How to Deploy OSGI bundle of smooks in servicemix? - smooks

When i create simple maven project and run inside eclipse for smooks then it works fine but when i create osgi bundle for that and deploy it in servicemix then it shows following error...
I put my smook configuration file in servicemix_home/ConfigurationFiles/smook/......
Ex : org.milyn.SmooksException: Failed to apply processing unit [org.milyn.javabean.ext.PropertyChecker] to [org:milyn:smooks:unknowndoc:/smooks-resource-list/jb:bean/jb:wiring].
org.milyn.SmooksException: Failed to apply processing unit [org.milyn.javabean.ext.PropertyChecker] to [org:milyn:smooks:unknowndoc:/smooks-resource-list/jb:bean/jb:wiring].
Caused by: org.milyn.cdr.SmooksConfigurationException: Bean class 'com.test.pojo.Order' not avilable on classpath.
at org.milyn.javabean.ext.PropertyChecker.getBeanClass(
at org.milyn.javabean.ext.PropertyChecker.getBeanType(
at org.milyn.javabean.ext.PropertyChecker.visitBefore(

Change Classloader
Get current class loader from getClass().getClassLoader() and set in


intellij Could not find or load main class error java

Error: Could not find or load main class
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
this is happening in intellij for spring boot project.
i have tried to change project settings too.
using java 11

Simple Camel run goal with blueprint gives exception

I have a simple maven project created based on camel blueprint archetype.
When I do "mvn camel:run" I see this error
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Gave up waiting for service (objectClass=org.apache.camel.CamelContext)
at org.apache.camel.test.blueprint.CamelBlueprintHelper.getOsgiService(
at org.apache.camel.test.blueprint.CamelBlueprintHelper.getOsgiService(
at org.apache.camel.test.blueprint.Main.doStart(
at org.apache.camel.test.blueprint.Main.main(
Why is a test package being used ? I don't have anything in test scope or test classes. What is the sequence of the OsgiService creation and which class is supposed to create it ?
The issue was CamelContext was not getting created. The problem went away when I removed the reference to an unknown class.
I move to karaf

Ejb deployment to WebLogic Server 11g

I am using WebLogic 11g. I am using Eclipse. I have created a EJB project. This project is called 'remote-ejb'.
The bean class HelloWorldBean implements a remote interface HelloWorldBeanRemote with just on method; public String getName();
I then deployed this project as an application successfully.
I then created a second EJB project called cart-ejb. This project uses the bean from the first project. When I deploy this
project I get the following error:
Module named 'cart-ejb' failed to deploy. See Error Log view for more detail.
weblogic.application.ModuleException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: beans.HelloWorldBeanRemote
Exception received from deployment driver. See Error Log view for more detail.
How can I fix this error?

Drools Guvnor on Glassfish error

I'm trying to deploy Guvnor (guvnor-5.5.0.Final-tomcat-6.0) to a fresh
glassfish server ( build 5) and am getting the error below.
I did try the other WARs without any luck and I get the same error on
OSX and windows.
Error occurred during deployment: Exception while loading the app :
java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/AnnotationProcessor. Please
see server.log for more details
Are there any work-around for this ?
Add the jasper-xxx.jar to your lib. It should work. If you deploy in tomcat, it should be in catalina.jar.
Unfortunately JBOSS 7 doesn't use tomcat instead it uses JBossWeb. That's why you have this problem.
Take the guvnor-5.5.0.Final-jboss-as-7.0.war binary war file
add dom4j-1.6.1.jar
remove javassit*.jars
add resteasy-jaxb-provider-2.2.3.GA.jar
add resteasy-jaxrs-2.2.3.GA.jar
Add the a glassfish-web.xml file to WEB-INF
Replace WEB-INF/web.xml with this
Repackage the binary war file and deploy to glassfish

Failed Glassfish deploy - "Referencing error: this bundle has no bean of name [ClientBean]"

I'm trying to run the example from this page : GlassFish-to-GlassFish Remote EJB Invocation
But I get this error when I try to deploy the client on glassfish ("asadmin> deploy client-ejb.jar"):
"Exception while deploying the app [client-ejb] : Referencing error: This bundle has no bean of name [ClientBean]"
I need help, thanks.
I encountered a a similar problem when trying to deploy my application (Exception while deploying the app [my-app] : Referencing error : This bundle has no bean of name [myBeanFacade] ) .Rather weird but all that was needed to solve this was to go to the properties of [my-app] under the build category tree, choose compile and tick the compile on save option. Redeployed my application and viola !!
NB [my-app] contains 2 ejb jars and a web application, one of the ejbs is a library in the web app.
This problem occurred because the guy forgot to add the ServiceIF.class reference in client-ejb.jar.
Execute the command:
jar cvf client-ejb.jar test/ServiceIF.class test/ClientIF.class test/ClientBean.class META-INF/glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
get the new .jar and it will work.
In case you are using a deployment descriptor, then the EJB name should be the same in both the descriptor file.