rtf bullet character in objective c - objective-c

Does anyone know if this line of code would work for a NSString from an rtf file on iOS?
NSString* cList = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:#"name of file" encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
c = [cList componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n• "];
I'm just wondering since it includes a bullet point character which I pretty much copy pasted. I wasn't expecting it to be that easy. It just seems like it should be an escape sequence character or something.
Probably should've included some form of error checking in the first line, but that aside for the moment.
Update: After much compiling with no success with an rtf, I copied the text into a txt and used that instead. Works the first time. Seemed like the rtf reading was getting weird rtf data that wasn't really what I was after when I tried to NSLog it.

How about using unicode sequence?
c = [cList componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n\u0000 "];
0000 <---- unicode.


Objc-DataFile-Unreadable Substring-Unknown to any encoding

I have a DataFile, built by subsidiairy Application. I need to locate some substring contained in the data file. They are identifiable by the character symbols delimiting them. For instance : *!substringqSxt .The substring will vary from a project to another so I need to locate the symbols delimiting them to read the following substring. I also printed the file to different encodings trying which one was used and matched the original data file. found it was MacOsRomanStringEncoding.
I use NSRange:rangOfStringto locate the delimiting symbols. Here is my code :
char *debutAudio ="jjbj";
char *finAudio ="qSxt";
NSString *debutAudioConverted = [[NSString alloc]
initWithCString: debutAudio
NSString *finAudioConverted = [[NSString alloc]
initWithCString: finAudio
NSRange debutaudioRange =[dataFileContent rangeOfString:debutAudioConverted];
NSRange finaudioRange =[dataFileContent rangeOfString:finAudioConverted];
NSLog(#"range is %#",NSStringFromRange(debutaudioRange));
NSLog(#"range is %#",NSStringFromRange(finaudioRange));
Both NSLog returns range is {9223372036854775807, 0}
so not locating the delimiting strings there.
And if I ask to look for other strings contained in the file like "Settings" the rangeOfString will return the proper location and length.
I thought the file may contain multiple encodings, and tried converting with initWithCStringto any possible encoding but nothing would do.
Also if I open the file in text edit and use the "Find" function, it will not locate the delimiting string, but will locate other words. My guts tell me its related. I dont know where to look for info. Could the file be protected, I am reading a copy of it though.
I have found the problem occuring here. The proper encoding is still MacOsRoman. The problem is the prefix string *debutAudio "jjbj"there is actually a tiny space , like a quarter space between each characters. I have tried every unicode spaces listed here :https://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/chars/spaces.html#adj
without any success. Now I will tried to find some half or quarter space under MacOsRoman see if that is working.

Prevent NSString to escape contents

Sorry for maybe a newbie question.
For various reasons I am stuck with a peculiar string that looks like this:
NSString *myString = #"A\\314\\212A\\314\\210O\\314\\210.jpg";
Can I in some ninja-way remove the double \\ and force NSString understand that the string is Uniencoded and should be read like this
NSString *myString = #"A\314\212A\314\210O\314\210.jpg"; // Displays ÅÄÖ as expected
I have tried different strategies tried to replace all slashes ("\"), but as soon as I add a ("\") NSString adds another one to escape the first one. And I get stuck here...
Is it possible to prevent NSString to escape my string?
I am aware this is a special case. Reading the output from a terminal program which reads files on the users drive. Via a NSTask I am capturing the output to into a NSString for parsing and splitting it into an array. It works great as long as there are no non-ascii characters. HFS+ is encoding non-ascii characters with slightly different Unicode called NFD.
When I am capturing the reponse, the ÅÄÖ are already encoded inside qoutes like this:
When I create a NSString and with the captured reponse, it gets escaped by NSString a second time.
I am aware that this is not the optimal, but right now I have no control over what the terminal program is outputting. Usually when a NSString is created with this NFD encoding, Objectiv-C takes care of the encoding/decoding for you. But since I have a string with mixed and double escaped content, I have a hard way of creating it and make NSString to understand that the content is encoded with this encoding.
Basically I would like to to this:
decodedString = [output stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\\\\"
But behind the scenes NSString is always escaping \ with another \ for you so I would like a way to create "raw" strings with out NSString interfering.
Have tried various ways to try enforing Unicode encoding on NSString but it all boils down to NSString is always capturing and escaping \.
Any tips och points appreciated!
I did not find any way around this other than go the other way around and change the output from the terminal program not to encode it this way.

Reading a file and updating the content

Basically i have a concern, which needs to be solved using Objective C alone. (i have tried with C)
Is there any appropriate way in objective C to read character by character (till EOF) from a file, The file is got from document directory or bundle.
Problem : So, If i want to append a escape character () before all inverted comma's in a file and A special character (say /) before each line.
(type == "Currency")
/(type == \"Currency\")
Thanks in advance.
Try this may be this helps you.
I assume your file contains only string data not JSON or XML
NSString *strFileContent = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:#"pathofyourfile" encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
NSLog(#"strFileContent %#",strFileContent);
NSString *newStr = [strFileContent stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"(" withString:#"/("];
Like last line you can replace your data.
Hope this works for you.

objective c UTF8String not working with japanese

I would like to show the NSString below on my UILabel:
NSString *strValue=#"你好";
but i can not show it on my UILabel i get strange characters!
I use this code to show the text:
[NSString stringWithCString:[strValue UTF8String] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
I tried [NSString stringWithCString:[strValue cStringUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] and it worked
but i can not show emoticons with cStringUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding so i have to use UTF8String.
Any help appreciated.
Your source file is in UTF-8, but the compiler you are using thinks it's ISO-Latin 1. What you think is the string #"你好" is actually the string #"你好". But when you ask NSString* to give you this back as ISO-Latin 1, and treat it as UTF-8, you've reversed the process the compiler took and you end up with the original string.
One solution that you can use here is to tell your compiler what encoding your source file is in. There is a compiler flag (for GCC it's -finput-charset=UTF-8, not sure about clang) that will tell the compiler what encoding to use. Curiously, UTF-8 should be the default already, but perhaps you're overriding this with a locale.
A more portable solution is to use only ASCII in your source file. You can accomplish this by replacing the non-ASCII chars with a string escape using \u1234 or \U12345678. In your case, you'd use
NSString *strValue=#"\u4F60\u597D";
Of course, once you get your string constant to be correct, you can ditch the whole encoding stuff and just use strValue directly.

Problem creating UTF8 text file with NSFileHandle

I want to use NSFileHandle to write large text files to avoid handling very large NSString's in memory. I'm having a problem where after creating the file and opening it in the Text Edit app (Mac), it is not displaying the unicode characters correctly. If I write the same text to a file using the NSString writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error: method, Text Edit display everything correctly.
I'm opening both the files in Text Edit with the "opening files encoding" option set to automatic, so I'm not sure why one works and the other method doesn't. Is there some form of header to declare the format is UTF8?
// Standard string
NSString *myString = #"This is a test with a star character \u272d";
// This works fine
// Displays: "This is a test with a star character ✭" in Text Edit
[myString writeToFile:path atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// This doesn't work
// Displays: "This is a test with a star character ‚ú≠" in Text Edit
[fileManager createFileAtPath:path contents:nil attributes:nil];
fileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:path];
[fileHandle writeData:[myString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
The problem is not with your code, but with TextEdit: It doesn't try to decode the file as UTF-8 unless it has a UTF-8 BOM identifying it as such. Presumably, the first version of your code adds such a BOM. See this question for further discussion.
UTF-8 data generally should not include a BOM, so you probably shouldn't modify your code from the second version at all—it's working correctly. If opening the file in TextEdit has to work, you should be able to force the BOM by including it (\ufeff) explicitly at the start of the string, but, again, you should not do that unless you really need to.