Rails session variables aren't getting set/passed as expected - ruby-on-rails-3

Thanks for taking a look at this relatively nu-b question.
I have a web app built on Rails 3 that allows users to view multiple stories at a time, with each story having multiple posts. I use JS to poll the server at regular intervals so to search for new posts on all of the open stories. I use session variables so to keep track of where I ended my last search for each of those open stories so that I don't have to search the entire table of posts from scratch each time I poll the server.
Here is the action for when a user first opens a story:
def open_story
story = Story.find(params[:story_id])
#keep track of the last post searched for each open story so to assist when we poll for new posts to that story
last_post_searched = Post.last.id
session["last_post_searched_for_story_#{story.id}"] = last_post_searched
#posts = story.posts.where("posts.id <= ?", last_post_searched)
respond_with #posts
Here is the action for when the client polls the server for new post updates on an array of open stories:
def update_stories
open_stories_id_array = params[:open_stories]
open_stories_id_array.each { |open_story_id|
start_search_at_post_id = session["last_post_searched_for_story_#{open_story_id}"] + 1
session["last_post_searched_for_story_#{open_story_id}"] = Post.last.id
story = Story.find(open_story_id)
updates = story.posts.where("posts.id between ? AND ?",
start_search_at_post_id, session["last_post_searched_for_story_#{open_story_id}"])
results[open_story_id] = updates
For reasons that I can't figure out, my session variables don't increment to the new Post.last.id in my update_stories action in a timely fashion. Here is how I can recreate the problem:
Say I have 30 posts in my db to various different stories.
I call open_story on story 1. This sets session["last_post_searched_for_story_1"] to 30.
I then make a new post to story 1 (post 31).
My client polls the update_stories action to get new posts for story 1.
update_stories searches for posts with ids between 31 and 31 for story with id of 1, and returns the post that I just made.
Then, a little while later my client automatically polls update_stories again to check for any new posts on story 1. This is where the problem occurs.
Instead of session["last_post_searched_for_story_1"] containing the value, 31, it retains its previous value of 30 so that my db search returns my original new post for a second time. Often, my client will call update_stories several times before session["last_post_searched_for_story_1"] increments to 31. It's almost as if the session variable is very slow to save its new value, or I'm experiencing some sort of lazy loading problem.
Any help figuring this problem out would be greatly appreciated and eagerly accepted.
BTW, as I still have a lot to learn, feel free to give feedback on better ways to handle this issue or if I am violating any rails best practices.

I see 2 problems with your code:
You may want to order your results first before applying last method. The last record returned by the database is not necessarily the last one to be created.
Secondly, to select the last post, you should apply the last criterion to only the posts for that story and then select the last post for that story.
So, instead of this:
story = Story.find(params[:story_id])
#keep track of the last post searched for each open story so to assist when we poll for new posts to that story
last_post_searched = Post.last.id
You could have it like this:
story = Story.find(params[:story_id])
last_post_searched = Post.joins(:stories).where("stories.id = ?", story.id).order("posts.created_on DESC").first


How to create several new records in another SQL table from one button-click

I'm new here. Thanks in advance for your advice.
I’m working on an app which will ask the user how many items they made.
The user will enter a number. My app should then create that many new records in a table called 'Items_Made'.
E.g. The app asks “How many items did you make?”, the user enters “19”, the app then creates 19 new records in the 'Items_Made' table.
I've managed to pull together some code (shown below) that creates ONE new record, but I would like it to create several. I probably need some kind of loop or 'while' function but am unsure how to do so.
var ceateDatasource = app.datasources.Items_Made.modes.create;
var newItem = ceateDatasource.item;
This code successfully creates 1 record. I would like it to be able to create several.
Creating a lot of records via client script is not recommended, especially if you loose connection or the app gets closed by mistake. In my opinion, the best way to handle this would be via server script for two things: First, It's more reliable and second, it's faster. As in the example from the official documentation, to create a record you need to do something like this:
// Assume a model called "Fruits" with a string field called "Name".
var newRecord = app.models.Fruits.newRecord();
newRecord.Name = "Kiwi"; // properties/fields can be read and written.
app.saveRecords([newRecord]); // save changes to database.
The example above is a clear example on how to create only one record. To create several records at once, you can use a for statement like this:
function createRecordsInBulk(){
var newRecords = [];
for(var i=0; i<19; i++){
var newRecord = app.models.Fruits.newRecord();
newRecord.Name = "Kiwi " + i;
In the example above, you initiate newRecords, an empty array that will be responsible for holding all the new records to create at once. Then using a for statement, you generate 19 new records and push them into the newRecords. Finally, once the loop is finished, you save all the records at once by using app.saveRecords and passing the newRecords array as an argument.
Now, all this is happening on the server side. Obviously you need a way to call this from the client side. For that, you need to use the google.script.run method. So from the client side you need to do the following:
google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(function(result) {
All this information is clearly documented on the app maker official documentation site. I strongly suggest you to always check there first as I believe you can get a faster resolution by reading the documentation.
I'd suggest making a dropdown or textbox where the user can select/enter the number of items they want to create and then attach the following code to your 'Create' button:
var createDatasource = app.datasources.Items_Made.modes.create;
var userinput = Number(widget.root.descendants.YourTextboxOrDropdown.value);
for (var i = 0; i <= userinput; i++) {
var newItem = createDatasource.item;
Simple loop with your user input should get this accomplished.

how to improve speed with using RallyAPIForJava

Now, I use RallyApiForJava to get story from rally with getRequest method.It's very slow when get about 500 stories from rally.How to improve the speed.
Limiting the scope helps performance. Here is an example of limiting the query by LastUpdateDate, scoping the request to a project and fetching only some fields:
int x = -30;
Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
cal.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, x);
Date nDaysAgoDate = cal.getTime();
SimpleDateFormat iso = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmZ");
QueryRequest defectRequest = new QueryRequest("Defect");
defectRequest.setFetch(new Fetch(new String[] {"Name", "FormattedID","State","Priority"}));
defectRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("LastUpdateDate", ">", iso.format(nDaysAgoDate)));
Hydrating collections (e.g. Tasks on User Stories) requires a separate request, but if you only need a count of items in the collection, you may save time and not hydrate the collection. CRUD examples available in the User Guide illustrate this API extensively and I don't think that on the user side ,as far as the custom code, there are ways to make it faster other than to limit the results to only what's necessary.

Django aggregate query

I have a model Page, which can have Posts on it. What I want to do is get every Page, plus the most recent Post on that page. If the Page has no Posts, I still want the page. (Sound familiar? This is a LEFT JOIN in SQL).
Here is what I currently have:
This only gets Pages, but it doesn't get Posts. How can I get the Posts as well?
class Page(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
enabled = models.BooleanField(default = True)
class Post(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
page = models.ForeignKey(Page)
post_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
Depending on the relationship between the two, you should be able to follow the relationships quite easily, and increase performance by using select_related
Taking this:
class Page(models.Model):
class Post(models.Model):
page = ForeignKey(Page, ...)
You can follow the forward relationship (i.e. get all the posts and their associated pages) efficiently using select_related:
This will result in only one (larger) query where all the page objects are prefetched.
In the reverse situation (like you have) where you want to get all pages and their associated posts, select_related won't work. See this,this and this question for more information about what you can do.
Probably your best bet is to use the techniques described in the django docs here: Following Links Backward.
After you do:
pages = Page.objects.annotate(most_recent_post=Max('post__post_time'))
posts = [page.post_set.filter(post_time=page.most_recent_post) for page in pages]
And then posts[0] should have the most recent post for pages[0] etc. I don't know if this is the most efficient solution, but this was the solution mentioned in another post about the lack of left joins in django.
You can create a database view that will contain all Page columns alongside with with necessary latest Post columns:
CREATE VIEW `testapp_pagewithrecentpost` AS
SELECT testapp_page.*, testapp_post.* -- I suggest as few post columns as possible here
FROM `testapp_page` LEFT JOIN `testapp_page`
ON test_page.id = test_post.page_id
AND test_post.post_time =
( SELECT MAX(test_post.post_time)
FROM test_post WHERE test_page.id = test_post.page_id );
Then you need to create a model with flag managed = False (so that manage.py sync won't break). You can also use inheritance from abstract Model to avoid column duplication:
class PageWithRecentPost(models.Model): # Or extend abstract BasePost ?
# Page columns goes here
# Post columns goes here
# We use LEFT JOIN, so all columns from the
# 'post' model will need blank=True, null=True
class Meta:
managed = False # Django will not handle creation/reset automatically
By doing that you can do what you initially wanted, so fetch from both tables in just one query:
pages_with_recent_post = PageWithRecentPost.objects.filter(...)
for page in pages_with_recent_post:
print page.name # Page column
print page.post_time # Post column
However this approach is not drawback free:
It's very DB engine-specific
You'll need to add VIEW creation SQL to your project
If your models are complex it's very likely that you'll need to resolve table column name clashes.
Model based on a database view will very likely be read-only (INSERT/UPDATE will fail).
It adds complexity to your project. Allowing for multiple queries is a definitely simpler solution.
Changes in Page/Post will require re-creating the view.

finding id of nested attribute

I am very new to RoR so this may be very fundamental. My structure keeps getting a level deeper and I can't figure out how to find the id anymore.
First you have a Company which can have many Users. Users sign in and are authenticated and the current_user is saved in a cookie with the Session.
Since the User has one Company I can always find the Company.id through the current_user.
Next a Company has many Farms. In farms create I can get the company id from the user cookie and the farm id is new so that works, and in farm show Rails knows which farm it is supposed to show. So that level works.
Now I want to add that a Farm has many Blocks. I am adding Blocks through the associated Farm show page, but the Blocks_controller doesn't know what farm page it is on (as far as I can tell, if it can any info is appreciated).
Here is the FarmsController create that works:
def create
company_id = current_user.company_id
#company = Company.find(company_id)
#farm = #company.farms.build(params[:farm])
if #farm.save
flash[:success] = "farm created"
redirect_to root_path
render 'pages/home'
And this code just complains that it doesn't know what id I am talking about:
def create
#farm = Farm.find(params[:id])
#block = #farm.blocks.build(params[:block])
This is displaying on the associated Farm show page, so if there is a way to capture the id I would love to know what it is.
Thank you for your time.
The three easiest ways to get that id is to:
Pass in that farm_id using a hidden form field. When creating the link to your blocks/new form just pass in the farm_id ie use a path like new_blocks_path(:id => #farm.id) inside your blocks controller you will want to make sure that the farm_id is set on the Block model.
def new
#block = new Block
#block.farm_id = params[:farm_id]
Then if you are using form for the farm_id field (which should probably be of type hidden), it should contain the right id. Now change the first line in the "create" block method to
#farm = Farm.find(params[:block][:farm_id])
You can combine the process of adding the blocks and the farms using nested forms. Take a look at http://railscasts.com/episodes/196-nested-model-form-part-1 for how to do this.
You can use nested RESTful resources to make sure that within the blocks controller you always have access to the farm id. For more information about how to do this try take a look at http://railscasts.com/episodes/139-nested-resources

Advice on polling for new documents in RavenDB

I want to poll for new documents in my Raven DB. What is the recommended way of doing this? Can I use the IndexTimestamp or can I rely on the order of the documents?
I guess I want to either do it in two steps:
1. Check if there is anything new, if so:
1.1. Get the latest X documents.
Or in one step: Get the latest X documents and have it return those or tell me that there's nothing new according some argument I sent.
FYI: I have no corresponding CLR objects to the documents.
I would not poll for it, but I would use the Changes API included with RavenDB to just get the continuous stream of documents from RavenDB.
Check out the Changes API here http://ravendb.net/docs/2.0/client-api/changes-api
I personally would use the Changes API with some kind of Message Bus (RabbitMQ) to make sure every change is processed and resilient.
If you still want to poll, just create an index with your date time and sort in descending order.
var result = session.Query<Orders>()
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Created)
If you need to process every document, you might want to create marker documents that include the id of the document you get and make sure they have not been processed.
To do that:
marker id : polling/processed/order/1
from o in orders
let processed = LoadDocument("polling/processed/" + o.Id)
select new {
WasProcessed = processed != null,
Created = o.Created
A few options for you, hope that helps :)