure that your identifier rule does not match numbers (which both VARB and SIGNATURE currently do). Currently NUMBER tokens will only be generated for numbers with a decimal point.

How to make a simple calculator syntax highlighting for IntelliJ?

I'm making a custom language support plugin according to this tutorial and I'm stuck with a few .bnf concepts. Let's say I want to parse a simple calculator language that supports +,-,*,/,unary -, and parentheses. Here's what I currently have:
package com.intellij.circom;
import com.intellij.lexer.FlexLexer;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.circom.psi.CircomTypes;
import com.intellij.psi.TokenType;
%class CircomLexer
%implements FlexLexer
%function advance
%type IElementType
%eof{ return;
WHITESPACE = [ \n\r\t]+
NUMBER = [0-9]+
{WHITESPACE} { return TokenType.WHITE_SPACE; }
{NUMBER} { return CircomTypes.NUMBER; }
expr ::=
expr ('+' | '-') expr
| expr ('*' | '/') expr
| '-' expr
| '(' expr ')'
| literal;
literal ::= NUMBER;
First it complains that expr is recursive. How do I rewrite it to not be recursive? Second, when I try to compile and run it, it freezes idea test instance when trying to parse this syntax, looks like an endless loop.
Calling the grammar files "BNF" is a bit misleading, since they are actually modified PEG (parsing expression grammar) format, which allows certain extended operators, including grouping, repetition and optionality, and ordered choice (which is semantically different from the regular definition of |).
Since the underlying technology is PEG, you cannot use left-recursive rules. Left-recursion will cause an infinite loop in the parser, unless the code generator refuses to generate left-recursive code. Fortunately, repetition operators are available so you only need recursion for syntax involving parentheses, and that's not left-recursion so it presents no problem.
As far as I can see from the documentation I found, grammar kit does not provide for operator precedence declarations. If you really need to produce a correct parse taking operator-precedence into account, you'll need to use multiple precedence levels. However, if your only use case is syntax highlighting, you probably do not require a precisely accurate parse, and it would be sufficient to do something like the following:
expr ::= unary (('+' | '-' | '*' | '/') unary)*
unary ::= '-'* ( '(' expr ')' | literal )
(For precise parsing, you'd need to split expr above into two precedence levels, one for additive operators and another for multiplicative. But I suggest not doing that unless you intend to use the parse for evaluation or code-generation.)
Also, you almost certainly require some lexical rule to recognise the various operator characters and return appropriate single character tokens.

shift/reduce error in yacc

I know this part of my grammar cause error but I don't know how to fix it I even use %left and right but it didn't help. Can anybody please help me to find out what is the problem with this grammar.
Thanks in advance for your help.
%right '='
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%left '^'
%start S_PROOP
| '(' EXPRESSION ')'
Normal style is to use lower case for non-terminals and upper case for terminals; using upper case indiscriminately makes your grammar harder to read (at least for those of us used to normal yacc/bison style). So I've written this answer without so much recourse to the caps lock key.
The basic issue is the production
expression: expression expression
which is obviously ambiguous, since it does not provide any indication of associativity. In that, it is not different from
expression: expression '+' expression
but that conflict can be resolved using a precedence declaration:
%left '+'
The difference is that the first production does not have any terminal symbol, which makes it impossible to use precedence rules to disambiguate: in yacc/bison, precedence is always a comparison between a potential reduction and a potential shift. The potential reduction is some production which could be reduced; the potential shift is a terminal symbol which might be able to extend some production. Since the potential shift must be a terminal symbol, that is what is used in the precedence declaration; by default, the precedence of the potential reduction is defined by the last terminal symbol in the right-hand side but it is possible to specify a different terminal using a %prec marker. In any case, the precedence relation involves a terminal symbol, and if the grammar allows juxtaposition of two terminals, there is no relevant terminal symbol.
That's easy to work around, since you are under no obligation to use precedence to resolve conflicts. You could just avoid the conflict:
/* Left associative rule */
expr_sequence: expr | expr_sequence expr
/* Alternative: right associative rule */
expr_sequence: expr | expr expr_sequence
Since there is no indication what you intend by the juxtaposition, I'm unable to recommend one or the other of the above alternatives, but normally I would incline towards the first one.
That's not terribly different from your grammar for equation_sequence, although equation_sequence actually uses a terminal symbol so it could have been handled with a precedence declaration. It's worth noting that equation_sequence, as written, is right-associative. That's usually considered correct for assignment operators, (a = b = c + 3, in a language like C, is parsed as a = (b = c + 3) and not as (a = b) = c + 3, making assignment one of the few right-associative operators.) But if you are using = as an equality operator, it might not actually be what you intended.

How can I construct a clean, Python like grammar in ANTLR?

How can I construct a simple ANTLR grammar handling multi-line expressions without the need for either semicolons or backslashes?
I'm trying to write a simple DSLs for expressions:
# sh style comments
ThisValue = 1
ThatValue = ThisValue * 2
ThisOtherValue = (1 + 2 + ThisValue * ThatValue)
YetAnotherValue = MAX(ThisOtherValue, ThatValue)
Overall, I want my application to provide the script with some initial named values and pull out the final result. I'm getting hung up on the syntax, however. I'd like to support multiple line expressions like the following:
# Note: no backslashes required to continue expression, as we're in brackets
# Note: no semicolon required at end of expression, either
ThisValueWithAReallyLongName = (ThisOtherValueWithASimilarlyLongName
I started off with an ANTLR grammar like this:
: ( assignment_statement | empty_line )* EOF!
: assignment NL!?
: NL;
: ID '=' expr
// ... and so on
It seems simple, but I'm already in trouble with the newlines:
warning(200): StackOverflowQuestion.g:11:20: Decision can match input such as "NL" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2
As a result, alternative(s) 2 were disabled for that input
Graphically, in
Decision Can Match NL Using Multiple Alternatives
I've kicked the grammar around, but always end up with violations of expected behavior:
A newline is not required at the end of the file
Empty lines are acceptable
Everything in a line from a pound sign onward is discarded as a comment
Assignments end with end-of-line, not semicolons
Expressions can span multiple lines if wrapped in brackets
I can find example ANTLR grammars with many of these characteristics. I find that when I cut them down to limit their expressiveness to just what I need, I end up breaking something. Others are too simple, and I break them as I add expressiveness.
Which angle should I take with this grammar? Can you point to any examples that aren't either trivial or full Turing-complete languages?
I would let your tokenizer do the heavy lifting rather than mixing your newline rules into your grammar:
Count parentheses, brackets, and braces, and don't generate NL tokens while there are unclosed groups. That'll give you line continuations for free without your grammar being any the wiser.
Always generate an NL token at the end of file whether or not the last line ends with a '\n' character, then you don't have to worry about a special case of a statement without a NL. Statements always end with an NL.
The second point would let you simplify your grammar to something like this:
: ( assignment_statement | empty_line )* EOF!
: assignment NL
: NL
: ID '=' expr
How about this?
: (expr)? (NL+ expr)* NL!? EOF!
: assignment | ...
: ID '=' expr
I assume you chose to make NL optional, because the last statement in your input code doesn't have to end with a newline.
While it makes a lot of sense, you are making life a lot harder for your parser. Separator tokens (like NL) should be cherished, as they disambiguate and reduce the chance of conflicts.
In your case, the parser doesn't know if it should parse "assignment NL" or "assignment empty_line". There are many ways to solve it, but most of them are just band-aides for an unwise design choice.
My recommendation is an innocent hack: Make NL mandatory, and always append NL to the end of your input stream!
It may seem a little unsavory, but in reality it will save you a lot of future headaches.