Rails 3 - How to Render JS after HTML - ruby-on-rails-3

How do I render a js.erb file after HTML in a HTML request?

I would put a call in a .js or coffee file in the assets/javascripts folder.
$(function() {
You'd probably want to add some conditional logic unless there's a .js.erb file for every url.


Static HTML file directory can't be found in AWS Lambda express.js server

I am trying to serve a static HTML file using the res.sendFile() method from my express.js server that is hosted on AWS Lambda using the Serverless framework. Assuming that I am trying to serve an HTML file from the directory src/views/users/index.html.
In deployment, this is the file path that I have tried to serve my HTML file from /var/task/src/views/users/vindex.html, but I keep getting the error Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/var/task/src/views/users/index.html' when viewing the AWS Cloudwatch log.
path.resolve(__dirname, "./src/views/users/index.html");
This is the results I get when I run tree src locally:
Have anyone experienced this issue before, and have solved it? Thank you so much!
Well, after many grueling hours and trying many solutions, I have found a workaround to render the html content without actually needing to render a .html file.
I ended up making a helper method that returns a string of the html content and send the html content string using the res.send() method instead.
html helper function
export const htmlHelper = () => {
return `<html content goes here>`;
route method
app.get('/html', (_, res) => {
const htmlString = htmlHelper();
return res.send(htmlString);

How to download a PDF in Vue

So, here I've got a locally stored file named "its_me.pdf" in the assets folder.
I'm trying to reference a download to the PDF using an HTML tag
<a href="../assets/its_me.pdf" download>PDF</a>
It is a real PDF file, if I go double click on the file manually I can see it display and it's real. However, when I go to my application on: http://localhost:4200/its_me (name of route in which it lives), and click on the link, I get a "Failed - No File" error.
Based on #AkashBhave answer I was able to get to work this way.
In my script tag:
data () {
return {
publicPath: process.env.BASE_URL
then in my template.
<a:href="`${publicPath}whatever.pdf`" download="download">PDF</a>
Alternatively with webpack, in your vue.config.js you add this;
chainWebpack: config => {
then in the script tag;
data () {
return {
pdfLink: require("#/assets/whatever.pdf"),
Finally, in the template;
<a :href="pdfLink" download="download">PDF</a>
Relative imports should work by default with Vue. Try putting your PDF file into the /public folder of your application.
You can then reference the file using string interpolation, like so:
<link rel="icon" href="<%= BASE_URL %>its_me.pdf">
More information is available at
If that doesn't work, something might be wrong with your Webpack or build configuration.

How to mix Vue components with HTML outside the template

Think about a wordpress blog, or a standard CMS with some content. I use a wysiwyg editor (CKEditor) to write my contents and save them to db.
I want to use some Vue components inside this HTML, and so I add a wrapper div to my theme. HTML pages are wrapped by
<div id="#my-custom-app">
...html from server
Basically I want to add for example
using CKEditor inside my HTML, then I will create an app mounted on #my-custom-app div. I will insert the app at the end of the html body.
Vue.app file doesn't have a template, the template is basically my HTML page written with CKEditor, but every component is loaded and defined by the app and every component has a template.
How can I do? Is there a way to have a main Vue app file without a defined template?
Option 1:
First create a vue container on a basic template. This template will then load a component which gets your data from the sever and displays it, so:
// This is your main vue instance container
<div id="#my-custom-app">
<dynamic-html v-if="myHtmlFromServer" template="myHtmlFromServer"></dynamic-html>
Within this main component, you need to hook up created event and populate myHtmlFromServer with your HTML content from the editor.
import DynamicHtml from './myComponents/DynamicHtml'
new Vue({
el: '#my-custom-app',
data () {
return {
myHtmlFromServer: ''
components: {
created () {
// this.myHtmlFromServer = this.getDataFromServer()
The <dynamic-html> component, would have props: ['template'] and on the created event would assign this.$options.template = this.template.
This option will set the HTML template of that component and allow Vue to render it as normal (meaning you can then do {{someVal}} in your CKEditor.
Option 2:
Another option is if you're using a server side language like PHP, then you could just put that html on the page i.e echo $myHtmlContent and as long as that content contains <div id="#my-custom-app"> you Vue instance will mount. PHP will add the HTML to the page before the JS processes the page so it'll just work.

JSReport External javascript with Json data required

We have hosted jsreport node application on EBS. We created template and using css and javascripts from a static website(hosted internally). In the external javascript file we are using variables similar to what jsreport requires i.e. {{variablename}} which does not work. When we add the javascript inline in the template it works.
We know there should be some other way around to specify this but could not find it.
This won't work. jsreport templating engines only compile and process the html output, not the referenced scripts.
However you can try this approach:
Put a placeholder in a template content where you want to put external script. Lets say we want to put inline jquery
$(() => {
alert('yes I have jquery inlined')
Create jsreport custom server script which downloads your external script, in this case jquery, and replace the placeholder with its content
var getReq = require('request').get
function beforeRender(req, res, done) {
getReq('https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.0.min.js', (err, res, body) => {
req.template.content = req.template.content.replace('$$$myScript', body.toString())
The script will run before the templating engines are executed therefore you can use templating engines tags inside it now.
playground live demo here

Rails 3: how to render text file in-line?

A Rails n00b here...
I'm writing an application that reports the status of a transaction.
Some of the content in the rendered HTML comes from instance variables
initialized in the controller, while other content comes from text files
(e.g., log files) that I want to render in the HTML using <pre> tags.
What is the "Rails Way" to do this?
Thank you for your time...
<%= render :file => '/tmp/test.log' %>
Here you go: http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/layouts_and_rendering.html
In some cases (when the file is not small and loading it is connected with a delay), I prefer to load the page content and then to use jQuery ajax request to load the file content.
For example, let's say I have a model with file path attribute. In the view layout I am doing something like this:
<pre data-source=" <%= (#file.path) %>"></pre>
Then in the corresponding js file I am loading the context like this:
$(document).ready ->
url: $("pre").data("source")
context: document.body
).done (response) ->
$("pre").html response
Of course you can check the jQuery ajax documentation for more options. For example, you can render the pre tag with loading like this:
<pre data-source=" <%= (#file.path) %>"><div class="loading"></pre>
or use other jQuery animations as well.