Objective C - Matrix Multiplication Slow Performance - objective-c

I have 2 2-D NSMutableArrays and I am trying to do some basic matrix multiplication. I have my generic formula code below, but its performance is exceptionally slow (as expected). I have done lots of googling and have not found any easy nor easy to understand formulas to change up the code for performance enhancement. Can anyone point me in the right direction of a straightforward formula/tutorial/example of how to get better performance than 0(n^3) with matrix multiplication in Objective C.
+ (NSMutableArray*)multiply:(NSMutableArray*)a1 withArray:(NSMutableArray*)a2
if([[a1 objectAtIndex: 0] count] != [a2 count])
NSLog(#"Multiplicaton error!");
return NULL;
int a1_rowNum = [a1 count];
int a2_rowNum = [a2 count];
int a2_colNum = [[a2 objectAtIndex:0] count];
NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:a1_rowNum];
for (int i = 0; i < a1_rowNum; i++) {
NSMutableArray *tempRow = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:a2_colNum];
for (int j = 0; j < a2_colNum; j++) {
double tempTotal = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < a2_rowNum; k++) {
double temp1 = [[[a1 objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:k] doubleValue];
double temp2 = [[[a2 objectAtIndex:k] objectAtIndex:j] doubleValue];
tempTotal += temp1 * temp2;
//Stored as a string because I upload it to an online database for storage.
[tempRow addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f",tempTotal]];
[result addObject:tempRow];
return result;

It will be much faster if you Write it in C.
double[] will be ridiculously fast compared to an NSArray of NSNumbers for this task. you'll have good cache coherency, minimal instructions, no need to go through the runtime or allocate in order to write or read an element. no need to perform reference count cycling on each element…

You need have a look at Apple's Accelerate frameWork for ios4.0 onwards.
You can do a lot of complex math and matrix manipulation with it and this framework is optimized to run on any iOS hardware.


Calculating value of K without messages

Find the value of K in myInterViewArray without any messages/calls
I was given this hint:
The numbers in the array will never exceed 1-9.
NSArray *myInterViewArray = #[#2,#1,#3,#9,#9,#8,#7];
If you send 3, the array will return the 3 biggest values in myInterViewArray * 3. So in the example below, K = 9 + 9 + 8.
I was asked this question a while back in an interview and was completely stumped. The first solution that I could think of looked something like this:
Interview Test Array:
[self findingK:myInterViewArray abc:3];
-(int)findingK:(NSArray *)myArray abc:(int)k{ // With Reverse Object Enumerator
myArray = [[[myArray sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)] reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];
int tempA = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
tempA += [[myArray objectAtIndex:i] intValue];
k = tempA;
return k;
But apparently that was a big no-no. They wanted me to find the value of K without using any messages. That means that I was unable to use sortedArrayUsingSelector and even reverseObjectEnumerator.
Now to the point!
I've been thinking about this for quite a while and I still can't think of an approach without messages. Does anyone have any ideas?
There is only one way to do that and that is bridging the array to CF type and then use plain C, e.g.:
NSArray *array = #[#1, #2, #3];
CFArrayRef cfArray = (__bridge CFArrayRef)(array);
NSLog(#"%#", CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cfArray, 0));
However, if the value is a NSNumber, you will still need messages to access its numeric value.
Most likely the authors of the question didn't have a very good knowledge of the concept of messages. Maybe they thought that subscripting and property access were not messages or something else.
Using objects in Obj-C without messages is impossible. Every property access, every method call, every method initialization is done using messages.
Rereading the question, they probably wanted you to implement the algorithm without using library functions, e.g. sort (e.g. you could implement a K-heap and use that heap to find the K highest numbers in a for iteration).
I assume what is meant is that you can't mutate the original array. Otherwise, that restriction doesn't make sense.
Here's something that might work:
NSMutableArray *a = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSNumber *num in array) {
BOOL shouldAdd = NO;
for (int i = a.count - 1; i >= k; i--) {
if ([a[i] intValue] < [num intValue]) {
shouldAdd = YES;
if (shouldAdd) {
[a addObject:num];
int result = a[a.count - k];
for (int i = k; k < a.count; k++) {
result += [a[i] intValue];
return result;

Fast Enumeration slower than for-loop in nested enumeration (with test-results)?

I know there are quite some topics that seem to be about the exact same thing, but I didn't find one that really was about what I wanted.
So I was curious and wanted to compare the performance of Fast Enumeration to NSEnumerator and a for loop. (This is the part that is asked quite frequently)
First I compared Fast Enumeration:
for(NSNumber *number in testArray)
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [testArray objectEnumerator];
NSNumber *number;
while (number = [enumerator nextObject])
for Loop:
for(NSUInteger i = 0; i < [testArray count]; i++)
NSNumber *number = [testArray objectAtIndex:i];
My testArray was an Array consisting of NSNumbers from 0 to 1,000,000 and I ran the tests 100 Times after each other and calculated the mean run time for each test.
Also I ran them on my iPad 2
Results: (mean time of all 100 runs)
0.042687s Fast Enumeration
0.582072s NSEnumerator
0.627318s for-loop
As expected, Fast Enumeration is by far the fastest, and NSEnumerator is still a little bit faster than the for-loop, but this was for enumerating quit a large Array
So here's the not so frequent Question:
Actually I was interested in something else: Enumeration in an array to compare each object with each other in the array
First attempt with a nested for-loop:
for(int i = 0; i < [testArray count]-1; i++)
NSNumber *number = [testArray objectAtIndex:i];
for(int j = i+1; j < [testArray count]; j++)
NSNumber *innerLoopNumber = [testArray objectAtIndex:j];
For these Tests I had to reduce the size of the array and the number of runs to get them done in a reasonable time, because number of iterations grows of course with O(n^2).
So I ran them with an array with 5.000 NSNumbers and repeated the tests 5 times.
Result: 7.360645s for 1 run
So I thought, sure, fast Enumeration should be faster. But to achieve the triangular Pattern to avoid comparing each pair of elements two times, I had to mix Fast Enumeration in the outer loop with NSEnumerator in the inner loop
for(NSNumber *number in testArray)
NSEnumerator *reverseEnumterator = [testArray reverseObjectEnumerator];
NSNumber *innerLoopNumber = reverseEnumterator.nextObject;
while(innerLoopNumber && ![innerLoopNumber isEqualToNumber:number])
innerLoopNumber = reverseEnumterator.nextObject;
And to my surprise, this was much slower: 18.086980s for 1 run
I then tried a hybrid version as well, using Fast Enumeration for the outer loop and a for-loop for the inner one:
int counter = 0;
for(NSNumber *number in testArray)
for(int j = counter +1; j < [testArray count]; j++)
NSNumber *innerLoopNumber = [testArray objectAtIndex:j];
Result: 7.079600s for 1 Run
Just slightly faster than the plain for-loop.
the numbers in one place:
07.360645s for-Loop
07.079600s Hybrid
18.086980s Fast Enumeration
So I wonder, why is that? Does Fast Enumeration only work well when it is "undisrupted", does the use of NSEnumerator interfere with Fast Enumeration?
Or am I just missing something and my Method is wrong?
You're calling additional methods in your fast enumeration loop. Objective-c has non-trivial method call overhead, so your problem is in the setup of the nested loops. As you can see fast enumeration + for loop is faster than for loop + for loop, and here you're avoiding additional method calls.

How to cycle through an array of CGPoints

I have created an array of 16 CGpoints representing 16 positions on a game board. This is how i set up the array CGPoint cgpointarray[16]; I would like to create a for loop to cycle through each item in the array and check if the touch is within x distance of a position (i have the position as a CGPoint. I don't have much experiance with xcode or objective c. I know the python equivalent would be
for (i in cgpointarray){
//Stuff to do
How would i accomplish this? Thanks
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++){
CGPoint p = cgpointarray[i];
//do something
Or if you want to use the NSArray Class:
NSMutableArray *points = [NSMutableArray array];
[points addObject:[ NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(1,2)]];
for(NSValue *v in points) {
CGPoint p = v.CGPointValue;
//do something
( not tested in XCode )
This should do it:
for (NSUInteger i=0; i < sizeof(cgpointarray)/sizeof(CGPoint); i++) {
CGPoint point = cgpointarray[i];
// Do stuff with point
I would normally go for the NSValue approach above but sometimes you are working with an API where you can't change the output. #Andrews approach is cool but I prefer the simplicity of .count:
NSArray* arrayOfStructyThings = [someAPI giveMeAnNSArrayOfStructs];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < arrayOfStructyThings.count; ++i) {
SomeOldStruct tr = arrayOfStructyThings[i];
.... do your worst here ...

Array of arrays with ints

How would you go about storing a 2 dimensional array of ints as a class variable?
If you want an array of ints you go:
Class declaration
int * myInts;
int ints[3] = {1,2,3};
myInts = ints;
But what if you want to store an array of arrays with ints?
Like this:
int ints[3][3] = {{1,2,3}, {1,2,3}, {1,2,3}};
I don't wanna limit the size of the arrays in the class declaration so I guess I have to go with pointers, but how?
For future reference, this is my conclusion:
Class declaration
int ** ints;
int rows = 2;
int cols = 5;
ints = (int**)malloc(rows*sizeof(int*));
ints[0] = (int*)malloc(cols*sizeof(int));
ints[0][0] = 123;
ints[0][1] = 456;
ints[0][2] = 789;
// etc
This is my own interpretation of links provided in comments and my C skills are pretty low so take that into consideration ;) Maybe there are better ways to put in multiple numbers at a time with {123,456,789} or something, but that is beyond my requirements for now!
I've wrote sample for you:
int N = 10, M = 15;
NSMutableArray *ints = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:N]; // array[N][M]
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
NSMutableArray *arr = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:M];
for (int j=0; j<M; j++)
[arr addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(i+1)*(j+1)]];
[ints addObject:arr];
// print
for (int i=0; i<[ints count]; i++)
NSString *line = #"";
NSMutableArray *arr = [ints objectAtIndex:i];
for (int j=0; j<[arr count]; j++)
line = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#", line, [arr objectAtIndex:j]];
NSLog(#"%#", line);
If you want to dynamically allocate memory, in other words define the size of the arrays at runtime, then you need to declare the array as a pointer, malloc it, and then add another array of ints to each index at runtime. You can't really declare and dynamically allocate at the class level. If you are using cocoa/iphone sdk you can use NSMutableArray.
You could also create your own class that constructs a two dimensional array and exposes methods to push and pop int objects like [IntegerArray push:x,y,n];
Here's and example of using a double reference as Daniel R Hicks pointed out.

Creating a C Array from 2D NSArray

I have a 2D NSArray of string numbers that I would like to convert to a 2D C array of doubles for use with BLAS/LAPACK functions (through the accelerate framework).
This line of code seems to work, however seems to be incredibly inefficient and eventually crashes due to a malloc error. Is there a more efficient way to convert this 2D NSArray to a C array? Or a convienent way of using NSArrays with BLAS/LAPACK?
double gridDataC[[nrows intValue]+1][[ncol intValue]+1];
for(i=6;i<[fileLines count]-1;i++){
for(j=0;j<[ncol intValue]-1;j++){
gridDataC[i][j]=[[[[fileLines objectAtIndex:i] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "] objectAtIndex:j] doubleValue];
fileLines is an array that contains lines of a file that are parsed into respective numbers.
There are few things here that deal with memory.
1.componentsSeparatedByString: creates an autoreleased array. Since you're looping for every object within that string, you are creating similar array multiple times. As the autoreleased objects are not released until the end of the runloop this might clog the memory. It's better to do this once by bringing the method call out of the inner loop.
2.The value of i is the most confusing. You pass i as the index for gridDataC. It should probably be i - 6 if you're starting from i = 6.
double gridDataC[[nrows intValue] + 1][[ncol intValue] + 1];
for( i = 6; i < [fileLines count] - 1; i++ ){
NSArray * components = [[fileLines objectAtIndex:i] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
for( j = 0; j < [ncol intValue] - 1; j++ ){
gridDataC[i - 6][j] = [[components objectAtIndex:j] doubleValue];