C++ Builder XE2, TXMLDocument 'DTD is prohibited' - vcl

When I try to read an XML document (eagle file) with an DTD I get the error:
Project xx raised exception class EDOMParserError with message 'DTD is
The XML header looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE eagle SYSTEM "eagle.dtd">
If I remove the second line...
<!DOCTYPE eagle SYSTEM "eagle.dtd">
...everything works fine.
After some googling it seems like the MSXML parser have an option called ´prohibitDTD´ set to true by default (in earlier versions it was false).
However it seems not possible to set this option to false from the TXMLDocument class. One solution seems to be a recompile of the .pas library or to create the interface on my own with CoCreateInstance().
All examples I have seen out there are in Delphi and I'm having dificulties to trasnlate these to C++ Builder.
Does anyone know how to read a DTD XML document with C++ Builder XE2?
My example code...
#include <xmldoc.hpp>
_di_IXMLNode XMLObject;
TXMLDocument *XMLDocument = new TXMLDocument(this);
XMLDocument->LoadFromFile(fileName); // <----- Exception EDOMParserError
XMLObject = XMLDocument->DocumentElement;
Thank you...

XE2 introduced a native solution to this very problem: there is a global bool variable named MSXML6_ProhibitDTD declared in Xml.Win.msxmldom.hpp. You can set it to false before loading data into TXMLDocument:
#include <xmldoc.hpp>
#include <msxmldom.hpp>
MSXML6_ProhibitDTD = false;
TXMLDocument *XMLDocument = new TXMLDocument(this):
_di_IXMLNode XMLObject = XMLDocument->DocumentElement;
On a side note: it is generally not a good idea to create TXMLDocument instances dynamically like this. It is better to use the IXMLDocument interface instead:
#include <xmldoc.hpp>
#include <msxmldom.hpp>
MSXML6_ProhibitDTD = false;
_di_IXMLDocument XMLDocument = LoadXMLDocument(fileName);
_di_IXMLNode XMLObject = XMLDocument->DocumentElement;

Since the workaround with the global variable MSXML6_ProhibitDTD is deprecated and I couldn't get it to work with XE5 either, here is another solution:
As stated in the documentation, there is this method to change the DOM property
Unfortunately it's not so trivial to use this...
include the header for this namespace:
#include <Xml.Win.msxmldom.hpp>
//change the dom property in your constructor.
((TMSXMLDOMDocumentFactory*)Xml::Win::Msxmldom::MSXMLDOMDocumentFactory)->AddDOMProperty("ProhibitDTD", False, true);
and access this method. (The cast is necessary, because the MSXMLDOMDocumentFactory itself is inherited from a metaclass interface or so. I don't got the concept behind.)
inspired from a delphi blog: https://bobsotherblog.wordpress.com/2013/09/19/fixing-dtd-is-prohibited-error-in-delphi/

You need to copy MSXMLDOM.pas into your project folder, and modify it in order to fix this issue.
Change the implementation of function TMSDOMDocument.GetMSDocument to the following, and then rebuild your project.
Note you have to use IXMLDOMDocument2.setProperty instead of accessing ProhibitDTD directly, as IXMLDOMDocument2 doesn't publish ProhibitDTD.
function TMSDOMDocument.GetMSDocument: IXMLDOMDocument;
Doc2: IXMLDOMDocument2;
Result := MSNode as IXMLDOMDocument;
if Supports(Result, IXMLDOMDocument2, Doc2) then
Doc2.setProperty('ProhibitDTD', False);
Note that this will only work if you're not building with runtime packages!
This solution is from an Embarcadero forums post made by a member of TeamB; I remembered reading it, and found it in a search of those forums via CodeNewsFast - search functionality at the EMBT forums hasn't ever worked well, and a recent rebuild or reindex or something has made it even worse than before. :-)


ZeroBrane : Register APIs on a per file basis

I'm writing a ZeroBrane Studio plugin for our Solarus Game Engine and It works like a charm. Autocompletion included.
I'm wondering now if it's do-able to register lua APIs for one file only.
I need this to offer autocompletion/documentation on global symbols that may vary per-script but are deducible from annex files from the engine.
To summary : Is it possible to register an api for a single file? For example in the onEditorLoad() event.
I tried the following without sucess:
local function switch_editor(editor)
if current_editor == editor then
ide:Print("same editor")
current_editor = editor
if not editor then
ide:Print("null ed")
lua_file_path = ide:GetDocument(editor).filePath
if lua_file_path:match('/data/maps/') then
ide:Print("map file!",type(editor))
local map_api = make_map_api(lua_file_path)
current_api = map_api
ide:Print('other file')
if current_api then
current_api = nil
api = {"baselib", "solarus", "solarus_map"}, --in interpreter table
... -- in the plugin table :
onEditorFocusSet = function(self,editor)
Completion with the solarus api works fine but the on-fly registration of the solarus_map api seem not to be taken in account.
Silly my, I must have done a typo, because after checking and rewriting some things pretty much as in the code pasted above... it works! Awesome!
The only small gotcha is that when switching to a file where I don't want the solarus_map API... ide:RemoveAPI isn't sufficient. Instead I must do ide:AddAPI('lua','solarus_map',{}) to replace the API with an empty one. Which I can live with.
To summary, to achieve a custom api which change from file to file:
Add the api name to the interpreter
In the onEditorFocusSet event, update the API with ide:AddAPI(...), eventually setting it to {} if it needs to be empty/disabled.
Code sample in the editions of my Question.

Gradle / Groovy properties

I would like to control 'global' config in Gradle build scripts using external property files on each build machine (dev, ci, uat,...) and specify the filename with a command line argument.
e.g. gradle -DbuildProperties=/example/config/build.properties
I specifically don't want to use gradle.properties as we have existing projects that already use this approach and (for example) we want to be able to amend database urls and jdbc drivers without having to change every project.
So far have tried:-
Properties props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream("$filename"))
project.setProperty('props', props)
which works but has a deprecated warning, but I can't figure out how to avoid this.
Have also tried using groovy style config files with ConfigSlurper:-
environments {
dev {
db.security {
but the colons and forward slashes are causing exceptions and we don't want to have to mess up config with escape characters.
There must be a non-deprecated way to do this - can anyone suggest the 'right' way to do it?
You can get rid of the deprecated warning quite easily. The message you got probably looks something like this:
Creating properties on demand (a.k.a. dynamic properties) has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 2.0. Please read http://gradle.org/docs/current/dsl/org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtraPropertiesExtension.html for information on the replacement for dynamic properties.
Deprecated dynamic property: "props" on "root project 'private'", value: "true".
It can be fixed by replacing:
project.setProperty('props', props)
project.ext.props = props
Just to supplement the response given by #Steinar:
it's still possible to use next syntax:
project.ext.set('prop_name', prop_value)
in case you have several properties from file:
props.each({ project.ext.set(it.key, it.value)} )

How can you use SessionAsSigner in a Java Bean called from an XPage?

According to Phillip Riand (see: discussion on openNTF) this is not possible... They need to know the design element to find out who signed it. Therefore, it is only available in SSJS.
There are 2 ways that I know of to use the sessionAsSigner object in Java beans:
1 By resolving the sessionAsSigner object:
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Session sessionAsSigner = context.getApplication().getVariableResolver().
resolveVariable(context, "sessionAsSigner");
2 By using the getCurrentSessionAsSigner() function from the com.ibm.xsp.extlib.util.ExtLibUtil class in the Extension Library.
To be able to use it (in Java as wel as SSJS) you'll want to make sure that all design elements were signed by the same user ID. If that's not the case, the sessionAsSigner object will not be available ('undefined').
I found that the solution is right at hand :-)
I changed my XPage (in this example an XAgent) to:
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core" rendered="false">
This is an xAgent returning json data...
and in the bean I simply used the session in the argument when I needed to open a database/document as signer. Sometimes the solution is so simple :-)
This is quite an old post that I just stumbled upon. Tried some of the solutions mentioned above:
resolveVariable did not work for me, at least not for sessionAsSigner as this throws a runtime error (I can resolve plain old session, though...)
to be honest I didn't quite understand the Controller.verify(sessionAsSigner) method; is Controller something specific to XAgents? If so, I don't have an XAgent here, so can't use it
didn't feel like importing extra ExtLib classes here...
So I came up with another solution that appears to be very simple:
created a method in my javaBean that takes a session object as argument; since sessionAsSigner belongs to the same class as session I don't have to import something new.
Javacode is:
public void testSession(Session s) throws Exception{
System.out.println(" > test effective user for this session = "
+ s.getEffectiveUserName());
This is called from SSJS as either
Maybe helps others, too

Using System.Reflection and resources in Phalanger

I need to embed some resource in a pure compiled dll written in php using phalanger.
These are txt files tha I set in visual studio as "Embedded Resource".
My problem is that I cannot use the Assembly class to get the resource using GetManifestResourceStream.
I tried code like this:
use System\Reflection\Assembly
$asm = Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly(); //this gives me mscorlib instead of my dll
$str = $asm->GetManifestResourceStream("name");
My question is: how do I get access to embedded resources in phalanger?
Many thanks
I'm not sure, why Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly() returns an incorrect value. Anyway to workaround the $asm value, use following code:
$MyType = CLRTypeOf MyProgram;
$asm = $MyType->Assembly;
Then you can access embedded resources as you posted
or you can include standard resource file (.resx) into your project, and use \System\Resources\ResourceManager
$this->manager = new \System\Resources\ResourceManager("",$asm);
Just note, currently there can be just one .resx within Phalanger project
This question is old, but the part of the Phalanger code (Php.Core.Emit.AddResourceFile() method) responsible for this hasn't changed since this was asked. I faced the same problem and solved it in (almost) non-hacky way. You have to provide alternative name (/res:/path/to/filename,alternative-name) for this to work though.
$asm = clr_typeof('self')->Assembly;
$resourceStream = $asm->GetManifestResourceStream("filename");
$reader = new \System\Resources\ResourceReader($resourceStream);
$type = $data = null;
$reader->GetResourceData("alternative-name", $type, $data);
// and still there are 4 excess bytes
// representing the length of the resource
$data = \substr($data, 4);
$stream = new IO\MemoryStream($data);
// after this $stream is usable as you would expect
Straightforward GetManifestResourceStream() (as suggested by Jakub) does not work because Phalanger does not use System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineManifestResource() (like I think it should when supplied with unrecognized file format). It uses ModuleBuilder.DefineResource() which returns ResourceWriter instead, that only really suited for .resources files. And this is what dictates the requirement to use ResourceReader when you need to read your resource.
Note: This answer applies to Phalanger master branch at the time of writing and prior versions since circa 2011. Noted because it looks like a bug (especially the need to use both original and alternative names).

Magento - Trouble with setting up Model Read Adapter

I was following through on Alan Storm's tutorial on Magento's Model and ORM basics and I've run into a bit of a problem. When I get to the portion where I load from the Model for the first time I get this error "Fatal error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object...". I've reset everything already and tried again from scratch but I still get the same problem. My code looks like this:
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$blogpost = Mage::getModel('weblog/blogpost');
echo("Loading the blogpost with an ID of ".$params['id']);
As you can see I dumped the contents of $blogpost and it shows that it is just a boolean false. My guess is that there's either a problem with the connection to the database or, for some reason, the code for Mage::getModel() didn't get installed correctly.
EDIT - Adding Code
There's so many that I just decided to pastebin them lol
Your Model/Blogpost.php file should actually be Model/Mysql4/Blogpost.php, and you are missing the real Model/Blogpost.php.
My guess is that Mage cannot find your model class. Double check the module/model name and also verify if the model is in a correct place in the filesystem (it should be in app/code/local/Weblog/Model/Blogpost.php).
You also need to check if your config.xml correctly defines your model classes. It would be best if you could past your config.xml and your model class...
A quick glance reveals you're missing the model resource. Go back to the section around the following code example
File: app/code/local/Alanstormdotcom/Weblog/Model/Mysql4/Blogpost.php
class Alanstormdotcom_Weblog_Model_Mysql4_Blogpost extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract{
protected function _construct()
$this->_init('weblog/blogpost', 'blogpost_id');