Why do I got error when I create 2 commands on SQL in vb.net - sql

Should I use using?
Private Sub btntest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btntest.Click
If sqlConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
Dim query = "Select * from tablebusiness"
Dim cmd = New MySqlCommand(query, sqlConnection)
Dim data = cmd.ExecuteReader()
Do While data.Read
Dim cmd1 = New MySqlCommand(query, sqlConnection)
Dim data1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader //Error. Already have data reader
//Error There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first.
Dim check = 1
End Sub

Although you have not let us know what the error is (which makes solving any problem much harder), I expect the issue is arising because you are trying to re-use the SqlConnection object for 2 different commands. Especially since you are not disposing your first command before initialising the second.
Firstly, use 2 different SqlConnection objects to manage the connection to the database. You are not putting any more overhead on the database or the code if you do this. Let the .NET framework connection pooling do its job - don't try to do it yourself. You don't need to do anything specific to enable connection pooling (although you can disable it by setting Pooling=false in your connection string).
Secondly use the using statement to correctly dispose your SqlConnection, SqlCommand, and SqlDataReader objects. e.g.
Using connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Using Command As New SqlCommand(query, connection)
Using reader As SqlDataReader = Command.ExecuteReader()
While reader.Read()
'Do Stuff'
End While
End Using
End Using
End Using

You have missed the parenthesis after cmd1.ExecuteReader. It should be cmd1.ExecuteReader().

You Need another Conncetion if you want both the datareaders to work simultaneously, else close/ dispose the previous command before using cmd1.ExecuteReader()


ComboBox.SelectedText Property and Database Error

This specific code ComboBox2.SelectedItem query has an error to my database. I think I'm missing something with this code ComboBox2.SelectedItem:
Private Sub UpdateCombo()
Dim Command As SqlClient.SqlCommand = SQLcon.CreateCommand()
Command.CommandText = "Select productName From tblProductsStocks"
Dim SQLReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = Command.ExecuteReader()
While SQLReader.Read()
End While
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox2.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim Command As SqlClient.SqlCommand = SQLcon.CreateCommand()
Command.CommandText = "Select * From tblProductsStocks WHERE productName=" & ComboBox2.SelectedItem
Dim SQLReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = Command.ExecuteReader()
TextBox1.Text = SQLReader.Item("productType")
TextBox2.Text = SQLReader.Item("productMass")
End Sub
Please turn on Option Strict. This is a 2 part process. First for the current project - In Solution Explorer double click My Project. Choose Compile on the left. In the Option Strict drop-down select ON. Second for future projects - Go to the Tools Menu -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VB Defaults. In the Option Strict drop-down select ON. This will save you from bugs at runtime.
Connections need to be disposed as well as closed to be returned to the connection pool. If there is an error, your code may not even close the connection. If you keep your database objects local, you can control that they are closed and disposed. Using...End Using blocks take care of this for you even if there is an error. In my code the Command is part of the Using block. Note the comma after the connection constructor.
You can pass the connection string directly to the constructor of the connection. Likewise pass the command text and the connection to the command constructor.
Use parameters. Not only does it avoids errors concatenating strings but it also avoids Sql injection. In your code, the selected item is meant to be a string but you have failed to add the surrounding single quotes. This is not needed when you use parameters. Command text is executable code to the server and a malicious user can enter things that would ruin you database. Parameters are considered as values by the server, not executable code so they are much safer.
Open the connection at the last possible moment, right before the .Execute... Connections are precious resources and need to be opened, closed and disposed as quickly as possible. The connection must be open as long as the reader is engaged. So I moved updating the user interface (the text boxes) to outside the using block.
Private Sub ComboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox2.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim String1 As String = ""
Dim String2 As String = ""
Using SQLcon As New SqlConnection("Your connection string"),
Command As New SqlCommand("Select * From tblProductsStocks WHERE productName= #producName", SQLcon)
'Check your database for the actual datatype and field size
Command.Parameters.Add("#productName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = ComboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString
Dim SQLReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = Command.ExecuteReader()
String1 = SQLReader.Item("productType").ToString
String2 = SQLReader.Item("productMass").ToString
End Using 'closes and disposes the connection and command
TextBox1.Text = String1
TextBox2.Text = String2
End Sub

Disposable class keeps reference

I'm using simple DataReader commands very often in my project.
To simplify it, I've created a function:
Public Function DataReaderFromCommand(ByRef uCn As SQLite.SQLiteConnection, ByVal uCommandText As String) As SQLite.SQLiteDataReader
Dim nCmdSel As SQLite.SQLiteCommand = uCn.CreateCommand
With nCmdSel
.CommandText = uCommandText
End With
Dim r As SQLite.SQLiteDataReader = nCmdSel.ExecuteReader
Return r
End Function
In my project I use it like this:
Using r As SQLite.SQLiteDataReader = DataReaderFromCommand(cnUser, "SELECT * FROM settings")
Do While r.Read
'do something
End Using'this should close the DataReader
In one case, I need to delete my database. However this fails with the error "File is locked by another process".
I tried to isolate the problem, and the locking occurs because of the function "DataReaderFromCommand".
Does anybody see what I'm doing wrong / what keeps the database locked?
I thought that after "End Using" of the datareader, the SQLiteCommand would also be disposed, so there are no further reference to the database.
You should probably be trying to do it this way:
Public Sub UsingDataReader(ByVal connectionString As String, ByVal commandText As String, ByVal action As Action(Of SQLite.SQLiteDataReader))
Using connection As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection(connectionString)
Using command As New SQLite.SQLiteCommand(commandText, connection)
Using reader = command.ExecuteReader()
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Then you can call the code like this:
UsingDataReader("/* your connection string here */", "SELECT * FROM settings", _
Sub (r)
Do While r.Read
'do something
End Sub)
This ensures that all of the disposable references are closed when the Sub has completed.
The first problem is that not all the disposables are being disposed of. We are assured that the connection passed to that helper is in a Using block, but the command also needs to be disposed of as it has a reference to the connection:
Dim cmd As New SQLiteCommand(sql, dbcon)
Even if you dont use the overloaded constructor, in order to work, somewhere you set the connection property. This illustrates one of the problems with such "DB helper" methods: the DBConnection, DBCommand and DBReader objects work together very closely, but they are created in different methods with different scopes and you can't normally see if everything is being cleaned up properly.
The code posted will always fail because that DBCommand object - and by extension the DBConnection - are not disposed. But even if you clean up properly, pooling will keep the DBConnection alive for a while as jmcilhinney explains. Here are 2 fixes:
Clear the Pool
Using dbcon As New SQLiteConnection(LiteConnStr),
cmd As New SQLiteCommand(sql, dbcon)
Dim n As Int32 = 0
Using rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader
While rdr.Read
' == DoSomething()
Console.WriteLine("{0} == {1}", n, rdr.GetString(0))
n += 1
End While
End Using
' Clears the connection pool associated with the connection.
' Any other active connections using the same database file will be
' discarded instead of returned to the pool when they are closed.
End Using
The dbCon and cmd objects are "stacked" into one Using statement to reduce indentation.
This will close and discard any and all connections in the pool, provided they have been Disposed - as well as any objects which reference them. If you use Dim cmd ... you will need to explicitly dispose of it.
Force Garbage Collection
I think this is much more ham-fisted, but it is included for completeness.
Using dbcon As New SQLiteConnection(LiteConnStr),
cmd As New SQLiteCommand(sql, dbcon)
Using rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader
End Using
End Using
This also works as long as everything has been properly disposed of. I prefer not to mess with GC unless absolutely necessary. The issue here is that clean up will not be limited to DBProvider objects but anything which has been disposed and is awaiting GC.
Yet a third workaround would be to turn off pooling, but you would still have to dispose of everything.
You are going to need to also close your cnUser connection to the database.
Closing/disposing the reader does not necessarily close/dispose the open connection.

How to close database connection?

I'm having a problem in project of mine in VB.NET. The problem is whenever I want to save, delete or update data with an Access database I get an error with a message saying that "not allowed to change the connection string property. connection's current state is open".
I have used If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then con.Close() End If
command using finally in every section where I have called the database.
But still I'm having the same problem. What am I doing wrong?
Use the "USING"-Keyword. Exiting a using block calls .Dispose() on the object which for a SqlConnection will close the connection and any open resources.
Using connection As New SqlConnection(connection)
Dim command As New SqlCommand("Select * From dbo.table1",connection)
End Using
Module Module1
Public Sub DbConnection()
Dim connectionString as String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=yourServerAddress;Initial Catalog=university.mdb;
Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Using connection as New Sqlconnection(connectionstring)
Dim command As New SqlCommand("Select * From dbo.table1",connection)
End Using
End Sub
End Module

IS it OK to use a class for connecting to my SQL Server database?

I have a public class called dbOPS that has some subs and functions like:
Public Function getSqlReader(ByVal sql As String) As SqlDataReader
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, getConn)
cmd.CommandTimeout = 360
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Return dr
End Function
Public Function getSqlScalar(ByVal sql As String)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, getConn)
cmd.CommandTimeout = 360
Dim cnt = cmd.ExecuteScalar
Return cnt
End Function
Public Sub ExecuteSql(ByVal sql As String)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, getConn)
cmd.CommandTimeout = 360
End Sub
I then use the following command once per page and use the db variable many (many) times throughout the page:
Dim db as new dbOPS
Recently, I have started getting many errors
ExecuteScalar requires an open and available connection. the connection's current state is connecting
Is this the cause?
Is there any way around it without rewriting every page and every command to open its own connection?
It's probably best to detect the connection and reopen them just in case it is not open prior to executing the command.
If (cmd.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) Then
Do this as part of your helper methods.

SqlDataReader vb.net keep connection open

I am using this code to get data:
Dim connetionString As String
Dim connection As SqlConnection
Dim sqlq As String
sqlq = "select top 1 * from table1 where smth"
Dim ds As New DataSet
connetionString = "Data Source=db;Initial Catalog=ic;User ID=id;Password=pass"
connection = New SqlConnection(connetionString)
Using connection
Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlq, connection)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
If reader.HasRows Then
Do While reader.Read()
x = reader.GetString(5)
End If
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
This type of connection (with different sqlq [query]) I use a lot in diffenrent functions and every time I close the connection. I want to optimize it so it would take less time to get data. How do I do that?
It is best practise to always dispose/close a connection as soon as you're finished with it. Actually the connection-pool will not close the underlying physical connection but only flag this connection as reusable if it is closed. So if you don't close a connection it cannot be reused, hence the pool needs to create a new physical connection which is very expensive.
So only some minor improvements:
Const sql = "select top 1 * from table1 where smth"
Dim table As New DataTable()
Using con = New SqlConnection("Data Source=db;Init ....")
Using command = New SqlCommand(sql, con)
Using da= New SqlDataAdapter(command)
End Using
End Using
End Using
You should use Using for any object implementing IDisposable. You should not use an empty Catch block.
Use connection pooling instead.
By default as long as the connection string is the same, connections will be taken from the same connection pool.
Shortly connection pool keeps not needed connections open, and return that connections on the next request, so you don't need to think about the time it take to open connection.
Keeping connections open for longer than you needed is bad idea, because it costs resources, and in general some servers can accept limited connections.