Sql Azure CompatibleWithModel not working - sql

In my code I am trying to check if my entity framework Code First model and Sql Azure database are in sync by using the "mycontext.Database.CompatibleWithModel(true)". However when there is an incompatibility this line falls over with the following exception.
"The model backing the 'MyContext' context has changed since the database was created. Either manually delete/update the database, or call Database.SetInitializer with an IDatabaseInitializer instance. For example, the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges strategy will automatically delete and recreate the database, and optionally seed it with new data."
This seems to defeat the purpose of the check as the very check itself is falling over as a result of the incompatibility.
For various reasons I don't want to use the Database.SetInitializer approach.
Any suggestions?
Is this a particular Sql Azure problem?

Please check out the ScottGu blog below:
Here is what is going on and what to do about it:
When a model is first created, we run a DatabaseInitializer to do things like create the database if it's not there or add seed data. The default DatabaseInitializer tries to compare the database schema needed to use the model with a hash of the schema stored in an EdmMetadata table that is created with a database (when Code First is the one creating the database). Existing databases won’t have the EdmMetadata table and so won’t have the hash…and the implementation today will throw if that table is missing. We'll work on changing this behavior before we ship the fial version since it is the default. Until then, existing databases do not generally need any database initializer so it can be turned off for your context type by calling:
Using above code you are no recreating the database instead using the existing one so I don't think using Database.SetInitializer is a concern unless you have some serious thoughts about using it.
More info: Entity Framework Code Only error: the model backing the context has changed since the database was created


How do I use Flyway so that if a table gets mistakenly dropped, on running the application again, the deleted table gets created?

I have a requirement where if a table of a DB gets mistakenly dropped, we need it back, with or without the data. We already use Flyway for migration, is there any way we can achieve this using Flyway or otherwise?
I think you could hack a solution in place using callbacks (SQL or Java) but you've got to ask how can a table get deleted if you are using flyway to control migrations and amendments to your database in the first place.
This is fundamentally what flyway is intended to prevent as the following snippet from the flyway FAQ confirms and the solution may be to close the possibility of external amendments being applied in the first place.
Can I make structure changes to the DB outside of Flyway?
No. One of the prerequisites for being able to rely on the metadata in the database and having reliable migrations is that ALL database changes are made by Flyway. No exceptions. The price for this reliability is discipline. Ad hoc changes have no room here as they will literally sabotage your confidence. Even simple things like adding an index can trip over a migration if it has already been added manually before.
It seems not to be possible with versioned migrations, since they are applied only once, or with repeatable migrations, because they are reapplied only if check sum changes.
Another option - is to create a callback, which will run after migration.
For example, afterMigrate callback could do it, you just need to create a script named afterMigrate.sql in the location, used to load migrations. Now you just need to make a SQL-script to recreate some table if it not exists.
Some vendors support such an options, for example, with PostgreSQL you can use CREATE TABLE query with the IF NOT EXISTS option, to create a table only it doesn't exists.

How to prevent errors when removing tables in the database used in Azure Mobile Services?

When I remove tables used in my Azure database (of course after removing the entities), I just use DROP TABLE TABLENAME. This has a bad effect. When I run the mobile service by just starting the browser, I get an Error 500 when I add a new record (of an existing table of course) with my TableControllers. Apparently, I did something wrong. It can be "solved" by creating a completely new database and use this one in my mobile service. The Seed method ensures that the right tables exist (and only the right tables) and everything works fine.
What is the best way (to prevent errors) when removing tables in a database used in Azure Mobile Services. Creating a completely new database seems to be a bit overdone and unneeded.
My first instinct is that it's an issue with Entity Framework. It doesn't generally play nicely with people touching the database. If you looked through your log, you'd probably see Entity Framework issues.
Take a look at this Azure Doc: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/mobile-services-dotnet-backend-how-to-use-code-first-migrations/
It discusses how to enable code first migrations - I won't elaborate here because there are a couple of steps.
Essentially, the problem is that Entity Framework takes a number of dependencies and when those dependencies change, it just falls over on itself. Let me know if that doesn't help you.

Expected database model is inconsistent in real-time

In this question, I was facing an issue where I was writing an update for a deployed application to bring the database up to date with the newer version we are deploying. Basic outline as follows:
Began with currently deployed version of application
Added new functionality that used existing database
Added new database tables and relationships
Added new functionality that depended on the new databse structure
Testing complete, ready for deployment
The issue here is that the currently deployed application has been in use for a few months and has a lot of data that would need to be preserved, so simply replacing the old with the new was not viable (at least not for the database, but of course it works for the code). So I used the following steps to write a script in SQL for the updated version of the application to run the first time it starts up to make the necessary changes to the database without touching existing data (aside from populating the new tables):
Use VS2010's "Generate database from model" functionality to create a .sql (the model was originally created using the "Generate model from database" functionality)
Remove all parts of the .sql that act on the existing tables, except for those that add FKs between new and old tables
Use the resulting script to build the new database
Sounds pretty clean and done, right? Wrong. The mapping from the model to the database was all wrong for the new tables. Long story short, the database that generated the model had tables named in the plural (and the mapping was correct and the application worked), and the database generated by the model created tables in the plural (identical names to what the tables where the DB generated the model, but the model did not map to them). The solution ended up being to change the script to name the tables in the singular, and then everything worked flawlessly.
What happened here? The code remained untouched, no changes were made to the model, and the old tables continued to work fine the entire time, yet somewhere in the process of
Generate script
Delete "new" tables and constraints (those that don't yet exist in the deployed version)
Run script to re-add the tables
the mapping decided to be to singularly named tables (User instead of Users, Address instead of Addresses, etc).
Can anyone explain to me how/why this would happen this way?
You might want to look at some of the tools that redgate supply - good tools for comparing two DB structures and generating a script to update.

How to synchronize between a custom KnowledgeSyncProvider and a SqlSyncProvider?

So, I need to synchronize two data stores, one of which is a SQL database, and I felt it was natural to use the built in provider for that side. But unfortunately, I started running into trouble because the SqlSyncProvider doesn't use the ChangeDataRetriever and NotifyingChangeApplier, but instead communicates through some DbSyncContext object. Therefore, I had to derive from the SqlSyncProvider and override mainly the GetChangeBatch and ProcessChangeBatch methods so they become compatible with the rest of the Sync Framework.
But the trouble is that I believe that I'm missing something in that transformation. The result is that when I create a row in a SQL database, and synchronize to the other store, and delete the row (or update) in the other store, after syncing the changes don't appear in the SQL database. The problem is probably caused by the bulkdelete stored procedure which filters the delete table and separates rows that are created locally from the rows created elsewhere.
Does anybody know what could cause this problem? I would really like to see some samples or documentation regarding synchronization between a SQL provider and a custom provider.

Keeping a database Schema upto date

I'm writing an application that is using a database (currently MySQL 4) to store data.
It is likely that I will make changes to this in the form of updates later to add additional data. Updating the application is simple, it essentially comes down to overwriting the program files with the new ones. However how do I go about updating the database schema?
The database is remote and so my application might exist in several places, so simply dumping the ALTER and CREATE statements in an installer would result in the changes being made multiple times, and I have been asked explicitly for an automatic solution that allows for the application copies to be updated over a transition period, and for schema updates to be automatic.
I considered examining the schema at start-up to look for missing tables and columns, and adding them as needed, however this does not seem like a clean solution. I also considered putting some kind of “schema version” number on the database, but can’t see any way to do this short of a single row table with an int “Version” column which doesn’t seem a good way either.
I can highly recommend Liquibase. It really does work - I've used it and was very impressed.
Essentially, it keeps its own log of statements run on a database and runs them only if not already run/needed. It is XML driven and allows you to use optional pre- and post-execution statements and conditions. You check your XML files into your source control and invoke it from your build tool. It's even suitable for driving production releases.
It's magic.
Rather than rolling your own system for versioning your database it's probably worth looking into an existing framework that will manage it for you.
I use liquibase and have integrated into my build using the maven plugin. Worth checking out!
Just as you proposed, add a table where you store the current version of the database schema. Then you only have to apply the changes between your last schema update and the new release, and set the new version number accordingly. I've done this to update our production database about 300 times, it just works.