Dojo Gantt Chart Example does not render - dojo

I simply took dojo gantt chart example and put it in my code, and now this fiddle, and theres nothing rendered, without any errors. Did I miss something out? It appears onLoad does not run, in my Chrome Console network tab, theres no 404's tho, and it looks like every thing downloaded fine?
I think the problem here is with the require GanttChart. If I comment that out, at least I get into the onLoad

There seems to be an issue with the Gantt in Dojo 1.7.2 . When I switch to v 1.7.1 it works fine (for my implementation, and on your fiddle too).


Bootstrap carousel doesn't start automatically

It may appear a repeated question but it is a serious one and I found no solution for it in any related question.
I have downloaded a bootstrap theme from ShapeBootstrap website
Demo theme
I use Firefox 30. As you may see in the demo page too, the slider doesn't start automatically! however if one click on the next slide it starts running!
I did anything I read in the similar questions but nothing happened!
The order of scripts is OK
It is in the end of file
No error reported in console ...
You can view and follow the source code of the demo page. Everything is in its place. But I wonder why it has this problem even in the official website of the theme.
Please guide me what can I do.
To understand what was going wrong was difficult!
I replaced the carousal section(html) with this one from
I added full-slider.css to the list of my css files and used the latest version of bootstrap script and now it works!

Displaying PDF on website using pdf.js

I want to put a file sample.pdf on my website, and want it to be displayed using pdf.js. What I want is to display my own file like the demo, with a toolbar, zooming in/out, etc. So far I can't do that yet.
I did check out the helloworld example, but it simply shows the file like an image, without toolbar, zooming in/out, etc. When I put another file with many pages instead of helloworld.pdf, it just shows the first page.
I am not quite sure what you are looking for but I was able to get this working exactly like the demo. Although you may not want to use that example viewer for your project, you can use the working code as a starting point for your own requirements.
For a simple test you can just clone the project somewhere under a web server into a directory like myproject and visit You should see the pdf appear. This can be a starting point to working with this project. I did this running a very basic Apache server on Linux.
If you are not looking for an example styled like that the demo above you can also see this jsbin from the docs that show how to do something completely customized with working next/previous buttons to move between the pages (as you mentioned you were only seeing the first page).
As a note, it seems that this library does not work properly with Safari. You can see an issue about it here. Unfortunately this makes it unusable for me now as I need to support all current browsers.
Also, remember to watch for the warnings concerning CORS.

Video.js CSS Styling Broken in < IE9 - [A.K.A. Controls Hidden]

Having a bit of a conundrum with cross-browser compatibility and could use some help.
Our live version linked to below, seems to work perfectly fine on most browsers, including IE9+, but the controls appear hidden in a non-emulated stock out-of-the-box version of IE8:
Here's a screenshot of what it looks like in IE8:
At one point, I was still able to slightly see the controls sticking up from the bottom (and click) which lead me to believe something had gone awry in absolute positioning or the rejection of newer CSS techniques. But as my fine tuning progressed and heights were adjusted, I believe the controls were hidden further out of view outside the box.
That being said, I think this is just a CSS issue, but haven't targeted the right styles being applied yet. To anyone else out there using Video.js

Identify the Content Carousel

Can anybody identify the carousel used on this site? It seems to work seamlessly with responsive sites and would with little css changes suit my design perfectly. The source shows something called anchorScroll.js but a search comes up with nothing.
It's a custom solution and not a plugin. Look for Application_NewsSpinner in at line :1072
But don't steal code! It's fine to get inspired but you should find your own solution or take an official plugin! Take a look at or

MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback Does Not Work In Firefox 4.0 [duplicate]

I am using VS 2008. I like the feature maintainscrollpositiononpostback. It works fine with IE 8. But it does not work consistently with Firefox. Sometimes, instead the line I click on goes to the bottom of the page. The field I am trying to refresh is with a div tag with overflow set to auto. Also I have several update panels with updatemode set to conditional. This means only the panel affected should be refreshed. This is also not working in the case on Firefox.
I have searched the web for possible solutions but none of them work for me.
Most of my users use Firefox so this is a problem for me.
Thanks in advance,
scrollsaver to the rescue?
I found this little js file a few weeks ago after implementing Post/Redirect/Get on a few of my pages. It may enable you to turn off maintain on your pages if you throw it in the master. I haven't fully tested it with ff4/5 or chrome...
Edit the Browser Capabilities file, and explicitly set it so that MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback is supported on Safari Browsers.
you can use javascript for this.. chek it out..