Push notifications not being received on distribute - objective-c

I had successfully implemented push notifications for the developer certificate but cannot seem to get it work for an ad hoc test with a friend. I did the same process for creating the push notification keys/certificates except now I chose "Production Push SSL Certificate" instead of "Development Push SSL Certificate". I believe that this is correct since I could not find any tutorials around that showed how to do it for production... all of them were for development.
This quick process can be found from ray wenderlich blog here: http://www.raywenderlich.com/3443/apple-push-notification-services-tutorial-part-12
This is my guess where things might have gone wrong because maybe there is a different way to do Production Push. I left my php code the same on my server as I had it before for Development Push (copied over the new ck.pem). Is this alright or do I need to make changes? I can post the code if someone thinks it is the code but as I said.. the php server code worked before.
Can someone please help me out? Thanks in advance!
for my development I had:
but for production it needs to be:
Hope this helps someone in the future.

You can also try to check your token are correctly set, your devices are allowed to receive notifications.
If you have made many tests, you may also have been temporarily banned from APNS server, you mustn't make too many calls to the APNS server in a small time range.
Please also note that there may be some delays from the time you send the notification to the APNS server, and the time the APNS server sends it to your device.
LAst bu not least, make sure your devices have a correct Internet / SSL free access some proxies or firewalls may block notifications

Are you getting the devices token dynamically? Because when the app is in ad-hoc distribution it is generating a different device token for push notifications form when it is in debug (a.k.a developer) mode


Mobile Test Workbench - Status of the RTW server

I've been testing MTWWW for about a couple of days, and I've come to notice something.
I have to add the device to MTWW by going to a url on the device that looks like this,
However, sometimes my device can't reach that address neither when I restart eclipse. When that happens I typically restart my computer and everything is fine and dandy again.
There was even one time that on that same screen that display the QRCode and URL to add a device, a notification appeared which showed something close to "RTW server could not start properly" or something like that.
This led me to believe that MTWW uses some other web server other that WL server to receive the recordings from the instrumented apps.
This also led me to believe that perhaps sometimes when the server tries to start the ports are already binded to some socket and it fails the initialization. Just speculation here.
However if there is a slight sense in what I written, is there a way to inspect the status of the RTW server, some dashboard perhaps?
Besides that, what should I do to fix when the RTW server didn't start properly? Rebooting the computer is pretty lame, there must be something more clever to do.
Oh, I've found this behavior on a mac osx box, on a windows one I haven't done so much testing.
Thanks in advance.
There is no dashboard for the server. But if yoy think that the issue come from the port, you can change it in the preferences. Please read http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21678980
Hope its help

How to address Firebase from an Arduino?

Background: I've a sensor hooked up to an arduino printing readings through the serial monitor. I want to log these in firebase.
I've done a bit of digging on this, and my research has shown me that an arduino simply can't handle the SSL needed to talk to firebase properly.
Any suggestions for workarounds? Checking SO and google's only turned up "it can't be done", but I figured I'd ask anyway. Any lateral thinking is appreciated, thanks!
If you figure out a way, let us (support#firebase.com) know. That would be an awesome hack!
Some thoughts:
You might want to look into the Spark Core (available for pre-order). They mention SSL support, though it's unclear to me what that means exactly.
You could proxy the requests through a server that can speak SSL. For instance, you could run a tiny node.js service on an Amazon EC2 box that just proxies REST requests to Firebase (e.g. using http-proxy).
If you're hardcore, you could try to get the Arduino talking to an external ethernet controller that has built-in SSL support (e.g. this one), but that's probably a big project. :-)
Longer-term, we might expose a non-SSL endpoint for Firebase requests that's specifically for this sort of low-end hardware use-case. Ping us at support#firebase.com if you want to start a dialog.
Here's a php script I whipped together to solve for Arduino no https.
It's basically a form that GETs to the php script and then sends it off to your Firebase database.
*Make sure you add Heroku or your server to the whitelist of IPs that can post to Firebase
I know its an old question but visitors from google keep coming.
Have a look at this post: http://www.devacron.com/arduino-firebase/
These arduino libraries might help:
To install it:
Download the zip file, go to Sketch>Manage Libraries>add .zip file
Now you have access to
#include <FirebaseArduino.h>
and can begin using it with
Firebase.begin("example.firebaseio.com", "token_or_secret");
Follow the example at https://github.com/ed7coyne/firebase-arduino/blob/master/examples/FirebaseDemo_ESP8266/FirebaseDemo_ESP8266.ino

Issue with iPhone XMPPFramework / Openfire

We have developed an app using Objective C XMPPFramework. However we notice that after a while the user goes offline. This is happening from a phone with iOS 4.x
We have made sure that Openfire has settings which allows clients to be idle and it also sends ping message to the clients. However, we are unable to understand why the user is going offline.
Please let us know if anyone has faced and resolved the same issue. Will be glad to provide more information if required.
XMPPStream has a property called keepAliveInterval. The default value is 120.0 (2 minutes) for an iPhone target. You might need to set that (e.g. in the same place where you initialize the stream).
If your server is actually sending XEP-0199 pings, you might need to use XMPPAutoPing or XMPPPing.

Wireless Authentication Page iOS app

I'm not really sure how to word this exactly, so hopefully someone can make sense of it. I've been working on an iPad app that syncs files from a server to your iPad and lets you build presentations with the various files. The corporation I'm working with on this app has a wireless network that requires you to re-authenticate every hour. So every hour instead of getting the expected JSON api response, any HTTP request pulls down the page needed to reauth with the wireless network. I was wondering is there is a specific HTTP response code related to getting sent that page or a "best-practice" way of testing for that page as opposed to JSON.
Granted I could just test to see if the response is HTML, but that doesn't account for other redirect responses that I haven't found yet. I could just test part of the HTML to see if it matches a predetermined portion of the html, but I'm an outside contractor. I can't guarantee they won't change the markup or verbiage of the page after I've made my deliverable.
So does anyone out in the ether know a "best practices" methodology for testing if the app needs to reauth before syncing?
I noticed that on Mac OS X and maybe even iOS, when you connect to a new Wi-Fi network, it will try to contact www.apple.com. This is being done to check if the internet connectivity is available. If it's not available, the Captive Network Assistant will pop-up, showing you the authentication page, or sometimes when I'm in Starbucks, an advertisement.
Following your question, since Apple themselves is doing it this way, I think you could check for HTTP response code, look for something in the HTML markup (slightly discouraged though) or trying to connect to a known server (Reachability).
For a corporation practicing well-documented projects, I am quite sure they won't be changing things without making sure that your app, once deployed will continue to work.

this profile cannot be installed on devices ?? iPhone distribution ... any ideas

I'm getting a "new" kind of error in the provisioning hell from iPhone. Does anyone have an idea what's going on .. because reinstalling , redownloading of the profile doesn't work.
I've uploaded a screenshot.
So the part where it says cannot be installed on devices?
If that is your distribution certificate (as your title implies) then the error message is correct. Distribution certificates are only for submitting applications to Apple for review.
Instead you will want to install a development certificate on your phone. That will allow you to load your phone with your own code for testing before submitting to Apple.
I would absolutely call it hell. Signing my first app for Apple is taking 100 times longer than it took for Android. I'm not quite sure why such tight security is needed. I've been spending an entire day on this security stuff. I'm sure once I figure it out it won't be too horrible, but this is a real pain so far.