Testing Windows phone 7 Application - windows-phone

Forgive me for what may seem as a stupid question but, after some rummaging around on the web, I can't seem to find how to test my Windows Phone Application. I'm not referring to the guidelines, I'm actually referring to sending it to Microsoft for them to check if it's "okay" or checking it on Visual Studio as I think there is a way of doing that in VS.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you.

This should help. Keep in mind that before you send it to microsoft (or appHub) your app needs to be fairly perfect. Submissions aren't free :)
edit: this is assuming you were asking how to submit it for review. When you submit your app, the review process starts.

For app testing you need the sdk... With the sdk you have a perfect emulator for test your apps. For app deploy on your device, after you've bougth the annual subscription to be a developer, you have to associate your phone and install zune on your pc (read here).
After you tests you can submit your app through this process (read here).


Which service should I choose to convert a website to mobile app?

I am a newbie at programming. I know one or two things about c++ and I also have some knowledge with html and php but app developing is too hard for me at this stage. I want to create my mobile app and I heard about services which convert websites into mobile apps. Which service is the best one? Also, I heard that free services are really bad. Is that true?
Jamblam. Link: https://www.jamblamapps.eu They have great quality and performance. Also their prices are a huge plus.
Note: They make only Android apps.
2nd Note: Yes, free services aren't a good choice (crashes/not working).
you can use Apache Cordova and it is free, to convert your website to a mobile app for both iOs and Android applications. Check my explanation and steps on my GitHub profile, follow this link https://github.com/tshele/Convert-any-website-to-IOS-and-Android-with-Cordova
Jamblam Apps (now changed its name to Shibe Apps but the link is the same) is the best provider. BTW I answered such question before. -1 from me. I recommend looking for already answered questions instead of creating new ones.

Is cypress.io capable of executing test automation on desktop application?

I'm currently working for a client whose request is to make a test automation for a desktop application. And they recommended using cypress.io, which i think was built mainly for web automation. I tried looking to their docs but it seems I can't find anything that enables it to run desktop app automation. Sorry for the noob question, I'm still a newbie here.
Thanks in advance for the answers!
cypress.io is not capable of automating desktop apps.
(Source: Did a brief POC couple of weeks back with Cypress.io)
Cypress is more about a web application automation framework. This means if the application can run in a browser, Cypress can automate it.
Even their GitHub project header says the same :)

What happens to a published app in the App Store if you cancel you Indie Seat with Appcelerator?

I published an app to the App Store using Titanium Studio in 2013. I have recently found a bug in the code that I want to fix and publish.
I logged into Appcelerator's website to download the latest studio since it's been three years, only to find out that it's a paid platform now.
I just want to make a quick bug fix and publish. I don't need any of the services that come with the platform.
I realize there is a free SDK that you can compile yourself, etc, etc.
I don't mind paying for a $36 for one month only if it enables me to just publish a new version of my app.
My question is, if I publish the app after paying the $36 and then cancel my subscription, will the cancellation affect my app? Does the IDE inject some sort of "call home" time bomb?
I tried asking the support at appcelerator but they answered like a politician and dodged it.
Thanks for any help.
A published/compiled app has no direct connection with appcelerator. So if you cancel the subscription nothing happens.
However, if you use paid services... things might go wrong.
Statistics for example is a paid service. If you cancel subscription I assume the app keeps working but will make calls to their backend that most likely will fail (not sure about this). App should keep working.
If you use any cloud service (push notifications, arrow storage etc) your app will stop working of course.
If you don't use any of the services, you can just cancel and be done with it.
That said, if you just want to make 1 change to an app you could just dive in and compile without the Appcelerator Platform and just use the Open Source code.

is there an equivalent of wp7's marketplacereviewtask for windows 8 / winrt / metro style?

I've looked through MSDN on both the Store API and the Launchers collection, and can't seem to find a task or launcher that would open up an application in the Marketplace application ready for a user to rate, as we could really easily do in Windows Phone 7. Is there an alternative way that I can easily point a user towards leaving a review/rating, or are we going to have to wait until MS provides this, or does it already exist?
I believe, or should I say "I hope", that the "rate and review" command appears automatically under the settings charm for all applications downloaded from the store.
Can anyone confirm this?
Yes it looks like you are right, in the Guidelines for app settings (Windows Store apps) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/Hh770544.aspx#user_experience , says that in the charm setting under Rate & Review, the user can rate and review your application.
However: "Only apps that are installed through the Windows Store have the Rate and review entry point."

iOS Provisioning Portal Link

I have basically finished developing my App and I wanted to test it on the iPhone, however I wanted to know if this was possible without paying the 99€ fee. I dont plan to release it on the App store in the end...
It's not possible unless you jailbreak your device.
You could have another developer who has registered, build your app, and then send you a signed developer copy to add to your phone. You would have to share the code with this developer though. If it is a one time deal, you can send to me, and I can build it.
Otherwise, Ole is correct, it is not possible.