When to use NSNotificationCenter - objective-c

I want to have multiple observers on multiple events of a single object (1-to-N relationship).
A mechanism to achieve this task is provided by the NSNotificationCenter. The mechanism looks pretty overkill when used for my problem.
How I would do it manually without the use of NSNotificationCenter:
- (void)addDelegate:(id<DelegateProtocol>)delegate;
- (void)removeDelegate:(id<DelegateProtocol>)delegate;
to add and remove observers from my object.
- (void)someEventFired:(NSObject<NSCopying> *)eventData
for (id delegate in delegates) {
NSObject *data = [eventData copy];
[delegate someEventFired:data];
This mechanism is straight-forward and simple to implement without the objects having to share additional strings.
Is there an official pattern for 1-to-N delegates (like C# events) in an iOS framework besides the NSNotificationCenter?
When should the NSNotificationCenter be used and when not?
When should an implementation like the one I am suggesting here be used and when not?

By convention, delegates should probably only be used for 1:1 relationships. If you really need 1:N relationships for this type of functionality, you have two options:
As you mentioned, NSNotificationCenter.
Key-Value Observing (also known as KVO).
KVO is appropriate if you only care about when a particular property of an object changes. Otherwise, you should really just consider using NSNotificationCenter. You can even be notified only when a specific object posts that notification by passing that object into the addObserver:selector:name:object: method.
Apple uses NSNotification in similar scenarios (like the notifications defined for UITextField, including UITextFieldTextDidBeginEditingNotification, UITextFieldTextDidChangeNotification, and UITextFieldTextDidEndEditingNotification).

using notifications is broadcasting: 1 sender just sends an information and who ever tuned in, receives it. Petty much like a radio station, there is no channel back (lets for the moment forget about telephones)
delegation is something different. Th object, that asks a deleagte to do something, usually needs a result of that request, there fore delegation is a 1-to-1 communication, that is always initiated by the object, not the delegate (while the object can have methods that can be called to inform the object to initiate the communication, ie [tableView reloadData]).
So if the sender needs to get data back, it is delegation. If the sender doesn't care about anything after broadcasting, go with notifications.
If you run into the situation, that you need delegation, but several objects should implement the protocol. you should have 1 delegate, that hold references to the other objects and calls the methods on the senders behalf — or you could go with blocks.

NSNotificationCenter is not overkill for what you are suggesting, it is exactly the right solution. It prevents the observed object having to know or care about its observers, making your code more loosely coupled and cleaner.
Sharing strings for notification names is trivial and they can be defined in either a shared constants file or in the header of the observed object, if your observers need to import this header to do their jobs.

Your proposed solution is neither simpler than using NSNotificationCenter nor is it thread safe.
To make your solution thread safe, you would need to provide a mechanism to prevent the delegates array from changing while the event dispatch for loop is running.
Your solution also requires that you maintain the delegates array in your class. With the NotificationCenter you can simply use the default center and you don't need to implement the add/remove methods in your class. Instead, instances can register themselves to receive notifications as they see best fit (selector/block, queue, source). Your source class doesn't have to worry about those details. It only needs to register itself as a source of notifications of a specified type. Using blocks to handle notifications is really convenient.
An alternative to the notification center is to use Key-Value-Observing if that meets the needs of your use case.
Ultimately, the mechanism you decide to use depends on how best it applies to your specific use case.

A 1-to-N delegate relationship doesn't make sense. Have a look at
- (NSView *)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row
for example. What if this object really had n delegates? How should it decide which of the n views it gets back from all its delegates should be used? Delegates are exactly this 1-to-1 principle.
The NSNotificationCenter is the right approach. Simply use
This is definitely not too much code. And it's very easy for you as the center handles all calls.

You don't want to use NSNotificationCenter for anything other than system-wide events (e.g. the appearance of the keyboard or some similar event). The reason is that it is completely not type-safe, can make everything dependent on everything and that you get no compile time checks or usage search results anymore.
KVO in my opinion should not be used to observe changes outside of the object you're listening to since it has similar down sides (no compile time checks, crashes if you don't remove listeners properly or register them twice).
The addDelegate/removeDelegate pattern that you pose is completely the right path in my opinion since that has the advantage of maintaining type-safety and compiler checks and makes dependencies explicit. The only problem is that Apple doesn't supply an out-of-the-box solution for this pattern, since you need a collection type that weakly retains its elements to avoid retain cycles.
However, see code from my BMCommons framework which solves this problem neatly using BMNullableArray and macros. See the BMCore.h header for a definition of those macros:
The implementation ensures that the same listener will never be added twice and also that listeners are weakly retained, not causing any crash even if they forget to deregister themselves upon deallocation (although I prefer to catch this condition with an assert since it is a programming mistake).

I say NSNotificationCenter should ALWAYS be used, over the delegate model, except in situations where you query a delegate on information (e.g. -webView:shouldLoadRequest:). It is more stable, easier to implement, and results in cleaner code then trying to use a delegate. The other alternative is blocks, which can be good, but they can be a pain when it comes to memory-managment.
In the end, it's up to you, but I think that NSNotificationCenter is the best way to go in almost any situation, if only for the multiple observer functionality.


Selectors or Blocks for callbacks in an Objective-C library

We're developing a custom EventEmitter inspired message system in Objective-C. For listeners to provide callbacks, should we require blocks or selectors and why?
Which would you rather use, as a developer consuming a third party library? Which seems most in line with Apple's trajectory, guidelines and practices?
We're developing a brand new iOS SDK in Objective-C which other third parties will use to embed functionality into their app. A big part of our SDK will require the communication of events to listeners.
There are five patterns I know of for doing callbacks in Objective-C, three of which don't fit:
NSNotificationCenter - can't use because it doesn't guarantee the order observers will be notified and because there's no way for observers to prevent other observers from receiving the event (like stopPropagation() would in JavaScript).
Key-Value Observing - doesn't seem like a good architectural fit since what we really have is message passing, not always "state" bound.
Delegates and Data Sources - in our case, there usually will be many listeners, not a single one which could rightly be called the delegate.
And two of which that are contenders:
Selectors - under this model, callers provide a selector and a target which are collectively invoked to handle an event.
Blocks - introduced in iOS 4, blocks allow functionality to be passed around without being bound to an object like the observer/selector pattern.
This may seem like an esoteric opinion question, but I feel there is an objective "right" answer that I am simply too inexperienced in Objective-C to determine. If there's a better StackExchange site for this question, please help me by moving it there.
UPDATE #1 — April 2013
We chose blocks as the means of specifying callbacks for our event handlers. We're largely happy with this choice and don't plan to remove block-based listener support. It did have two notable drawbacks: memory management and design impedance.
Memory Management
Blocks are most easily used on the stack. Creating long-lived blocks by copying them onto the heap introduces interesting memory management issues.
Blocks which make calls to methods on the containing object implicitly boost self's reference count. Suppose you have a setter for the name property of your class, if you call name = #"foo" inside a block, the compiler treats this as [self setName:#"foo"] and retains self so that it won't be deallocated while the block is still around.
Implementing an EventEmitter means having long-lived blocks. To prevent the implicit retain, the user of the emitter needs to create a __block reference to self outside of the block, ex:
__block *YourClass this = self;
[emitter on:#"eventName" callBlock:...
[this setName:#"foo"];...
The only problem with this approach is that this may be deallocated before the handler is invoked. So users must unregister their listeners when being deallocated.
Design Impedance
Experienced Objective-C developers expect to interact with libraries using familiar patterns. Delegates are a tremendously familiar pattern, and so canonical developers expect to use it.
Fortunately, the delegate pattern and block-based listeners are not mutually exclusive. Although our emitter must be able to be handle listeners from many places (having a single delegate won't work) we could still expose an interface which would allow developers to interact with the emitter as though their class was the delegate.
We haven't implemented this yet, but we probably will based on requests from users.
UPDATE #2 — October 2013
I'm no longer working on the project that spawned this question, having quite happily returned to my native land of JavaScript.
The smart developers who took over this project decided correctly to retire our custom block-based EventEmitter entirely.
The upcoming release has switched to ReactiveCocoa.
This gives them a higher level signaling pattern than our EventEmitter library previously afforded, and allows them to encapsulate state inside of signal handlers better than our block-based event handlers or class-level methods did.
Personally, I hate using delegates. Because of how objective-C is structured, It really clutters code up If I have to create a separate object / add a protocol just to be notified of one of your events, and I have to implement 5/6. For this reason, I prefer blocks.
While they (blocks) do have their disadvantages (e.x. memory management can be tricky). They are easily extendable, simple to implement, and just make sense in most situations.
While apple's design structures may use the sender-delegate method, this is only for backwards compatibility. More recent Apple APIs have been using blocks (e.x. CoreData), because they are the future of objective-c. While they can clutter code when used overboard, it also allows for simpler 'anonymous delegates', which is not possible in objective C.
In the end though, it really boils down to this:
Are you willing to abandon some older, more dated platforms in exchange for using blocks vs. a delegate? One major advantage of a delegate is that it is guaranteed to work in any version of the objc-runtime, whereas blocks are a more recent addition to the language.
As far as NSNotificationCenter/KVO is concerned, they are both useful, and have their purposes, but as a delegate, they are not intended to be used. Neither can send a result back to the sender, and for some situations, that is vital (-webView:shouldLoadRequest: for example).
I think the right thing to do is to implement both, use it as a client, and see what feels most natural. There are advantages to both approaches, and it really depends on the context and how you expect the SDK to be used.
The primary advantage of selectors is simple memory management--as long as the client registers and unregisters correctly, it doesn't need to worry about memory leaks. With blocks, memory management can get complex, depending on what the client does inside the block. It's also easier to unit test the callback method. Blocks can certainly be written to be testable, but it's not common practice from what I've seen.
The primary advantage of blocks is flexibility--the client can easily reference local variables without making them ivars.
So I think it just depends on the use case--there is no "objective right answer" to such a general design question.
Great writeup!
Coming from writing lots of JavaScript, event-driven programming feels way cleaner than having delegates back and forth, in my personal opinion.
Regarding the memory-managing aspect of listeners, my attempt at solving this (drawing heavily from Mike Ash's MAKVONotificationCenter), swizzles both the caller and emitter's dealloc implementation (as seen here) in order to safely remove listeners in both ways.
I'm not entirely sure how safe this approach is, but the idea is to try it 'til it breaks.
A thing about a library is, that you can only to some extend anticipate, how it will be used. so you need to provide a solution, that is as simple and open as possible — and familiar to the users.
For me all this fits best to delegation. Although you are right, that it can only have on listener (delegate), this means no limitation, as the user can write a class as delegate, that knows about all desired listeners and informs them. Of course you can provide a registering class. that will call the delegate methods on all registered objects.
Blocks are as good.
what you name selectors is called target/action and simple yet powerful.
KVO seems to be a not optimal solution for me as-well, as it would possibly weaken encapsulation, or lead to a wrog mental model of how using your library's classes.
NSNotifications are nice to inform about certain events, but the users should not be forced to use them, as they are quite informal. and your classes wont be able to know, if there is someone tuned-in.
some useful thoughts on API-Design: http://mattgemmell.com/2012/05/24/api-design/

Avoiding coupling in a document-based Cocoa app?

I'm new to Mac programming and I'm working on a document-based application.
My NSDocument subclass creates a NSWindowController subclass. This window controller creates two NSViewController subclasses as well.
Sometimes, a change in one of the views of a NSViewController needs to notify the NSDocument and/or the main model class. Also, a change in the model needs to be notified to every/some view(s).
My question is: what is the best approach so that there is no (or minimum) coupling? I know there are several choices, but I'm not sure which one suits best for my application as I'm newbie not to programming but to Cocoa and especially NSDocument:
KVO. Looks nice and easy to implement, but I don't like the idea of not explicitly notifying the observer(s) about a change (AFAIK, self.someProperty = newValue does automagically notify observers), and don't like the fact that you have to register to property names which could change in time.
Notifications. I know what they are and I've used them for iOS. But I've read somewhere that they are not guaranteed to be sent immediately to observers. Is it true? If not, do you see them as a good approach for a document-based app?
Delegates. Yes, under normal conditions (or what I've usually seen), a class has one delegate. But creating an array of delegates works as well (just tested it). The problem I see here is that every time I need to notify the delegates I have to loop through them, make sure they respond to a method, and call that method.
Are there any other alternatives I'm missing?
KVO by a controller class is the most common way to do coupling between a model and its view(s). In fact, Cocoa Bindings, which are intended to mostly eliminate code in the controller layer, are based on KVO. It is true that KVO/KVC relies on property names, and that if those change, you'll have to change the bindings or KVO setup connecting your view. However, it's not usually feasible to make your views completely unaware of the underlying model specifics, so I don't see this as a problem.
My recommendation would be to use Cocoa Binding where you can, as they eliminate a lot of glue code. In places where they can't be used, your controllers (the middle layer in MVC) should use KVO to observe model changes and update the appropriate views. Changes in the views can be passed back to the model via property accessors and/or KVC by the controllers.
Yes, under normal conditions (or what I've usually seen), a class has
one delegate. But creating an array of delegates works as well (just
tested it).
Delegates are often used to modify the behavior of the delegating object. An application delegate is a good example: NSApplication by itself isn't very interesting; it relies on its delegate to define the interesting behavior of the application. Having multiple delegates all trying to modify the behavior of a single object could be a problem if the various delegates conflict with each other. What do you do if the delegates disagree?
There are some cases in Cocoa where a class uses more than one delegate, but each one has a separate role. For example, NSTableView has both a delegate and a data source, but both are really delegates of a sort.
The problem I see here is that every time I need to notify the
delegates I have to loop through them, make sure they respond to a
method, and call that method.
That's not hard to solve. For example, you could create an NSInvocation to encapsulate the call, and then send the invocation to each "delegate." However, if you do that you'll have nearly reinvented the notification system. If you need the one-to-many communication that you'd get with your multiple delegates proposal, you'll probably be better off using notifications or KVO.

NSProxy and Key Value Observing

NSProxy seems to work very well as stand-in objects for those that don't yet exist. For example.
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)sel {
return [self.target methodSignatureForSelector:sel];
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation {
[invocation invokeWithTarget:self.target];
The above code will transparently pass any method invocation to the target that the proxy represents. However, it doesn't seem to handle KVO observations and notifications on the target. I tried to use a NSProxy subclass as standing for objects to be passed to NSTableView, but I'm getting the following error.
Cannot update for observer <NSAutounbinderObservance 0x105889dd0> for
the key path "objectValue.status" from <NSTableCellView 0x105886a80>,
most likely because the value for the key "objectValue" has changed
without an appropriate KVO notification being sent. Check the
KVO-compliance of the NSTableCellView class.
Is there a way to make transparent NSProxy that is KVO compliant?
The crux of the issue is that the guts of Key-Value Observing lives in NSObject, and NSProxy doesn't inherit from NSObject. I'm reasonably confident that any approach will require the NSProxy object to keep its own list of observances (i.e. what outside folks are hoping to observe about it.) This alone would add considerable weight to your NSProxy implementation.
Observe the target
It looks like you've already tried having observers of the proxy actually observe the real object -- in other words, if the target were always populated, and you simply forwarded all invocations to the target, you would also be forwarding addObserver:... and removeObserver:... calls. The problem with this is that you started out by saying:
NSProxy seems to work very well as stand-in objects for those that
don't yet exist
For completeness, I'll describe some of the guts of this approach and why it can't work (at least for the general case):
In order for this to work, your NSProxy subclass would have to collect invocations of the registration methods that were called before the target was set, and then pass them through to the target when it gets set. This quickly gets hairy when you consider that you must also process removals; you wouldn't want to add an observation that was subsequently removed (since the observing object could have been dealloc'ed). You also probably don't want your method of tracking observations to retain any of the observers, lest this create unintended retain cycles. I see the following possible transitions in target value that would need to be handled
Target was nil on init, becomes non-nil later
Target was set non-nil, becomes nil later
Target was set non-nil, then changes to another non-nil value
Target was nil (not on init), becomes non-nil later
...and we run into problems right away in case #1. We would probably be all right here if the KVO observer only observed objectValue (since that will always be your proxy), but say an observer has observed a keyPath that goes through your proxy/real-object, say objectValue.status. This means that the KVO machinery will have called valueForKey: objectValue on the target of the observation and gotten your proxy back, then it will call valueForKey: status on your proxy and will have gotten nil back. When the target becomes non-nil, KVO will have considered that value to have changed out from under it (i.e. not KVO compliant) and you'll get that error message you quoted. If you had a way to temporarily force the target to return nil for status, you could turn that behavior on, call -[target willChangeValueForKey: status], turn the behavior off, then call -[target didChangeValueForKey: status]. Anyway, we can stop here at case #1 because they have the same pitfalls:
nil won't do anything if you call willChangeValueForKey: on it (i.e. the KVO machinery will never know to update its internal state during a transition to or from nil)
forcing any target object to have a mechanism whereby it will temporarily lie and return nil from valueForKey: for all keys seems like a pretty onerous requirement, when the stated desire was a "transparent proxy".
what does it even mean to call setValue:forKey: on a proxy with a nil target? do we keep those values around? waiting for the real target? do we throw? Huge open issue.
One possible modification to this approach would be to use a surrogate target when the real target is nil, perhaps an empty NSMutableDictionary, and forward KVC/KVO invocations to the surrogate. This would solve the problem of not being able to meaningfully call willChangeValueForKey: on nil. All that said, assuming you've maintained your list of observations, I'm not optimistic that KVO will tolerate the following sequence that would be involved with setting the target here in case #1:
outside observer calls -[proxy addObserver:...], proxy forwards to dictionary surrogate
proxy calls -[surrogate willChangeValueForKey:] because target is being set
proxy calls -[surrogate removeObserver:...] on surrogate
proxy calls -[newTarget addObserver:...] on new target
proxy calls -[newTarget didChangeValueForKey:] to balance call #2
It's not clear to me that this won't also lead to the same error. This whole approach is really shaping up to be a hot mess, isn't it?
I did have a couple alternate ideas, but #1 is fairly trivial and #2 and #3 aren't simple enough or confidence-inspiring enough to make me want to burn the time to code them up. But, for posterity, how about:
1. Use NSObjectController for your proxy
Sure, it gums up your keyPaths with an extra key to get through the controller, but this is sort of NSObjectController's whole reason for being, right? It can have nil content, and will handle all the observation set up and tear-down. It doesn't achieve the goal of a transparent, invocation forwarding proxy, but for example, if the goal is to have a stand-in for some asynchronously generated object, it would probably be fairly straightforward to have the asynchronous generation operation deliver the final object to the controller. This is probably the lowest-effort approach, but doesn't really address the 'transparent' requirement.
2. Use an NSObject subclass for your proxy
NSProxy's primary feature isn't that it has some magic in it -- the primary feature is that it doesn't have (all) the NSObject implementation in it. If you're willing to go to the effort to override all NSObject behaviors that you don't want, and shunt them back around into your forwarding mechanism, you can end up with the same net value provided by NSProxy but with the KVO support mechanism left in place. From there, it's a matter of your proxy watching all the same key paths on the target that were observed on it, and then rebroadcasting willChange... and didChange... notifications from the target so that outside observers see them as coming from your proxy.
...and now for something really crazy:
3. (Ab)Use the runtime to bring the NSObject KVC/KVO behavior into your NSProxy subclass
You can use the runtime to get the method implementations related to KVC and KVO from NSObject (i.e. class_getMethodImplementation([NSObject class], #selector(addObserver:...))), and then you can add those methods (i.e. class_addMethod([MyProxy class], #selector(addObserver:...), imp, types)) to your proxy subclass.
This will likely lead to a guess-and-check process of figuring out all the private/internal methods on NSObject that the public KVO methods call, and then adding those to the list of methods that you wholesale over. It seems logical to assume that the internal data structures that maintain KVO observances would not be maintained in ivars of NSObject (NSObject.h indicates no ivars -- not that that means anything these days) since that would mean that every NSObject instance would pay the space price. Also, I see a lot of C functions in stack traces of KVO notifications. I think you could probably get to a point where you had brought in enough functionality for the NSProxy to be a first-class participant in KVO. From that point forward, this solution looks like the NSObject based solution; you observe the target and rebroadcast the notifications as if they came from you, additionally faking up willChange/didChange notifications around any changes to the target. You might even be able to automate some of this in your invocation forwarding mechanism by setting a flag when you enter any of the KVO public API calls, and then attempting to bring over all methods called on you until you clear the flag when the public API call returns -- the hitch there would be trying to guarantee that bringing over those methods didn't otherwise ruin the transparency of your proxy.
Where I suspect this will fall down is in the mechanism whereby KVO creates dynamic subclasses of your class at runtime. The details of that mechanism are opaque, and would probably lead to another long train of figuring out private/internal methods to bring in from NSObject. In the end, this approach is also completely fragile, lest any of the internal implementation details change.
...in conclusion
In the abstract, the problem boils down to the fact that KVO expects a coherent, knowable, consistently updated (via notifications) state across it's key space. (Add "mutable" to that list if you want to support -setValue:forKey: or editable bindings.) Barring dirty tricks, being first class participants means being NSObjects. If one of those steps in the chain implements it's functionality by calling through to some other internal state, that's its prerogative, but it'll be responsible for fulfilling all its obligations for KVO compliance.
For that reason, I posit that if any of these solutions are worth the effort, I'd put my money on the "using an NSObject as the proxy and not NSProxy." So to get to the exact nature of your question, there may be a way to make an NSProxy subclass that is KVO compliant, but it hardly seems like it would worth it.
I don't have the exact same use case (no bindings) of OP but mine was similar: I am creating an NSProxy subclass that presents itself as another object that is actually loaded from a server. During the load, other objects can subscribe to the proxy and the proxy will forward the KVO as soon as the object arrives.
There is a simple NSArray property in the proxy that records all observers. Until the real object is loaded, the proxy returns nil in valueForKey:. When the realObject arrives, the proxy calls addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context: on the real object and then, through the magic of the runtime, walks through all properties of realObject and does this:
id old = object_getIvar(realObject, backingVar);
object_setIvar(realObject, backingVar, nil);
[realObject willChangeValueForKey:propertyName];
object_setIvar(realObject, backingVar, old);
[realObject didChangeValueForKey:propertyName];
This seems to work, at least I haven't gotten any KVO compliance errors yet. It does make sense though, first all properties are nil and then they change from nil to the actual value. It is all like ipmcc said in his first statement above, so this post is just a confirmation! Note that the second surrogate that he proposed actually isn't needed, you just have to keep track of observers yourself.

Your opinion of this alternative to notifications and delegates: Signals?

SO is telling me this question is subjective and likely to be closed. It is indeed subjective, because I'm asking for the opinion of experienced Objective-C developers. Should I post this somewhere else? Please advise.
Fairly new to Objective-C, though fairly confident in the concept of writing OOP code, I've been struggling with the NSNotification vs Delegate dilemma from the start. I've posted a few questions about that subject alone. I do get the gist, I think. Notifications are broadcasted globally, so shouldn't be used for notifying closely related objects. Delegates exist to hand over tasks to other object, that act on behalf of the delegated object. While this can be used for closely related objects, I find the workflow to be verbose (new class, new protocol, etc), and the word "delegation" alone makes me think of armies and bosses and in general makes me feel uneasy.
Where I come from (AS3) there are things called Events. They're halfway between delegates and NSNotifications and pretty much ruled the world of flash notifying, until fairly recently, a Mr. Robert Penner came along and expressed his dissatisfaction with events. He therefore wrote a library that is now widely used in the AS3 community, called Signals. Inspired by C# events and Signals/Slots in Qt, these signals are actually properties of objects, that you access from the outside and add listeners to. There's much more you can do with a signal, but at it's core, that's it.
Because the concept is so humble, I gave it a go and wrote my own signal class in Objective-C. I've gisted Signal.h/.m here.
A way to use this for notifying class A of an event in class B could look like this:
// In class b, assign a Signal instance to a retained property:
self.awesomeThingHappened = [[[Signal alloc] init] autorelease];
// In class a, owner of class b, listen to the signal:
[b.awesomeThingHappened add:self withSelector:#selector(reactToAwesomeThing)];
// And when something actually happens, you dispatch the signal in class b:
[self.awesomeThingHappened dispatch];
// You might even pass along a userInfo dictionary, your selector should match:
[self.awesomeThingHappened dispatchWithUserInfo:userInfo];
I hope it adheres to the right memory management rules, but when the signal deallocs, it should automatically remove all listeners and pass away silently. A signal like this isn't supposed to be a generic replacement of notification and delegation, but there are lot's of close counter situations where I feel a Signal is cleaner than the other two.
My question for stackoverflow is what do you think of a solution like this? Would you instantly erase this from your project if one of your interns puts it in? Would you fire your employee if he already finished his internship? Or is there maybe already something similar yet much grander out there that you'd use instead?
Thanks for your time, EP.
EDIT: Let me give a concrete example of how I used this in an iOS project.
Consider this scenario of four object types with nested ownership. There's a view controller owning a window manager, owning several windows, each owning a view with controls, among which a close button. There's probably a design flaw in here, but that's not the point of the example :P
Now when the close button is tapped, a gesture recognizer fires the first selector in the window object. This needs to notify the window manager that it's closing. The window manager may then decide whether another window appears, or whether the windows stay hidden alltogether, at which point the view controller needs to get a bump to enable scrolling on the main view.
The notifications from window to window manager, and from window manager to view controller are the ones I've now implemented with Signals. This might have been a case of delegation, but for just a 'close' action, it seemed so verbose to create two delegate protocols. On the other hand, because the coupling of these objects is very well defined, it also didn't seem like a case for NSNotifications. There's also not really a value change that I could observe with KVO, because it's just a button tap. Listening to some kind of 'hidden' state would only make me have to reset that flag when reopening a window, which makes it harder to understand and a little error prone.
Alright, after marinating the answers and comments for a bit, I think I have come to a conclusion that the Signal class I borrowed from AS3, has very little reason for existence in Objective-C/Cocoa. There are several patterns in Cocoa that cover the ranges of use that I was thinking of covering with the Signal class. This might seem very trivial to more experienced Cocoa developers, but it for me it was hard to get the spectrum complete.
I've tried to put it down fairly concisely, but please correct me if I have them wrong.
Used only for notifying your application of user interaction (touches, mostly). From what I've seen and read, there's no way to 'borrow' the target-action system for your own use
KVO (key value observing)
Very useful for receiving notifications when values change in accessible objects. Not so useful for notifying specific events that have no value attached to them, like timer events or interface followup events.
Very useful for receiving notifications when values change or other events happen in less-accessible objects. Due to the broadcast nature of the notification center, this is less suitable for cases where objects have a direct reference to another.
Takes the most lines of code compared to the other three, but is also most suitable when the other three are not. Use this one when one object should be notified of specific events in the other. Delegates should not be abused for just accessing methods of the owner object. Stick to methods like 'should', 'will' and 'did'.
It was a fun experiment, but I mostly used this for classic delegation situations. I also used it to circumvent linked delegates (c delegate of b, b delegate of a, where a starts the event that should make it to c) without wanting to resort to NSNotification.
I still think there should be a more elegant solution for this edge case, but for now I'll
just stick to the existing frameworks. If anyone has a correction or another notification concept, please let me know. Thanks for your help!
It's an interesting idea, but I guess I don't see what makes it dramatically different from Cocoa's notification center. Compare and contrast:
self.awesomeThingHappened = [[[Signal alloc] init] autorelease]; // Your signals library
// Cocoa notifications (no equivalent code)
[b.awesomeThingHappened add:self withSelector:#selector(reactToAwesomeThing)]; // Your signals library
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
object:n]; // Cocoa notifications
[self.awesomeThingHappened dispatch]; // Your signals library
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"AwesomeThingHappened"
object:self]; // Cocoa notifications
[self.awesomeThingHappened dispatchWithUserInfo:userInfo]; // Your signals library
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"AwesomeThingHappened"
userInfo:userInfo]; // Cocoa notifications
So, okay. I don't think you're trying to say that, line-for-line, a Signals library for Cocoa is different; rather, the argument goes that it terms of coupling, it isn't as tight as delegates, but not as loose as notifications. To that end, I guess I wonder how necessary it is? I guess I can see somewhat of a need to say "this object 'A' relies heavily on 'B', but doesn't need to be coupled all that closely", but to be honest, that seems like somewhat rare situation.
At any rate, NSNotificationCenter and its ilk, as well as delegates, are pretty standard in Cocoa apps. I always use the rule of thumb that if you deviate from a standard, even a de facto standard, you should have a good reason. If you have a good reason for using neither NSNotificationCenter nor delegates, then you might have a good reason to use this Signals setup. (And as an aside, I'm hesitant to associate notifications and delegates -- they each have a role and exist for different reasons.)
It's hard to say more without a specific use case. I'm inclined to say, "Hey, it looks cool in a geeky way, but it looks like it fills a role already served by notifications." Do you have any specific use cases you could cite?
What do you think of a solution like this?
I don't really see what the benefit is. To me, it seems like a combination of target/action+notifications (you can have multiple target/actions for a single notification event, but the t/a pair is registered with the object itself as opposed to a global notification center). In fact, it's more like key-value-observing that way, except that KVO is limited to observable properties.
Would you instantly erase this from your project if one of your interns puts it in?
No. It's not bad code. In fact, it seems kinda neat. But I just don't see an obvious benefit to it.
Would you fire your employee if he already finished his internship?
Of course not. You don't fire people for writing good code.
Is there maybe already something similar yet much grander out there that you'd use instead?
If you really wanted to make this neat, change the API to use blocks instead. Then you could do:
[object dispatchOnAwesomeThingHappened:^{
NSLog(#"holy cow, something awesome just happened!");
Again, however, you'd be limited to reacting to stuff that the objects explicitly "dispatch". It would be much neater if you could attach stuff to immediately before and/or after any arbitrary method call. If you're interested in that, then I'd check out Aspect Objective-C on github.
I think that there is a gap between NSNotifications and Delegates. And KVO has the worst API in all of Cocoa.
As for NSNotificationCenter here are some of its problems:
it's prone to typos
it's hard to track observers of a given object, therefore hard to debug
it's very verbose
you can only pass notification data in a dictionary, which means you can't use weak references, or structs unless you wrap them. (see: very verbose)
doesn't play nice with GCD: limited support for queues (only blocks)
So there is definitely a need for something better.
I created my own observable class which I use on every project. Another alternative is to use ReactiveCocoa's RACSignal.

NSNotification concept - what piece of code goes where?

Part of me thinks I understand the NSNotification concept. It's a centralized broadcast system with string based notifications. Post on one side, observe on one or multiple other sides and act accordingly. Another part of me though, the part that has to write the code, gets confused every time I need a notification. What piece of code goes into which header/implementation, what files actually do the observing and how do I keep it from becoming a mess? Time to straighten it out, will you help me verify these assumptions? I'm fairly confident up to number 4, but number 5 hits the confusion jackpot.
NSNotifications are created with help from the [NSNotification defaultCenter], one does not alloc/init a NSNotification. Correct?
The object performing the postNofification feat always passes self into the posting code: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"note name" object:self]. Correct?
Event bubbling exists in other languages, but not in Objective-C with NSNotification. You don't pass along notifications, you make the notification name specific enough for the global broadcast. Correct?
If you still want to pass along a notification posted by object A, you observe it in B, handle it and post a new, more specific notification for object C to observe. Eg. #"MenuItemTapped" from A to B, and #"NavigateTo" from B to C. Correct?
The name of a notification is a NSString. Because both the poster and the observer want to avoid typos, we store the NSString constant in a [extern const|define|class method|none of the above]. Could you help me pick one?
One attempt was to create something like a NotificationNames.h file, which would contain all the extern NSString *const NOTE_NAME declarations. Yet that undermines the portability of a notification.
Another attempt was to subclass NSNotification (with an XCode template to keep the creation fast), but because this concept is taken from subclassing the Event-class in AS3, it seemed very un-objective-c-ish. There's also the weirdness that you can't call [super init] on a NSNotification, so things started to get out of hand.
My troubles with this one arise from the cumbersome #import statements. How to minimize typo's, yet keep the constants/defines portable?
You've mostly got it. Your numbers 1-3 are generally correct.
You shouldn't ever need to alloc your own NSNotification object.
You generally pass "self" as the "object" of the notification as you say, but you could also pass something else in if you are notifying "on behalf of" something else, conceptually. But that would be less common case.
Notifications aren't the same as "events" in the UI. Cocoa does have events; they are mouse/keyboard/touch events, and they do "bubble" up the "responder chain" through the UI objects. Notifications are a totally independent mechanism that is not tied to UI, and it is used for generally global broadcast among otherwise decoupled/independent objects. It's more akin to having multiple delegates for an object.
Yes, you should define the name of the notification somewhere that everyone who uses it can see. In Cocoa itself, this is usually a public header with a declaration like extern NSString *const UIKeyboardDidShowNotification. In some private implementation file is the definition.
A special note regarding your #4 above. Think of notifications as notifications, not as instructions. They usually capture state changes or broadly interesting events. "MenuItemTapped" is a reasonable thing to notify about, but "NavigateTo" usually isn't, because the implication is that you're telling some specific object to navigate somewhere. If that's the case, that object should probably be a delegate (or should be a property) of the thing that wants the navigation, and you should cause it to happen directly. This isn't a requirement, of course, and you can use the mechanism for whatever you want. But the Cocoa design patterns generally don't use notifications for "telling objects what to do", only for "telling whoever cares what will/did happen". Make sense?
Finally, specifically re: your examples in #4-- those sound like genuine UI events, and seem like the whole thing could be handled via delegation, unless there's some reason why those objects need to be so decoupled.
You can directly create NSNotification objects if you so wish. postNotificationName:object: is just a convenience method that creates, configures and posts a notification object for you.
You can pass any object you like. Its purpose is to allow notification subscribers to only receive notifications about a particular object, so ideally you pass in the object the notification is about, which will often - but not always - be self.
Notifcations are not events. They're global broadcasts within the application.
You don't send notifications to a particular object - They're broadcasts. If you want to send a message to a particular object, you just call a method on that object.
Externs in the header file are fine.