Rally API & Release Burnup Data - rally

I'm trying to pull release burnup data from the API. Is that possible? If so, has someone done that, and can share the object + query parameters?

you will want to take a look at the ReleaseCumulativeFlowData object.
An example url would be:
https://trial.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.34/releasecumulativeflowdata?query=(ReleaseObjectID = 12345)
The query string will usually be with the ReleaseObjectID = some Release ID.
You then get back the Cumulative Flow Data results which are a collection for each day with counts by ScheduleState - hope that info helps.
(In Rally > Help > Web Services API Documentation, take a look at Cumulative Flow Data for the fields there)
Hope that helps.


CRM get stage Required Fields

In Plug or workflow
How to get stage IDs or Names dynamically from entity
How to get current stage Required fields Names dynamically not hard coded Using c# or js or any other method
if any idea, Share please!
You can get an entity's metadata from CRM by issueing a RetrieveEntityRequest. In the response you get an EntityMetadata object having an Attributes collection providing all attribute details you need.
The CRM SDK contains clear example code on this topic. More information about working with attribute metadata can be found on MSDN.
I guess you are talking about the client functions to query the Business Process Flow attributes?
In CRM 2015 there is now clientside functionality implemented to the retrieve process, stage and step information.
With Xrm.Page.data.process.getActiveProcess() you can get the current workflow process and retrieve a Process object.
You can use the following methods to retrieve further and deeper information about the process:
string: .getId();
string: .getName();
Stage :
string: .getName();
int: .getCategory().getValue();| stage category Optionset
string: .getStatus(); | „active“ , „inctactive“
Step (the attributes):
string: .getAttribute(); | logical attribute name
string: .getName();
This works in CRM 2015 but not in CRM 2013.
You find further information here:

How to get sprint or iteration details of a project in rtc jazz using OSLC

Can any one help me to get the list of iterations and sprints in that and workitems in that sprint using oslc or REST call
This thread reports that querying iterations might be a bit tricky:
For the purpose of obtaining iteration for specific development line. Reporting Rest I/F may helps.
https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/foundation?fields=foundation/iteration[developmentLine/name='RTC V4.0.6 Development']/(id|name|developmentLine/name)
This yields some thing like:
<iteration> <developmentline> <name> <iteration>
<developmentline><name>RTC V4.0.6 Development</name></developmentline>
<id>Sprint 2</id>
<name>Sprint 2</name>
</iteration> </name> </developmentline> </iteration>
Unfortunately, iteration belongs to development line, so we have to query developmentLine using like:
For the brief introduction to reportable RestAPI, refer to this web pages.
Good feature of this reports API is that we can query by name, not uuid of objects.
I had also this problems solved by this way. Try it.
It returns list of Open Sprints.
If you want to search for closed sprints in the future, you can use the following parameter in the above call:

DataSift and GoogleBigQuery

I have been trying to export data to a google bigquery dataset from datasift, but except for 4 empty rows, no other relevant data has been pushed.
I followed instruction from this link: http://dev.datasift.com/docs/push/connectors/bigquery. Not sure if it's the csdl code that I used the cause.
For example I configured a stream using:
wikipedia.title contains "Audi".
The live preview has no output. Also, the only data sources that I've set as active are Interaction and Wikipedia.
Please let me know what may be the reason for this. At the end of every stream recording I don't see any changes, expect the creation of the table mentioned in the destination with 4 empty rows(some row have null values, and interaction.type is ds_verify).
Thank you!

Firebase REST api filtering

Looking at my data in firebase it is structure like so
under each of those levels are the actual data objects.
I know i can make get requests to /DebugEvents/0/ & /DebugEvents/ to get all, but what if i wanted to filter by /DebugEvents/0/ & /DebugEvents/2/ but ignore /DebugEvents/1/ ?
Is that possible?
Credit too #AndrewLee "Not currently, no. You'd need to request those items individually"

Use custom function to populate gSpreadsheet cell based on a XML/JSON response

Ok, this one has become a little tricky for me and I really need some assistance to work through it.
I have a GSpreadsheet which has a list of data, in this case Twitter usernames. Using the API of a service provider (in this case the Klout API), I would like to retrieve information about that user to populate a cell within a spreadsheet.
Based on what I can work out so far, I would need to write a custom function to do this but I have no idea where to start, how I might construct it, or if there are any examples of doing this.
The Klout API can return either an XML or JSON response (see http://developer.klout.com/docs/read/api/API), based on the string passed. For example, the URL:
would return the following XML response:
<description>creates content that is spread throughout their network and drives discussions.</description>
<kclass_description>You are the hub of social scenes and people count on you to find out what's happening. You are quick to connect people and readily share your social savvy. Your followers appreciate your network and generosity.</kclass_description>
<kscore_description>thewinchesterau has a low level ofinfluence.</kscore_description>
Based on this response, I would like to be able to populate different cells with the values returned within the XML (or JSON if easier) packet.
So, for example, I would have a spreadsheet like the following which would have custom functions to go out and retrieve the value of the relevant XML element response to populate the cell:
Cell A B C D E
1 Username kscore Network score Amplification score True reach
2 thewinchester =kscore(A2) =nscore(A2) =ascore(A2) =tscore(A2)
Are there any gSpreadsheet examples you know of that use an API to pull data in from an external source?
How would one write a custom function to fetch the result from the API and populate a cell with a result of a specific element?
Any information, examples or helpers you have are greatly appreciated.
You want the importXML function, documented here. The formula you want will look something like this:
=importXML("http://api.klout.com/1/users/show.xml?key=SECRET&users=" + A1, "//users/user/score/kscore")
You could write a custom script with Google AppScript, but there's a simple solution to this similar to what Nick Johnson posted. I've tested this against the score function, but it could be easily adapted to the show endpoint with different XPath.
=importXML("http://api.klout.com/1/klout.xml?users="&A1&"&key=YOUR_API_KEY", "//users/user/kscore")
This presumes your Twitter IDs are in the A column.
Note, Google Docs limits the number of such importXML functions to 50 per spreadsheet. You could concatenate groups of 5 userids for each importXML call, effectively putting your limit to 250 a sheet.
This could also be adapted to a similar call in Excel that doesn't have that limit. Keep in mind the Klout ToS, though, using proper attribution and rate limits.