has_many association with conditions on ActiveRecord - ruby-on-rails-3

I have this models: Store and Address.
The second model Address I'm using this with other models and has some custom fields inside for different models.
Yes like polymorphic but without the varchar field for Class, I'm using an integer. (optimization stuff)
now on my Store model the association in set like this:
class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :addresses, :foreign_key => "parent_id", :conditions => ['parent_kind = ?', 2]
accepts_nested_attributes_for :addresses
Now in my controller I do:
And I can use f.fields_for :addresses... inside the form.
The problem comes out when I submit the form and the data is saved to the database.
The record in the stores table is saved, the record in addresses is saved with the parent_id of the store in place, but the parent_kind is in 0 which is the default value for that attribute on MySQL.
My Quick fix was this:
#store = Store.new(params[:store])
#store.addresses[0].parent_kind = 2
if #store.save
But I know there must be another way.
Anny suggestions?

Did you try using a hidden field in your nested form?
<%= f.fields_for :addresses, Address.new do |ff| %>
<%= ff.hidden_field :parent_kind, :value => 2 %>
If you don't want to use it due to security concerns, here's another way that might help. You can try using an association callback like so:
class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :addresses, :foreign_key => "parent_id",
:conditions => ['parent_kind = ?', 2],
:before_add => Proc.new { |store,address| address.parent_kind = 2}
accepts_nested_attributes_for :addresses


rails object expected got string in Rails 3

class Result < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :p1, :class_name => "Player", :foreign_key => 'player_id', :validate => true
When i try to create a new record by using Result.new it throws Result(#203425120) expected, got String(#127815260).
I seen most of the related questions..But they given only select sql based. Not creating new records.. Any comments would be appreciated..
Probably you have p1_id in the database instead of just p1.
So, When you are referring to players, you should use the
<%= f.collection_select :p1_id, Player.all, :id, :name %>
Referred from:
rails object expected got string

activeadmin habtm better example for uniqueness case

Am able to manage habtm as per follow, and I wanted a better way for this
I have habtm between User and Tag on Rails 3, aa 0.5.1
Tag name is uniq
f.input :tags, :label => 'Assign existing tag'
# this above allows to select from existing tags, but cannot allow to create one
f.has_many :tags, :label => 'Add new tags, modify existings' do |ff|
ff.input :name
ff.input :_destroy, :as => :boolean
# this above allows to create new one but not allow to specify existing one
# if we specify existing one, uniqueness wont let create this one, neither existing get used
# and throws validation error
any hints?
Adding my models
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :tags
scope :tagged_with, lambda {|tags| joins(:tags).where("tags.name" => tags)}
accepts_nested_attributes_for :tags, :allow_destroy => true
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
validates :name, :uniqueness => { :case_sensitive => false }
Try this,
f.label => 'Assign existing tag'
f.select :tags, Tag.all.map{|t| [t.tag_name, t.id]}, {:prompt => "Select Tag name" }
this above allows to select from existing tags, don't have option to create one
For the Second thing add this line in the model,
validates :tags, :uniqueness => {:scope => :tag_name}
here the :tag_name is your name of the fieldname. This throw an error if the tag name already exists when you create a duplicate.
It's just an idea as per your question. This won't be your exact answer because your specification is not enough to give you the exact answer.

Rails, get object association when using build (object still not in database), the DRY

Im building a report system which uses a sort of meta question model. Questions are previusly saved in the database, and then depending of the type of report some questions are taken from the database.
Wanting to keep things DRY, i'm trying to figure out a way to pass the information of the Variable model to my report_header with no avail.
In the new action i have:
reportBody = #report_head.report_bodies.build(:variable_id => a.id)
#report_head.variables #modified, thx.
all i need is to pass the attributes from the Variable to report_head in a DRY way.
If you need to know my models:
class Variable < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :id,:break_point, :description, :name, :time_frequency, :v_type
has_many :report_bodies
has_many :report_heads, :through => :report_bodies
class ReportHead < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :email, :name , :report_bodies_attributes, :report_bodies, :variables_attributes
has_many :report_bodies
has_many :variables, :through => :report_bodies
accepts_nested_attributes_for :report_bodies
class ReportBody < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :report_head_id, :variable_value, :variable_id, :variables_attributes, :report_heads
belongs_to :report_head
belongs_to :variable
I updated the model as suggested, and modified the way to call the variables. However im still confused about how to use it in the view, if i do something like:
<%= f.fields_for :variables do |variable| %>
<%= variable.text_field :name, :value => :name, :class => 'text_field' %>
<% end %>
it prints a string instead of the actual name.
You have define wrong name association, your association of ReportBody should be:
belongs_to :report_head
belongs_to :variable
This is not correct:
#report_head.report_bodies.build(:variable_id => a.id,:report_head_id =>#report_head.id)
chang it to:
#report_head.variables.build(:variable_id => a.id)
it's better, you don't have to set report_head_id. And this is wrong:
If you want to get all variables belong to #report_head, you just need using:

Rails scoped form not assigning belongs_to

I have two models in Rails 3 - a User model and a Profile model.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :profile, :dependent => :destroy
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
They are scoped in my routes.rb file, as such:
resources :users do
resources :profiles
So now, my form to create a profile reads like this (Using SimpleForm):
<%= simple_form_for([#user, #profile]) do |f| %>
<%= f.error_notification %>
...(Other Inputs)
<% end %>
However, the user ID doesn't seem to be automatically sent to the profile model as I had assumed. Do I have to set that manually through the controller? Or am I missing something?
You should start by making sure that the relationship between User and Profile is indeed working correctly. You've actually put "has_one :user" in your User model, when I think you mean:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :profile, :dependent => :destroy
In order to send the user ID with the form, the form should be on a page with a URL of something like "localhost:3000/users/5/profiles/new" which you can link to with the helper "new_user_profile_path(5)", for a user with ID 5.
When you submit the form, it will hit the create action in your ProfilesController. The following should result in the creation of the profile:
def create
#user = User.find(params[:user_id])
#profile = #user.build_profile(params[:profile])
add :method => :post to your form since ur html request is GET which should be POST
simple_form_for([#user, #profile], :method => :post) do |f| %>

passing object for polymorphic lookup parameter in Rails find/where

Let's say I have:
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :commentable, :polymorphic => true
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :as => :commentable
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :as => :commentable
now I want to find all comments on Jim's photo:
#jims_photo = Photo.where(:of => "Jim")
#photo_comments = Comment.where(:commentable => #jims_photo)
this seems to not work in rails (Rails 3). The generated query seems to not expand the polymorphic object into commentable_id and commentable_type fields:
SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: comments.commentable:
I'm new to ruby and rails so I might be using the paradigm incorrectly but my expectation was that rails automatically expands
:commentable => #jims_photo
:commentable_id => #jims_photo.id, :commentable_type => #jims_photo.class.name
If you want to be really safe with:
:commentable_id => #jims_photo.id, :commentable_type => #jims_photo.class.name
Then I'd recommend replacing .class.name with .base_class (you don't actually need the name: to_s returns name and will be called automatically).
The reason for this is that when ActiveRecord saves the _type for a polymorphic association it'll use base_class to ensure it's not saving a class which itself is a polymorphic one.
If you play with store_full_sti_class you'll probably have to take even more precautions.
I highly recommend looking at Rails' STI code, here.
The guides for Rails are one of the best so I'd suggest you start reading about Polymorphic Associations
You class declarations looks OK and I'm assuming that you're migrations is as well. But just for the sake of it. Let's say it looks like this:
class CreateComment < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :comments do |t|
t.string :name
t.references :commentable, :polymorphic => true
# this is the equivalent of
# t.integer :commentable_id
# t.string :commentable_type
Not if you have a Article or Photo object and you want to get the comments for that object then Thilo's suggestion is right on. All you need to do is this: #jims_photo.comments
If, on the other hand, you have a an instance of the Comment model, you can get the parent like this: #comment.commentable. But if you want to get Jim's photo comments best to do it like that. Otherwise, you'd have to supply as arguments both the :commentable_id and commentable_type. I'm not aware of any finder that expands the polymorphic object into commentable_id and commentable_type fields for you.
But you can always create a class method for that:
def self.find_by_parent(parent)
where(:commentable_id => parent.id, :commentable_type => parent.class.name)