Change Global Variable onclick/img source update with javascript variable - variables

First off I am completely new to Javascript but I have some HTML/CSS experience. I've been trying to create an html/javascript image gallery for a website; (It would probably be a lot easier to do in PHP but the web coordinator disabled PHP on our server for security reasons).
Anyway What I have is a page showing an Album-list, Album-browser and Photo-viewer in different a div and 2 iframes respectively. I have it set up so that when someone clicks on an album from the album list, a page is opened up in the album browser section (iframe:"browser-frame" showing thumbnails of all the images in the particular album). I've been trying to set it up so that when someone clicks on an image in the album browser the image will appear in the Photo-viewer section (iframe:"viewer-frame" showing the photo itself).
I didn't want the photo's in the viewer-frame to be larger than the set dimensions for the viewer-frame so I created a page for the viewer-frame that puts the image in a div with a class of set dimensions (defined in a stylesheet) as follows:
<div class="photoview">
<img id="viewed_image" class="large" src="images/album1/1.jpg" />
I then created a script that updates the image src to a variable:image_to_be_viewed and called it image-changer.js
// JavaScript Document
var image_to_be_viewed="images/album1/1.jpg";
And added a script to the viewer-frame page so it looks like:
<div class="photoview">
<img id="viewed_image" class="large" src="images/album1/1.jpg" />
<script src="image-changer.js"></script>
Now I wanted the gallery to work so that in the page loaded in the browser-frame, whenever one clicked on one of the pictures, the value of the global variable 'image_to_be_viewed' would be changed to the source of the clicked image as follows:
<div class="photobrowse">
<img class="medium" src="images/album1/1.jpg" onClick="image_to_be_viewed='images/album1/1.jpg'"/>
<img class="medium" src="images/album1/2.jpg" onClick="image_to_be_viewed='images/album1/2.jpg'"/>
<img class="medium" src="images/album1/3.jpg" onClick="image_to_be_viewed='images/album1/3.jpg'"/>
It doesn't work....
the gallery i'm working on is on
everything up to the loading of the selected picture in the viewer frame works (I'm running the onlick event on the default loaded pictures 1,2,3 in the browser-frame page)(default pic's 4 and 5 simply load the image in the iframe but with no way to adjust the size it is too big and gets cut off and i don't want that)
I've been working on for an entire day and I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here but I can't figure out what exactly it is. I have a feeling it has to do with changing the global variable: image_to_be_viewed from the browser-frame page but I wanted to confirm with experts instead of flopping about like a headless fish. I'm going to continue trying to figure this out but i thought maybe having some expert assistance would speed up the process.

What the onclick triggers should be a javascript function call.
e.g. onclick="changeImg('images/album1/1.jpg')"
And the function itself should looks like this
function changeImg (image_to_be_viewed) {
document.getElementById("viewed_image").src = image_to_be_viewed;
btw, you probably should learn javascript a little bit more before work on something real. I recommend this book

thank you I got it to work! I figured that the changeImg function was targeting the wrong document/wrong frame and I fixed it by changing the js script to:
function changeImg (image_to_be_viewed) {
window.parent.viewer_frame.document.getElementById("viewed_image").src = image_to_be_viewed;


Using amCharts together with vue.js for a dynamic list with v-for

I am actually building a SPA with
I have placed my script.js inside the public folder. Unfortunately, this doesn't allow me to use typescript for my vue-js. Maybe someone has an idea for this, cause actually the public folder got served from foalTS framework. But this is actually not the main topic.
The maintopic is, that i want to list several divs with
<div class="row-position" v-for="order in orders" :key="order.latestPrice">
<div id="myAMchart></div>
Now I would like to be able to place an amChart ( for each div. And I want that these charts follow the value of order.latestPrice. But I actually have no idea how to set up this with amCharts and vue.js
Im open to any ideas.
I was able to update one single chart but with a fixed id of the div.
I don't know how to connect the many different (dynamicaly generated) charts to the order.latestPrice field.

Reveal hidden div via slideToggle without pushing down other divs

I ran into this issue while building my online design portfolio. It seems complex to me, but I know there is a way to do it, so I am frustrated that I can't find a solution. Please help!
My design calls for the use of media queries to optimize my site for mobile, tablets, and desktops/laptops. The mobile version has a single column of thumbnails. When each thumbnail is clicked, a hidden div is revealed below it via jQuery slideToggle, pushing down the other project thumbnails.
That is how the mobile version works and it works great. The problem is the tablet and dektop/laptop versions. For those versions, I want the the thumbnails to display in a grid pattern. Two side-by-side on tablets and three side-by-side on desktop/laptops with infinite rows for all versions. I can make them display in a grid with HTML, but the problem comes when a thumbnail is clicked and it reveals the div below it via slideToggle. Since I'm using media queries, the order of the HTML is still the same as the mobile version and the hidden divs are directly below each thumbnail in the code. Thus, revealing the hidden div pushes down all the other thumbnails, including the thumbnails in the same row as the thumbnail that is being clicked (if they come after it in the code). The last div in each row does what I want it to; the next row is pushed down when the hidden div is revealed. I want the hidden div to display below the row it is in and push down the thumbnails that are in the rows below.
And obviously I want to stick with media queries to avoid creating separate HTML, if possible.
Repeating HTML for the thumbnails and hidden divs:
<div class="body">
<div class="thumb"></div>
<div class="projectWrapper"></div>
<div class="thumb"></div>
<div class="projectWrapper"></div>
<div class="thumb"></div>
<div class="projectWrapper"></div>
<div class="thumb"></div>
<div class="projectWrapper"></div>
<div class="thumb"></div>
I created a jsfiddle to demonstrate the problem:
Please note that the divs are hidden using jQuery. Hiding them with CSS was not allowing my content within the hidden div to display properly when revealed. Also, I had to use display:inline-block because float:left does not force the hidden div to appear below it in the layout.
I hope I adequately explained the problem. Thanks in advance for any help! I sincerely appreciate it!

colorbox with address bar

I am a javascript dummy. I downloaded colorbox and jquery. They work great. I followed tutorials and read the example code but I cant figure this out.
When I open a colorbox ,it opens to the correct url, I can then click links in the box and surf other sites. That is all great. I need to have the url show in a address block at the top of the window. When I use a java popup it will work fine. You can goto other urls and the address shows in the address bar at the top of the window.
So I assume that I can do it with colorbox. This would make my page look much better than a plain popup. Can this be done. here is my code.
<script src=""> </script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
$(function ()
$(".iframe").colorbox({iframe:true, width:"80%", height:"80%"});
and my link to open the box
<a class='iframe' href="">ebay </a></p>
If you chooes to help I beg you to show me where the new code go's. If you tell me to add a line of code I will not understand where to put it. I am trying hard to learn javascript but I am a very newbe. Thanks.
I don't think ColorBox is the right plugin for you to use, given its default design and your skill set. ColorBox is not designed to be "browser like" and let the user surf to other sites.
It is possible to change that design assumption, but it would require more advanced JS skills than you admit to.
Maybe you can achieve your aim by simply opening a new browser instance using a plain HTML anchor tag (<a>) and using the "target=" parameter.

Flash object not loading in Safari

I've built a form, and next to my form element I've placed a flash object. When the page is loaded, the form is display: block, and the flash object is display: none.
The layout looks something like (the img is there so that if the user doesn't have flash, the gif animation will play instead):
<form id="form"></form>
<div id="upload-anim-div">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
data="<?= PAL_STATIC_HOST ?>/music/introducing/flash/upload_animation.swf"
<param name="movie" value="<?= PAL_STATIC_HOST ?>/music/introducing/flash/upload_animation.swf"/>
<img src="<?= PAL_STATIC_HOST ?>/music/introducing/img/Anim-placeholder.gif" alt="upload animation (gif)"/>
When I submit my form, which is just to upload a file, I hide the form and display my animation div as follows in javascript:
This works great in all browsers except Safari, where a big white space appears. Right clicking this white space simply gives me the following menu:
Flash movie not loaded... _not clickable_
About Adobe Flash Player 10.5.blah...
Why is the movie not loaded/loading?! If I simply display the movie when the document first loads (by removing the javascript line that initially hides it) it loads and displays fine! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
I've now tried using swfobject, but get exactly the same problem. I used this kind of code in my javascript to embed my swf with javascript after displaying the upload-anim-div:
swfobject.embedSWF("myContent.swf", "upload-anim-div", "626", "600", "10");
Anyone have any further ideas?
Sounds like Safari tries to shave the page load time by not rendering Flash in a hidden div. How are you putting the Flash into the div, is it just an object tag, or are you using something like swfobject? If you're using swfobject you could write the Flash to the div when you reveal it.
I think you should try to embed your Flash content with swfobject:

dijit.Menu to be displayed after DOM had been set up

I have set up in Javascript my preferred dijit.Menu which is that far so good.
How am I able to display the dijit.Menu directly after the page starts up in the (with it's position) without any mouse interaction?! I have looked in the API so far and don't find the answers. Will I have to "overwrite" a method?
If yes, which one is it? And what do I have todo???
The widget will not show up until it is parsed by dojo.
You should place fake menu markup inside its dom node:
<div dojoType="dijit.Menu">
<h1>This text is shown after the dom is loaded
and until the menu is parsed and renered</h1>
As soon as menu is ready, everything you've placed inside menu's dom node will be replaced by actual widget's html.
NON-AMD Version:
// The code for all items!
DOJO-AMD Version, put the parameters of the modules you like to add, in require as well give them a name in the functions parameters list:
//natve code