Logical operator sql query going weirdly wrong - sql

I am trying to fetch results from my sqlite database by providing a date range.
I have been able to fetch results by providing 3 filters
1. Name (textfield1)
2. From (date)(textfield2)
3. To (date)(textfield3)
I am inserting these field values taken from form into a table temp using following code
Statement statement6 = db.createStatement("INSERT INTO Temp(date,amount_bill,narration) select date,amount,narration from Bills where name=\'"+TextField1.getText()+"\' AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) <= substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',1,2) AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) >= substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',1,2) ");
Now if i enter the following input in my form for the above filters
It fetches date between these date ranges perfectly.
But now i want to insert values that are below and above these 2 date ranges provided.
I have tried using this code.But it doesnt show up any result.I simply cant figure where the error is
The below code is to find entries having date lesser than 01/02/2012 and greater than 28/02/2012.
Statement statementVII = db.createStatement("INSERT INTO Temp5(date,amount_rec,narration) select date,amount,narration from Bills where name=\'"+TextField1.getText()+"\' AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) < substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',1,2) AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) > substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',1,2)");
Anyone sound on this,please guide.Thanks.

you need to use an Or clause together with brackets:
WHERE name='....' AND (yourDateField<yourLowerDate OR yourDateField>yourHigherDate)


How can I refer to 2 differents dataset into a gsheet query formula?

I'm trying to get a formula to match 2 different data set in google sheets.
I did the following but I keep getting "parse error"
iferror(if(len($D10)> 0,
"select {'Sheet2'!$A$2:$BK}.B where {'Sheet2'!$A$2:$BK}.A contains 'condition2'
and {'Sheet2'!$A$2:$BK}.D contains'"&$D$4&"
and {'Sheet1'!$A$2:$T}.N >= date '"&text(($A$4), "YYYY-MM-DD")&"'
and {'Sheet1'!$A$2:$T}.N <= date '"&text(($B$4), "YYYY-MM-DD")&"'",0),""),"")
With D10 is the cell that I'll look up the match for.
Let me know if you have any tips and thanks!
The syntax for QUERY is QUERY(data, query, [headers])
In your case, you forgot the , between the data and the query.
It should be ...query({'Sheet1'!$A$2:$T;'Sheet2'!$A$2:$BK}, "select {'Sheet2'!$A$2:$BK}.B where...

MS Access Query date range when last date not found

I have the following update query in MS Access 2013
UPDATE WXObs SET WXObs.SnowFlag = 1
WHERE (((WXObs.StationID) ="451409") And(
(WxObs.ObsDate) Between #1/3/2003# AND #3/29/2003# OR
(WxObs.ObsDate) Between #11/16/2003# AND #5/7/2004# OR
(WxObs.ObsDate) Between #10/30/2004# AND #4/30/2005#));
This works until the end date in the range is not found. For instance, if 5/7/2004 is not in the data set, then the update continues to the next end date, in this case 4/30/2005.
I would prefer it ended on the last date in the range. For instance, if the data ended on 4/21/2004, that would be last field updated between 11/16/ and 5/7/2004. The query would then continue to update again beginning on 10/30/2004.
I have tried < and <=
You're missing some parentheses that are affecting the evaluation order, causing the behavior that you're reporting.
What you want is for each of the BETWEEN portions to be evaluated completely before the OR option is evaluated, and you need to make sure that evaluation is done by surrounding the BETWEEN expressions in parentheses to guarantee the evaluation order.
This should correct it (untested, as you've not provided the test data necessary to create a test case).
UPDATE WXObs SET WXObs.SnowFlag = 1
(WXObs.StationID ="451409")
(WxObs.ObsDate Between #1/3/2003# AND #3/29/2003#) OR
(WxObs.ObsDate Between #11/16/2003# AND #5/7/2004#) OR
(WxObs.ObsDate Between #10/30/2004# AND #4/30/2005#)

Crystal Reports 8.5 showing multi-values from parameters on report footer

In Crystal Reports 8.5 when I have setup a parameter for multi-value the user enters 90654-90658A. Normally I would use Join() but being that this is not just text but numeric I have tried a few things but with no results.
Local NumberVar i;
Local NumberVar j;
Local StringVar param_values;
if 0 in {?CPT} then
"CPT #s: All CPTs"
for i := 1 to UBound ({?CPT}) do
for j := Minimum ({?CPT}[ i ]) to Maximum ({?CPT}[ i ]) do
param_values := param_values + "," + CStr (j, "#");
"CPT #s: " + Mid (param_values, 2)
This works fine for 90654-90658 but when the user selects 90654-90658A it fails.
Also the selection criteria will not pass to SQL in the query sent to SQL with the correct where clause. Meaning there is not indication that I am even asking for a where. It should show in the select for sql a where table.data >= '90654' and table.data <= '90658A'
I am lost as to where I am going wrong with this. Any help would be great this is my first time seeking an answer on this site but I have not received any help on this request.
I tried a similar query with the Xtreme.mdb database, referencing the Customer table. I created a string, range parameter that accepted multiple values (i.e. multiple ranges).
When I supplied it with two ranges, the follow query was generated:
SELECT `Customer`.`Postal Code`
FROM `Customer` `Customer`
(`Customer`.`Postal Code`>='04000' AND `Customer`.`Postal Code`<='04999') OR
(`Customer`.`Postal Code`>='55000' AND `Customer`.`Postal Code`<='55999')
As you can see, Crystal Reports will build the necessary BETWEEN or >= <= statements.
In you situation, try:
( "0" IN {?CPT} OR {TABLE.FIELD} IN {?CPT} )
You could adapt your formula field to display the values of the parameter, if you want.
I do appreciate everyones input but I was able to work through the problem. For the record selection I put in the following. {TABLE.FIELD} in CStr({#MinCPT}) to CStr({#MaxCPT}). This pulled the range after I created two formulas. One MinCPT and the other MaxCPT. Here is the formula. Left (ToText (Minimum ({?CPT})),2 ) & Mid (ToText (Minimum ({?CPT})),4 ,3 ) and the same for Max. The report works fine now.
Thanks Again.

Comparing Date Values in Access - Data Type Mismatch in Criteria Expression

i'm having an issue comparing a date in an access database. basically i'm parsing out a date from a text field, then trying to compare that date to another to only pull newer/older records.
so far i have everything working, but when i try to add the expression to the where clause, it's acting like it's not a date value.
here's the full SQL:
Switch(Isdate(TRIM(LEFT(bc_testingtickets.notes, Instr(bc_testingtickets.notes, ' ')))) = false, 'NOT ASSIGNED!!!') AS [Assigned Status],
TRIM(LEFT(bc_testingtickets.notes, Instr(bc_testingtickets.notes, ' '))) AS [Last Updated Date],
bc_testingtickets.notes AS [Work Diary],
Datevalue(TRIM(LEFT([bc_TestingTickets].[notes], Instr([bc_TestingTickets].[notes], ' ')))) AS datetest
FROM list_picklists AS list_picklists_3
RIGHT JOIN (list_picklists AS list_picklists_2
RIGHT JOIN (list_picklists AS list_picklists_1
RIGHT JOIN (bc_profilemain
RIGHT JOIN (((bc_testingtickets
LEFT JOIN clients
bc_testingtickets.broker = clients.client_id)
LEFT JOIN list_picklists
bc_testingtickets.status = list_picklists.id)
LEFT JOIN bc_profile2ticketmapping
ON bc_testingtickets.ticket_id =
ON bc_profilemain.id =
ON list_picklists_1.id = bc_testingtickets.purpose)
ON list_picklists_2.id = bc_profilemain.destination)
ON list_picklists_3.id = bc_profilemain.security_type
WHERE ( ( ( list_picklists.TEXT ) <> 'Passed'
AND ( list_picklists.TEXT ) <> 'Failed'
AND ( list_picklists.TEXT ) <> 'Rejected' )
AND ( ( bc_testingtickets.ticket_id ) <> 4386 ) )
GROUP BY bc_testingtickets.notes,
DateValue(TRIM(LEFT([bc_TestingTickets].[notes], Instr([bc_TestingTickets].[notes], ' '))))
ORDER BY Datevalue(TRIM(LEFT([bc_TestingTickets].[notes], Instr([bc_TestingTickets].[notes], ' '))));
the value i'm trying to compare against a various date is this:
DateValue(Trim(Left([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],InStr([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],' '))))
if i add a section to the where clause like below, i get the Data Type Mismatch error:
WHERE DateValue(Trim(Left([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],InStr([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],' ')))) > #4/1/2012#
i've even tried using the DateValue function around the manual date i'm testing with but i still get the mismatch error:
WHERE DateValue(Trim(Left([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],InStr([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],' ')))) > DateValue("4/1/2012")
any tips on how i can compare a date in this method? i can't change any fields in the database, ect, that's why i'm parsing the date in SQL and trying to manipulate it so i can run reports against it.
i've tried googling but nothing specifically talks about parsing a date from text and converting it to a date object. i think it may be a bug or the way the date is being returned from the left/trim functions. you can see i've added a column to the end of the SELECT statement called DateTest and it's obvious access is treating it like a date (when the query is run, it asks to sort by oldest to newest/newest to oldest instead of A-Z or Z-A), unlike the second column in the select.
thanks in advance for any tips/clues on how i can query based on the date.
i just tried the following statements in my where clause and still getting a mismatch:
CDate(Trim(Left([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],InStr([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],' ')))) > #4/1/2012#
CDate(Trim(Left([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],InStr([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],' ')))) >
CDate("4/1/2012") CDate(DateValue(Trim(Left([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],InStr([bc_TestingTickets].[‌​notes],' '))))) > #4/1/2012#
i tried with all the various combinations i could think of regarding putting CDate inside of DateValue, outside, ect. the CDate function does look like what i should be using though. not sure why it's still throwing the error.
here's a link to a screenshot showing the results of the query http://ramonecung.com/access.jpg. there's two screenshots in one image.
You reported you get Data Type Mismatch error with this WHERE clause.
WHERE DateValue(Trim(Left([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],
InStr([bc_TestingTickets].[notes],' ')))) > #4/1/2012#
That makes me wonder whether [bc_TestingTickets].[notes] can ever be Null, either because the table design allows Null for that field, or Nulls are prohibited by the design but are present in the query's set of candidate rows as the result of a LEFT or RIGHT JOIN.
If Nulls are present, your situation may be similar to this simple query which also triggers the data type mismatch error:
SELECT DateValue(Trim(Left(Null,InStr(Null,' '))));
If that proves to be the cause of your problem, you will have to design around it somehow. I can't offer a suggestion about how you should do that. Trying to analyze your query scared me away. :-(
It seems like you are having a problem with the type conversion. In this case, I believe that you are looking for the CDate function.
A problem might be the order of the date parts. A test in the Immediate window shows this
Write the dates backwards in the format yyyy/MM/dd and thus avoiding inadverted swapping of days and months!

Storing Select Query result in Variable Ruby on Rails

I wanted to know how we could store the result of my select query on a variable.
#ppt2 = Ppt.select('slide_name').where('id=?',4)
#ppt1 = Ppt.update_all({:time2=>#ppt2},['id like ?','1'])
Here, slide_name and time2 are both text attributes of the same table ppt.
What happens on the above execution is that the time2 field in id=1 gets the value "#ppt2" whereas I want it to get the value of slide_name from id=4 which does not get stored in #ppt1.
In other words, how do I store the value of the select query in #ppt2 so that it can be used in the next line?
Any help is appreciated.
Call the slide_name method on your first result.
#ppt2 = Ppt.select('slide_name').find(4).slide_name