Number between a and b - non-inclusive on a, inclusive on b - sql

(I'm a little new to SQL) I have a lot of queries I'm re-writing which have a where clause like this:
where some_number > A
and some_number <= B
I want to use a single where clause (fewer lines, it isn't faster/slower is it?) like this:
where some_number between A and B
The problem is the first clause is exclusive on A and inclusive on B. Is there any way I can specify "inclusivisity" on a single line like the second query? Thanks.

A couple of points...
Firstly, it's only "fewer lines" if you use fewer lines. I would format it like this:
where some_number > A and some_number <= B
because it's really one range condition with each end of the range coded separately.
Secondly, it's actually no faster or slower than the between version, because under the covers between A and B gets converted to:
where (some_number >= A) and (some_number <= B)
so the performance is identical.
Basically, don't worry about it.

You can just offset your a by "+1"
Or just use your first syntax, it's easier to read.


Greater than any element of array

I am facing this issue:
Is there a way in PostgreSQL to put aggregated timestamp data into an array (for example using array_agg function) and then perform any match on some condition?
I am doing something similar with LIKE on aggregated strings (using string_agg(column,';')). But how to perform something similar on timestamps?
So if result would be '{10.10.2021,20.12.2021,1.1.1996}' as timestamp_array and I would like to filter rows that have at least one array element that after some input?
For example, ... WHERE 31.12.2021 > timestamp_array ... would not match the row above cause there is no array element after 31.12.2021.
But If I query ... WHERE 31.12.1996 > timestamp_array ..., the row above would be matched (cause at least one element of the array is in given interval).
First, you would use standard date formats. Then you can use:
where '2021-12-31' > any (timestamp_array)
Here is a db<>fiddle to illustrate the idea.
I would like to filter rows that has at least one array element that is after some input?
You can use the ANY construct as has been advised.
WHERE '1996-12-31'::timestamp < ANY ('{2021-10-10, 2021-12-20, 1996-01-01}'::timestamp[])
Has to be <, not >, obviously.
Your "timestamps" look a lot like dates - timestamp input accepts that, too.
But always use the recommended ISO 8601 format (as demonstrated), else your input depends on setting of the current session.
IN vs ANY operator in PostgreSQL
But chances are, there is much more efficient way. You speak of "aggregated timestamp data". Typically it's much more efficient to check before aggregating. Not least because that can use indexes, as opposed to your approach. Typically, EXISTS does the job. Something like:
FROM tbl t
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT FROM tbl t1 WHERE = AND t1.timestamp_column > '1996-12-31'
Start a new question with details of your query to get a fitting solution.

Repeating operations vs multilevel queries

I was always bothered by how should I approach those, which solution is better. I guess the sample code should explain it better.
Lets imagine we have a table that has 3 columns:
I want to get the basic columns plus a number of calculations on the Value column, but with each of the calculation being based on a previous one, In other words something like this:
Value + 10 AS NewValue1,
Value / NewValue1 AS SomeOtherValue,
(Value + NewValue1 + SomeOtherValue) / 10 AS YetAnotherValue
Name LIKE "A%"
Obviously this will not work. NewValue1, SomeOtherValue and YetAnotherValue are on the same level in the query so they can't refer to each other in the calculations.
I know of two ways to write queries that will give me the desired result. The first one involves repeating the calculations.
Value + 10 AS NewValue1,
Value / (Value + 10) AS SomeOtherValue,
(Value + (Value + 10) + (Value / (Value + 10))) / 10 AS YetAnotherValue
Name LIKE "A%"
The other one involves constructing a multilevel query like this:
(t2.Value + t2.NewValue1 + t2.SomeOtherValue) / 10 AS YetAnotherValue
t1.Value / t1.NewValue1 AS SomeOtherValue
Value + 10 AS NewValue1
Name LIKE "A%"
) t1
) t2
But which one is the right way to approach the problem or simply "better"?
P.S. Yes, I know that "better" or even "good" solution isn't always the same thing in SQL and will depend on many factors.
I have tired a number of different combination of calculations in both variants. They always produced the same execution plan, so it could be assumed that there is no difference in the performance aspect. From the code usability perspective the first approach i obviously better as the code is more readable and compact.
There is no "right" way to write such queries. SQL Server, as with most databases (MySQL being a notable exception), does not create intermediate tables for each subquery. Instead, it optimizes the query as a whole and often moves all the calculations for the expressions into a single processing node.
The reason that column aliases cannot be re-used at the same level goes to the ANSI standard definition. In particular, nothing in the standard specifies the order of evaluation for the individual expressions. Without knowing the order, SQL cannot guarantee that the variable is defined before evaluated.
I often write multi-level queries -- either using subqueries or CTEs -- to make queries more readable and more maintainable. But then again, I will also copy logic from one variable to the other because it is expedient. In my opinion, this is something that the writer of the query needs to decide on, taking into account whether the query is part of the code for a system that needs to be maintained, local coding standards, whether the query is likely to be modified, and similar considerations.

String ending in range of numbers

I have a column with data of the following structure:
I have a range that can be anything, like 100-30000 or example. I want to have all values that end in numbers between that range.
I tried
like '%[100-30000]'
but this doesn't work apparently.
I have seen a lot of similar questions but none of the solved my problem
edit I'm using SQL server 2008
For the range 600-1200, I want to retrieve row 1,2,5 because they end with the range.
In SQL, like normally only support % and _ these two operators. That's why like '%[100-30000]' doesn't work.
Depend on your use case, there could be two solutions for this problem:
If you only need to do this query two or three times(didn't care how long it takes), or the dataset is not very big. You can select all the data from this column, and then do the filtering in another programming language.
Take ruby for example, you can do:
column_data = #connection.execute("select * from your_column_name")
result ={|x| x.gsub(/^.*[^\d]/, '').to_i }.select{|x| x > 100 && x < 30000}
If you need to do this query regularly, I'd suggest you add a new column to this data table with only the numbers in the current column, so as to get a much better performance in querying speed.
FROM your_table
WHERE number_column BETWEEN 100 AND 30000

Poor DB Performance when using ORDER BY

I'm working with a non-profit that is mapping out solar potential in the US. Needless to say, we have a ridiculously large PostgreSQL 9 database. Running a query like the one shown below is speedy until the order by line is uncommented, in which case the same query takes forever to run (185 ms without sorting compared to 25 minutes with). What steps should be taken to ensure this and other queries run in a more manageable and reasonable amount of time?
select A.s_oid, A.s_id, A.area_acre, A.power_peak, A.nearby_city, A.solar_total
from global_site A cross join na_utility_line B
where (A.power_peak between 1.0 AND 100.0)
and A.area_acre >= 500
and A.solar_avg >= 5.0
AND A.pc_num <= 1000
and (A.fips_level1 = '06' AND A.fips_country = 'US' AND A.fips_level2 = '025')
and B.volt_mn_kv >= 69
and B.fips_code like '%US06%'
and B.status = 'active'
and ST_within(ST_Centroid(A.wkb_geometry), ST_Buffer((B.wkb_geometry), 1000))
--order by A.area_acre
offset 0 limit 11;
The sort is not the problem - in fact the CPU and memory cost of the sort is close to zero since Postgres has Top-N sort where the result set is scanned while keeping up to date a small sort buffer holding only the Top-N rows.
select count(*) from (1 million row table) -- 0.17 s
select * from (1 million row table) order by x limit 10; -- 0.18 s
select * from (1 million row table) order by x; -- 1.80 s
So you see the Top-10 sorting only adds 10 ms to a dumb fast count(*) versus a lot longer for a real sort. That's a very neat feature, I use it a lot.
OK now without EXPLAIN ANALYZE it's impossible to be sure, but my feeling is that the real problem is the cross join. Basically you're filtering the rows in both tables using :
where (A.power_peak between 1.0 AND 100.0)
and A.area_acre >= 500
and A.solar_avg >= 5.0
AND A.pc_num <= 1000
and (A.fips_level1 = '06' AND A.fips_country = 'US' AND A.fips_level2 = '025')
and B.volt_mn_kv >= 69
and B.fips_code like '%US06%'
and B.status = 'active'
OK. I don't know how many rows are selected in both tables (only EXPLAIN ANALYZE would tell), but it's probably significant. Knowing those numbers would help.
Then we got the worst case CROSS JOIN condition ever :
and ST_within(ST_Centroid(A.wkb_geometry), ST_Buffer((B.wkb_geometry), 1000))
This means all rows of A are matched against all rows of B (so, this expression is going to be evaluated a large number of times), using a bunch of pretty complex, slow, and cpu-intensive functions.
Of course it's horribly slow !
When you remove the ORDER BY, postgres just comes up (by chance ?) with a bunch of matching rows right at the start, outputs those, and stops since the LIMIT is reached.
Here's a little example :
Tables a and b are identical and contain 1000 rows, and a column of type BOX.
select * from a cross join b where (a.b && b.b) --- 0.28 s
Here 1000000 box overlap (operator &&) tests are completed in 0.28s. The test data set is generated so that the result set contains only 1000 rows.
create index a_b on a using gist(b);
create index b_b on a using gist(b);
select * from a cross join b where (a.b && b.b) --- 0.01 s
Here the index is used to optimize the cross join, and speed is ridiculous.
You need to optimize that geometry matching.
add columns which will cache :
ST_Buffer((B.wkb_geometry), 1000)
There is NO POINT in recomputing those slow functions a million times during your CROSS JOIN, so store the results in a column. Use a trigger to keep them up to date.
add columns of type BOX which will cache :
Bounding Box of ST_Centroid(A.wkb_geometry)
Bounding Box of ST_Buffer((B.wkb_geometry), 1000)
add gist indexes on the BOXes
add a Box overlap test (using the && operator) which will use the index
keep your ST_Within which will act as a final filter on the rows that pass
Maybe you can just index the ST_Centroid and ST_Buffer columns... and use an (indexed) "contains" operator, see here :
I would suggest creating an index on area_acre. You may want to take a look at the following:
I would recommend doing this sort of thing off of peak hours though because this can be somewhat intensive with a large amount of data. One thing you will have to look at as well with indexes is rebuilding them on a schedule to ensure performance over time. Again this schedule should be outside of peak hours.
You may want to take a look at this article from a fellow SO'er and his experience with database slowdowns over time with indexes: Why does PostgresQL query performance drop over time, but restored when rebuilding index
If the A.area_acre field is not indexed that may slow it down. You can run the query with EXPLAIN to see what it is doing during execution.
First off I would look at creating indexes , ensure your db is being vacuumed, increase the shared buffers for your db install, work_mem settings.
First thing to look at is whether you have an index on the field you're ordering by. If not, adding one will dramatically improve performance. I don't know postgresql that well but something similar to:
CREATE INDEX area_acre ON global_site(area_acre)
As noted in other replies, the indexing process is intensive when working with a large data set, so do this during off-peak.
I am not familiar with the PostgreSQL optimizations, but it sounds like what is happening when the query is run with the ORDER BY clause is that the entire result set is created, then it is sorted, and then the top 11 rows are taken from that sorted result. Without the ORDER BY, the query engine can just generate the first 11 rows in whatever order it pleases and then it's done.
Having an index on the area_acre field very possibly may not help for the sorting (ORDER BY) depending on how the result set is built. It could, in theory, be used to generate the result set by traversing the global_site table using an index on area_acre; in that case, the results would be generated in the desired order (and it could stop after generating 11 rows in the result). If it does not generate the results in that order (and it seems like it may not be), then that index will not help in sorting the results.
One thing you might try is to remove the "CROSS JOIN" from the query. I doubt that this will make a difference, but it's worth a test. Because a WHERE clause is involved joining the two tables (via ST_WITHIN), I believe the result is the same as an inner join. It is possible that the use of the CROSS JOIN syntax is causing the optimizer to make an undesirable choice.
Otherwise (aside from making sure indexes exist for fields that are being filtered), you could play a bit of a guessing game with the query. One condition that stands out is the area_acre >= 500. This means that the query engine is considering all rows that meet that condition. But then only the first 11 rows are taken. You could try changing it to area_acre >= 500 and area_acre <= somevalue. The somevalue is the guessing part that would need adjustment to make sure you get at least 11 rows. This, however, seems like a pretty cheesy thing to do, so I mention it with some reticence.
Have you considered creating Expression based indexes for the benefit of the hairier joins and where conditions?

Why use the BETWEEN operator when we can do without it?

As seen below the two queries, we find that they both work well. Then I am confused why should we ever use BETWEEN because I have found that BETWEEN behaves differently in different databases as found in w3school
FROM employees
WHERE salary BETWEEN 5000 AND 15000;
FROM employees
WHERE salary >= 5000
AND salary <= 15000;
BETWEEN can help to avoid unnecessary reevaluation of the expression:
SELECT AVG(RAND(20091225) BETWEEN 0.2 AND 0.4)
FROM t_source;
SELECT AVG(RAND(20091225) >= 0.2 AND RAND(20091225) <= 0.4)
FROM t_source;
t_source is just a dummy table with 1,000,000 records.
Of course this can be worked around using a subquery, but in MySQL it's less efficient.
And of course, BETWEEN is more readable. It takes 3 times to use it in a query to remember the syntax forever.
In SQL Server and MySQL, LIKE against a constant with non-leading '%' is also a shorthand for a pair of >= and <:
FROM master
WHERE name LIKE 'string%'
|--Index Seek(OBJECT:([test].[dbo].[master].[ix_name_desc]), SEEK:([test].[dbo].[master].[name] < 'strinH' AND [test].[dbo].[master].[name] >= 'string'), WHERE:([test].[dbo].[master].[name] like 'string%') ORDERED FORWARD)
However, LIKE syntax is more legible.
Using BETWEEN has extra merits when the expression that is compared is a complex calculation rather than just a simple column; it saves writing out that complex expression twice.
BETWEEN in T-SQL supports NOT operator, so you can use constructions like
WHERE salary not between 5000 AND 15000;
In my opinion it's more clear for a human then
WHERE salary < 5000 OR salary > 15000;
And finally if you type column name just one time it gives you less chances to make a mistake
The version with "between" is easier to read. If I were to use the second version I'd probably write it as
5000 <= salary and salary <= 15000
for the same reason.
I vote #Quassnoi - correctness is a big win.
I usually find literals more useful than the syntax symbols like <, <=, >, >=, != etc. Yes, we need (better, accurate) results. And at least I get rid of probabilities of mis-interpreting and reverting meanings of the symbols visually. If you use <= and sense logically incorrect output coming from your select query, you may wander some time and only arrive to the conclusion that you did write <= in place of >= [visual mis-interpretation?]. Hope I am clear.
And aren't we shortening the code (along with making it more higher-level-looking), which means more concise and easy to maintain?
FROM emplyees
WHERE salary between 5000 AND 15000;
FROM emplyees
WHERE salary >= 5000 AND salary <= 15000;
First query uses only 10 words and second uses 12!
Personally, I wouldn't use BETWEEN, simply because there seems no clear definition of whether it should include, or exclude, the values which serve to bound the condition, in your given example:
FROM emplyees
WHERE salary between 5000 AND 15000;
The range could include the 5000 and 15000, or it could exclude them.
Syntactically I think it should exclude them, since the values themselves are not between the given numbers. But my opinion is precisely that, whereas using operators such as >= is very specific. And less likely to change between databases, or between incremements/versions of the same.
Edited in response to Pavel and Jonathan's comments.
As noted by Pavel, ANSI SQL ( as far back as 1992, mandates the end-points should be considered within the returned date and equivalent to X >= lower_bound AND X <= upper_bound:
Specify a range comparison.
<between predicate> ::=
<row value constructor> [ NOT ] BETWEEN
<row value constructor> AND <row value constructor>
Syntax Rules
1) The three <row value constructor>s shall be of the same degree.
2) Let respective values be values with the same ordinal position
in the two <row value constructor>s.
3) The data types of the respective values of the three <row value
constructor>s shall be comparable.
4) Let X, Y, and Z be the first, second, and third <row value con-
structor>s, respectively.
5) "X NOT BETWEEN Y AND Z" is equivalent to "NOT ( X BETWEEN Y AND
Z )".
6) "X BETWEEN Y AND Z" is equivalent to "X>=Y AND X<=Z".
If the endpoints are inclusive, then BETWEEN is the preferred syntax.
Less references to a column means less spots to update when things change. It's the engineering principle, that less things means less stuff can break.
It also means less possibility of someone putting the wrong bracket for things like including an OR. IE:
WHERE salary BETWEEN 5000 AND (15000
OR ...)'ll get an error if you put the bracket around the AND part of a BETWEEN statement. Versus:
WHERE salary >= 5000
AND (salary <= 15000
OR ...)'d only know there's a problem when someone reviews the data returned from the query.
Semantically, the two expressions have the same result.
However, BETWEEN is a single predicate, instead of two comparison predicates combined with AND. Depending on the optimizer provided by your RDBMS, a single predicate may be easier to optimize than two predicates.
Although I expect most modern RDBMS implementations should optimize the two expressions identically.
worse if it's
SELECT id FROM entries
(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM anothertable WHERE something LEFT JOIN something ON...)
BETWEEN entries.max AND entries.min;
Rewrite this one with your syntax without using temporary storage.
I'd better use the 2nd one, as you always know if it's <= or <
In SQL, I agree that BETWEEN is mostly unnecessary, and can be emulated syntactically with 5000 <= salary AND salary <= 15000. It is also limited; I often want to apply an inclusive lower bound and an exclusive upper bound: #start <= when AND when < #end, which you can't do with BETWEEN.
OTOH, BETWEEN is convenient if the value being tested is the result of a complex expression.
It would be nice if SQL and other languages would follows Python's lead in using proper mathematical notation: 5000 <= salary <= 15000.
One small tip that wil make your code more readable: use < and <= in preference to > and >=.