Why does NSAssert break in main instead of in the code that call the assertion - objective-c

I set this NSAssert
NSAssert(isStillLoadingArgument== [[self class] stillLoading],#"Hmm.... we think isStill Loading is false or true and yet stillLoading is true");;
Here is the screenshot of where I ask this question:
Then when assertion fail, the code break here:
Which is very annoying because I want to see the assertion break on the code I set up the assertion instead. So, how do I do so.
Ben answer unfortunately doesn't solve the issue:

You need to add a Breakpoint to your project for all exceptions.
1) Click on breakpoint navigator
2) Add an exception breakpoint
3) Make sure you set it to break on all exceptions
Now XCode will break to the actual assert rather than main. Hope this helps!

Configure the debugger to break on exceptions.
When an assertion fails, it raises an exception. If nothing catches the exception, it terminates the program after unwinding the stack, leaving it at main().


How to set a breakpoint __NSBundleOverreleased() to debug?

I don't know why but I have this error
Warning: NSBundle NSBundle
(loaded) was
released too many times. For compatibility, it will not be
deallocated, but this may change in the future. Set a breakpoint on
__NSBundleOverreleased() to debug
I have tried, according to this question, to delete the DerivedData folder but it is not working.
So, I tried to set a breakpoint, but the error is still logged and the program nevers stops at the breakpoint.
Do you have any advice or recommandation?
Yes. Leave off the parentheses, and it'll work.
Not certain about the leading underscores, but if you try creating a working breakpoint with NSLog, for example, the parentheses aren't included.

How to find out the location of unrecognized selector exception in Objective-C?

How do I go about finding out where in my code caused the following exception?
2012-08-15 09:24:27.414 TestProject[82870:17303] -[TestObj doIt]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1106f320
Best way to do it: Add a breakpoint to capture all exceptions, that will give you the line of code where you are getting the exception. From the console, you will get the same message you are posting on your question, so, use the pointer address to print the object that is getting the exception. If the object is garbage(the debugger wont print it), that means you are overreleasing an object. If you have zombies enabled, you will find a prefix NSZombie__ on your class name. That also means overrelease. If you get a different class than the one you are expecting, you are switching the objects at some point and sending a message to the wrong object.
Go to the breakpoints navigator (on the left)
at the bottom you have a +,
add an exception breakpoint on all exceptions
set a breakpoint for thrown exceptions. by default, it will pause when an exception is thrown -- there you will see the backtrace and values.
if it's completely random (e.g. not reproducible), then you may have best luck running Instruments with zombies enabled.

Thrown custom exception is immediately caught in the same catch block it is thrown from

This may be a debugger issue, but here goes:
I have this piece of code:
Private Function Connect() As Boolean
sessionBegun = False
connectionOpen = False
rp = New RequestProcessor2()
rp.OpenConnection2("","EZSystem", QBXMLRPConnectionType.localQBD)
connectionOpen = True
ticket = rp.BeginSession("", QBFileMode.qbFileOpenDoNotCare)
sessionBegun = True
Return True
Catch e As COMException
**Throw New QuickBooksConnectionException(e.Message)**
End Try
End Function
My intention is to 'convert' the low level exception into something more meaningful, so I throw an exception of my own creation. I want this to bubble up to a place where I can handle it.
However what is happening is my debugger breaks and tells me that an exception of type "QuickBooksConnectionException" was thrown.
I know that, I just threw it, why are you catching it?
From what I've read, this ought to work, and there doesn't appear to be an analogous Java throws keyword, so perhaps it is my debugger.
I am using SharpDevelop.
As written, your code throws an unhandled exception, which is always going to cause the debugger to balk. You just have to catch the QuickBooksConnectionException in the code that invokes this method. (And you're right, there's no equivalent in C# to the throws Java keyword.)
You can change the setting for when the debugger breaks for exceptions.
See here.
This is just the debugger doing its job. It usually catches any unhandled exceptions. I think your code is working fine, it's the debugger that's maybe confusing you.
Here's an experiment to show what's going on. Remove your Try-Catch block completely. Run the code & cause a COMException. The debugger will "catch" it, because it's unhandled, and highlight the line that throws it.
An exception bubbles up the call stack looking for an enclosing Try block. If there's no enclosing Try block, then the runtime deals with it. Which means that if you are running under a debugger, the debugger will rewind the call stack back so it can show you the original line that threw the exception. To help you debug why the exception happened. Try running from a standalone EXE or website with no debugger. It will terminate with a standard error dialogue.
Here are the rules that determine whether the debugger breaks on an exception.

Why does this Objective C call appear to hang?

A friend of mine discovered some strange behaviour with NSDictionary, and I'm curious as to why it happens. Consider the following code:
NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
// Oops, we can't mutate an NSDictionary
[dict setObject:[[NSNull alloc] init] forKey:#"test"];
The code produces a warning upon compilation that "'NSDictionary' may not respond to 'setObject:forKey:'". That's all well and good, and if you run it anyway, you'll get this output in the console:
-[__NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: mutating method sent to immutable object
Again, exactly what you'd expect to happen. However, at this point the app does not crash or terminate due to an uncaught exception. The setObject:forKey: method simply never returns, and the app appears to hang; the following NSLog is never executed. If you try to step over or into the method using GDB, debugging just seems to end, but without any explicit error message. The app continues to run, but the debugger provides no clue as to where in the code the execution is "stuck."
What's going on here? What is the app actually doing in this case, and why doesn't it crash with an NSInternalInconsistencyException or something of the like?
Edit: For those who have asked, I'm running XCode 4.1 on OS X Lion (10.7.2), building with "Apple LLVM compiler 2.1." I'm using all of the default settings you get with a new Cocoa project in XCode 4. I experience the same non-crashing behaviour regardless of whether I debug the program or just "Run" it. Changing from Debug building to Release building makes no difference. I can even locate the .app file manually in Finder and double click on it to execute it outside of XCode, and it still does not crash.
Exceptions do not crash AppKit programs. NSApplication installs a default exception handler that catches exceptions that your code doesn't. Then you just go back into the runloop as normal.
Lots of apps exhibit this behaviour. It's a common cause of inexplicable blank views/windows. If an exception happens before a view manages to finish drawing, the view will be blank, but the app won't crash. Exceptions only cause a crash if you deliberately change the default exception handler to crash.

CCLabelBMFont crashing due to a missing image message

I'm getting an exception saying that the image cannot be nil on this line:
CCLabelBMFont *label = [CCLabelBMFont labelWithString:#"5" fntFile:#"weaponnumbers.fnt"];
What am I doing wrong? Am I supposed to specify the PNG somewhere different? I have it at the root of the project.
-(CCTexture2D*) addImage: (NSString*) path
NSAssert(path != nil, #"TextureCache: fileimage MUST not be nill");
Is weaponnumbers.fnt included in your target? E.g. is it compiled into the project?
Also, I think it's unlikely you're getting an exception here - you're probably getting an exception somewhere inside one of the calls made by this call. Try breakpointing the line before, and using the "Step In" breakpoint tool to step through the call stack and find the true nature of the exception.
I find Cocos2D exceptions to be pretty self-explanatory, when you can eventually get down to the right level of where the exception is actually being thrown.
A delete add and clean fixed it.
NSString stringWithContentsOfFile failing with what seems to be the wrong error code