How to access properties in domain object statistics tab? - ocean

It would be helpful for me to access values in the statistics tab of pillar grids and horizons. I can calculate much of it myself, but if these properties exist somewhere it would be much easier if I could just access them instead.

The StatisticsService and the Statistics class should provide you with most of the information you need.

You can find details on the use of it in Volume #9 of the Ocean Developers Guide. It's the Petrel Customization volume.


Need clear info on creating custom statistics in gemfire?

I need to capture some of the metrics which is not currently provided by Gemfire in the Mbeans. And i came across the statistics to capture the same, but there is no clear docs regarding developing custom statistics . Please let me know, how to enhance custom statistics for capturing additional data in gemfire.
The javadocs for StatisticsFactory has some good information on creating a custom statistics.
You can also look at some examples of statistics usage in the geode codebase. For example, here a class which wraps an instance of Statistics and provides public methods to update it:

jqgrid with turbogears 2

I have been recently trying out crudRESTController in TG2.1.
Overall, I found that--
1] The community is helpful.
2] But, it is hard to find a help topic or docs, if I get stuck-up with a particular issue.
e.g. The name of instance of crudRESTController must be a plural of underlying model name.
Otherwise, it won't work correctly. It is nowhere given in their docs.
Hence I am thinking to use jqgrid for crud functionality.
Can anybody please point out whether it would be better to use jqgrid or stick to crudRESTController!
(keeping in mind the control I can have over the code, rapid application development, deployment, speed, etc.
Thanks in advance,
Give a look at EasyCrudRestController from tgext.crud, it provides an easy way to create working Crud Controllers on the fly. For more deep customization you can tune it as you would with CrudRestController.

NSUserDefaults vs CFPreferences, what to consider

Apple provides documentation for managing user preferences through both Core Foundation and Foundation Kit. It also doesn't offer any help with choosing one or another, except for stating that they're indeed different ("not toll-free bridged").
So, I'm interested, is there anything I should consider selecting configuration mechanism for the application? Or should I just toss a coin?
You are supposed to use NSUserDefaults, which is absolutely the default choice. I suppose you could use CFPreferences, but unless you had a good reason to make that choice, I'd steer clear of CF-APIs.
NSUserDefaults reads and writes to the user scope, while CFPreferences supports writing to both user scope and machine scope. You can use CFPreferences for a machine-wise setting which can be applied to all users using the application on the same machine.

Tracking Digital Assets in sharepoint?

I need to build out a feature that will let the content authors know if a particular asset (e.g. an Image or a video under site assets library) is being referenced by any content(Pages) in the sharepoint site.
Is there any built-in feature that can assist in that?
If not, do you have any suggestions on how should I go about it?
Can't think of any OOB features to do this at the moment, but off of the top of my head, here is how I would go about it.
Develop a timer job to traverse your site content, going through each and every object, checking for references to each of the assets' unique IDs. I would then store that reference in a list specifically made for this data. Now, it's as simple as manipulating the list through either custom views or maybe something code-based to be able to display/work with the data how you want.
This would obviously not be real-time, but it would basically mimic a very rudimentary indexing functionality and shouldn't be too complicated if you are familiar with the object model from a coding standpoint.

Where to find good examples or Templates for Configuration Management Plans?

Documentation is not the favorite area of a developer but an important area to fulfill if you want to have standards in the organization. We are trying to put together a new Configuratio Mgmt Plan to setup Change Controls, Backups strategies and other fun things, like the process from development, staging to production.
I will like to have your opinions on good examples or probably a good start for CMP process.
If you would like some list of the item in software configuration management plant, this links provide an example:
However, please notes that the content of SCM plan is highly dependent on your company standard and the process during software development itself.
I usually refer for such information. The site is not organized well but has lots of info. Another very useful resource is (I know).
Rather than me listing out the index of a CM plan, I would recommend you to check this link out:
Some quick pointers for setting up CM process:
You absolutely need the
management's/corporation's backing.
Without them pushing, no one will
adhere to the process.
SCM is like police/postal service. No one remembers them until something goes wrong. In your case, it is a good sign if no one talks (complains) about your implemented SCM process.
Open source SCM systems are at par with the other kind. Depending on the intensity of your project, you may have to do several POCs to determine which system suits your needs.
This is a vast topic; I would recommend Alexis Leon's book if you are stuck.
Software development related all kind of documents are available as part of Rational Unified Process[RUP]. You can find those at:
Configuration management Plans
RUP templates
RUP templates