JayData - Server side validation (CRUD) - wcf

I want to create an application with JayData + WCF/RIA Services but i need to detect the changes in the client side (Javascript) entities to put the business logic on the server side.
E.g: if i change a name of a customer, i want to do some validation before i update it on the server.
Is there anyway to do something like this?
public void InsertCustomer(Customer customer)
// Some validation before insert
public void UpdateCustomer(Customer customer)
// Some validation before update
public void DeleteCustomer(Customer customer)
// Some validation before delete

To address this securely you need to do it on the server side (and not in JayData) and you need to implement authentication either on .NET way or on you own Then have a check in the onupdate server side method and make something like this:
C# code:
public void InsertCustomer(Customer customer) {
if (! customer.LoginName == Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name ) {
throw new SomeValidtionException()
Is this what you need?

Maybe this is not what you need but I give a shot: you can validate fields on the client with a custom validator function attached to the field. Here is how you do it:
After importing the data context with JaySvcUtil.exe modify the entity and decorate the field with a customValidator:
$data.Entity.extend("UserModel", {
Id: { type: "int", key: true, computed: true },
UserName: { type: "string", required: true,
customValidator: function (v) { return !v || v.length == 3 },
errorMessage: "custom error, length: 3" }
In the current version there is no entity level validation functions. If you want them to be, submit a user story on JayData.org/backlogs or an issue at github.com/jaydata/jaydata


Custom OpenIddictApplication field always returns null

I am using OpenIDDict and extending OpenIddictEntityFrameworkCoreApplication to include my own custom field:
public class TenantApplication : OpenIddictEntityFrameworkCoreApplication<long, TenantAuthorization, TenantToken> {
public long? TenantID { get; set; }
public class TenantAuthorization : OpenIddictEntityFrameworkCoreAuthorization<long, TenantApplication, TenantToken> { }
public class TenantScope : OpenIddictEntityFrameworkCoreScope<long> { }
public class TenantToken : OpenIddictEntityFrameworkCoreToken<long, TenantApplication, TenantAuthorization> { }
I register under AddDbContext:
builder.Services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options => {
options.UseOpenIddict<TenantApplication, TenantAuthorization, TenantScope, TenantToken, long>();
and also under AddCore:
// Register the OpenIddict core components.
.AddCore(options =>
.ReplaceDefaultEntities<TenantApplication, TenantAuthorization, TenantScope, TenantToken, long>();
In my Worker, I create the application record if it doesn't exist, but TenantID is always inserted with null:
if (await manager.FindByClientIdAsync("postman", cancellationToken) is null)
await manager.CreateAsync(new TokenOpenIddictApplicationDescriptor
TenantID = 2,
ClientId = "postman",
ClientSecret = "388D45FA-B36B-4988-BA59-B187D329C207",
DisplayName = "My client application",
Permissions =
Similarly, manager.FindByClientIdAsync also returns the Application instance with a null TenantID (after I manually set it in the db). What step am I missing?
I figured this out on my own by diving into the OpenIDDict source code. In order to extend the Application fields, I extended OpenIddictApplicationManager and OpenIddictEntityFrameworkCoreApplicationStore. OpenIddictApplicationManager has a PopulateAsync method which converts a OpenIddictApplicationDescriptor to an Application instance. You need to override this method so that your custom Application fields will be set.
When initializing everything in Program.cs you also need to add your custom store and replace the application manager.
Maybe there is a better way of doing this, but this worked for me. It would be nice if there was some more easier to find examples with more complex scenarios.

How to fetch initial data using provider in flutter effectievly

Recently, i did a flutter course.
The instructor was making the get request from an API so difficult. For a hybrid framework like flutter i never thought it's so difficult.
below are my code. I am using provider for state management.
Future<void> fetchAndSetProducts() async {
try {
const url = 'fetch-url';
final response = await http.get(url);
final data = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final List<Product> loadedProducts = [];
data.forEach((key, value) {
id: key,
title: value['title'],
description: value['description'],
imageUrl: value['imageUrl'],
price: value['price'],
isFavorite: value['isFavorite'],
_items = loadedProducts;
} catch (error) {
throw (error);
And in the products overview screen were I am showing the products page this method is called like below:
bool _isInit = true;
bool _isLoading = false;
void didChangeDependencies() {
if (_isInit) {
setState(() {
_isLoading = true;
Provider.of<Products>(context).fetchAndSetProducts().then((_) => {
setState(() {
_isLoading = false;
_isInit = false;
The other method included a sneaky way of using duration of zero just like we use in javascript set timeout giving a zero time.
It's worth noting that in didChangeDependencies we could not use async await, so most probably a call back hell awaits.
Also a variable needs to be initialized just for calling the api once upon loading.
Is there no easy solution to this? Or an industry way of dealing with this?
here is a minimal working example of what you can do, it's not the best thing in the world, but this is what works for me, let me know if you can make it any better.
The answer to your problem is really simple, BUT, you need to rearrange some stuff first.
A Flutter app can be split into multiple layers which are (just for example) data, state management and UI, in the data layer you will have all methods that communicate with the API, and you call them inside the state management solution (which is provider in your case), the result will be accessible from the provider which will save the data in a variable, then the UI will be able to retrieve these data from the provider, this seems a bit redundant I know, but there is a reason why we do that, if you put the API call inside the provider itself, and there is somewhere else in your app that uses the same endpoint then you will have duplicate code, as for the provider, it's the place where your data is stored in the runtime, these data are what makes the state of your app, finally, the UI can handle displaying data from the provider easily, just make a boolean in the provider that indicates if the API call is executing/loading or not, and inside the consumer in the UI display different widgets based on the boolean.
If we were to visualize the flow of the operation it would be like this:
1- action from the UI that triggers a method from the provider.
2- inside the provider method you will set the boolean indicating that the API call is executing to true and call notifyListeners().
3- call the API request and call .then() on it.
4- inside the .then() set the boolean to false to notify that the call is over and set the received data to a variable inside the provider and call notifyListeners again.
5- in the UI you should have a consumer listening to your provider and handling the boolean, if its true then display a CircularProgressIndicator for example, and if it's false then display your desired widget
Regarding the context in the initState you can fix this problem in 3 ways:
1- using WidgetsBinding.instance
.addPostFrameCallback((_) => yourProviderFunction(context));
2- by registering your provider in a service locator so you don't have to use a context at all. (which is what I used in the example project I posted above)
3- by executing the desired function in the constructor of the provider, so when its initialized the API request will be called
Is this the Academind course?
Also this is the correct way.
For using a Provider you need the context.
EDIT: Added BaselAbuhadrous' comment to the answer.
You need to use didChangeDependencies because the initState actually provides the context, but the screen layout isn't built yet, so you get an error, but if you used WidgetsBindings.instance and call the provider inside of it, then you won't get the error.
//your model , product_model.dart
import 'dart:convert';
List<Product> availableTicketsFromJson(String str) => List<Product>.from(json.decode(str).map((x) => Product.fromJson(x)));
class Product {
String title;
String description;
String imageUrl;
double price;
bool isFavorite;
factory Product.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Product(
title: json['title'] as String,
description: json['description'] as String,
imageUrl: json['imageUrl'] as String,
price: json['price'] as double,
isFavorite: json['isFavorite'] as bool,
//viewmodel class
final String url = "test.com";
Future<List<Product> fetchProducts() async {
List<Product> products = List<Product>();
try {
final request = await http.get(url);
if(request.statusCode == 200) {
products = productsFromJson(request.body.toString());
} else {
} catch(e) {
return List<Product>();
return products;
Create your instance of provider in the page that you wanna fetch the data:
Under State<yourWidget>
=> FetchDataViewModel _model;
List<Product> products = [];
under build method
=> _model = Provider.of<FetchDataViewModel>(context,listen: false);
Make a http request with FutureBuilder
builder: (context,snapshot)){
if(snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
products = snapshot.data;
if(products.length > 0) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: products.length,
itemBuilder : (context,index) {
return _items();
} else {return _noSavedDataWidget();}
You can test such a code
Provider.of<'providerClassName'>(context, listen : false).'providerFunction'
might help.

Stop all further validation if multiple validation for first field fails

I am trying to write the rules for validating field for the validation.
At first i want to check if Location Id is empty, null or if that exist in the database, and then only processed further for other validation.
But, with the code i used, only check if empty, it does not stop if Location Id does not exist in the database.
Register Model
public class RegisterModel
public long LocationId {get;set;}
public long FirstName {get;set;}
public long LastName {get;set;}
//...other property to be added
JSON i am passing to API:
"FirstName": "John",
"LocationId": "1234534",
The location id does not exist in the database: But i am getting the response as:
"Errors": [
"FieldName": "LastName",
"Message": "'Last Name' must not be empty."
"FieldName": "LocationId",
"Message": "Invalid request."
Validation rule i am using:
public class RegisterModelValidator : AbstractValidator<RegisterModel>
private readonly DbContext _context;
public RegisterModelValidator(DbContext context)
this._context = context;
this.CascadeMode = CascadeMode.StopOnFirstFailure;
RuleFor(req => req.LocationId)
.NotEmpty().WithMessage("param1 is missing.")
.Must(IsValidRequest).WithMessage("Invalid request.");
When(x => x.LocationId != null, () => {
RuleFor(x => x.FirstName).Cascade(CascadeMode.StopOnFirstFailure).NotNull().NotEmpty();
RuleFor(x => x.LastName).Cascade(CascadeMode.StopOnFirstFailure).NotNull().NotEmpty();
private bool IsValidRequest(string req)
var locationId = long.TryParse(req, out long result) ? result : 0;
return _context.Locations.Any(x => x.LocationExtId == locationId);
private bool BeAValidDate(string value)
DateTime date;
return DateTime.TryParse(value, out date);
In my condition what i want is if the location id is missing or does not exist in the database, the validation should stop immediately, it should not check for the other field.
If you look at the docs here, its mentioned as
Setting the cascade mode only applies to validators within the same RuleFor chain. Changing the cascade mode does not affect separate calls to RuleFor. If you want prevent one rule from running if a different rule fails, you should instead use Dependent Rules (below)
So can you try it like this using Dependent Rules
RuleFor(x => x.FirstName).NotNull().NotEmpty()
.DependentRules(d => d.RuleFor(req => req.LocationId)
.NotEmpty().WithMessage("param1 is missing.")
.Must(IsValidRequest).WithMessage("Invalid request."));
But i see if we use it like this, i think it should be repeated for multiple properties.
or a better option for you is using PreValidate since
At first i want to check if Location Id is empty, null or if that exist in the database
Prevalidate a property

Customize binding in ASP.NET Web Api

I am stuck with following problem in ASP.NET Web Api. Let say I have following code in my ApiController:
public void Post(Person person)
// Handle the argument
What I would like to do is to accept following JSON request:
"person": {
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 27
I would like to go around creating some holding object for each model just to properly bind incoming data. In previous version of MVC, it was possible to define something like Prefix to solve this.
Let me report that I have been able to solve this implementing CustomJsonMediaTypeFormatter:
public class EmberJsonMediaTypeFormatter : JsonMediaTypeFormatter
public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task<object> ReadFromStreamAsync(
Type type,
System.IO.Stream readStream,
System.Net.Http.HttpContent content,
IFormatterLogger formatterLogger)
return base.ReadFromStreamAsync(
formatterLogger).ContinueWith<object>((task) =>
var data = task.Result as JObject;
var prefix= type.Name.ToLower();
if (data[prefix] == null)
return GetDefaultValueForType(type);
var serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(SerializerSettings);
return data[prefix].ToObject(type, serializer);
and replacing default JsonMediaTypeFormatter in GlobalConfiguration.

FluentSecurity 2.0 support for action with parameters

In my .net mvc 4 app I am using the latest release of FluentSecurity (1.4) in order to secure my actions.
Here is an example that illustrates my problem:
Suppose I have a controller with 2 edit actions (get and post):
public class MyController : Controller
// GET: /My/
public ActionResult Edit(decimal id)
var modelToReturn = GetFromDb(id);
return View(modelToReturn);
public ActionResult Edit(MyModel model)
return View(model);
Now, I would like to have a different security policy for each action. To do that I define (using fluent security):
configuration.For<MyController>(x => x.Edit(0))
.AddPolicy(new MyPolicy("my.VIEW.permission"));
configuration.For<MyController>(x => x.Edit(null))
.AddPolicy(new MyPolicy("my.EDIT.permission"));
The first configuration refers to the get while the second to the post.
If you wonder why I'm sending dummy params you can have a look here and here.
Problem is that fluent security can't tell the difference between those 2, hence this doesn't work.
Couldn't find a way to overcome it (I'm open for ideas) and I wonder if installing the new 2.0 beta release can resolve this issue.
Any ideas?
It is currently not possible to apply different policies to each signature in FluentSecurity. This is because FluentSecurity can not know what signature will be called by ASP.NET MVC. All it knows is the name of the action. So FluentSecurity has to treat both action signatures as a single action.
However, you can apply multiple policies to the same action (you are not limited to have a single policy per action). With this, you can apply an Http verb filter for each of the policies. Below is an example of what it could look like:
1) Create a base policy you can inherit from
public abstract class HttpVerbFilteredPolicy : ISecurityPolicy
private readonly List<HttpVerbs> _httpVerbs;
protected HttpVerbFilteredPolicy(params HttpVerbs[] httpVerbs)
_httpVerbs = httpVerbs.ToList();
public PolicyResult Enforce(ISecurityContext securityContext)
HttpVerbs httpVerb;
Enum.TryParse(securityContext.Data.HttpVerb, true, out httpVerb);
return !_httpVerbs.Contains(httpVerb)
? PolicyResult.CreateSuccessResult(this)
: EnforcePolicy(securityContext);
protected abstract PolicyResult EnforcePolicy(ISecurityContext securityContext);
2) Create your custom policy
public class CustomPolicy : HttpVerbFilteredPolicy
private readonly string _role;
public CustomPolicy(string role, params HttpVerbs[] httpVerbs) : base(httpVerbs)
_role = role;
protected override PolicyResult EnforcePolicy(ISecurityContext securityContext)
var accessAllowed = //... Do your checks here;
return accessAllowed
? PolicyResult.CreateSuccessResult(this)
: PolicyResult.CreateFailureResult(this, "Access denied");
3) Add the HTTP verb of the current request to the Data property of ISecurityContext and secure your actions
SecurityConfigurator.Configure(configuration =>
// General setup goes here...
configuration.For<MyController>(x => x.Edit(0)).AddPolicy(new CustomPolicy("my.VIEW.permission", HttpVerbs.Get));
configuration.For<MyController>(x => x.Edit(null)).AddPolicy(new CustomPolicy("my.EDIT.permission", HttpVerbs.Post));
configuration.Advanced.ModifySecurityContext(context => context.Data.HttpVerb = HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod);