Image with a min-height and height of 100% for large browsers - background

I want a background-image that only resizes if the browser is larger than the image size. Therefore, I need a min-height equal to the image pixel height, but also a height of 100% if the browser's height is larger than the image height.
I know I might be able to do this with a div, but would rather use the background-image & background-size CSS properties. This is all I have so far:
background-image:url('Images/newBG.jpg');background-size: 1911px 824px;
Any idea where I should put the min-height or if this is even possible without using a div? If someone has the div solution, I would appreciate that also.


Full-width Image in a ScrollView

I am trying to have an image inside a ScrollView taking the full width of the screen while keeping its aspect ratio (I don't want a fixed background image). The answers in seem to work for a View but not a ScrollView.
The null width/height trick just makes the image disappear. Setting the width using Dimensions.get('window').width does not work for some reason; it leaves some space either on the top and bottom or the left and right of the image depending on its aspect ratio.
I can't use Image.getSize() as the image is local and would rather avoid hard-coding the dimensions as I have many other images that need to be styled this way. I have tried many other combinations of flex, alignSelf, etc. but none seem to work.
Setting ScrollView's style={{width: "100%"}} works for me.

Set Size for Images from Remote URL relative to parent in react native

Within my react native app I have a simple ScrollView with containers which should stretch horizontally to 100% width. Each of these containers should display an image. I receive the image for each container from a web API (but I could send the actual image as byte64 string too if it makes any difference).
Now the problem I have is that the Image component needs me to set the height and width style attributes in order to display the image. I understand the reasoning for that, since the actual dimensions of the image are only available at runtime and it would cause the UI to behave strange when the images are loaded.
However I would like to set the width of the image to 100% of the parent container, eventhough that means that the the containers height will change when each image are loaded.
Any advice on how to solve this issue?
Not sure if I'm completely understanding the scenario you're describing, so this idea may not work. But if you know the width of the container, you can use that to scale the image's height based on the ratio of the container's width to the image's original width.
I've actually answered a recent question about this by providing a component I coded up for a similar purpose:
Auto scale image height with React Native
Hope this helps.
You can do something like
with this the image will stretch in the whole container irrespective of the size of the image

NextGen Nivoslider (Wordpress): Image Resize

I have the plugin working on a slideshow of images here:
I've uploaded all the images at the desired full size; all fall within 600 X 500 px. If I don't specify the height/width in the shortcode, the images are stretched and blown out to fill the entire content area. But when I specify the height and width in the shortcode, the images are not responsive and do not "shrink down" when the window is resized. Can someone guide me on how to get these images to (a) show up as they are at full size, centered and (b) resize properly in a smaller window/mobile device?
Any help appreciated!
If your slider is wrapped in a div, try just resizing the div with css. That way your images will keep their aspect ratio, but you can still use percentages (and max-width).
width: 80%;
max-width: 600px;
This boggled my mind for a year and today I finally figured it out. It is the transition that is stretched. When I changed it to effect="none" it still worked and no more stretching. But the quick click buttons below the images no longer work. Ahhh...always something. But there's a clue at least.

Responsive site background image code

I have a background which cycles through images, these images have no fixed sizes.
My problem is that I cannot find a simple responsive frame for re-sizing images which are dedicated background images. There are plenty of plugins for normal images on websites.
The background of my website always has to have the image displayed.
cropping is allowed, is allowed the image must re-position itself in the center of the web browser.
jQuery or #Media is allowed, I don't really mind.
My images and div look like this:
<div style="width:100%; height:100%; background:white; position:absolute; margin-left:0px; margin-top:0px;>
<img src="image1.png">
<img src="image2.png">
<img src="image3.png">
A lot of the plugins out there set width to 100% and the height to auto. This will not work as if the browser width is, let's say, 200px and browser height 800px. The image will not cover the entire screen and keep it's aspect ratio. There will be a "gap" under and above the image, so in this case, the height should be 100% and width changed to auto. And of course the other way around if the browser height is 200px and browser length is 800px;
Example of what I want:
You're asking for two different scenarios to be applied depending on screen aspect. This can be done with media queries, but you'll need to settle on some widths and heights.
Start with width-based sizing:
#backgroundDiv {width: 100%; height: auto;}
When the site is narrower than some point, switch to height-based sizing:
#backgroundDiv {width: auto; height: 100%;}
You'll need to decide where the transition takes place based on your expected audience's most likely screen size/aspect scenarios, the images you're using, etc.
To have even more flexibility, say for particular aspect ratios instead of widths, you'll need scripting.

Relative maximum width in XUL

I'm working on a Firefox extension, and am having problems getting relative constraints on the width of elements in the sidebar. For example, I want a description element in the sidebar that will always be as big as the sidebar when the sidebar is resized, and has text wrapping accordingly.
If I put a description in a box with a fixed maximum width, it will wrap correctly, but I can't get relative widths to work correctly using css. If is set the max-width to be 100% in css, it seems to just ignore it and the text will be on a single line and will overflow the sidebar. Any suggestions on how to put relative width constraints on a box in XUL so that text will wrap correctly?
It sounds like setting maximum width isn't what you really want. Have a look at, setting flex attribute would be the right approach to make an element fill all the available space (typically flex="1"). The corresponding CSS property would be -moz-box-flex: 1.