Retrieving data from singleton in a more clever way ? - objective-c

I have some game data in my GameStateSingleton, which I don't want to retrieve every time explicitly with [[GameStateSingleton sharedMySingleton]getVariable], so I asked myself whether it is possible to do something like that :
In the interface file of my class, GameLayer I set up properties and variables like sharedHealth.
#interface GameLayer : CCLayer
int sharedHealth;
#property (nonatomic,assign) int sharedHealth;
and of course synthesize it in the implementation.
#synthesize sharedHealth;
In the initialization of GameLayer I would like to do something like :
sharedHealth = [self getCurrentHealth];
and add the corresponding method
int myHealth = [[GameStateSingleton sharedMySingleton]getSharedHealth];
return myHealth;
Is that possible ? From what I have experienced, I just seem to get crashes. How would I achieve my goal, to not always have to call the long method, as it always retrieves the same variable? There has to be a solution for this ...

You don't need an instance variable for that. You could just write a shortcut function like this:
- (int)sharedHealth {
return [[GameStateSingleton sharedMySingleton] getSharedHealth];
And where ever you need that value, you call [self sharedHealth].
You could also use a preprocessor macro instead. Just define this:
#define SharedHealth [[GameStateSingleton sharedMySingleton] getSharedHealth]
And then simply use that when you need the value.
Note, that in Objective-C you don't call getter methods "getVariable", but simply "variable". Mostly this is a convention, but if you start using KVC or KVO it's a rule you have to follow. So it's better to get used to it as soon as possible.

If it's just the repetitive typing that you're trying to avoid, you could use the old C way...
#define GAME_STATE [GameStateSingleton sharedMySingleton]
...and then...
int localValue = [GAME_STATE property];


Using an "extern" global before it is properly initialized

I'm trying to determine if there is an elegant solution to this issue.
Say I have a global defined in some header:
extern NSString *someGlobal;
And then I wish to use this global in some other class:
NSString *localVariable = someGlobal;
This all works just fine if I initialize the global like this:
NSString *someGlobal = #"Some String Literal";
But lets say I need to initialize the global to something that isn't a compile-time constant. In such cases I typically do this:
#implementation Constants
+ (void)initialize {
someGlobal = ... // some non-trivial initialization
Now I have a potential problem in Foo.m. If no reference has been made to the Constants class when I try to use someGlobal, the result is nil. A workaround is to do:
Foo.m (or in some app startup code):
[Constants class];
That will trigger the initialize method of the Constants class and someGlobal will be properly initialized. As long as this is done before any runtime use of someGlobal, things work fine.
Is there a better way to initialize extern globals with non-compile time constants without the need to call code such as [Constants class] at app startup?
A more idiomatic way in Objective-C is using a singleton instead of multiple globals. Here is how:
#interface Globals
#property (readwrite,nonatomic) NSString *myString;
#property (readwrite,nonatomic) int myInt;
+(Globals*) instance;
+(Globals*) instance {
static dispatch_once_t once;
static Globals *inst;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
inst = [[Globals alloc] init];
inst.myString = #"Some String Literal";
inst.myInt = 42;
return inst;
Now you can use your globals like this:
NSLog(#"Global string: %#", [Globals instance].myString);
NSLog(#"Global string: %d", [Globals instance].myInt);
No, there is no better way. Logically, if some piece of code must execute before a variable is intialized, you have to take steps to make sure that happens.
You could arrange the flow of your program's code so as to guarantee that the Constants class get initialized before any other piece of code executes which needs it. For example, by tweaking the order in which things are initialized in your program and following the order of code execution from main() on down to prove to yourself that it works. But short of that (and the safest thing in any case), you would use your technique to force it to be made valid right before you use it.
Like dasblinkenlight's answer, this may not be exactly what you are looking for but it's another approach.
I would make class methods that returns the value you are looking for like this:
+(NSString *)someConstant {
static NSString *constant;
if(constant == nil)
constant = //your initialization here;
return constant;
Then where you need to use it just call [Constants someConstant];
Other random thoughts:
A constant that isn't some compile time value isn't really what extern variables are for and this method insures that the variable is initialized every time you use it. The class using the constant has to know about your class anyway or it wouldn't have imported its header file

How to check private members in objective C unit tests?

Considering this class :
#interface SampleClass : NSObject {
NSMutableArray *_childs;
- (void)addChild:(ChildClass *)child;
- (void)removeChild:(ChildClass *)child;
How can i test when i add a child if the _childs array contains one object without adding a property to access it (because i don't want allow client code to access the _childs array) ?
Create a #property for it in the class extension and use the property for all accesses, that way you are testing and using the same code.
I'm not sure I correctly understand your question, I parse it as: While implementing addChild:, how do I prevent to insert objects a second time into _childs ?
There are two ways: if the order of your elements doesn't matter then you should simply use a NSMutableSet instead of an NSMutableArray. In this case the set takes care of everything:
- (void)addChild:(ChildClass *)child
[_childs addObject:child];
If order is important, stick with the NSMutableArray and do it like this:
- (void)addChild:(ChildClass *)child
if ([_childs containsObject:child]) return;
[_childs addObject:child];
Just make a -(int)childCount method that returns the count of the array.

Writing my own #dynamic properties in Cocoa

Suppose (for the sake of argument) that I have a view class which contains an NSDictionary. I want a whole bunch of properties, all of which access the members of that dictionary.
For example, I want #property NSString* title and #property NSString* author.
For each one of these properties, the implementation is the same: for the getter, call [dictionary objectForKey:propertyName];, and for the setter do the same with setObject:forKey:.
It would take loads of time and use loads of copy-and-paste code to write all those methods. Is there a way to generate them all automatically, like Core Data does with #dynamic properties for NSManagedObject subclasses? To be clear, I only want this means of access for properties I define in the header, not just any arbitrary key.
I've come across valueForUndefinedKey: as part of key value coding, which could handle the getters, but I'm not entirely sure whether this is the best way to go.
I need these to be explicit properties so I can bind to them in Interface Builder: I eventually plan to write an IB palette for this view.
(BTW, I know my example of using an NSDictionary to store these is a bit contrived. I'm actually writing a subclass of WebView and the properties will refer to the IDs of HTML elements, but that's not important for the logic of my question!)
I managed to solve this myself after pouring over the objective-c runtime documentation.
I implemented this class method:
+ (BOOL) resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)aSEL
NSString *method = NSStringFromSelector(aSEL);
if ([method hasPrefix:#"set"])
class_addMethod([self class], aSEL, (IMP) accessorSetter, "v#:#");
return YES;
class_addMethod([self class], aSEL, (IMP) accessorGetter, "##:");
return YES;
return [super resolveInstanceMethod:aSEL];
Followed by a pair of C functions:
NSString* accessorGetter(id self, SEL _cmd)
NSString *method = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd);
// Return the value of whatever key based on the method name
void accessorSetter(id self, SEL _cmd, NSString* newValue)
NSString *method = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd);
// remove set
NSString *anID = [[[method stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 3) withString:#""] lowercaseString] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#":" withString:#""];
// Set value of the key anID to newValue
Since this code tries to implement any method that is called on the class and not already implemented, it'll cause problems if someone tries calling something you're note expecting. I plan to add some sanity checking, to make sure the names match up with what I'm expecting.
You can use a mix of your suggested options:
use the #dynamic keyword
overwrite valueForKey: and setValue:forKey: to access the dictionary
use the objective-c reflection API's method class_getProperty and check it for nil. If it's not nil your class has such a property. It doesn't if it is.
then call the super method in the cases where no such property exists.
I hope this helps. Might seem a bit hacky (using reflection) but actually this is a very flexible and also absolutely "legal" solution to the problem...
PS: the coredata way is possible but would be total overkill in your case...
Befriend a Macro? This may not be 100% correct.
#define propertyForKey(key, type) \
- (void) set##key: (type) key; \
- (type) key;
#define synthesizeForKey(key, type) \
- (void) set##key: (type) key \
{ \
[dictionary setObject];// or whatever \
} \
- (type) key { return [dictionary objectForKey: key]; }
sounds like you should should be using a class instead of a dictionary. you're getting close to implementing by hand what the language is trying to give you.
There is a nice blog with example code with more robust checks on dynamic properties at also a very nice SO answer at Objective-C dynamic properties at runtime?.
Couple of points on the answer. Probably want to declare an #property in the interface to allow typeahead also to declare the properties as dynamic in the implementation.

Constant NSDictionary/NSArray for class methods

I am trying to code a global lookup table of sorts.
I have game data that is stored in character/string format in a plist, but which needs to be in integer/id format when it is loaded.
For instance, in the level data file, a "p" means player. In the game code a player is represented as the integer 1. This let's me do some bitwise operations, etc. I am simplifying greatly here, but trying to get the point across. Also, there is a conversion to coordinates for the sprite on a sprite sheet.
Right now this string->integer, integer->string, integer->coordinate, etc. conversion is taking place in several places in code using a case statement. This stinks, of course, and I would rather do it with a dictionary lookup.
I created a class called levelInfo, and want to define the dictionary for this conversion, and then class methods to call when I need to do a conversion, or otherwise deal with level data.
NSString *levelObjects = #"empty,player,object,thing,doohickey";
int levelIDs[] = [0,1,2,4,8];
// etc etc
#implementation LevelInfo
+(int) crateIDfromChar: (char) crateChar {
int idx = [[crateTypes componentsSeparatedByString:#","] indexOfObject: crateChar];
return levelIDs[idx];
+(NSString *) crateStringFromID: (int) crateID {
return [[crateTypes componentsSeparatedByString:#","] objectAtIndex: crateID];
Is there a better way to do this? It feels wrong to basically build these temporary arrays, or dictionaries, or whatever for each call to do this translation. And I don't know of a way to declare a constant NSArray or NSDictionary.
Please, tell me a better way....
If you want an array to be available to all the code in your class, just declare it outside the #implementation context, and then initialize it in your class's +initialize method.
NSArray *levelObjects;
#implementation LevelInfo
+ (void) initialize
if (!levelObjects)
levelObjects = [[NSArray alloc]
// now any other code in this file can use "levelObjects"
Declare it static so it only needs to be created once.

Count the number of times a method is called in Cocoa-Touch?

I have a small app that uses cocos2d to run through four "levels" of a game in which each level is exactly the same thing. After the fourth level is run, I want to display an end game scene. The only way I have been able to handle this is by making four methods, one for each level. Gross.
I have run into this situation several times using both cocos2d and only the basic Cocoa framework. So is it possible for me to count how many times a method is called?
Can you just increment an instance variable integer every time your method is called?
I couldn't format the code in a comment, so to expound more:
In your header file, add an integer as a instance variable:
#interface MyObject : NSObject {
UIInteger myCounter;
And then in your method, increment it:
#implementation MyObject
- (void)myMethod {
//Do other method stuff here
if (myCounter>3){
[self showEndGameScene];
I don't know if your way is the best way to do it, or if mine is, but like Nathaniel said, you would simply define an integer to hold the count in your #interface:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
int callCount;
Then the method can increment this by doing:
- (void) theLevelMethod {
// some code
Make sure you initialize the callCount variable to 0 though, in your constructor or the equivalent of viewDidLoad. Then in the code that checks the count you can check:
if (callCount == 4) {
// do something, I guess end scene
Then again, I guess you can simply do something like this:
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
[self theLevelMethod];
[self theEndScene];
I don't know how your game logic works, but I guess that would work.
Sorry if I misunderstood your question.