WCF service reference in class library - wcf

I added wcf service (exposed by biztalk) proxy and app.config file in VS 2005 class library project and i am calling this class library methods from windows application. In this case getting error while creating service instance, so i moved app.config file from class library to window applcation, now working fine.
Question: If i will change service url from machine001 to machine002 in config file (from bin folder but not from application) and run the app from exe file. Will it work without build.

Class library configuration always depends on configuration file (web.config / app.config) of parent application that is really using it. And Parent application should be a console / winform / ASP.NET application and can be a windows service. Any change in WinForm's app.config will change the behavior of your class library.
To Answer your question, Yes if you change service url from machine001 to machine002 in config file of windows application it will work if machine002 is hosting the WCF service.
Hope it clears your doubt.


Publish a WCFService doesn't work; Debugging-mode works

I want to start an default webservice-project, where I can send data over a service. When I go to debug the API through VS then everything works fine, but not when I try to use it over IIS.
I created an WcfServiceLibrary-Project in Visual Studio 2017. I then right-clicked on the project (in the solution explorer) and then published it to a folder A.
I also didn't do anything special at IIS (all the things are still on localhost.): I activated the default windows-feature "IIS". (The default web site got also stopped). Then I added there a site with an random name and the path to the folder A. The service got started.
My access trial was to find anything through Visual Studios "connected services".
Has anyone an idea?
At first, please use the WCF service application project template,
or the Appconfig file would not be kicked in. library project needs the additional configuration in the hosting environment, and the Appconfig file could not recognized. We have to move the configuration code into the configuration file recognized by your hosting environment.
Secondly, for hosting the WCF service in IIS, we should enable the below windows feature.
Feel free to let me know if the problem still exists.

Current Working directory for WCF Application

I have an VB6 com object which i need to wrap it in .net and expose as WCF web service.
The com .dll has some configuration files which needs to be placed in it current directory.
For testing the com object, i have created a console application and executed, from the logs generated by the component i can see that it is pointing to current directory and getting the config files and working as expected.
Now when i host this in WCF service, Com object stoped working. I wondered and gave below command in my wcf application
Logger.Log("current path: " + System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
Now in my log i see that current path is "c:\winnt\system32" !!!!!! And concluded that this might be the reason why the component is not working as expected in wcf.
Note: I have published my wcf into another folder in "d:" drive.
My Question :
What is the reason behind "c:\winnt\system32"?
Thanks for your help!
Now it gets wierd, I have changed current directory with below method.
Now the dll points to below path
C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\service\b5fc8f06\28f29236\assembly\dl3\1945abc0\00563626_8b5bce01\

Using ChannelFactory with WorkflowServiceHost

Is there a way to do the service inference on a workflow definition XAML to create an interface that can be distributed to the client to be used with ChannelFactory instead of the host exposing WSDL and the client having to generate a service definition by adding a service reference?
I did this in a three step process:
Temporarily exposing the metadata from the workflow service
Creating proxy code with svcutil
Changing configuration back to not exposing metadata
In detail:
Include your XAMLX file which defines the service in a project that was created as "WCF Workflow Service Application" (DeclarativeServiceLibrary1)
Compile the project
Set the project as startup project
Select xamlx file in Solution Explorer
Press Ctrl-F5 -> WCF Test Client starts, you see your service loaded
RightClick on the xamlx URL in WCF Test Client, choose Copy address (e.g. http://localhost:56326/Service1.xamlx)
Open a VS2010 Admin console window
Create the proxy code with svcutil.exe:
cd /D %TEMP%
svcutil http://localhost:56326/Service1.xamlx
This creates two files, a *.cs and a *.config, that contain the proxy code
I had a lot of problems with other ways of craeting the proxy code (inside VS2010), the external svcutil was the most stable way to do it. Hope this helps.

WCF- how to add multiple services to Service.svc?

I have 4 services running via a service host project, which communicate fine with my asp.net application when the ASP.NET development server hosts them through VS for debugging.
I am trying to deploy these to IIS on a windows server 2008 machine, using WAS.
I have the project set up as an application in IIS, and have copied the entire config section from app.config in servicehost project to web.config of the IIS site.
After a few compliation issues, I now get a directory listing when i navigate to http://localhost:8000/Services
I have also created a Service.svc file, which contains
<%#ServiceHost Service=MyApp.AddressService %>
When I navigate to localhost:8000/Services/AddressService, I get a message that i've created a service, and appending ?wsdl gives me the xml to create a client.
Problem is, I get an error when I try to add any more services to the .svc file.
Should I be using service.svc to configure multiple services, or is there a different way using WAS?
How can I expose my other three services through the same application?
Thank you!
You cannot add multiple service to a SVC file. One SVC file = one service class. No way to change that.
However: you can definitely implement multiple service interfaces on your service class:
public class YourService : IService1, IService2, IService3
and then you have one SVC file = one service (implementation) class = 3 service contracts.
In .NET 4 / WCF 4, you'll be able to define URL's for service in your web.config, and you don't need the SVC files anymore.
See this blog post here or this one here for more info, if .NET 4 is an option for you.

Connection string in app.config in a class library

I am creating solution and inside I have three projects:
A WCF Service Library Project
A DataAccess Project (Class Library)
A Web site for hosting WCF service
The implementation of the service is on the project # 1, but in order to access the DataBase I use a second project that implements the data access using a class library project.
That problem is in order to get data access I need to configure a connection string, but that connection string must be configurable in a production environment, I meant in production I am going to deploy the site, which is a very simple project that contains only a reference WCF Service Library Project then a guy from database department will configure the connection string.
In development I have an app.config on the data access project but when I do the release that app.config is embedded on the dll.
Any ideas how can we achieve our purpose
The connection string must be in the application configuration file of the executing assembly. This means that you can provided the configuration file for your assembly along with the assembly itself but anyone who wants to use your assembly must update their configuration file to include the values that your assembly relies on.
The connection string in your app.config (data layer) is not embedded in the dll.
If you look in the app.config file in your data layer project, you will probably have a connectionStrings section. you need to put the connectionStrings in the web.config of your WCF service website.
This can be configured in your production environment.
I had a mistake, I was using a different name on the web.config of the WCF site, I just copy the the exact part of the app.config to the web.config and its working now.
Thanks for your help