How are parameters passed to VB functions by default -

Let's say I have the following function:
Function myFunction(j As Integer) As Double
myFunction = 3.87 * j
Exit Function
End Function
Is j passed as value ByVal or by reference ByRef?
Or does it depends of the data type? What if I have a complex object passed as the value?
Thanks in advance!

Parameters are passed ByVal unless explicitly specified. For details, see Passing Arguments by Value and by Reference, which states:
The default in Visual Basic is to pass arguments by value. You can make your code easier to read by using the ByVal keyword. It is good programming practice to include either the ByVal or ByRef keyword with every declared parameter.
As for:
What if I have a complex object passed as the value?
This is fine, provided the "complex object" is a class (Reference type), you're not going to be doing a lot of copying. This is because the reference to the object instance is passed by value (ByVal), which means you're only copying a single reference, even if the class is very large.
If, however, the complex object is a structure (value type), you will be causing the object to be copied when the method is called. This, btw, is why some frameworks like XNA provide alternative versions of many methods (like Matrix.Multiply) that have an option to pass ByRef - this avoids the expensive copies of the Matrix structures.

j in this case is passed ByVal. A parameter is always passed ByVal unless ByRef is explicitly stated. From section 9.2.5 of the VB.NET 10 Specification:
A parameter that does not specify ByRef or ByVal defaults to ByVal.


Is it possible to declare a local/class instance member reference variable in to read/update same object referred by another variable

In C++, it is possible to do:
int x;
int& foo = x;
// foo is now a reference to x so this sets x to 56
foo = 56;
But is an equivalent possible in Visual Basic .net (
I am aware of the ByRef term in but I have only seen (and by extensive research) this in passing parameters by reference to functions/subroutines, so that the function modifies the same variable declared by the calling code.
But I haven't seen ByRef used to declare variables (as class members or local variables). I have tried to use ByRef to do such a declaration but I get compiler errors for each ordering of the declaration I try.
The reason why I want to do this is because I want a class instance to be able to refer to a variable declared in another class instance.
Specifically, I am working on some existing code where program logic is mixed up with UI logic in form classes. I want to separate the program logic out of the form code so that it can be more easily reused. To do this I need the program logic code to be able to 'talk' to the form code so I need access to its variables.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 Express with and would prefer to remain within this environment even though I am aware that full Visual Studio has extended capabilities.
Pointers exist but they're called object references
(Now other posters, please don't quibble with me about the actual differences here. I am talking about the high level task the OP wants to accomplish)
Obviously you can't do literally what you've said - that is, surgically manipulate one member. But if you have control of the code, you can do almost as well. And from what you describe is your problem, this method will be much better, as you can pass references to an object that has many members you wish to update, instead of having to pass many individual pointers.
First define a class:
Class MyScreenValues
' Properties will work... using public fields for brevity
Public TextBox1Value as String
Public SpinControl1Value as Integer
public CheckBox1Value as Boolean
End Class
Now the equivalent of the code you posted:
Dim x as new MyScreenValues 'int x;
dim foo as MyScreenValues = x 'int& foo = x;
'// c++: foo is now a reference to x so this sets x to 56
'// .net: foo is now a reference to x so this sets x.SpinControl1Value to 56
foo.SpinControl1Value = 56;
If what you're doing is trying to pass pointers to, say, every control on your form's value to a sub, like so:
Dim MyObject as new BusinessObject
MyObject.DoSubmit(TextBox1.Text, SpinButton1.Value, CheckBox1.Checked)
You can use the method provided by superbDeveloper, and use the ByRef keyword on the definition of the DoSubmit Sub:
Public Sub DoSubmit(ByRef Name as String, ByRef Age as Integer, ByRef Employed as boolean)
... business logic...
However this just gives you a 2-layer separation. Look into MVP, MVC, etc - however consider submitting the entire view worth of data. It's a lot of research you you may settle with what you have now. For example your business logic will be firing events on the form as it changes the form values (well, actually, they won't fire until the sub exits, due to the way VB deals with byref properties [=temp variable], but it needs to be considered).
You can also map an object's properties to a Form's properties with other libraries. Check out VALUE INJECTOR on the web. It can take a webform/winform and maybe even a WPF form and map the control values to and from an object you have predefined. Excellent for complete separation.
Hi well not sure about VB.NET but I know how do it in C#, therefore I did the solution in C# and then i used a C# to VB.NET convertor to get the VB.NET code. maybe it might help you:
C# Code
protected void TestFoo()
string strFooA = string.Empty;
GetFoo(ref strFooA);
private void GetFoo(ref string strFooA)
strFooA = "FooA";
VB.NET converted
Protected Sub TestFoo()
Dim strFooA As String = String.Empty
End Sub
Private Sub GetFoo(ByRef strFooA As String)
strFooA = "FooA"
End Sub
Pointers don't exist in the .NET framework like they do in C/C++, so you won't be able to directly achieve what you want.
There are some possible solutions on this SO page
See #NathanW answer on there:
If you are using VB the only thing that is really close to a pointer is a IntPtr. If you have access to C# you can use unsafe C# code to do pointer work.
In Addition
If you want to be able to use references then you can achieve this by using a class:
Private Class RefClass
Public x As Integer
End Class
Then you can reference one from the other:
Dim bar As New RefClass
Dim foo As RefClass = bar
bar.x = 45
Debug.WriteLine(bar.x) 'outputs 45
Debug.WriteLine(foo.x) 'outputs 45
You may already know enough to get the job done from the info at ; however, your remark "ByRef is not required in declaration of local variables (and possibly class variables)" left me wondering if there's some confusion here.
For starters, the C++ example above, int x; int& foo = x; confuses what is meant by a "reference". My C++ isn't very strong, but, semantically speaking, I believe this C++ reference operates more like an aliasing mechanism. In VB (and C#) a reference operates like an identification code that locates an instance of a class in memory. Neither VB or C# has anything like the C++ reference type.
By now, you probably already know you can pass in your Form as a ByVal parameter, and change its properties and fields without problem. (ByVal is the default in VB.NET, so you don't even need to use it - in VB6 ByRef was the default.) If you're happy enough, you can skip the rest. But, yeah, in the case of .NET Reference variables, assuming:
Dim objA as New MyClass()
Dim objB as MyClass = objA
Then objA and objB both reference the very same instance of MyClass. You can modify via objA and objB, and you can read back from either objA or objB, because they each affect the very same instance. You can pass either objA or objB into some subroutine Foo with parameter objC As Object passed ByVal (i.e. Sub Foo(ByVal objC As Object) ) and Foo can then modify that same instance too.
The ByRef of VB and the ref of C# indicate a modifiable parameter, which means some "identification code" reference is passed instead of a value. Yet this ByVal vs. ByRef thing is clear as mud because in .NET there is a distinction made between "Value" types and "Reference" types that confuses many on whether a ByRef or ref is needed or not.
Visual Basic and C# dichotomizes variables (and data types) into two species: the "Value" (or "Structure"), and the "Reference" (or "Class").
The "Value" type means an actual collection of bits that represents an Integer, or a Boolean, or even a bitmap, or some other kind of object. In old school parlance, this is the "image" of the instantiation of an object. It is the state space of the object. It is what makes an object essentially itself, independent of where in memory it may be.
The "Reference" type means a code (which might look like an integer or a pointer) that somehow indicates the data type of the object and where in memory it resides. The computer will interpret a "Reference" to obtain the actual image of the object (i.e. its "Value").
When a "Value" parameter is passed ByVal, that means a new object is created that is in the identical image of the original expression being passed, and it is upon this copy that the function or method operates. The original image of the "Value" cannot be affected.
When a "Value" parameter is passed ByRef, that means a new "Reference" variable is created, and that "Reference" variable will contain the information that will interpret back to the image of the original "Value". Now the original image of the "Value" can be changed.
When a "Reference" parameter is passed ByVal, its "identification code", which gets interpreted back to the actual image of the object, gets copied. It is upon this copy of the code that the function or subroutine or method operates. This copy still points to the actual image of the object. Which means that an object of a Reference variable that is passed by ByVal can still have its image (i.e. its "Value") changed. However, the code of the original "Reference" itself cannot be changed.
(Note that the String type is an odd duck: It will behave as if it were a "Value" parameter even though it is in fact a "Reference" type. Hence a String passed ByVal will not be affected in the same way any other class would. Actually, String is an example of an immutable type - which means that steps are taken to prevent changes to its "Value".)
When a "Reference" parameter is passed ByRef, one now has created a new "Reference" object that points to the original "Reference" object (that, in turn, points to the "Value" of some other object via its "identification code"). The use of ByRef on a "Reference" allows one to modify (or create anew) the "identification code" of the original "Reference" object being passed as a parameter. A function or subroutine or method that performs a swap operation will use ByRef on "Reference" parameters.

Using ByVal in methods, what's the common practice?

In the methods have their parameters using ByVal by default, it's better practice / common practice to make it explicit?
For example:
With ByVal:
Private Sub MySub(ByVal Q As String)
' ...
End Sub
Without ByVal:
Private Sub MySub(Q As String)
' ...
End Sub
According to Microsoft:
It is good programming practice to include either the ByVal or ByRef keyword with every declared parameter.
And if you use Visual Studio, it defaults to inserting ByVal if you don't explicitly specify it.
Starting with VS 2010 SP1, ByVal is no longer automatically inserted by the IDE.
I personally think it's better not to insert ByVal manually, because:
it's the default passing mechanism anyway, if neither ByVal nor ByRef are explicitly specified.
omitting ByVal from method signature makes ByRef stand out.
it adds 'noise' to the code. VB.Net is already very verbose, no need to clutter the code with unnecessary ByVals.
It is common practice that a method arguments can be specified at ByValue or ByReference. In VB.NET, the default argument type is ByVal. In many programming language, method arguments are by-value by default. If argument is not qualified with ByVal or ByRef then the argument type will be ByVal.

How can I use an optional array argument in a VBA procedure?

I've got a private procedure in a VBA script for MS Access:
Private Sub drawLineDiagram(chartSpace As Variant, title As String, caption As String, x_val() As Variant, y_val() As Variant, Optional y_val2() As Variant = ????)
As you see, I want to have an optional last parameter for an array of values.
What kind of default parameter must I assign? If I do it with an optional integer value and assign it e.g. 0 it's all fine.
If I do it with an array as shown above and assign an array, the line is marked red => as an error (and it won't compile).
If you need an optional array in VBA, declare it as Variant without array specificator, but access it as an array anyway. This way you get a Variant (single variable) that holds an array of Variants, as opposed to just array of Variants. No default value is required:
Private Sub drawLineDiagram(chartSpace As Variant, title As String, caption As String, x_val As Variant, y_val As Variant, Optional y_val2 As Variant)
For consistency, also declare as plain Variants the other two parameters.
If you hate the IDE, do not use it.
Use notepad. Then paste written code.
Perhaps you want a Parameter Array:
In the procedure declaration, define
the parameter list in the normal way.
All parameters except the last one
must be required (not Optional (Visual
Precede the last parameter name with
the keywords ByVal ParamArray. This
parameter is automatically optional.
Do not include the Optional keyword.
-- How to: Overload a Procedure that Takes an Indefinite Number of Parameters (Visual Basic)
Reference for VBA: Understanding parameter arrays
There is a simpler but not necessarily better answer to this question. Sebastian said, "If I do it with an array as shown above and assign an array, the line is marked red => as an error (and it won't compile)."
Your code includes "Optional y_val2() As Variant = ????". You don't need the "()" there for it to take a Variant array as a parameter. So if you really want to do it that way, you can, for instance with something like "Optional y_val2 = FALSE".
When passing the argument initially, if you want to pass an array, then just make sure that that is a Variant array.
I do think that it's more elegant not to use a default there, so I agree with GSerg's answer in general (and upvoted both that and the original question).
However to GSerg and spinjector, yes, you can check the optional parameter with "If IsArray(YourOptionalVariantParameter) Then", but if you're using a Variant,
"IsMissing(YourOptionalVariantParameter)" is handy and elegant, may be a smidge faster, and can be used when (and only when) a Variant is passed as an argument, to check to see whether or not it exists.
If you do "IsArray(YourOptionalVariantParameter)" and no such parameter exists, then all we're doing is checking whether a nonexistent variable is an array. If you use a default parameter value like FALSE (as in my first example), then it does make sense to first check whether the variable is an array or not.
By the way, I don't agree that you need to declare all the parameters as Variants for consistency. Variants are less efficient than other types, and so should be used only when necessary, I think.
The IDE might not be of great use, but the help (for once) contains the answer:
Optional. Used only as the last argument in arglist to indicate that the final argument is an Optional array of Variant elements. The ParamArray keyword allows you to provide an arbitrary number of arguments. ParamArray can't be used with ByVal, ByRef, or Optional.

Byref New Object. Is it okay top pass New Object as "byref"

Below I tried to do an Example:
Public Function UserData(ByVal UserDN As String) As DataTable
Dim myTable As DataTable = UserData_Table()
Dim dr As DataRow
dr = myTable.NewRow()
SplitOU2(UserDN, dr("OUDN"), dr("Organisation"), New Object)
dr("UserDN") = UserDN
Return myTable
End Function
Below is the called method:
Friend Sub SplitOU2(ByVal inDN As String, ByRef OUDN As Object, ByRef Organisation As Object, ByRef VerksamhetTyp As Object)
By doing this I can skip to declare the in this example "useless" variable
Dim VerksamhetTyp as Object = "".
Perhaps it looks a little ugly but to have to declare unused variables can also be confusing.
Summary: Check whether or not the method really needs those parameters to be ByRef. Also check that you really don't care about anything it does to the parameters. After scrupulous checking, it's okay to do this - nothing "bad" will happen in terms of the CLR, because it's just a compiler trick under the hood.
Well, VB (unlike C#) will let you do this. Behind the scenes it's effectively creating a new variable and passing it by reference - after all, it has to for the method to be called properly. However, I'd say this is usually a bad idea. The point of ByRef is that you use the value after it's been set within the method.
Do you really need all those parameters to be ByRef in the first place? If you find yourself doing this a lot for a particular method, you could always write a wrapper method which called the original one, but didn't have the ByRef parameters itself.
(I usually find that methods with a lot of ByRef parameters indicate either a lack of understanding of reference types in .NET, or that the parameters should be encapsulated in their own type.)
Having said all of this, it's not always incorrect to ignore the value of a ByRef argument after calling the method. For example, if you just want to know whether or not some text can be parsed as an integer, then using Int32.TryParse is reasonable - but only the return value is useful to you.
The reason that I consider to use this has to do with that the method has even more parameters and that different operation overloads gets the same signature ….
The fact that it works is quite fun and somthing I became awarae óff by chance ...

Alias in Function Declaration overloaded?

I have some VB6 code that I am converting to and came across this section
Declare Function TmSendByLen Lib "tmctl.dll" Alias "TmSendByLength"(ByVal id As Integer, ByRef msg As Any, ByVal blen As Integer) As Integer
Function TmSendByLength(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal msg As String, ByVal blen As Integer) As Integer
TmSendByLength = TmSendByLen(id, msg, blen)
End Function
I have not come across the Alias term before but I can guess what it does. What I am unsure of is the reasoning behind overloading the alias. If that is what is happening.
I need to create overloads for the TmSendByLen function as the 'As Any' is not supported in so I am not sure if I should just remove the alias or if I should leave it in place.
The Alias doesn't specify that the function is overloaded exactly, but that the name specified is really named something else in the called dll.
Since your example is a bit confusing (because of the repeated names), I'll use a slightly modified version to explain:
Declare Function TmSendByLen Lib "tmctl.dll" Alias "TmSendByLength" (ByVal id As Integer, ByRef msg As Any, ByVal blen As Integer) As Integer)
Function InternalVersion(ByVal id As Integer, ByVal msg As String, ByVal blen As Integer) As Integer
InternalVersion = TmSendByLen(id, msg, blen)
End Function
So in this modified version, the TmSendByLength name is the one that the referenced function's entrypoint is really called in tmctl.dll. TmSendByLen is what we're referring to it as in our code, and InternalVersion is the name of the wrapper function.
I would imagine that this is so that InternalVersion can be called across modules/classes, while the TmSendByLen version was intended to be private.
To answer the second part of your question, Alias is still available in VB.NET, although As Any isn't. (You can find information about it here.) Whether you want to remove the Alias or not is completely up to you, but either way, I suspect you're going to need to use As IntPtr (or SafeHandle) instead of As Any.
The "Alias" keyword in VB6 is probably doing what you think it does, however, it's the function name in quotes after the keyword "alias" that is the actual function name in the DLL (i.e. TmSendByLength). The function name after the "Declare Function" part (i.e. TmSendByLen) is effectively the alias that the VB6 code will use.
As you correctly point out, VB6 will not allow the "As Any" parameter type, so from the original VB6 code you posted, the developer has declared a VB6 function which incidentally has the exact same name as the "real" function in the DLL, and altered the parameters to this function to accept only a string type for the "msg" parameter.
The VB6 code as-is isn't actually overloading any function, but rather it's wrapping the DLL function with a VB6 specific one that constrains the "msg" parameter type.
In VB.NET, since you can't specify "as any", I believe you can replace this with "as object", although that may not be very helpful since other VB.NET calling code could pass virtually anything to this parameter. What you're more likely going to want to do is to create real overloaded functions in VB.NET where the "msg" parameter differs by the type that you want to accept. This way, you can allow multiple different types, but still maintain some constraints on which types can be passed to the function.
Here's a couple of links that may well help:
VB6 "As Any" in VB.Net