How to create locale jar file for files (, html) for my own module - netbeans-7

Is their any build script that can extract all different locale bundle file from netbean module and build locale jar file and copy to locale folder.


Xcode Build path and copying additional files

I'm writing a plugin for Elgato Stream Deck.
Basically it is a binary command line tool written in C++/OBJ-C/Swift combined with a JSON manifest and optionally some HTML and JS files as well as different assets (.png, ...). All files have to be included in a folder (com.companyname.pluginname.sdPlugin) which lives in Library/Application Support/com.elgato.StreamDeck/Plugins/
At the moment, I'm building the binary to the default build path (derived data, ...) and manually copy it to the above folder. But I need to build and run that binary with an executable (Stream Deck app) defined in the scheme for debugging under Xcode. The JSON manifest and assets also lives in my xcode project folder and have to be copied manually.
So Before:
So my question: how can I automate that under Xcode? I assume I can do some sort of post build scripting, but I have no knowledge about all that stuff.
go to target -> build settings
Deployment Location = YES
Installation Build Products Location = / (empty this one!)
Installation Directory = path to folder (= $INSTALL_PATH)
this will copy your binary to the defined installation path
go to target -> build phases
new phase -> run script
repeat this for all files and folders you need to be copied to the installation path. be careful with empty spaces in the folder/file names, they won't be recognized correctly and you have to use quotation marks

How does webpack determine which files/folders it will include in a bundle

I have a set of files in my project's src/main/resources folder - such as index.html, myproject.css, i18n.js
When I run webpack only one file is automatically copied over to the bundle, namely 118n.js. Why does this get bundled but nothing else?
Currently, all the .js files on the classpath are eligible to be bundled. This is why your i18n.js file is included in the resulting bundle.
Note, however, that it is not planned to continue to support this behavior (relying on .js files on the classpath). Instead, you should include which resources are eligible to be bundled with the jsSourceDirectories setting key. For instance, to include all the files of the src/main/resources directory:
jsSourceDirectories += (Compile / resourceDirectory).value

the file created with the jarbundler from a jar has different behavior than the source jar

I create an mac app file from a jar using the jarbundler 2.3.
i am having the following issue:
when you access the application from the jar directly, it opens a
specific folder placed near the jar file, in the same folder with the
jar file
when you will access the application from the .app file created with the jarbundler from the jar file above, it
will open the mac user home folder instead of the folder opened by the above jar file
Ca you tell me what should I do to have the same behavior for the both files,the .jar file and .app file created with jarbundler 2.3 from the .jar file.?
The jar bundler that I used is located here:
and I followed the steps from this tutorial to create .app files from the .jar files.
The latest release of JarBundler has an option to do this.
You can view it here:

How to put a component's classes dir in classpath

I am building groovy classes under my src/main/groovy dir and I build them and the .class files are under build/classes, but when I run the code it does not see those classes.
What do I have to do to make those files be seen?
If your src and build directories are in a component directory you can have the build file either put the classes in the /classes directory or put them in a jar file in the /lib directory. You can also put class files and other classpath resources in the runtime/classes directory or in a jar file in the runtime/lib directory.
The Moqui classloader adds these to the classpath automatically at runtime.

Get the closest path that have a config.rb file in file watcher plugin

I recently installed the file watchers plugin, and I must configure it to use compass to compile my sass files.
My current config is:
Program: compass
Arguments: compile
Working dir:
Env vars:
How can I target the closest path to(upward folder tree) config.rb file within scss`s parents folders?
I need it to put in "Working dir:" field
My paths are
config.rb are in:
Module name and folders under scss may vary.
I'm using the following solution:
Create a compass project in your Idea project folder by this command in your idea project folder:
compass create --css-dir <your css dir here> --sass-dir <your SASS dir here>
this will create a config.rb in the root of your idea project (this is important). You can learn more about possible options calling compass create --help.
Set up the following setting for SASS/SCSS file watcher
Scope: project files
Program: compass.bat
Arguments: compile $FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$
Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
Environment variables: --empty--
Output paths to refresh: --empty--
Please note that ruby bin folder is in my PATH environment variable.