Dynamically change connection string for UI tests - testing

I'm using WebAii library for UI testing - I want to test whether my component displays the same records as there are in database therefore I need to switch my application's connection string to point to the test database just for the time of running tests. What is the best way to do it? How to dynamically change the connection string prior to running the app? Thanks

Are you storing the connection string in the Web.config file? If so, I would deploy a new Web.config just before starting the test and then use the command line to send an IISRESET.
FYI, these are the kinds of questions we answer all day long on our public forum dedicated to WebAii.
Telerik Technical Support

What kind of application is it? This is first probably an indication of not-well-factored code. Next, it is common to have a separate environment for testing code.
If you are, for example, deploying to ASP.NET with Visual Studio, you can use Web.config file transformations to set a different value when you deploy to e.g. test.contoso.com vs. www.contoso.com. The transformation syntax allows you to define a new connection string, or change an existing one from the base Web.config, when deploying a different configuration.
If you have a single environment, and control over it, you could probably write a couple of (Power)shell scripts to copy a web.config with "test" connection strings to your app root prior to the test. Then run a second script to reset the original web.config after the test is run.
If you have access to your deploy directory within the context you will be running your tests, you could even simply have a Web.test.config file included in your unit test project. In [AssemblyInitialize]:
File-copy _\\{your app server}{your app directory}\Web.config to \\{your app server}{your app directory}\Web.config.orig.
File-copy Web.test.config to \\{your app server}{your app directory}\Web.config.
Sleep for a few seconds?
Then do the reverse in [AssemblyCleanup].
Other strategies exist, too. You could build in an override to your application when in debug mode, that checks various things (special file, additional config, cookies, extra query string). Or you could have a Settings manager in your app that you can instrument in test setup when arranging your test (click through UI to change DB settings).
Very likely, however, you may get the best compounding rewards by factoring your code to reduce dependencies. Then you can write unit tests which stub/mock/fake the database. You can use code coverage tools to verify that you've tested specific scenarios, or to see that additional integration tests would be duplication of coverage at that point.


Wanting to get rid of the Test Hub in TFS and integrate with Test Rail

Just wondering if there is a way to integrate TFS with TestRail to replace(get rid of entirely) the Test Hub within TFS to use TestRail to record Test Plans?
My concern with removing the Test Hub, would be if Test Rail can still reference IDs in Bug and Stories within TFS and vice versa?
You currently cannot remove the standard Hubs in Visual Studio Team Services / TFS or replace them with something else. You can enable an extension that either adds its own functionality under said hub as a separate tab or adds another Test Rail hub to the top level (if there is any) or write your own. Extensions currently cannot leave their sandbox to overwrite standard functionality.
There is nothing preventing anything from keeping track of work item numbers anywhere, so the second part of your question, whether it would have broken any form of integrations, that's unlikely.
If you are on TFS, you could try creating a custom process template that doesn't have the Test Case, Shared Step, Test Suite and Test Plan work item types, this will likely at least completely cripple the existing functionality. In the on-prem version you can also customize the files on disk, I've never tried, but it's likely that you could probably hack the test hub away. That would be a totally unsupported scenario through.

How to easily 'interval' login a website and check its content whether has changed?

This is a bit high-level solution based question: I have a website, and what I need to do is login->navigate->click category->check whether the specific content has come; every 10 mins.
There are quite a few third-party services, but they only checking the website uptime, which is not what I need.
Currently, I am thinking of silly way: create a selenium UI test, and run it every 10 mins, which seems pretty complex.
Feels like need some tool, so that I can run some extra js on a particular web to test my functionality. Any good solution for this? even some js framework, or even third-party payable service that I can direct make use of?
The best way to do this is :
Create a selenium test - Single main method that does all the steps.
Export it as a runnable jar
Schedule the .jar execution using windows scheduler.
Before scheduling the jar, once just double click the .jar file and see if the steps run smoothly.
Alternately you can try using vbscript (.vbs) file also.

BizTalk maps that rely on configuration data?

I have a simple BizTalk map that uses a scripting functoid to call an external assembly function. This function, however, relies on a value from configuration. For a live server, this config file is BTSNTSvc.exe.config, but what file is used when testing a map in Visual Studio?
I have attempted to place Debug.WriteLine calls in my external assembly to trace out the location of the configuration file, but nothing appears in my trace listener, either.
I need to maintain the ability to switch values in config, but I'd also like to retain the short turnaround time afforded by testing in VS, rather than having to fully deploy every time. Is this possible?
I suppose that would be the devenv.exe.config.
C:\Program Files(x86)\VSVersion\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe.config
Another way would be to make a unit test for the map instead of using the "Test Map"-functionality.

TFS Api - trigger test run conditionally (when new files come)

I'm trying to get acquainted with test automation using Microsoft TFS Api.
I've created the program which runs my test set - it uses code similar to one described here, e.g.:
var testRun = _testPoint.Plan.CreateTestRun(false);
testRun.DateStarted = DateTime.Now;
// ...
I believe this forces them to start as soon as any of agents can run them, instead of being delayed to certain time. Am I wrong? Anyway, it works all right.
But I was told by my lead that the task should be started each time the new input files are copied to certain folder (on the network I think, or perhaps in TFS).
So I'm searching for a way which allow to trigger tests on some condition - but currently without any luck. Probably I miss proper keywords.
I only found something vaguely related here but it seems they say it is not possible in a proper way.
So are there any facilities in TFS / MTM, any ways or approaches to achieve my goal? Thanks in advance for any hints / links.
You would need to write a system service (or other) that uses the file system watcher. Then when the file changes you can run your code above.
There is no built in feature in TFS to watch a folder for changes.

TeamCity: Managing deployment dependencies for acceptance tests?

I'm trying to configure a set of build configurations in TeamCity 6 and am trying to model a specific requirement in the cleanest possible manner way enabled by TeamCity.
I have a set of acceptance tests (around 4-8 suites of tests grouped by the functional area of the system they pertain to) that I wish to run in parallel (I'll model them as build configurations so they can be distributed across a set of agents).
From my initial research, it seems that having a AcceptanceTests meta-build config that pulls in the set of individual Acceptance test configs via Snapshot dependencies should do the trick. Then all I have to do is say that my Commit build config should trigger AcceptanceTests and they'll all get pulled in. So, lets say I also have AcceptanceSuiteA, AcceptanceSuiteB and AcceptanceSuiteC
So far, so good (I know I could also turn it around the other way and cause the Commit config to trigger AcceptanceSuiteA, AcceptanceSuiteB and AcceptanceSuiteC - problem there is I need to manually aggregate the results to determine the overall success of the acceptance tests as a whole).
The complicating bit is that while AcceptanceSuiteC just needs some Commit artifacts and can then live on it's own, AcceptanceSuiteA and AcceptanceSuiteB need to:
DeploySite (lets say it takes 2 minutes and I cant afford to spin up a completely isolated one just for this run)
Run tests against the deployed site
The problem is that I need to be able to ensure that:
the website only gets configured once
The website does not get clobbered while the two suites are running
If I set up DeploySite as a build config and have AcceptanceSuiteA and AcceptanceSuiteB pull it in as a snapshot dependency, AFAICT:
a subsequent or parallel run of AcceptanceSuiteB could trigger another DeploySite which would clobber the deployment that AcceptanceSuiteA and/or AcceptanceSuiteB are in the middle of using.
While I can say Limit the number of simultaneously running builds to force only one to happen at a time, I need to have one at a time and not while the dependent pieces are still running.
Is there a way in TeamCity to model such a hierarchy?
EDIT: Ideas:-
A crap solution is that DeploySite could set a 'in use flag' marker and then have the AcceptanceTests config clear that flag [after AcceptanceSuiteA and AcceptanceSuiteB have completed]. The problem then becomes one of having the next DeploySite down the pipeline wait until said gate has been opened again (Doing a blocking wait within the build, doesnt feel right - I want it to be flagged as 'not yet started' rather than looking like it's taking a long time to do something). However this sort of stuff a flag over here and have this bit check it is the sort of mutable state / flakiness smell I'm trying to get away from.
EDIT 2: if I could programmatically alter the agent configuration, I could set Agent Requirements to require InUse=false and then set the flag when a deploy starts and clear it after the tests have run
Seems you go look on the Jetbrains Devnet and YouTrack tracker first and remember to use the magic word clobber in your search.
Then you install groovy-plug and use the StartBuildPrecondition facility
To use the feature, add system.locks.readLock. or system.locks.writeLock. property to the build configuration.
The build with writeLock will only start when there are no builds running with read or write locks of the same name.
The build with readLock will only start when there are no builds running with write lock of the same name.
therein to manage the fact that the dependent configs 'read' and the DeploySite config 'writes' the shared item.
(This is not a full productised solution hence the tracker item remains open)
EDIT: And I still dont know whether the lock should be under Build Parameters|System Properties and what the exact name format should be, is it locks.writeLock.MYLOCKNAME (i.e., show up in config with reference syntax %system.locks.writeLock.MYLOCKNAME%) ?
Other puzzlers are: how does one manage giving builds triggered by build completion of a writeLock task read access - does the lock get dropped until the next one picks up (which would allow another writer in) - or is it necessary to have something queue up the parent and child dependency at the same time ?